'Fascism will come to America in the name of anti-fascism'. - Huey Long"When facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag." - Huey Long"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Upton Sinclair"Fascism will come to America in the guise of National Security" - Jim GarrisonAaron Russo's provocative...

Garter Belts and Stockings

OK, I don't know WHAT it is about me, but... Here is the story:I went to do a much needed shopping tonight--our pantry has been looking like Mother Hubbard's cupboard and we were in desperate need of TP, so I had to go. I went to Wal Mart for cat food, toothpaste, and all of the other non-food essentials, and while I was there I decided to look for...


My Idea Of A Watch Dog


The Birth Order Of Children

THE BIRTH ORDER OF CHILDRENYour Clothes:1st baby: You begin wearing maternity clothes as soon as your OB/GYN confirms your pregnancy.2nd baby: You wear your regular clothes for as long as possible.3rd baby: Your maternity clothes ARE your regular clothes.Preparing for the Birth:1st baby: You practice your breathing religiously.2nd baby: You don't bother because you remember that last time, breathing didn't do a thing.3rd baby: You ask for an epidural in your eighth month.The Layette: 1st baby: You pre-wash newborn's clothes, color-coordinate them,...

Bush let bin Laden escape...The recent ABC docudrama Path to 911 had a fictional scene where the CIA is looking at Osama bin Laden through binoculars and the Clinton administration inexplicably lets him go. It turns out that the incompetence of the Bush administration is the reason bin Laden is alive and free.From a CNN interview with Gary Berntsen, who led the CIA's paramilitary unit chasing bin Laden after he fled from Kabul, from the transcript posted at Political Cortex:AMANPOUR: ... the CIA was sure it knew where he was, thanks in large part...

From Anything They Say (click to enlar...

Unsubtantiated and (probably) Untrue Gossip:Much more serious to Bush's reputation is the infamous 1988 "Blow Motel" video, which shows a young male prostitute performing oral sex on a nervous (but ecstatic) George W. Bush.I hear the stills will soon be made public, courtesy of a book co-written by "Jeff Gannon" and an ex-NSA offic...

So, according to this story in Firedoglake Christians are more likely to support torture than non-Christians. In one sense this is surprising, given what Christians claim to believe, and given that Jesus was tortured. In another sense, I suppose, given the long Christian history of engaging in torture of heretics and witches, it makes complete sense....

A Blah Day

--Doesn't seem to be my best day. First off, it is one looooong day. After getting to bed rather early last night, at 1:00am, I woke up before 6:00am and could not get back to sleep. So I have been wandering around the house trying to get enough energy going to actually do something. It doesn't help that K had to go back to bed with a headache--which he NEVER gets! That leaves my options as to what I can do, limited. After all, I don't think he would be too thrilled with me trying to change the bedding OR vacuuming while his head is pounding!--I...

"Radar" of Beneath the Foil posts this fascinating news story from the distant past. Apparently wild WMD stories are nothing n...

A Truthful In-Flight Announcement

I believe I found this on mental_floss--not sure. Hope you enjoy.In-flight announcements are not entirely truthful. What might an honest one sound like?“GOOD morning, ladies and gentlemen. We are delighted to welcome you aboard Veritas Airways, the airline that tells it like it is. Please ensure that your seat belt is fastened, your seat back is upright and your tray-table is stowed. At Veritas Airways, your safety is our first priority. Actually, that is not quite true: if it were, our seats would be rear-facing, like those in military aircraft,...

The Eight Creepiest Celebrity Parents

Here is an article from And here is the link to the story on their site. For convenience purposes, I am posting the entire article here--hope I'm not asked to remove it!The Eight Creepiest Celebrity ParentsBy Rina RaphaelIs it just us or are celebrity parents getting very scary?We don't just mean weirdos like Michael Lohan, who is currently in a state prison writing songs and drawing cartoons about his love for estranged daughter Lindsay. Or Joe Simpson, who is prone to wax about Jessica's breasts and, according to Radar magazine,...

Mr. C...

He does like bald m...


Gary Hart on "The October Surprise"It should come as no surprise if the Bush Administration undertakes a preemptive war against Iran sometime before the November election....

