The Gemstone FileMust be read to be believed. The real Gemstone File--the letters of Bruce Porter Roberts--to be found at http://realgemstonefile.blogspot.comStill a work in progress. Stop MMORDIS n...

Beating the war drumPosted: January 30, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern© 2006 WorldNetDaily.comTo the casual observer, it might seem utterly ludicrous to imagine that the administration is seriously contemplating yet another invasion of a Middle Eastern nation when it is still losing troops every week in an occupied, but unpacified Iraq. But the war drums are again being beaten by the talking heads and the signs are unmistakable.One of the most reliable indicators is the inevitable flying of the Hitler flag. Slobodan Milosovic was the first in the recent...

Will the U.S. switch sides in Iraq?Several times in the last several months I have hinted at the possiblity that the United States might eventually switch sides in the war in Iraq. The new Shiite goverment in that country has close historical and religious ties to Iran. The Sunni insurgency is deeply concerned about this situation and their ties to Al Qaeda are strained. Exclusive: Direct Talks—U.S. Officials and Iraqi InsurgentsFeb. 6, 2006 issue - American officials in Iraq are in face-to face talks with high-level Iraqi Sunni insurgents, NEWSWEEK...

Henry Zapruder DiesI received the following email from researcher Bruce Adamson ( Henry Zapruder died on Jan. 24, 2006, he was a lawyer for the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. when his father shot the film of JFK's assassination.His father belonged to the same CIA organization as the deMohrenschildt's The Dallas Council On World Affairs which was founded by Neil Mallon, the classmate of Prescott Bush at Yale. Both Prescott and Mallon were Skull and Bones members.Mallon held an office in the same building as CIA agent...


Our Fearless Lea...


The Imperium's Quarter CenturyRobert Parry, one of the few real journalists, has an interesting article on the October Surprise, putting it in historical context.If there is a birth date for today’s American Imperium, it would be Jan. 20, 1981, exactly a quarter century ago, when Ronald Reagan was sworn in as President and Iran released 52 American hostages under circumstances that remain a mystery to this day.The freedom of the hostages, ending a 444-day crisis, brought forth an outpouring of patriotism that bathed the new President in an aura...

Sinister vegetarian terroristKeeping America safe from Vegans - I know I feel saferThe ACLU of Georgia released copies of government files on Wednesday that illustrate the extent to which the FBI, the DeKalb County Division of Homeland Security and other government agencies have gone to compile information on Georgians suspected of being threats simply...


The Gun is Smoking:2004 Ohio Precinct-level Exit Poll Data Show VirtuallyIrrefutable Evidence of Vote Miscount

FBI, DoD, NSA: All Spying on YouOver the last several months, it has been revealed that the FBI, the Pentagon and the National Security Agency have each set up apparently independent covert operations to monitor the constitutionally protected political activities of citizens opposed to the Bush administration's war in Iraq.According to records obtained by the ACLU under a Freedom Of Information Act request, the FBI's targets included people involved in a "vegan community project" in Indianapolis, the Catholic Worker movement and its "semi-communistic...

Bush must be stoppedIn the last poll I saw Bush was at a 36% approval rating. It seems to me that if Bush is to go even lower in the polls it will have to come from his base. I can think of two areas where this might happen:1) honest and principled conservatives- let's face it: Bush is not a conservative (nor is he honest or principled) but a radical right activist and conservatives who genuinely value the constitution are already grumbling. Case in point, former Congressman Bob Barr:“The emergence of international terrorism on our shores cannot...

Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires-a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so.George W. Bush, April 2004Under this President we have seen secret prisons, torture, illegal wire-taps, surveillance of peace groups, and an unending stream of lies to the people and the Congress. Now the President, under an obscure doctrine of the "unitary executive" is determined...

