The FBI, General Walker and Mad

A Prescient Warning in 1961Concerning the Future of the JFK PresidencyThe Presidential Motorcade In Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963Report from Federal Bureau of InvestigationDated December 9th, 1963_____ H. Garrick, 3150 Old ___ Road, Bridgeport, Connecticut, employed as a cost accountant at the H.B. Ives Company of New Haven, Connecticut, furnished the following information:Garrick advised that as a shareholder in the Rutland Railway Corporation ______ Vermont, he attended a stockholders meeting of that corporation at Rutland, Vermont, in April of 1961....

Essential ReadingJoan Mellen's long-awaited book on former New Orlean's District Attorney Jim Garrison's investigation into the Kennedy assassination is now available. I have not received my copy yet, but researchers who have had a look at her manuscript have said that it is a block-buster.Available from AmazonLast Hurrah BookshopAmazon may be more...

Syria: The Next War?Everyone should read JFK assassination researcher Lisa Pease's article on Syria, excerpts of which I quote below:Syria: Falsely Accused as Pretext for War?I talked to an intelligence analyst not long ago who told me to keep an eye on Syria. He said we couldn't get to Iran until we first secured Iraq, and the only way to do that would be to secure the borders, i.e. Syria, through which aid flows to insurgents in Iraq.Combine this with my long experience with government cover-ups, and you can imagine how skeptical I am of the...

Is Karl Rove Gay?Karl Rove: Known in Gay Circles as 'Miss Piggy'In Washington's more 'discreet' gay bars Karl Rove is well-known as a frequent visitor. Witty gays have given him the nickname 'Miss Piggy, after the character on 'The Muppets'. Whether this refers to his appearance ['the doughboy'] or his sexual preferences is open to speculation. Read the whole article--I think you'll enjoy it as much as I d...

From AmericaBlog:CIA: Plame leak damaged US national securityby John in DC - 10/25/2005 05:5 8:00 PMI just watched this on CNN this afternoon:Wolf Blitzer: Does the CIA believe that there was damage done to US national security as a result of Valerie Plame Wilson's name being leaked?David Ensor, CNN National Security Correspondent: I'm told that in the day that it was leaked there was a quick look done, as there routinely would be, at whether there was damage. Officials simply won't go into the details, but I did speak to one official who did say...

Janet Jackson's in the News!(What, you think I 'm going to tell you why? This isn't a gossip column people (but look for my Karl Rove is gay item.) So why a Janet Jackson post? If you have to ask then you're g...

The Strategy1. Shift the BlameNewsmax reported the story as:NY Times: CIA Leaked Plame's NameThe ultimate source of information identifying Leakgate accuser Valerie Plame as a CIA employee my turn out to be the CIA itself, the New York Times reported Tuesday. The New York Times itself had the story as:Cheney drawn into CIA spy leak investigationEven Fox News phrased the story as:Plame Leak Said to Come From CheneyAnd if George Tenet gave the information about Plame to Cheney, so what? Cheney is cleared for classified information--just not to give...

Olson Twins Nearly NakedThe folks over at The Aurora ought to be ashamed of themselves for posting a photo of the Olson Twins with scarcely any clothes on--obviously in a shameless attempt to boost their web traffic.'re welco...

Watergate and the Secret Army OrganizationAs we wait for what may be another Watergate-level event to unfold, it might be a good idea to look back at the time of Watergate, and some of the covert history that did not become part of the official record.The Secret Army Organization, in many ways a sucessor to the Minutemen, was founded in February 1970 by Jerry Lynn Davis and Howard Barry Godfrey. Godfrey had been an FBI informant since 1967. The SAO stockpiled weapons and explosives and used them. In 1972 they bombed the Guild Theatre, a venue for...

"Th fundamental question of philosophy (like that of psychoanalysis) is the same as the question of the detective novel: who is guilty?" -- Umberto ...

Torture-One Victim's Story (from the Sunday Herald) - Excerpts each stage of his journey, as he descended further and further into the gulags and torture chambers of the war on terror, Benyam Mohammed al-Habashi was shadowed by British intelligence. The British were there in Karachi when Americans interrogated him...

Tom DeLay's Arrest Warr...

Tomorrow's News Tod...

Ted Callaway: Dallas native saw Oswald shortly after JFK's slaying09:33 PM CST on Wednesday, March 16, 2005By CHRISTY A. ROBINSON / The Dallas Morning NewsOn Nov. 22, 1963, Ted Callaway was standing on the front porch of Harris Bros. Auto Sales when he heard five gunshots.His subsequent experience with Lee Harvey Oswald soon after Dallas police Officer...

What did the President know--And when did he know it? - An angry President Bush rebuked chief political guru Karl Rove two years ago for his role in the Valerie Plame affair, sources told the Daily News."He made his displeasure known to Karl," a presidential counselor told The News. "He...

I prefer to die as a free man struggling to create a human community than as a pawn of empire. -- William Appleton Willi...

