Our Fearless Lea...

CIA Independent Investigation of JFK Murder "Richard Helms, who at the time was Deputy Director of Plans for the CIA"—this is in early 1964 I might add, the context—“found Johnson distracted well in 1964 by his worry that Kennedy had been assassinated by conspiracy. As Helms recalled, the Agency was"—and here Beschloss is quoting Richard Helms—“"very helpful to Johnson on this" and met the new president's request for an independent CIA study. Motion pictures of the Dallas motorcade and autopsy photographs were sent to the agency."—The Crisis Years,...

Joy Tomme in Ratbang Diary has posted on Leola McConnell's allegations about George W. Bush, which have been featured on this blog before. McConnell, a former dominatrix who is running for Governor of Nevada has this to say:“This Monday, George W. Bush will address the nation, calling for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. If he does not admit that he's a gay American (or perhaps bisexual), this speech will be as false as all his other public statements.“Too bad I won't be doing the rebuttal. In 1984 I watched George W. Bush enthusiastically...

Late Show - Clinton's reply to Ann Coul...

Google "santorum" and the top hit is th...

Paul Rigby posted the following on John Simkin's JFK Forum:The Washington Daily News, Wednesday, October 2, 1963, p.3'SPOOKS' MAKE LIFE MISERABLE FOR AMBASSADOR LODGE'Arrogant' CIA Disobeys Orders in Viet Nam SAIGON, Oct.2 - The story of the Central Intelligence Agency's role in South Viet Nam is a dismal chronicle of bureaucratic arrogance, obstinate disregard of orders, and unrestrained thirst for power.Twice the CIA flatly refused to carry out instructions from Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, according to a high United States source here.In one...

Joseph Cannon nails it:Democracy? Our president loves democracy the way Godzilla loved Tok...

Long-time JFK assassination researcher William Kelly has posted this interesting article on John Simkin's JFK Forum, originally published in a local weekly Egg Harbor Township Current newspaper:EGG HARBOR TWP ELK OF THE YEAR WAS OSWALD’S BUNKMATE By William Kelly Richard Bullock, the 2003 Elk of the Year of the Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey Lodge has a unique claim to fame – he was once a Marine Corps bunkmate of Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President Kennedy.And Bullock has some questions about Oswald’s identity, as he doesn’t...

Musclemouth turns us onto this seven-minute sci-fi story "Meat."br createSummaryAndThumb("summary7113499075345590416...

Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran pooling effortsDUSHANBE, July 26 (Itar-Tass) - Regional security as well as social and economic development dominated the agenda of a trilateral summit that the Presidents of Tajkistan, Afghanistan and Iran had here Wednesday. "The three nations that speak the same language are joining forces for the solution of social, economic and cultural problems," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran said as he addressed a news conference upon the end of their talks. "We must have uniformity in everything -- in the economy, culture...

Stephen Birminham has a good piece on Congressman Curt Weldon's Iraq WMD story: Cloud-Cuckoo-Land, A Republican Stronghold These weapons were produced in the 1980s (00:14) and are of the type used during the Iran-Iraq war (01:52)Projectiles are badly corroded in most cases and can no longer be discharged as designed (01:27)They were found in a variety of locations (00:22): some had been improperly dismantled and/or destroyed (01:27), others were found abandoned on the battlefield and other unmarked munitions had been misplaced in conventional storage...

Noted intelligence expert James Bamford has a new article in Rolling Stone warning America about Iran: The Next War . This article makes a good companion piece to his earlier article The Man Who Sold the War , which documented the campaign of lies behind the Iraq W...

Daniel Ellsberg:“I’m very, very worried about this country right now. I have been for a while. I don’t like to talk about this, but we’re at a very critical point here. I think, unfortunately, we’re in the twilight of democrac...

From Ratbang Diary:When Bush vetoed the stem-cell bill, the president’s new press secretary Tony Snow said:“The simple answer is he thinks murder's wrong.”Snow should have added, “That is, George W. Bush thinks murder is wrong if the living thing is the size of a pin-head. Larger than that and all living things are fair gam...

brImagine by Peter Gabriel - with thanks to Watergate Summer...

