Antonio Iglesias PonsAs regular readers will know I did a great deal of research a few years back on a fringe subject known as The Gemstone File. I have put some of the information I came across on two sites that the interested reader can find under Research Projects at right.Among other subjects The Gemstone File contain information about the JFK assassination, information which the author of the Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File, one Stephanie Caruana, said came from a personal contact of Bruce Roberts, author of the Gemstone File. This contact...

Civil War in IraqResidents trapped in the capital's most fiercely contested districts braced Sunday for a new wave of bloodshed when a 24-hour curfew ends Monday. Reached by telephone, they all offered the same grim assessment: civil war has begun. Nir Rosen: Anatomy of a Civil WarIraq 'worse than Vietnam' Accept defeat by Taliban, Pakistan tells NatoPakistan's foreign minister, Khurshid Kasuri, has said in private briefings to foreign ministers of some Nato member states that the Taliban are winning the war in Afghanistan and Nato is bound to...

From Crime of the Century by Michael L. Kurtz:The press conference lasted only a few minutes during which Oswald repeated his earlier denial of an involvement in the assassination. When the conference was over, a policeman led Oswald into an elevator. A magazine photographer rode with them and talked with Oswald, who vehemently denied shooting Kennedy and asserted he was a "patsy," taking the blame for others. Just before he entered his cell, Oswald told the photographer that the truth about the assassination "conspiracy" would be revealed at his...

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism....

The view in Washington is that Al-Maliki’s usefulness has ended, and a political coup is now underway to oust him and reorganize his regime along lines more amenable to a revival of America’s old bias toward Sunni Ara...

And Is MY Face Red!!!!

I don't usually pass on stories or 'facts' that I get by email until I verify them by going to Snopes or other sources. That is why I am totally embarrassed by my last post: Red pointed out that none of the 'cases' sited in the post were true. I hadn't bothered to look them up before passing them along--sorry everyone! So, to make up for my last post, I will offer the winners of the 2005 Stella Awards--THE REAL ONES! They are just as ridiculous and outrageous as the made-up ones. Enjoy and get mad. :The TRUE Stella Awards -- 2005 Winnersby...

Brzezinski on Iran:Brzezinski also questioned the Bush administration's policy on Iran, calling it ``self-defeating.'' Asked whether the U.S. should have to accept the reality of the Iranians obtaining nuclear weapons, he said, ``I'm not entirely convinced they are really seeking them.''The Iranian leadership is ``seeking a comprehensive nuclear program'' that would put the country in a position to produce nuclear weapons, Brzezinski said.``Japan can produce nuclear weapons very quickly, but they haven't done it, and I think that's where Iran wants...

Ted Galen Carpenter, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, thinks that we should get out of Iraq.Except when the survival of the nation is at stake, all military missions must be judged according to a cost-benefit calculation. Iraq has never come close to being a war for America's survival. It was an elective war -- a war of choice, and a bad choice at that. How much are Americans willing to pay in blood, treasure and toil to try to prevail in Ir...

Some People Shouldn't Reproduce

NOTICE: None of these stories are true. To read my apology, explanation, and retraction, see the post on 26 November 2006. Here is the link.To read my reply to the commentator 'never forward a chain letter,' you will find the post here.Here is my original post:Not only should these 'winners' not be allowed to reproduce, the lawyers and juries should be sterilized, also. I give to you, the "Stella Awards":Time once again to review the winners of the Annual "Stella Awards." The Stella Awards are named after 81 year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled...

Black Friday

I still am among the living--despite my lack of posts. We managed to eat ourselves into oblivion the last few days and it just continues: leftovers again tonight! Instead of the traditional Thursday meal, I cooked on Wednesday. It was so nice to be all done with the cooking and clean-up before everyone else had even STARTED to cook! I got to relax and do nothing yesterday as K relaxed and watched football--surprisingly, not a much different day than any others we have around here. :)Today, as everyone knows, is Black Friday--the busiest shopping...

PARIS FLAMMONDE's monumental three-volume 1500 page work "The Assassination of America" is now available pre-publication for $125. His earlier work "The Kennedy Conspiracy," a pre-trial account of the Garrison investigation is one of the best early works.Special Pre-Publication Offer:How you can get "The Assassination of America" before its publication.Paris Flammonde is offering a special pre-publication price on the 3-Volume set, comprised of over 1500 pages with more than 400 photographs, a collection to which some of the best known JFK Assassination...

Happy Thanksgivi...

