This document can be found online at Box 1, Folder 8, Item 36 The subject is Jack Ruby stripper Janet Conforto, aka Jada, who was apparently in a big hurry to get out of town the day the President was assassinated. Here are some photos of Jada below: From Harvey & Lee by John Armstrong, pages 801 and 802 (thanks...

That's terrible. My best wishes to Debbie Reynolds. (For more on the Globe's Bush marriage story see he...

"Experts are calling them the most serious voting-machine flaws ever documented. It requires only a few minutes of pre-election access to a Diebold machine to open the machine and insert a PC card that, if it contained malicious code, could reprogram the machine to give control to the violator. The machine could go dead on Election Day or throw votes to the wrong candidate. Worse, it's even possible for such ballot-tampering software to trick authorized technicians into thinking that everything is working fine, an illusion you couldn't pull off...

Yes, that's what's going to destroy our economy--the movie about global warmi...

Candy Barr...

I don't go in for UFOs and such on this blog but for those who do the Condon Report, which I read many years ago, can be found online. This government-sponsored study of UFOs came to a negative conclusion but actually contained within it data that supported the existence of a real phenonema. For example, take a look at their conclusions regarding the...

A Frank Sturgis document "it is apparent that an unknown group has backed some of Sturgis's activities." Michael Piper has suggested that the "unknown group" is the Mossad. However, I feel that it may be the CIA, as often even the CIA does not know what the CIA is doi...

X .Dell, over at the X Spot, has been running a series on CIA mind control experimentation. I haven't had the time to more than glance at it but it looks interesting. Here is the latest installment: Ultra Head Games, Pt. IX...

I am sorry that I have not posted much in the last few days. So, to make amends, let me share a joke that I stole from 23rd Mandalation:Q: How many covert operatives does it take to change a light bulb?A: Lee Harvey Oswald changed the light bulb and he acted alo...

Further developments: Xymphora has a good summary of this story here , as does Joseph CannonIt is encouraging that the propaganda and lies are being discredited almost as fast as they come out--rather than after the war--but, as they say, a lie can travel half-way around the world while the truth is still putting on its boots.Juan Cole has this to...

Alberto Mora given "Profiles in Courage" Award by the JFK Library FoundationIn December 2002, Alberto J. Mora, then general counsel of the United States Navy, was alerted by Navy investigators to reports that detainees held by the U.S. military at Guantanamo Bay were being subjected to cruel and unlawful interrogation practices. Mora, whose civilian position accorded him a rank equal to that of a four-star general, soon came to learn that the cruel and abusive practices of United States military interrogators at Guantanamo were the result of significant...

More from Joan Mellen: Halliburton ConnectionsJim Garrison often asked during his investigation: Cui Bono? Who benefits? A friend of mine living near “Langley Forks” in Virginia pointed out to me some interesting connections. The Texas School Book Depository, from which some, but not all, of the shots were fired on November 22, 1963, was owned by one D. H. Byrd. Byrd also founded and was the commander of the Southwest post of the Civil Air Patrol, which included Louisiana and the troop led by David Ferrie, among whose cadets was Lee Harvey Oswald.In...

Mysteries under MoscowThere is another world under Moscow, according to this report from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: criminal settlements, mysterious labyrinths and possibly terrorist groups.The Diggers' concern has been heightened by sightings of groups of people dressed in camouflage uniforms. In a tunnel under the Centrobank building, the Diggers observed uniformed people in masks equipped with powerful halogen lamps. The Diggers were afraid to follow them lest they should come under fire. So far, security services have not taken...

Our Fearless Leader (making America saf...

On January 26, 2006, Professor Joan Mellen, author A Farewell to Justice, and a friend of mine, gave a lecture to the Ethical Culture Society in New York City, titled "How the Failure To Identify, Prosecute and Convict President Kennedy's Assassins Has Led To Today's Crisis Of Democracy." (By the way, this blog is cited in Joan's book as a source in the Notes.)I would like to suggest that the truth about the Kennedy assassination, far from being a matter of interest only to historians, and not even to most of them, will help us understand how we...