Blog Maintenance and Hockey

--I just finished putting labels on all 400+ posts in this blog. What a pain in the ass! I'm sure I could have been better at labeling some of the posts, but it just got to be too much after awhile. I hope it will help readers find something interesting when they get here.--The Red Wings won 4-2 tonight. It really was a closer game than the score shows--they got an empty-net goal in the final seconds. I realize the pre-season games are for the wanna-be players to show their stuff and whether they are worthy enough to play with the big boys,...


Election day is just around the corner. And if I didn't already know that, the television and phone would let me know very quickly.First, the TV. We have had political ads since, at least, the beginning of the year. There are many people dissatisfied with our present, first-term, governor, and the man who would become her opponent came out early with his political ads. Our governor didn't run ads until after the primaries--after her opponent started to climb in the polls. And now we have back-to-back political ads ALL OF THE TIME. First...

Nickel Fortune

A nun was sitting at the airport, waiting on her flight to Chicago. She looked over in the corner and saw one of those weight machines that tells your fortune, and thought to herself, "I'll give it a try and see what it tells me."She went over to the machine, stepped up on the scale and put her nickel in, and out came a card that read,"You are a nun, you weight 128 lbs., you are going to Chicago".The nun sat back down. She told herself that the machine probably gives the same card to everyone. The more she thought about it, the more curious...

Scared To Go To Sleep

EDITEDWhat do the following things have in common:The BrotherThe MotherThe Fathermy old Cavaliera greenhouse/little zoo*my house, but not my houseEric Clapton (but the way he looked in the 70s), wife, and kidsa firea fire extinguishera computer keyboardme losing my shoesan extended-cab pick-upThe answer: they were all in my dream last night! I can't even begin to explain the storyline of the whole thing, but rest assured, I am scared to go to sleep in case I have another dream of sufficient weirdness! :)*After much thought, it was a combination...

At Last

Yes, I know it is ONLY the third pre-season game and the regular season doesn't start for awhile yet, but I was beginning to wonder if the Wings were EVER going to win! And they did tonight: 5-4 against Tampa Bay. Don't need to worry anymore--I ho...

My Time Of Year

Today was the typical fall day--and fall begins today, what a coincidence! ;) Anyway, the temp was in the 50s, it was grey and damp. The perfect day to put a batch of stew going in the Crock-Pot, bake some banana bread, and sit back with a hot cup of tea and a good book. My kind of day.It looks like we will not be able to get up north for the peak of the color season--DAMN! We haven't been in such a long time that I was hoping to get up there to take some pictures. But, K is doing the overtime bit again, so we will be sticking close to home...


After an overtime period and a shootout, the Wings lost again. DAMN! I sure hope this isn't a preview of this season--I won't be a happy camper if it ...

Politically Correct

"Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want." -- Joseph Wood KrutchHOW TO SPEAK ABOUT WOMEN AND BE POLITICALLY CORRECT:1. She is not a "BABE" or a "CHICK" - She is a "BREASTED AMERICAN."2. She is not a "SCREAMER" or a "MOANER" - She's "VOCALLY APPRECIATIVE."3. She is not "EASY" - She is "HORIZONTALLY ACCESSIBLE."4. She is not a "DUMB BLONDE" - She is a "LIGHT-HAIRED DETOUR OFF THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY."5. She has not "BEEN AROUND" - She's a "PREVIOUSLY-ENJOYED COMPANION."6. She is not an "AIRHEAD"...

WorldNetDaily has more on Hamid Mir and the American Hiroshima story.Mir also explained that his own independent research and knowledge of al-Qaida verifies the authenticity of some of the claims made by Dawood in their meeting in Afghanistan.Dawood said the impending attack, which could involved nuclear or radiological weapons, is being coordinated...

I didn't think I would be posting again about the Wilfried Huismann documentary Rendezvous with Death (covered on this blog here and here) but Barbara Lautenbach yesterday posted some information from FOCUS magazine at alt.assassination.jfk.According to Lothar Buchholz, the German Kennedy researcher and author of the book Labyrinth der Wahrheiten - Todesschüsse auf Kennedy (Labyrinth of Truths – The Fatal Shooting of Kennedy,) which, not reading German, I have not seen, most of the "evidence" in this documentary falls apart upon examination.In...