Originally posted at The X Spot. Written to conspiracy researcher Mae Brussell. December 24, 1976Remember always--The charges against my late son are false.SincerelyMarguerite Osw...

November 22, 1963 It is difficult to believe that there was a time in our nation's history when liberals were regularly accused of treason. Today they stop at character assassinati...

Ok, Global Orgasm Day (Dec 22) is fast approaching and I don't have a date. You: must be female and live within driving distance of San Jose, California. We can meet before December 22 if you like. Age: 27 to 40. Older if really hot, younger if really slutty. It's about time I get something from this bl...

Sixties radical Tom Hayden has a most interesting article over at The Huffington Post, based he says on "credible Iraqi sources in London and Amman."According to credible Iraqi sources in London and Amman, a secret story of America's diplomatic exit strategy from Iraq is rapidly unfolding. The key events include:First, James Baker told one of Saddam Hussein's lawyers that Tariq Aziz, former deputy prime minister, would be released from detention by the end of this year, in hope that he will negotiate with the US on behalf of the Baath Party leadership.The...

Robert Scheer interviews the inimitable Gore Vidal:There are a few crazies who want to cheer the flag and this yappy little terrier as though he were a real president. Well, he’s not a real president. He’s a thing, a chimera who was put together by the Supreme Court, first time around, and reelected by, uh, Diebold, Sequoia and some other interested parti...

As the Bush administration considers sending 20,000 more troops to Iraq (a really dumb idea that will not work) Piglipstick draws our attention to this excerpt from this book.Meanwhile the Iraqi people don't want us there.74% of Shiites and 91% of Sunnis in Iraq want us to leave within a year. The number of Shiites making this call in Baghdad, where...

Did the CIA Kill Bobby Kennedy?Update: I watched the clip last night. It runs about 12 minutes and is very good. The photos are fairly clear and several people who knew the CIA agents in question identify them. Persuasive if not conclusive.Update: Watch the BBC program here. (I haven't seen it yet.)Shane O'Sullivan put together a documentary that will be aired tonight on the BBC that argues that three senior CIA figures were involved in the assassination of Robert Kennedy. His case seems to be based on photographic comparisons of the three men...

US Government Documents Show 160 Saudis Flew from the US Between September 11 and September 15, 2001Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released US Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) agency documents obtained under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) detailing the departure of 160 subjects of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, “including but not limited to members of the House of Saud and/or members of the Bin Laden family,” between September 11, 2001 and September...

Alexander Litvinenko, a former KGB spy struggling for life after being poisoned with thallium, had earlier accused Putin of being a pedophile.Alexander Litvinenko wrote a sensational and unsubstantiated article earlier this year accusing Putin of having had sex with underage boys.The bizarre story appeared on a website linked to the president’s foes...

ABC News asks the question: Has O.J. Gone Too Far This Time? This time? You mean, as opposed to the time he butchered two people, one of them the mother of his children, and got away with ...

Our Fearless Leader...

The Cult of DeathSwamp Church directs us to an unusual permutation of Catholicism; the veneration of La Santa Muerte, "Saint Death" by a group called the “Traditional Catholic Church Mex-USA” or the “Mexico-US Tridentine Catholic Church”. According to one news article that Swamp Church links to:In Mexico City, in the tough Tepito neighborhood, where...

Seymour Hersh has a new article in the New Yorker revealing that the neoconservatives are still pushing for an attack on Iran, but that their efforts are being hampered by a CIA report on Iran's nuclear program.The Administration’s planning for a military attack on Iran was made far more complicated earlier this fall by a highly classified draft assessment by the C.I.A. challenging the White House’s assumptions about how close Iran might be to building a nuclear bomb. The C.I.A. found no conclusive evidence, as yet, of a secret Iranian nuclear-weapons...

It's hard to believe that Pavel Datsyuk is not even a year older than me.That's got to be one of the best jobs to have though. Doing what your good at, and doing what you like to ...

Al Gore:Whatever happened to the concept of accountability for catastrophic failure? This administration has been by far the most incompetent, inept, and with more moral cowardice, and obsequiousness to their wealthy contributors, and obliviousness to the public interest of any administration in modern history, and probably in the entire history of the country!...


Bush Cites Lessons for Iraq in VietnamThe lesson Bush has apparently learned from Vietnam, as he meets under a statue of Ho Chi Minh for cordial discussions with Vietnamese leaders, is that we should have stayed the course.McCain Calls for Common Sense in GOPLike that will happ...