The Crazies and World War 3Professor Juan Cole today has a very incisive analysis of current events in Lebanon, in the context of the neo-Conservatives plans to remake the Middle East.The administration plan will fail.It is not for nothing that George Bush, Sr. called the neo-cons the 'crazies in the basement.' Colin Powel is said to have described the neo-cons, led by Vice-President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, as 'fucking crazies'. Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, one of Ronald Reagan's intelligence...

911: The Official Story and Conspiracy TheoriesImmediately after the events of 911 I realized that there were inevitably going to be conspiracy theories; that some would blame American Intelligence, some the Mossad, and that Lyndon LaRouche would blame the British. I knew that in a story as complex as this one that there would be pieces of the puzzle--anomalies--that did not quite fit, even if the official story was the truth, as I initially believed it to be. At the same time, however, I believed it to be important to keep an eye on those anomalies...

Border guards seize British 'dirty bomb' lorry heading for IranBorder guards seized a British lorry on its way to make a delivery to the Iranian military - after discovering it was packed with radioactive material that could be used to build a dirty bomb.On board they found ten lead-lined boxes addressed to the Iranian Ministry of Defence. Inside each box was a soil-testing device, containing highly dangerous quantities of radioactive caesium 137 and americium-beryllium.The soil testers had been sent to Iran by a British firm with the apparent...

Nutty conservative hottie Atlas' drunken, rambling video rant. I'd do her too....

Evangelical nutcase John Hagee on Iran:“One bomb into Iran’s nuclear plant could start the Holy War, and believe me, that could happen this afternoon. All of the dots connect. Jesus Christ could be here this afternoon – there is nothing to delay his coming. I want all of you to get your eyes not on the cares of the world, but on the coming of Jesus Christ. I could see you in the clouds of Heaven today, and the rest of you will be left behind.” Conservative weekly Human Events interviewed Hagee, as if he were actually an expert on foreign relations:How...

U.S., Iraqi and international leaders have sounded alarms this week as new data showed tens of thousands of people have fled their homes in fear of death squads and that some 6,000 civilians may have been killed in just two months.Is it civil war yet? The only good thing about the situation in Iraq is that it will probably preclude the Bush administration from attacking Iran, and even that is far from certa...

Conservative hottie Michelle Malkin celebrates "Jump Day" by jumping....

"The last remnants of the old Republic have been swept away." -from Star WarsJonathan V. Last of the neo-conservative Weekly Standard makes The Case for the Empire"The deep lesson of Star Wars is that the Empire is good."Basically he argues that the rebel alliance threatens Order in the galaxy. I for one am not quite ready to embrace the Dark Si...

Are experimental directed high-energy beam ("pain rays" and "death rays") weapons being tested in Iraq? Professor Hex draws our attention to this Italian documentary Star Wars in Iraq, available for viewing in Italian and English. A transcript can be seen h...

Get in Their Face calls our attention to this document:Endgame: Detention and Removal Strategy for a Secure HomelandDRO’s success as a core element of the immigration enforcement mission will be realized when the synchronization of its resources and infrastructure result in the immediate and effective removal of each removable alien. With this strategic...

Rolling Stone: The Return of the DraftDavid Qualls, who joined the Arkansas National Guard for a year, is one of 40,000 troops in Iraq who have been informed that their enlistment has been extended until December 24th, 2031. "I've served five months past my one-year obligation," says Qualls, the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging the military with breach of contract. "It's time to let me go back to my life. It's a question of fairness, and not only for myself. This is for the thousands of other people that are involuntarily extended in Iraq....

"I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn't do my job." --George Bush"God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East." --George BushGod help ...

Millions to fight compell’d, to fight or dieIn mangled heaps on War’s red altar lie...When legal murders swell the lists of pride;When glory’s views the titled idiot guide.It is the “cold advisers of yet colder kings” who have “the power to breathe / O’er all the world the infectious blast of death”. Scholars have found a 200-year old poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, and it could not be more time...

