"People of Earth . . . "I will be posting more soon, I promise. Good stuff--Joseph Milteer, is Jack Ruby Alive updated and more....

There are still people who think that Castro did it. Alexander Haig in his memoirs was one of them. Tim Gratz, a journalist who regularly posts at John Simkins JFK Education Forum (see my links) is another. There is actually quite a lot of evidence linking the JFK assassination to Castro and Cuba. My analysis: either Castro killed Kennedy or someone...

Stripper Time!Not having anything worthwhile today I thought I would post more photos of Candy Barr. (Someone is selling these cool watches on e-Bay, by the way). Candy of course dated Jack Ruby, mobster Mickey Cohen, and Hugh Hefner (although I'm not sure dated is the right wor...

People with advantages are loath to believe that they just happen to be people with advantages. -- C. Wright MillsWhen I came across this quote recently for some reason it made me think about George W. Bush, which led me to re-read the Salon article by Mary Jacoby (Sept. 16, 2004). Due to my pronounced dislike for the Boy King I am quoting some excerpts:For...

Gaeton FonziBefore the Comittee's investigation got underway, I had a revealing discussion with a former high-ranking CIA officer. He had retired to Florida and, having lost the narrow focus of the career insider, he had slowly begun viewing the Agency in a new light. He told me that the CIA's response to the coming investigation would be "predictable."...

Max Clark, Oswald and Project RockOne of the names in Lee Harvey Oswald's address book was Mrs. Max Clark, the Russian-born wife of Max Clark, the Chief of Security at the Corvair plant of General Dynamics in Fort Worth.Peter Dale Scott, one of the keenest minds among assassination researchers, had this to say about Max Clark in his unpublished essay "Government Documents and the JFK Assassination":In his curious "translation" of Marina Oswald's testimony, Peter Gregory, who was a close friend of Max Clark and his Russian wife, suppressed the name...

QuotesWe’re going to keep building the party until we’re hunting Democrats with dogs.Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX)Mother Jones, 8/1995Environmentalists are a socialist group of individuals that are the tool of the Democrat Party. I’m proud to say that they are my enemy. They are not Americans, never have been Americans, never will be Americans.Rep. Don Young (R-AK)Alaska Public Radio, 8/19/1996We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will...

I heard Joan Baez on my clock radio as I woke up this morning singing "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" at the anti-war protest near Bush's ranch at Crawford. "In the first march I went to (opposing Vietnam) there were 10 of us. This is huge," Baez told relatives of fallen U.S. soldiers Sunday before performing a free concert just up the road from...

Target Practice in Dealey PlazaFrom Mafia Kingfish by John Davis (paperback Signet Books edition, 1989)That same morning [Wednesday, November 20, 1963], in the center of Dallas, two police officers on routine patrol entered Dealey Plaza, through which the presidential motorcade would pass on Friday, and noticed several men standing behind a wooden fence on a grassy knoll overlooking the plaza. The men were engaged in mock target practice, aiming rifles over the fence, in the direction of the plaza. The two police officers immediately made for the...

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orw...

Our Fearless Lea...

Gas pricesEveryone knows that gas prices are at record levels. Not surprisingly, oil company profits are at record levels also. Although it seems to me that they shouldn't be. After all, the oil companies are just reluctantly passing on increases in their costs right? Not everyone is unhappy with high prices at the gas pumps, however:``I love these prices. The higher, the better,'' said Frank Gafke, of Galveston, a senior service leader for Halliburton on the Texas Gulf Coast.Gafke said Halliburton's profits - and his savings account - had increased...

"And the daily bludgeoning of life leaves a gentle mind ... confused."-Candy B...

Our Fearless Leader"My position has been clear, and therefore, the position of this government is clear. Obviously, the conditions on the ground depend upon our capacity to bring the troops home."-- President George W. B...

Marina OswaldAfter the assassination James Martin was the manager of the Inn of the Six Flaggs where Marina Oswald was kept in seclusion. He also became for a time her boyfriend and business manager. A member of John Simkin's JFK Forum (see my links), Gibson Vendettuoli, a lad all of 14 at the time, had gotten to know him through personal connections and obtained a written statement from him (Posted October 8, 2004). He had this to say concerning Marina and Lee Harvey Oswald's brother Robert:Robert was trying to help Marina make herself heard....

Is Jack Ruby Alive?I first became interested in the JFK assassination after the Oliver Stone film JFK. Shortly after that time I came across an article in one of the supermarket tabloids to the effect that Jack Ruby might still be alive. My memory is vague but as I recall the story a woman who knew Ruby claimed to have received a telephone call from him after his "death" from cancer. Gary Mack, Curator of the Sixth Floor Museum, confirms that he saw this article as well, and hopefully one of these days he will come across it again and send it to...

Was JFK's Body Alter...

Our Fearless Lea...

Election Fraud Docume...

It occurs to me that what this blog has been lacking is photos of strippers. Give the people what they want I say. This is Jada--one of Jack Ruby's finest. For more photos of Jada:


Take away the right to say "fuck" and you take away the right to say "fuck the government." ~Lenny Br...

Heroin is Back!Not that it ever left, but the day the invastion of Afghanistan was announced anyone who has done any study of the history of the covert activities of our intelligence community, particularly the CIA, could have foreseen that a rise in heroin trafficking was the inevitable result. Local newspapers across the country are full of reports like use risesBy STEVE LIEBERMANTHE JOURNAL NEWS(Original Publication: July 10, 2005)Heroin, an illegal...

More on David BucknellFrom Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness by Jim Keith:In a letter to the author, Kerry Thornley, Oswald's best friend at the Atsugi Japan Naval Air Base, wrote: "In the late 1970s I was contacted by David Bucknell, who said he was in Marine Air Control Squadron Nine with Oswald and me. When he mentioned that his nickname was 'Bucky Beaver,' I recalled Bucknell-a large man with buck teeth who wore his utility cap all the way down on his head, giving it a dome shape instead of the common stretched, flattop shape."Bucknell...

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