Rice: After 9-11 “We Could Decide the Proximate Cause Was Al Qaeda”This morning on NBC’s Meet the Press, Condoleezza Rice explains why we invaded Iraq:The fact of the matter is that when we were attacked on September 11, we had a choice to make. We could decide that the proximate cause was al Qaeda and the people who flew those planes into buildings and, therefore, we would go after al Qaeda…or we could take a bolder approach. Crooks and Liars has the vid...

Is Bush falling apart?Clearly his administration is but to what extent is the President personally losing it? Capitol Hill Blue has been reporting on the President's alleged instability for some time now, citing anonymous sources. Are they right? Here are excerpts from their latest:Government by Temper Tantrum October 11, 2005by Doug ThompsonCapitol Hill Blue“He’s out of control,” one White House aide says privately. “There’s no other way to put it. His anger spills over in meetings. He berates anyone who brings him bad news but there's not a lot...

I should be ashamed of myself for repeating this unsubstantiated gossip from Ratbang Diary:Like…did you hear that Condi Rice and Harriet Miers are good friends…really really good friends for years and years? As in, really really really good friends for years and years and years. Well…that’s what I hea...

One flak. Flax are the official currency of the Branch Floridians and I would recommend a look at their website. I have added a link under the Mysticism secti...

From a note by George W. Bush to Harriet Miers. Is private scatology ok th...

An American in chains (Essential reading)The Sunday Times October 09,,,2092-1817081_1,00.htmlExcerpts below-read the whole story!James Yee entered Guantanamo as a patriotic US officer and Muslim chaplain. He ended up in shackles, branded a spy. This is his disturbing storyIt didn’t matter that I was an army captain, a graduate of West Point, the elite US military academy. It didn’t matter that my religious beliefs prohibited me from being fully naked in front of strangers. It didn’t matter that I hadn’t been...

An Insight into the Bush AdministrationClint Curtis (see my links under Heroes) is best known for his affadavit concerning computer vote fraud. He also provides a fascinating insight into a perspective of the Bush adminstration from now Congressman Tom Feeney, who has close ties to the Bush's. Here are some excerpts from conversations between Feeney and the owners of Yang Enterprises that Clint overheard as "A Fly On the Wall", from his book of that name.On privatization:In Feeney's own words "the inconsequential Republicans will follow based solely...

I came across a photo of this lovely on a boring rightwing blogsite describing her as their "mascot." But just looking into her eyes isn't it obvious that she holds moderate to liberal political views and probably has a deep interest in the Kennedy assassination? So I am liberating her and declaring her the Official Mascot of Covert History.This is...

Racism in the Conservative MovementRecently I read the July-September issue of Citizen's Informer, the newspaper of the Council of Conservative Citizens. Page 5 has columns by major conservative activists Patrick Buchanan, Phyllis Schlafly, and Larry Pratt. Page 4 has an editorial on Hurricane Katrina titled Hurricane Katrina and a Racial Watershed. What lessons have we learned from the response to Hurricane Katrina, according the the editorialist?As this issue of the Citizens Informer was nearing press time, we were witness to the most egregious...

Terror Alert UpdateSo, the incredibly suspiciously-timed New York subway terror alert turns out to be a hoax. N.Y. subway threat tip a hoaxFrom Kelli ArenaCNN Washington BureauTuesday, October 11, 2005;A New York City police officer stands near a subway turnstile at Penn Station on Tuesday.WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Information that led to heightened security for the New York City transit system was a hoax, government sources said Tuesday.Government sources said the three men arrested in Iraq...

Terror AlertThe timing of the New York subway terror alert is certainly interesting isn’t it? Bush gives a major speech on Iraq and the War on Terror. News coverage of the speech is threatened by reports and rumors of Karl Rove being indicted in the Valerie Plame affair. Which is then pushed of the news by a terror alert with links to Iraq. Maybe I am being paranoid—an occupational hazard of conspiracy realists—but there do seem to be reasons to at least question all of official from the Department...

AbramoffExcerpts from a column by Joseph Trento (September 29, 2005)They are sweating at the White House and it is not over the hurricane hangover. The wide-ranging investigation into republican super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff which now spans from planting his cronies in the White House to a mobbed up murder investigation over the gangland style shooting of the owner of a fleet of gambling ships, has everyone’s attention.Our Justice Department sources tell us that one of the questions being examined is whether Abramoff and his colleagues were used...

Kerry Thornley's "wall newspapers" are available online. The good people at have made available scans of Kerry Thornley's Decadent Worker and other publications. Kerry Thornley was the only person to write a book about Oswald before the assassination--and went on to found Discordianism, which was either a joke disguised as a new...

Smoking gun? This is last page of a document that someone was selling on e-Bay a while back. The seller was asking a lot of money for the unredacted version which he said named names in the JFK assassination conspiracy.Text:I assume you realize there is no statute of limitations in obstruction of justice in a murder and the crap pulled [deleted] and...

This graphic is from: For some reason I really like this blog even though it is in Spanish--a language I do not spe...

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