Another Change

I had the setting for comments as a 'pop-up box,' but I am having trouble with the pop-up! I can't see the entire box and can't resize it, so I have had to change the setting and there will be no more pop-up. My not being able to resize the box is something that has just started since I migrated to Blogger beta--but I already was having different problems before. The problems I have only seem to be consistent with my use of Firefox, as they disappear when I use IE. I don't understand this as it is stated that Blogger beta works best in Firefox...

Heartwarming Story

Here's a truly heartwarming story about the bond formed between a little 5 year old girl and some construction workers that makes you believe that we CAN make a difference when we give a child the gift of our time.A young family moved into a house, next door to a vacant lot. One day a construction crew turned up to start building a house on the empty lot. The young family's 5-year-old daughter naturally took an interest in all the activity going on next door and spent much of each dayobserving the workers.Eventually the construction crew, all of...

Barry Goldwater, 1964:You and I are told we must choose between a left or right, but I suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There is only an up or down. Up to man's age-old dream - the maximum of individual freedom consistent with order or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism. Regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would sacrifice freedom for security have embarked on this downward pa...

Changing Again

Well, I did it--I migrated to Blogger beta. I can see how I possibly could have a lot of fun with this, but there still seem to be some issues that need straightening out. We'll see how it goes.I am not too sure when I will start using the 'labels' for my posts--I probably will at some time, but that almost seems to be too much thinking for me to do! I'm sure it will come in time. Anyway, I think I will enjoy this--hope you all like the new look.And now for some sad news: the Red Wings lost their first pre-season game tonight. Minnesota beat...

A good article on Harold Weisberg (and if you don't know who he is then you need to read the article.) With thanks to Don Roberdeau for posting this at alt.assassination.jfkONE MAN VS. ONE GOVERNMENTFrom Part 2:Among Harold Weisberg's voluminous files, the late, self-made historian had written a small note, possibly meant only for his eyes.It is a poem, a brief rumination on the power of confusion. It contains a reference to an excerpt in the Bible, Isaiah 59:9. "So justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us," theBible passage...

The Weekend Redux

When we got to St Paul on Friday, it was too early to go to our hotel, so we went to see A and her husband. We got a chance to see the new kitten that she is fostering--that little baby is only about 3 weeks old! A got her more than a week ago--the eyes weren't even open yet. She is so small that I could hold her in the palm of my hand. Of course, she needs to be fed with a bottle--EVERY THREE HOURS! That little bundle of fur snuggled into my neck and purred louder than my 16+ pound cat does--she is just so very sweet. A hopes she can pick...

A new documentary about former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has been released, called Kill The Messenger, hopefully giving us a better idea just what Sibel knows; knowledge that led the Bush administration to muzzle her under the State Secrets privilege. From the brochure:What she discovers is mind-boggling. The targets of FBI wiretaps are not only foreign individuals supected of espionage and terrorism in the U.S. but also their accomplices, that is… top officials at the State Department and at the Pentagon. These people are clearly engaged in...

According to the Canada Free Press the next major al Qaeda attack--and a nuclear attack at that-- is imminent and Muslims are advised to leave the United States.Urgent news from Abu Dawood, one of the newly appointed commanders of the al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan:Final preparations have been made for the American Hiroshima, a major attack on the U. S.Muslims living in the United States should leave the country without further warning.The attack will be commandeered by Adnan el Shukrijumah ("Jaffer Tayyer" or "Jafer the Pilot"), a naturalized...


I have married a wonderful man, given birth to two kids, and become a grandmother to five kids and yet, tonight is definitely in my top 10 of all time greatest times of my life. Yes, people, I am talking about the Eric Clapton concert. For over two hours I was transfixed--I could barely speak or think anything other than "I can't believe I am ACTUALLY seeing EC, in the flesh, playing so unbelievably." I can't even explain how overwhelmed I was by the whole experience.For anyone who likes blues/rock, and who especially likes guitar solos, the...

George W. Bush:"I wish I could tell the American people, 'don't worry about it.' They're not coming again. But they are coming again. Time is running ou...

Bush on Iran:"It's very important for the American people to see the president try to solve problems diplomatically before resorting to military force."It looks like the Moron in Chief is actually going to do it. Charles Krauthammer, of course, is all for it, so we know that it is a really bad id...

Some people have asked me whether America is a Christian country. The answer must be no, for to call this a Christian country is to say that non-Christians are of some lesser order, not full fledged citizens of one nation." So says former Senator John Danforth, conservative Christian Republic...