Julia Corker Update:Looking at my site statistics today I see that I got visits from Yale University and the House of Representatives--both from google searches for "Julia Corker." That's Julia on the rig...

Gay Swans and their Cute Babies Homosexual Animals Out of the Closet Homosexual behavior between human fema...

Voodoo Practitioner Curses Bush A renowned black magic practitioner performed a voodoo ritual Thursday to jinx President George W. Bush and his entourage while he was on a brief visit to Indonesia.Ki Gendeng Pamungkas slit the throat of a goat, a small snake and stabbed a black crow in the chest, stirred their blood with spice and broccoli before drank the "potion" and smeared some on his face.Sure, putting a voodoo curse on Bush sounds like a good idea. But let's say that it works, and Bush swells up until his entrails burst out--then Dick Cheney...

In The Guardian:US plans last big push in IraqPresident George Bush has told senior advisers that the US and its allies must make "a last big push" to win the war in Iraq and that instead of beginning a troop withdrawal next year, he may increase US forces by up to 20,000 soldiers, according to sources familiar with the administration's internal deliberations. Mr Bush's refusal to give ground, coming in the teeth of growing calls in the US and Britain for a radical rethink or a swift exit, is having a decisive impact on the policy review being...

Julia Corker Update: more photos, no lesbian kissing Matthew Craig, Commercial Appeal: Republican Senate candidate Bob Corker and his daughters Julia and Emily head back to their campaign bus after attending service at the First Baptist Church in Sevierville Sunday morning...

"Iraq Is Not Winnable"So says Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, and you don't get more Establishment than that.Haass: We've reached a point in Iraq where we've got to get real. And this is not going to be a near-term success for American foreign policy. The Iraq situation is not winnable in any meaningful sense of the word "winnable." So what we need to do now is look for a way to limit the losses and costs, try to advance on other fronts in the region and try to limit the fallout of Iraq. That's what you have to do...

Things ARE Getting Better

Just a few updates:--The guy just came to pick up the snow blower. Now we just have to wait for him to get around to checking everything out and fixing what needs to be fixed. All this could take a week or so. Hopefully, we won't have any storms so that the damn thing will actually be NEEDED before we get it back! I guess K will just have to take care of the thing earlier next year--after all, it isn't as if we are SURPRISED that we get snow every year. I don't know why this is one of those things that gets put off till the last minute--kind...

Rudy Giuliani--finally, a straight RepublicanThere is no way Rudy Giuliani gets the Republican nomination--he is too liberal for that party and will lose on the issues of guns, gays and god. Also he has been photographed (and videotaped) wearing women's clothing. McCaine wouldn't be caught dead in that outf...

“V” Meets The Secret Service On Monday, November 6, 2006, “V” visited security check points at the White House, the main Treasury, IRS and Justice Department Buildings and the Capitol. “V’s” purpose was to deliver the People’s Petitions for Redress of Grievances relating to the Government’s violations of the war powers, tax, privacy and money clauses...

RNC Experiments With Heterosexual Chairman From Wonkette.This is great news for social conservatives tired of worshiping a political party completely run by the homosexuals. Martinez is as anti-gay as they get without actually being gay. He does employ all kinds of gay staffers, but that’s pretty much the only way you have staffers at a...

It occurs to me that I never ran the other Julia Corker Facebook photo, so here it is. Julia is the one in the back, dryhumping the girl in her underwear. Julia--work with me; get arrested, pose for Playboy, come out--somethi...

Why Impeachment is a Bad IdeaDemocratic leaders say that impeachment is off the table, and I think that is a good thing. It's not that Bush is not arguably guilty of several impeachable offenses, and it's not like the Republicans don't have it coming, but impeachment would be divisive and the Senate would almost certainly fail to convict. And, of course, at the end of the day if Bush were removed from office we would be left with President Dick Cheney. So, let's just forget impeachment and work for a Democratic President in 08. OK, that's settled...

In a move that has been puzzling intelligence agencies, al Qaeda has been withdrawing well-trained Arab fighters from the mountains and battlefields of Afghanistan. In detailed interviews with Arab diplomats, intelligence sources and Pakistani and western officials, Arab members have been leaving Afghanistan for the past six months while handing over its militant activities in Afghanistan to that country's resurgent Taliban movement.This can't be go...