Dangers of the Patriot ActUnfathomed Dangers in PATRIOT Act Reauthorizationby Paul Craig RobertsA provision in the "PATRIOT Act" creates a new federal police force with the power to violate the Bill of Rights. You might think that this cannot be true, as you have not read about it in newspapers or heard it discussed by talking heads on TV.Go to House Report 109-333 USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and check it out for yourself. Sec. 605 reads:"There is hereby created and established a permanent police force, to be known as...

Sibel EdmondsFound an interesting piece by W. David Jenkins III on Sibel Edmonds, American heroine. As Edmonds has stated, the cast of players she stumbled upon during her time at the FBI and some of the very same people that Valerie Plame was investigating involved the actions of top officials in the government and a lot of illegal activities that include multi-billion-dollar drug-smuggling operations, black-market nuclear sales to terrorists and unsavory regimes. In an August 5th interview, Edmonds said, “You can start from the AIPAC angle....

Imperial AmericaI have just finished reading Gore Vidal's book of essays Imperial America and thought I would share a few quotes. I do not always agree with him but he is always provocative. Vidal maintains that in America there are really only two political factions; "conservatives, amusingly called liberals" and the radical right.To assume wartime powers without a war is something new under the American sun, requiring a blizzard of lies.Without a plurality of the popular vote and without, it would seem, carrying the Electoral College (many Florida...

War with IranObviously there is a major propaganda push to make it seem like Iran is only months away from having nuclear weapons, or may even have them now. Regime Change Iran quotes from a UPI story:Tehran is planning a nuclear weapons test before the Iranian New Year on March 20, 2006 says a group opposed to the regime in Tehran.The Foundation for Democracy citing sources in the U.S and Iran offered no further information.The FDI quotes sources in Iran that the high command of the Revolutionary Guards Air Force have issued new orders to Shahab-3...

USAID Paper Details Security Crisis in IraqBy Walter PincusWashington Post Staff WriterTuesday, January 17, 2006; Page A13The U.S. Agency for International Development paints a dire and detailed picture of the Iraq security situation in its request for contractors to bid on its $1.32 billion, 28-month project to help stabilize 10 major Iraqi citiesThe breakdown of Iraqi society and "the absence of state control and an effective police force" have let "criminal elements within Iraqi society have almost free rein," the paper states. Iraqi criminals...

Iraqi criticizes secret US contacts with insurgentsWASHINGTON (AFP) - Iraq's national security adviser complained bitterly in an interview published about secret US contacts with Iraqi insurgents, warning that the "policy of appeasement" would undermine security.National Security Adviser Mowaffak Rubaie told the Washington Times that the contacts with so-called Iraqi "rejectionists" were being carried out behind the back of the Shiite-dominated government. This brings to mind a Time magazine...

Since today is General Robert E. Lee's birthday I would like to take note of the connections between General Lee and Lee Harvey Oswald. It is not a coincidence that his first name was "Lee" and his brothers first name was "Robert." According to Robert Oswald:The Oswald family tree dated back to colonial times. He'd learned as a child that he was a fifth or sixth cousin of Gen. Robert E. Lee, which explained why he had been named Robert Edward Lee Oswald Jr., and his little brother Lee Harvey magazine's...

You won't want to miss this story in Joseph Cannon's blog Cannonfire. I had originally thought to post the story myself, but wanted to interview the woman involved first. When that didn't happen (thanks to an alleged associate of hers who accused me of being a right-wing paid agent for asking a couple of simple questions) I dropped the matter. Fortunately, Joseph Cannon has lower journalistic standards (I jest--we're bloggers for God's sake.) Cannon did have...

Since yesterday was the birthday of Martin Luther King, I would like to quote some excerpts from the book by Bille Sol Estes relating to his assassination.Throughout his prison life, Ray insisted he was working for a Raoul in the gun running business and that he was set up. He stayed with the same story even in his last interview just three days before he died from liver failure.I do know that Raoul existed and that he was acquainted with Jack Ruby. Raoul and Ruby were in the gun running and pornography business for at least three years in the...