"What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered entire towns in cluster bombs," the head of an IDF rocket unit in Lebanon said regarding the use of cluster bombs and phosphorous shells during the war. Quoting his battalion commander, the rocket unit head stated that the IDF fired around 1,800 cluster bombs, containing over 1.2 million cluster bomblets.In addition, soldiers in IDF artillery units testified that the army used phosphorous shells during the war, widely forbidden by international law. According to their claims, the vast majority of...

Four American Soldiers Killed in Iraq Today14-Sep-20064US: 4 UK: 0 Other: 0USNAME NOT RELEASED YETBaghdadHostile - hostile fire - suicide car bombUSNAME NOT RELEASED YETBaghdadHostile - hostile fire - suicide car bombUSNAME NOT RELEASED YETBaghdad (southeast of)Hostile - hostile fire - small arms fireUSNAME NOT RELEASED YETBaghdad (south of)Hostile - hostile fire - IED att...

Off For The Weekend?

The concert is this weekend, so I will be one busy little person! I really don't know if I will have time to post, but if I have time I will try. I hope everyone's weekend will be as enjoyable as I know mine will be! So, on that note, here is a little something to make you smile:The Perfect Couple (it is an equal opportunity both gender-bashing jok...

She Just Couldn't Wait To Open Her Mouth...

...and spew forth her hatred of mainstream America. I am talking about Rosie O'Donnell and her hate-filled comments comparing 'radical Christians' to 'radical Muslims.' She had the nerve to use the anniversary of 9/11--and her position on The View--to tell America that Christians are responsible for bombing innocents in other countries and that they are no better than terrorists! (I am paraphrasing--you can read the entire story here.) I certainly hope there is a huge outcry over this--but I am not holding my breath. It is just too easy in...

An A+ source claims that Senator John McCain (R-Heaven Itself) and one of America's most avid anti-gambling politicians has a large credit line at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas and can be found at the dice table most weekends. His saintliness has, according to sources, lost a whole bunch....

Bush Tells Reporter Getting bin Laden "not a priority"From Think Progress (with video of Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard)HOST: Alright Fred, you and a few other journalists were in the Oval Office with the President, right? And he says catching Osama bin Laden is not job number one?BARNES: Well, he said, look, you can send 100,000 special forces, that’s the figure he used, to the mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan and hunt him down, but he just said that’s not a top priority use of American resources. His vision of a war on terror is one...


After my last post, I remembered one thing that The Mother taught me that I will never forget--and hope to adhere to always.One day when I was younger--probably high school age--I made some kind of a very disrespectful remark about the then-president while The Mother and I were talking. (Don't remember who the president was, though.) Anyway, she swung around and fixed that steely glare of hers on me and said, "You WILL NOT talk about ANY president that way. You may not agree with him, but you WILL treat him with respect because he IS the president....

Researchers Find Severe Flaws in Diebold Voting Machines A group of Princeton computer scientists has published a study that examines flaws and vulnerabilities in Diebold's AccuVote-TS voting machines. Complete with a video that demonstrates the ease with which the electronic voting machine can be compromised, the study provides chilling insight into the serious risk of election tampering and fraud created by modern voting technology. The vote-stealing demonstration software developed by the computer scientists "can modify all of the records, audit...

"Aware of the suffering created by fanaticism and intolerance, we are determined not to be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory or ideology, even Buddhist ones. Buddhist teachings are guiding means to help us learn to look deeply and to develop our understanding and compassion. They are not doctrines to fight, kill or die for." - Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist m...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday.May I suggest testing them at the GOP National Conventi...

Bush and his entourage are the last people who should be invoking history. Instead, for generations to come, history will invoke them. It will not be Chamberlain who the politicians of 2070 use to deride their opponents. It will be George W. Bush....

Republicans to Fight Dirty (I know this falls in the Water Still Wet category)Republicans are planning to spend the vast majority of their sizable financial war chest over the final 60 days of the campaign attacking Democratic House and Senate candidates over personal issues and local controversies, GOP officials said.The National Republican Congressional Committee, which this year dispatched a half-dozen operatives to comb through tax, court and other records looking for damaging information on Democratic candidates, plans to spend more than 90...