The Drums of WarI heard Sean Hannity on the radio on my way home from work and he was salivating for war. Now, more than ever, this nation needs intelligent leadership. I sure wish we had some.Hezbollah seeks to transfer soldiers to IranIsrael has concrete evidence that Hezbollah plans to transfer the two Israel Defense Forces soldiers abducted Wednesday...

Bush Losing His Base?President Bush appears to be losing support among a key group of voters who had hitherto stood firmly with the president even as his poll numbers among other groups fell dramatically.A new Gallup poll shows that, for the first time, Bush's approval rating has fallen below 50% among total fucking morons, and now stands at 44%. This represents a dramatic drop compared to a poll taken just last December, when 62% of total fucking morons expressed support for the president and his polici...

Baghdad is now verging on total collapseAs I hung up the phone, I wondered if I would ever see my friend Ali alive again. Ali, The Times translator for the past three years, lives in west Baghdad, an area that is now in meltdown as a bitter civil war rages between Sunni insurgents and Shia militias. It is, quite simply, out of control.I returned to Baghdad on Monday after a break of several months, during which I too was guilty of glazing over every time I read another story of Iraqi violence. But two nights on the telephone, listening to my lost...

Update: Neil Coulbeck allegedly killed himself by cutting his own throat. Does that happen very often?Cause of banker's death still not clear Detectives investigating the death of a NatWest banker, who was to be called as a defence witness in the trial of the NatWest Three, yesterday searched a recycling bin near his home for documents linked to the case. The body of Neil Coulbeck, 53, was found in parkland close to his home in Woodford Green, east London, on Tuesday morning. Scotland Yard said last night that an initial post-mortem examination...

Crazy, evil Ann Coulter advocates a firing squad for Ken Rich of The New York Times, but only after a fair trial of course. I realize that there is no way to shut her up, but major news outlets do not give space to the Klan or the Aryan Nations--so why Coult...

I understand that it is common to speak well of people at their memorial service, but comparing Ken Lay to James Byrd, a black man who was dragged to death behind a truck, and to Jesus Christ is a bit mu...

Our Fearless Leader Thanks to Dependable Reneg...

Joseph Trento on closing the bin Laden unit:According to a top FBI veteran of ALEC STATION, the CIA stopped the FBI from seeing NSA intercepts of Al Qaeda message traffic in the Spring of 2001. This reporter is convinced that the shuttering of ALEC STATION has far darker meaning then shifting resources in the hunt of bin Laden. I believe this administration and the CIA are trying to make certain no one gets to the real history of how CIA undermining of the FBI’s work on bin Laden contributed to the 9-11 attacks....

Murder Most Foul?A must-read about the mysterious "suicide" of Philip Merrill, President of the Export-Import Bank from 2002 until 2005. Apparently he was found dead in the water, a shot gun blast to his face and an anchor tied around his legs. Suicide, obviously. Some suspicious folks have suggested nine billion reasons why he may have been kill...

The Hoestra letter is further proof of just how estranged is the relationship between the Bush administration and the CIA.Dissident CIA faction 'exposed'A HIGH-ranking Republican congressman has exposed what he sees as a dissident faction within the CIA that he says "intentionally undermined" the policies of US President George W Bush. Rumours about the existence of such a group have circulated in the US capital for a long time, but the comments by Representative Peter Hoekstra, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, marks the first time...

Bright Eyes: When the President Talks to God...

The coming North American Union--I know that people on the right like Michael Savage are starting to get worked up over this--sinister gobalist elites working to undermine American sovereignty. I think we need to take a closer look at th...

Sunday Religion CornerReligion has not civilized man, man has civilized religion. ~Robert Green IngersollI contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. ~Stephen RobertsIsn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too? ~Douglas AdamsMy atheism, like that of Spinoza, is true piety towards the universe and denies only gods fashioned by...

Col. Ronald D. Ray, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under the Reagan Administration :"This neo-conservative takeover of the government in the last six years is the destruction of the things that Barry Goldwater would have been running for in '64 and even the things that Ronald Reagan said he supported.The conservative movement in this country has almost been neutered as a result of this administration."Colonel Ray also expressed a few doubts about the official story of 911, calling it "the dog that doesn't hunt.""Half a trillion dollars...