Da Vinci Code Actor: Bible Should Have 'Fiction' DisclaimerIf "The Da Vinci Code" was already feeding the flames of controversy with its challenge to the basic tenets of Christianity, actor Ian McKellen managed to pour a refinery tank's worth of gasoline on the fire on this morning's 'Today' show, asserting that the Bible should carry a disclaimer saying that it is "fiction." Video: Windows Media or Real Player, Plus audio MP3"Well, I've often thought the Bible should have a disclaimer in the front saying this is fiction. I mean, walking on water,...

Early humans and chimps may have interbred to create hybrid man...

From MadCowNews:Cocaine Bust Reveals New Details of 911 Attackworld exclusive May 17, 2006--Venice Fl.A MadCowMorningNews investigation into the ownership of the DC9 airliner caught carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine in Mexico last month has uncovered explosive new details about some of the many lingering mysteries still surrounding the 9.11 attack.San Diego defense contractor Titan Corporation, already implicated in the fraudulent bankruptcy of a shadowy St. Petersburg FL company which owned the DC9 "Cocaine One" flight busted in Mexico, employed a...

Jason Leopold stands by storyRobert Luskin and Mark Corallo, Rove’s attorney and spokesman, are liars. Damned liars. I have five sources on this. In the news business when you want to discredit a reporter and an explosive report you call the spokesman and get him to issue a denial. My reports have gone way beyond the spokesman and the lawyer to get to the truth. I am SHOCKED that the mainstream have followed this up by simply calling a spokesman.Karl Rove Indicted Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald spent more than half a day Friday at the offices...

From Piglipstick...

David Atlee Phillips/CIAI have come across a new online resource, the Kennedy Assassination Newspaper Archive . I've only started playing around on it and came across an interesting 1975 article on the late CIA officer, David Atlee Phillips. The article is titled "Resigned Latin CIA Chief Denies Chile Role."A former Latin American chief for the CIA...

BUSH: LEARN ENGLISH... (from Drudge)You fir...

ABC News: Federal official says US tracking calls made by ABC News, New York Times, Washington Post ABC's Brian Ross and Richard Esposito Report: A senior federal law enforcement official tells ABC News the government is tracking the phone numbers we call in an effort to root out confidential sources."It's time for you to get some new cell phones, quick," the source told us in an in-person conversati...

President Gore Addresses the Nation(if only)...

Malcolm X: Stunning New Info on the Assassination, His Plans to Unite the Civil Rights and Black Nationalist Movements & the 3 'Missing' Chapters from His Autobiogra...

George Bush recently said that his brother Jeb would make a great President. WorldNetDaily columnist Joseph Farah, who is about as conservative as they come, says in his column today that George W's endorsement was a "kiss of death."How would you like to be endorsed by a president with below 30 percent approval ratings, a president who threatens to lead his party to disaster in mid-term congressional elections later this year, one who is seen, much like his father before him, as something of a traitor to the conservative cause, which both embraced...

NSA whistle-blower Russell Tice to testify to the Senate Armed Services Committee next week:“I think the people I talk to next week are going to be shocked when I tell them what I have to tell them. It’s pretty hard to believe”“It’s an angle that you haven’t heard about y...

From Scoop...

More on Captain AmErikaKevin Furlong has left a comment on Spook86's blog In From the Cold:I am Kevin Furlong, the former spouse of Captain amErika, Erika Proctor. I affirm that Erika Proctor stated to me in a marriage counseling session that she had an affair with Michael V. Hayden. It is true the divorce was a mess. It is also true, Erika Proctor, while still married, was screwing a different NSA employee. It seems Hayden was just a 'one night stand' in Bosnia in 2001.It seems that Furlong has started a blog called Nothing Much. Nothing much...

Our Fearless Leader (from Born At The Crest of the Empi...

Bush hits 29% in new Harris po...

From Stealth Lesbian...

From Wot Is It Good 4investigations: all options are on the table* don in the comments suggests that we should co-opt some of the rightwinger memes over this odd kabuki about post-election congressional investigations.he suggests:"If you're not doing anything wrong, you've got nothing to worry about."and"We want to get to the truth. Investigation is our first priority, but all options are on the tab...