Dumb Asses

--From's been more than three years since the Dixie Chicks sparked a media firestorm by announcing they were "ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas." Now, the embattled country stars are reigniting the blaze with a highly controversial documentary featuring lead singer Natalie Maines calling President Bush a "dumb f---."According to Entertainment Weekly, one memorable scene from "Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing" shows the singers watching a news report on President Bush's reaction to their infamous on-stage comment....

"We will give our full assistance to the Iraqi government to establish security in (Iraq). Strengthening security in Iraq means strengthening security and stability in the region."--Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadine...

From Secrecy NewsTwo partially declassified reports issued by the Senate Intelligence Committee last week that were critical of pre-war intelligence on Iraq remain significantly overclassified, according to Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), who said he would seek further disclosure.Furthermore, portions of the two Intelligence Committee reports that were withheld conceal "certain highly offensive activities" and "deeply disturbing information," said Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich...

A Unified Theory of CIA Covert Operations: 1960-1990In 1995 Gene Wheaton approached the Assassination Records Review Board with information on the death of John F. Kennedy. Anne Buttimer, Chief Investigator of the ARRB, recorded that: "Wheaton told me that from 1984 to 1987 he spent a lot of time in the Washington DC area and that starting in 1985 he was "recruited into Ollie North's network" by the CIA officer he has information about. He got to know this man and his wife, a "'super grade high level CIA officer" and kept a bedroom in their Virginia...

From Dependable Renegade...

Deficits not a problem in short run, White House saysAnd in the long run we're all dead, rig...



Don't Ask, Don't Tell

As I was paying for my purchases at the grocery store last night, a 40-somethingish man came into the checkout behind me. He placed his items on the counter: a bottle of Jim Beam and a bottle of baby oil. I don't want to kn...

Chris Floyd alerts us to this perfectly appropriate event to be held on September ...

Quick Thinking :)

"Kittens are born with their eyes shut. They open them in about six days, take a look around, then close them again for the better part of their lives."-- Stephen BakerLOVE this joke! Enjoy.A man in the Florida supermarket tries to buy half a head of lettuce.The very young produce assistant tells him that they sell only whole heads of lettuce. The man persists and asks to see the manager. The boy says he'll ask his manager about it.Walking into the back room, the boy said to his manager, "Some asshole wants to buy half a head of lettuce."As he...

Just A Case Of 'Why Buy The Cow...'

I am so happy I was not drinking anything when I read this--otherwise, I would have snorted my drink all over. Brad Pitt gave the reason (read that as 'excuse') he and Angelina Jolie aren't getting married: gays aren't allowed to marry. He said in Esquire magazine: "Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able." What a cro...

Connally's mood darkened as he talked about Dallas. When the bullet hit him, he said he felt like he had been kicked in the ribs and couldn't breathe. He spoke kindly of Jackie Kennedy and said he admired both her bravery and composure.I had to ask. Did he think Lee Harvey Oswald fired the gun that killed Kennedy?"Absolutely not," Connally said. "I do not, for one second, believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission."So why not speak out?"Because I love this country and we needed closure at the time. I will never speak out publicly about what...

Update: the Steve Irwin Sting Ray Vi...

Ambassador Joseph Wilson:"We Americans all too often take for granted the luxury of living and benefiting from the rights and freedoms guaranteed by our constitution. Several actions undertaken by this administration serve as a reminder that the social contract that binds us is fragile and requires our vigorous protection if we ever hope to preserve it. We have known this since the time of the drafting of the constitution over two hundred years ago when Benjamin Franklin remarked that the founding fathers had bequeathed to the nation 'a republic,...

So everyone thought that Saddam Hussein had WMDs? Admiral Thomas Wilson, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, as quoted in the new book by Newsweek investigative reporter Michael Isikoff and the Nation Washington editor David Corn:"I didn't really think [Iraq] had a nuclear program. I didn't think [Saddam and Iraq] were an immediate threat on WMD." Another shocking revelation:The CIA came close to recruiting Saddam Hussein's foreign minister, Naji Sabri, to be an American spy. Through a Lebanese journalist, Sabri passed word to the...

Though Cheney was already looking toward war, the officers of the agency's Joint Task Force on Iraq--part of the Counterproliferation Division of the agency's clandestine Directorate of Operations--were frantically toiling away in the basement, mounting espionage operations to gather information on the WMD programs Iraq might have. The JTFI was trying to find evidence that would back up the White House's assertion that Iraq was a WMD danger. Its chief of operations was a career undercover officer named Valerie Wils...