From PiglipstickBut this isn't the first suspicious Enron death. Flashing back to April 2002, there was this:(CBS) It may be the biggest outstanding mystery in the Enron story: the death of Cliff Baxter, a former top Enron executive. He'd just agreed to testify to Congress in the Enron case. A congressional source tells CBS news that Baxter wasn't...

The Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File purports to be the covert history of our time. Most--but not all--of it is nonsense. It is nonethless a fascinating para-political artifact. I have a great deal of information on the Gemstone File (and have posted the Gemstone File itself here. The real Gemstone File consisted of some 350 pages of the letters of Bruce Roberts. I divided it into six parts. It seems to read better and scroll faster if you select each part seperately.) For further background on the Skeleton Key I have posted the introduction to...

Dangerous Criminals Arrested: Old lady and Iraq war veteran arrested for exercising their first amendment rights on the Fourth of July. Iraq war veteran Geoffrey Millard, is lead away by U.S. Park Police police officers after being arrested for attempting to join the Independence Day parade Tuesday, July 4, 2006 in Washington. Millard had walked into...

Iraq considers arming insurgentsBAGHDAD — Iraq's government is studying a request from some local insurgent leaders to supply them with weapons so they can turn on the heavily armed foreign fighters who were once their allies, according to two Iraqi lawmakers.W...

OK, this is kind of scary:Robert G. Webster is one of the few bird flu experts confident enough to answer the key question: Will the avian flu switch from posing a terrible hazard to birds to becoming a real threat to humans?There are "about even odds at this time for the virus to learn how to transmit human to human," he told ABC's "World News Tonight." Webster, the Rosemary Thomas Chair at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., is credited as the first scientist to find the link between human flu and bird flu."Society just can't...

From Is America Burning? Listen to an archival recording of Senator John F. Kennedy reading the Declaration of Independence in its entir...

Greg Palast proves once again that he is one of the few real reporters around:BUSH TEAM HELPS RULING PARTY “FLORIDIZE” MEXICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONSTEALING IT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYESIt is nothing new, of course, for the United States to feel that it has the right to manipulate or rig foreign elections--unfortunately, the Bushites believe that they have the right to do the same thing in the United States--for the greater good, of course. 2006 and 2008 should be interesti...

Arthur Silber of Once Upon a Time has a good piece this morning:Let us state the final conclusion boldly and unmistakably, so we may appreciate its full horror: the Bush administration has already decided, and probably decided some time ago, that it will attack Iran. They want a wider war. Everything that is now going on is simply the cover for the moment when the bombing begins, intended to provide what will be accepted as "justification" for the attack by the American public and the world.And all of it is a lie from beginning to end.God I hope...

A new article by Seymour Hersh on how the military feel about war with IranInside the Pentagon, senior commanders have increasingly challenged the President’s plans, according to active-duty and retired officers and officials. The generals and admirals have told the Administration that the bombing campaign will probably not succeed in destroying Iran’s nuclear program. They have also warned that an attack could lead to serious economic, political, and military consequences for the United States....

Professional tattoo artist et in Arcadia ego on the Rigorous Intuition Discussion Board calls our attention to this item from a conservative site.Even worse, there are plans to change the Republican Party to make it just as Gay-friendly as the Democrats. If George Bush selling us out on illegal immigration isn’t bad enough, there’s more betrayal ahead. A recent article reports “Charles Francis, a homosexual activist and friend of President George W. Bush, regularly briefs Bush senior advisor Karl Rove on his group’s effort to end the GOP’s opposition...

The Hullaballoo Dancers Dance To The Batman Theme Thanks to Superfrankenstein...

Take The Hitler vs. Coulter QuizCompares Hitler and Coulter quotes. You guess who said what. I only missed two but it was more a matter of style than substan...

Was the New York Times set up? Buzzflash thinks so. They quote from the Wall Street Journal's editorial:" Some argue that the Journal should have still declined to run the antiterror story. However, at no point did Treasury officials tell us not to publish the information. And while Journal editors knew the Times was about to publish the story, Treasury officials did not tell our editors they had urged the Times not to publish. What Journal editors did know is that they had senior government officials providing news they didn't mind seeing in print....

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