Cui Bono?The theory that Castro was behind the assassination of President Kennedy has been in the news lately. A new book Ultimate Sacrifice argues that the Mafia was the culprit. Joan Mellen's new book A Farewell to Justice links the assassination to the CIA.One of the oldest theories has not received much attention of late. Was Lyndon Baines Johnson...

Watergater Blames CIA (Dallas, UPI) 5/5/77 San Francisco ChronicleWatergate burglar Frank Sturgis said yesterday the CIA planned the break-in because high officials felt the then-President Nixon was becoming too powerful and was overly interested in the assassination of President Kennedy.Sturgis also said he believes "Deep Throat" -- a major source for Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward -- was Robert Bennett, a partner in a CIA-front public relations firm in Washington. Bennett, a son of former Senator Wallace Bennett (Rep-Utah),...

The Man who should be PresidentFrom Al Gore's speech this Martin Luther King holiday:A president who breaks the law is a threat to the very structure of our government. Our Founding Fathers were adamant that they had established a government of laws and not men. Indeed, they recognized that the structure of government they had enshrined in our Constitution - our system of checks and balances - was designed with a central purpose of ensuring that it would govern through the rule of law. As John Adams said: "The executive shall never exercise the...

Vampire running for office--and the Bush ConnectionI just couldn't resist this story.MINNEAPOLIS voters, who eight years ago elected a former professional wrestler as their governor, may find a self-proclaimed vampire on the ballot for the office this year."Politics is a cut-throat business," said Jonathan "The Impaler" Sharkey, who said he plans to...

More on the Castro-did-it Documentary:First, Tim Gratz has reported that "It is my understanding that within the last week the Miami Spanish TV station had a panel of commentators on "Rendezvous with Death" and that the participants included Felix Rodriguez and Antonio Veciana." Felix Rodriguez is well-known for his involvement in the Iran-Contra affair. Antonio Veciana was a well-known anti-Castro leader in the sixties, founder of Alpha 66, one of the most militant groups. In the seventies he reported that he had seen Lee Harvey Oswald in a meeting...

Our Fearless LeaderAs veterans and soon to be veterans, you have placed the nation's security before your own lives. You took an oath to defend our flag and our freedom, and you kept that oath underseas [sic] and under fire.

Castro and the AssassinationVeteran journalist Anthony Summers, author of one of the best books on the Kennedy assassination Conspiracy, later updated in an edition titled Not in Your Lifetime, has responded to the German documentary alleging that Castro was behind the JFK assassination. A few excerpts:On July 18, 1962, soon after Oswald’s return to America from the Soviet Union, Vladimir Kryuchkov, a future KGB chief, sent a telegram about Oswald to the head of Cuban intelligence, Comandante Ramiro Valdes. Though Oswald was “unstable”, he said,...

New Documentary Says Castro Killed KennedyFilmaker Wilfried Huismann has a new documentary airing in Germany called Rendezvous with Death, developed in conjunction with Gus Russo, author of Live By the Sword, which presents evidence that Fidel Castro was behind the Kennedy assassination.The film, shown to journalists in Berlin on Wednesday, says Oswald traveled to Mexico City by bus in September 1963, seven weeks before the Kennedy shooting, and met agents at the Cuban embassy there who paid him $6,500. This would seem to refer to the long-discredited...

More Candy Barr: Candy Barr and Joan Collins Candy Barr and Mickey CohenCandy Barr and a Big ...

Ultimate Sacrifice: A ReviewThe authors of the new book Ultimate Sacrifice, Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann, which I read over the holiday break, allege that the Kennedy administration had a very closely-held plan to invade Cuba on or about December 1, 1963, after a coup which was to be led by a hero of the Cuban revolution, who is clearly Che Guevara.They...

Candy Barr DiesThe legendary Candy Barr, stripper, porn star and poet, born Juanita Dale Slusher, died Friday at age 70. Candy was alleged to have had affairs with Jack Ruby, gangster Mickey Cohen, and fellow stripper Jada. My kind of girl....

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