From AmericaBlogSpeaking of which, it's quite the irony,as we hinted before, that the Republican National Committee, of all places, is gay-baiting. If they had a liquor license, the RNC would be the biggest gay bar in Washington. But hey, I guess those right-wing Christians don't really care if the RNC laughs at them behind their backs. As long as the RNC pretends to be anti-gay in public, then embraces the queers (quite literally) in the hallways of the RNC and Congress (ahem, Senator Allen), the Republican party figures it can have its cake and...

New Developments in "Captain AmErika" StoryJoseph Cannon of Cannonfire posted another story about the allegations of Kevin Furlong that General Michael Hayden, among others, committed adultery with his ex-wife Erika.Did General Hayden have an affair with this woman?Don't bother clicking on the link because Joseph deleted the post after about six hours,...

The X Spot on ParanoiaThe most damning evidence of the Holocaust lies in the fact that it is a living memory. That is to say, there are witnesses to these events who still live and walk the streets among us. I once had this classmate. Her mother periodically came to our history classes to lecture about the Holocaust. She wasn’t a teacher, or anything. As far as I know, she might not have even graduated from college. Her only authority to speak on the subject came from the fact that she had survived Bergen-Belsen, one of the most notorious Nazi...

Bush says Jeb would be 'great president'Like he would know. That's like if OJ Simpson said someone would be a "great husban...

Captain Erika L. Proctor, USAFThis is the woman identified as "Captain Amerika" in the story I quoted from yestarday. This photo is from This site is put up by Maj. Kevin Furlong described yesterday as the "BITTER FORMER AIR FORCE MAJOR WHO POSTED WIFE'S NUDE PIX ON INTERNET." Bitter is putting it mildly,...

Is General Michael Hayden--Bush's choice to head the CIA--an adulterer?BUSH'S CHOICE FOR NEW CIA BOSS MAY HAVE HAD AFFAIR WITH MARRIED FEMALE OFFICER - EX-HUSBAND OF YOUNG MAJOR TELLS MILITARYCORRUPTION.COM SHE ADMITTED AFFAIR WITH TOP GENERAL - "MICHAEL HAYDEN WAS PROTECTED AND SHE WAS PROMOTED," SAYS BITTER FORMER AIR FORCE MAJOR WHO POSTED WIFE'S NUDE PIX ON INTERNET-And from 2004:“Not only did this officer retain her top-level security clearance, but she incredibly got “promoted” to major, despite photographs of her committing various sex acts,...

From Silly Humans Personally I can't wait for the Rapture--those people get on my ner...

Bradley Earl Ayers was intimately involved in the CIA's war against Castro. In 1976 he wrote The War That Never WasIn a letter to Jack Anderson (1st March, 1995) he wrote:Despite the obstacles and distractions, I have persevered in my effort to make known that information from my service with the CIA that I believed was relevant to the Kennedy assassination...

Bernardo de TorresA person of interest in the JFK assassination, still living so far as I am aware, is Bernardo de Torres, a veteran of Brigade 2506 and the Bay of Pigs. Congressional investigator Gaeton Fonzi in his book The Last Investigation referred to him as "Carlos."Peter Dale Scott in Deep Politics III (CIA, Drug Traffic & Oswald in Mexico) wrote:The second of Phillips’ anti-Castro Cuban assets was Bernardo de Torres, the assassination suspect referred to by Gaeton Fonzi as “Carlos.” De Torres also developed close relationships with...

From Wot is it Good 4Porter Goss. *Another* prostitution ring. Gay hookers.larisa did a surprise spot on the PeterB Collins show on Friday night. (here is the mp3 - starts at about 5 min)1. She heard about goss on Thurs night (ie in advance)2. there's a another prostitution ring - separate to the wilkes prostitution ring. Goss was involved in that other ring as well - and the prostitutes were of both genders... expects this story will break so...

Richard S. CainOne figure who I have long felt deserves further investigation is Richard S. Cain. A good place to start is this documentRichard Cain had ties to both the Mafia and the CIA and, as this document shows, to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, with which Oswald was reportedly associated.His brother Michael Cain is working on a book about...