Senator Joe Biden is Running for President in 08:Senator Joseph Biden, perhaps the biggest weenie in the Senate, is planning to run for President yet again. His candidacy is, of course, doomed from the start. Meanwhile Senator Russ Feingold, who has been on my short list of desirable candidates, is not going to run. Senator Feingold told his supporters in a letter:Yet, while I've certainly enjoyed the repeated comments or buttons saying, "Run Russ Run", or "Russ in '08", I often felt that if a piece of Wisconsin swiss cheese had taken the same...

Snowblowers, Escondido, Innocent Man, AND Hockey

--K has waited for the last two days for the snow blower to be picked up for servicing. It is still sitting outside and we have YET to hear from the guy as to why he hasn't been here. I don't understand why some people in business can't even do the barest minimum of customer service--such as calling and saying they are sorry, but something came up! We might not be happy that the service wasn't being provided in the timely matter we wanted, but at least we would know that they still wanted our business! K is STILL waiting for a guy to come and...

JFK Speech on Secrecy and Freedom of the Pr...

Julia Corker and family Tag words: girls kissing, lesbianism, republican gay ...

Extraordinary Rendition:"Here, they told me, the flies don't even come. When I asked for the toilet, they told me to go in my cell. There was an incredible stench. I remained there for six and a half months, at Amn El Dawla. The cell was without air, cockroaches and rats crawled over me. When the guard entered, I had to be on my knees or he would jolt me with an electric cattle prod.""At the beginning, the guards stripped me nude and give me shocks with their cattle prods. One grabbed my private parts and mashed them when I would not talk. They...


Last night while watching the Red Wings play--they won their seventh straight game!--I saw something that I had never seen in all the years I have been following hockey. In the second period, one of the Wings' players, Jason Williams, was coming around the back of the Oilers' net, trying to score. He was watching one of the Oilers and didn't see another one coming at him. The player he didn't see, came in and hit him in the face with his shoulder--it was a legal check--and Williams went flying through the air and landed on his face onto the...

Eric Lomax was tortured by the Japanese.Waterboarding was the only torture he blocked out."He directed the full flow of the now-gushing pipe onto my nostrils and mouth.… Water poured down my windpipe and throat and filled my lungs and stomach. The torrent was unimaginably choking. This is the sensation of drowning, on dry land, on a hot dry afternoon. Your humanity bursts from within you as you gag and choke. I tried very hard to will unconsciousness but no relief came."The beating and the interrogation continued. "I had nothing to say: I was beyond...

Global Orgasm Day: Countdown to Synchronized Global OrgasmIt's December 22 "at the time of your choosing." Doesn't that mess up the synchronization thing? I'm a little unclear as to how this is supposed to work but count me in. Also, currently accepting applications.To effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest...


Corruption in FloridaA poster named "west" at the Rigorous Intuition forum linked to this story.TAMPA - Ralph Mervine, executive director of the Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority, resigned Wednesday after a Tampa Tribune investigation found he is listed as the owner of a gay pornographic film production company.Before joining the authority,...

The CIA, ever mindful of the need to justify its “mission,” had conclusive evidence by the mid-1980s of the deepening crisis of infrastructure within the Soviet Union. The CIA, as its deputy director Robert Gates acknowledged under congressional questioning in 1992, had decided to keep that evidence from President Reagan and his top advisors and instead continued to grossly exaggerate Soviet military and technological capabilities in its annual “Soviet Military Power” report right up to 1990.Thanks to Mike at Born at the Crest of the Emp...

Are YOU the Anti-Christ? Find out now at this site. Based on the"agonizingly precise science of numerology." I'm not--but check out the results for "George Walker Bus...

Oh, and by the way, fuck you Karl Ro...

I knew I could count on Pamela over at Atlas Shrugs to go stark raving mad over the election results. I'd still do her though.Looking in the rearview mirror. That's what the Republicans should be doing going forward. They squandered their historic majority and they were punished. But let's not kid ourselves. The American people have been clubbed to death like baby seals by a drive by, jihad loving media and it took its toll. Years and years of lies and propaganda had its effe...

Julia Corker Update: Julia's father wins his Senate race. That's Julia on the right. And no, on second thought, I'm not going to run that photo aga...


Thought It Would Happen Sooner

Yes, I know, I'm jumping on the bandwagon with every other gossip rag and news source, but I just HAD to announce the news: Britney has filed papers to divorce K-Fed! Oh, what a tragedy!As if everyone didn't see this coming from the first time the news reported on them. I REALLY feel so sorry for the children. Those two pieces of white-trash were made for each other--too bad they reproduced. Oh, well, it will be interesting to see what produces more headlines--Britney and K-Fed or the election! (Now all we have to do is wait for the inevitable...