A Second Chance for Osama bin Laden?Major General Shaukat Sultan Khan, press secretary to the president of Pakistan, tells ABC News that -- if found -- Osama bin Laden won't be arrested, as long as he promises to behave like a "peaceful citizen.""If he is in Pakistan, bin Laden 'would not be taken into custody,' Major General Shaukat Sultan Khan told ABC News in a telephone interview, 'as long as one is being like a peaceful citizen," report Brian Ross and Gretchen Peters at ABC's blog, The Blott...

Got A Phone Call Today From C...

You just KNOW that it is going to be good when the post starts out like that! Anyway, C called to tell me that a woman came to her door this afternoon and asked if she lost a child! C was a bit confused and asked what she meant and the woman explained that she just saw a boy a couple of blocks over, playing with a group of boys, that looked like Marcus, who is 2. C thought that he was upstairs playing with the 3-year-old, but went to look--sure enough, he was gone. While C and her husband were unpacking some more boxes--they are ALMOST done!--Marcus...

He Just Doesn't Have The Balls

"Cats are the ultimate narcissists. You can tell this by all the time they spend on personal grooming. Dogs aren't like this. A dog's idea of personal grooming is to roll in a dead fish."--James GormanDo the other dogs make fun of yours when he goes to the dog park? Does your dog run away in embarrassment when the poodle from up the street walks by? Is your dog not quite 'all there' anymore? Well, then, you might look into getting him a pair of Neuticles! That's right, you can get your dog a pair of testicular implants so that he can get...


Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, has died at the age of 44. He was shooting a documentary and was struck in the chest by the barb of a stingray, which caused his death. So very sad for his wife and children. For more of the story, go to Google Ne...

Sunday PM

About five months ago K was told he needed a crown on one of his molars. Well, they FINALLY--within the last month and a half--have been getting everything going for this to happen. He went in to have the crown put on last week and told the dentist he has been experiencing some amount of sensitivity in the tooth. Low and behold, they did an x-ray...

"You know what I'm gonna tell those Jews when I get to Israel, don't you Herman?" a then Governor George W. Bush allegedly asked a reporter for the Austin American-Statesman. When the journalist, Ken Herman, replied that he did not know, Bush reportedly delivered the punch line: "I'm telling 'em they're all going to hell."George W. Bush is a funny g...

The Plame Affair: A PrognosticationSo, the Plame affair was much ado about nothing. Richard Armitage was the "primary" leaker, Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald knew it all along, and abused his 'prosecutorial discretion' by continuing his investigation for nearly two more years.Sorry, I'm not buying. 1) This is the latest attempt to bury the Plame matter, although the Plame investigation really has not been in the news much of late.2) It is also an attempt to discredit Fitzgerald, who has previously been mostly praised even by the President.3) Conclusion:...

School Days, School Days

"A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."-- Sarah ThompsonHere we are at Labor Day weekend. I find, even after all these years, I get a bit of a desire to be getting ready to go back to school. There really is nothing keeping me from going back, other than the fact that I STILL don’t know what I want to be when I grow up! Anyway, this got me to thinking about when I actually WAS in school and how things are so different today. Some of the things I went through would seem like a fairy tale...

Who Will Win THIS One?

So, two of the women that so many in this country are all ga-ga over seem to be feuding. Story goes like this: Oprah asked Angelina Jolie to participate in the charity work that she is doing in Africa. After all, Oprah thought, Angelina loves Africa so much and who in their right mind would EVER turn down Oprah! Angelina basically said 'up yours' to Oprah and refused to help with her charity. Oprah is astonished and furious at Angie and will never--did you hear that? NEVER!--going to ask Angie to help with any of her causes again. This is...

Anonymous left this comment a while back and I think it deserves a wider audience:The Iran attacks Romanian Oil Rig story is an interesting one. Check Google News etc. & you willl find that the story has sunk without trace. Now considering that the US et al are 'bigging up' the terrorist threat of Iran, isn't it strange that there has been no hullabaloo over the Iranian Navy Supply Ships firing at & storming onto another soverign country's oil rig?Well.... if you look a little deeper into the story you'll find the following:From here: Grup...

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