Pakistani scientists reportedly advising al-Qaida on weaponization of uranium it has obtainedThis is a WorldNetDaily story from "Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence newsletter," which means they probably just made it up. Remember some months back they were pushing the story that bin Laden already had nuclear weapo...

"We are not years away from Iran's ability to have a nuclear weapon; we may only be months away.""Iran has turned over to the military the operation of its nuclear program. The IAEA has disclosed documents that show Iran has explored the process of turning highly enriched uranium into the metalized form whose only purpose is to make nuclear weapons. Again, Iran buys more time, since Security Council action to impose sanctions on Iran is by no means certain. The world is playing a dangerous game of nuclear chicken with radical religious leaders...

Iran 'Judgment Day'Unfortunately, this WorldNetDaily story is more believab...


Real News about IraqThe real news, which is not reported in the CNN "mainstream," is that the "Salvador Option" has been invoked in Iraq. This is the campaign of terror by death squads armed and trained by the U.S., which attack Sunnis and Shias alike. The goal is the incitement of a real civil war and the breakup of Iraq, the original war aim of Bush's administration.According to the investigative writer Max Fuller (National Review online), the key CIA manager of the Interior Ministry death squads "cut his teeth in Vietnam before moving on to...

Good article by Sherman Yellen in the Huffington PostFirst, let me state that I now believe that there was a conspiracy to steal the election in 2000 and in 2004, and it was successfully carried out by Bush and Rove and Cheney and their Republican brethren. I believe that there was a conspiracy to keep Democratic and minority voters away from the polls, lose their names in voter registries, and in the last election, lose whole blocks of Democratic votes in Ohio and elsewhere.While I am conspiracy hunting, let me add that I do believe that Dick...


US using terror groups in I...

Candy Barr (for Jack the Ok...

"Anything They Say" on Valerie Plame with thanks to Candy Barr fan Jack the Okie. Makes clear the depths of treason involved in the Plame affair.Disenfranchised FBI translator and 9/11 whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, confirmed that Plame, working under her CIA front company, Brewster Jennings & Associates, was very active in Turkey up through the time of her outing, tracking a multinational network of nuclear technology trafficking that involved not only Turkey but Pakistan, Dubai, Spain, South Africa and others. Turkey, however, appears to have...

Losing in AfghanistanNot only are we losing in Iraq but now it appears that the United States will lose in Afghanistan. According to an article in the Christian Science Monitor (emphasis added) :In a CFR Q&A on the Taliban, Chistopher Langdon, a defense expert at the Institute for International Strategic Studies, describes the group as "an insurgent organization that will periodically use terrorism to carry out its operations."According to Kathy Gannon, the former Associated Press bureau chief for Pakistan and Afghanistan, these [Taliban] have...

Photo of the DayIraqi Mahdi Nawaf shows photographs of dead family members during a funeral ceremony in Ramadi, 68 miles, 110 kms west of Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, May 20, 2004. Mahdi said they were were killed Wednesday, when a U.S. helicopter fired on a wedding party in the remote desert near the border with Syria killing more than 40 people. The...

Our Fearless Leader: Is this the man you want as "the decider" on war with Ir...

From The Guardian:It is now evident that the US is planning some kind of military strike against known, and suspected nuclear sites in Iran, with some kind of covert operation to overthrow President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It is a high-risk option, as the US military have made plain to their president, and they're not keen to do it too soon. "But Bush cannot allow Iran to go nuclear on his watch. And the chances of diplomacy succeeding in this are nil," the respected military historian and New York Times correspondent Michael R Gordon said in London...

Candy Barr: I just bought this on eB...

Scots photograher reveals pictures of Robert Kennedy killing (with thanks to Professor H...

Valerie Plame Working on Iran and WMDsOn Chris Matthews' Hardball Monday evening, just moments ago, MSNBC correspondent David Shuster confirmed what RAW STORY first reported in February: that outed CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson was working on Iran at the time she was outed."Intelligence sources say Valerie Wilson was part of an operation three years ago tracking the proliferation of nuclear weapons material into Iran. And the sources allege that when Mrs. Wilson's cover was blown, the administration's ability to track Iran's nuclear ambitions...

Candy Barr in a t...

Our Fearless Leader (thanks to Jack Whi...

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