Top Republican strategists concede House probably lostGo Democrats! Vote! Remember, not only is the future of the Republic at stake in this election, but also I have $20 riding on the Democrats taking the House.Meanwhile: FBI investigating GOP voter intimidation in VirginiaRaw Story today links to a Greg Palast article "HOW THEY STOLE THE MID-TERM ELECTION " but the link is dead. Greg Palast's website is also down. I'm trying not to get paranoid about this. You can read the article HERE or HERE.GOP warns about the evil exit polls.GOP fraudulent...

From Wonkette:The list of straight male Republicans currently stands at:Don SherwoodJohn Swee...

On Sunday, I spoke with a former senior Bush administration official who has publicly predicted the Republicans will retain a one- or two-seat majority in the House and keep control of the Senate. But his manner indicated he didn't believe it. "This is what I have to say," he told me. "This is my public position." I asked what his private view was. He rolled his eyes....

The Dems counter with:From Juanita's via Dependable Renegade Go Democra...

Do the Republican Think Black People are Stupid?There are reports out of Nashville that African Americans are getting phone calls telling them if they voted for Harold Ford Jr. in the August primary, they don't need to vote for him again now. A poster at Democratic Underground linked to this story. Step 1: vote the bastards out of office. Step 2: put them in prison. Sound like a pl...

Have they NO shame? That's a rhetorical question. I would love to have been in the room when they came up with this one. "Make the hand darker than the girl but not so dark that we can't deny it's a black man if challenged." What is the message here? Vote Republican or your wife or daughter will be raped by a black m...

Unless there are levels of theft and fraud that would truly mean the end of American democracy, a Democratic House seems as close to a sure thing as we ever get in American politics three days before an election. - Boston Globe columnist Robert Kutt...

Essential Reading on JFK AssassinationOne of the best Kennedy assassination researchers, Larry Hancock, has a new book out Someone Would Have Talked available now at his website, and soon to be available at Amazon and other outlets. I have not seen the new edition yet, but I did read an earlier version, and feel confident in highly recommending this...

Military Times editor accused of 'treason'The wingnuts at WorldNetDaily have responded to the editorial in four military newspapers calling for firing Donald Rumsfe...

Republican Election Fraud has already begun:The Republicans appear to have a nationwide program of making fake phone calls appearing to be from local Democratic candidates in order to harass people in their homes. The result? The persona harassed by repeated calls from the supposed Dem candidate (apparently they keep calling you over and over again all night long) no longer wants to vote for the Dem candidate who is harassing them at home. Of course, the public doesn't know that it's really the Republican party pretending to be a Democr...


Thanks to all for the well-wishes and concern. I know all will turn out right and not be as serious as I worry it will be. I will keep everyone informed as to what is going on. Have a good we...

Jill Sobule - I Kissed A GirlFor Julia Cor...

Position: CenterShoots: LeftHeight: 5'11''Age: 28Date Of Birth: 7-20-1978Born in Sverdlovsk, Rus...

"It’s the worst political environment for Republican candidates since Watergate,” said Glen Bolger, a Republican pollster working in many of the top races this ye...

Scott Ritter on Iran:Some 180 miles south of Tehran lies the Natanz nuclear enrichment facility. Tucked away on the side of the road, surrounded by a makeshift berm and numerous antiaircraft artillery emplacements, the facility has the outward appearance of something dark and ominous. But the secrets concerning what lies within are well-known to the world as a result of inspections carried out by the International Atomic Energy Agency. What the inspectors say is crystal clear: There is no evidence that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program....

Pavel Datsyuk holding the stanly cupThis Russian Olympian,In the duration of 70 games, Pavel Datsyuk had 11 goals and 24 assists his rookie year. Not to mention only 4 penalty minutes.Not bad. I think he may be still a little shy to simply take the shot. Instead he seems to look for the perfect pass. Whatever he's doing, it's good. Who am I to...

The Long, Boring Story

Here is what has been happening around here, in chronological order:--A week ago Thursday, K went to the walk-in clinic to be checked out because of his cough.--He was told he had a viral-thing that is going around and it will go away on its own.--He ALSO was told his blood pressure was VERY high and needed to see a primary care physician ASAP. He hasn't seen his PCP--who is also MY PCP--in eight years. The physician's assistant gave him a prescription for BP meds.--Friday at 7:30am I called the dr's office to set up an appointment for him--NOT...

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