What A Game!

I was all ready to give up on tonight's game and they actually won it! The Islanders were winning 3-0 as the third period began. Then, out of nowhere, the Wings managed 3 goals to end with a 3-3 tie! One more goal was scored during overtime to win 4-3. Detroit played an amazing 20 minutes of hockey tonight--too bad a game is 60 minutes long. If they could consistently play good, solid hockey for 60 minutes, there would be no team around that could beat them. Unfortunately, they can't keep it going for an entire game. All in all, though,...

Oswald's CIA Connections ConfirmedFrom a public address by author and JFK assassination writer Joan Mellen available here. Joan provides evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was part of a false defector program that sent spies into the Soviet Union, run by the head of CIA Counter-Intelligence James Jesus Angleton.One of those CIA documents demonstrates that Oswald, indeed one of Angleton’s assets in the Soviet Union, communicated back to the CIA through a CIA asset at American Express named Michael Jelisavcic. One of my discoveries for “A Farewell to...

"I fear that what we are seeing now is an administration intent on laying the groundwork for a wider war in the Middle East."- Senator Robert B...

The authority to kill U.S. citizens is granted under a secret finding signed by the president ...

I woke up late yesterday afternoon, and missed everything but the last two minutes of the game against Colorado. Not much of a rivalry anymore is it? Datsyuk did score and that made me happy.Today in the Detroit News paper they stated something about Datsyuk being a "rising star." I think they should have spoken to me a couple years ago. But what do I know right?Here is a video of Pavel Datsyuk from Russia to Red Wings and his greatest.You might not like the music so I would suggest turning it down. (I didn't pick the music)7 minutes 26 ...

The report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is in the final stages of editing and is expected to conclude that there is at least a 90 percent probability that human-caused emissions are the main driver of warming since 1950.``We basically have three choices - mitigation, adaptation, and suffering,” said John Holdren, the president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and an energy and climate expert at Harvard University. ``We’re going to do some of each. The question is what the mix is going to be. The more...

Asia Times: Debunking Iran's nuclear myth makersthe Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, has made known his displeasure with Ahmadinejad's hardline politics through an editorial in the newspaper Jomhuri Eslami, which has called on the president to stay out of the nuclear issue.The fact is that after some three years of intrusive inspections, the IAEA has discovered no smoking gun and in its various reports, including the September 2006 report, it has admitted that "to date there is no evidence that the previously undeclared nuclear material...

Meet the CIA's New Baghdad Station Ch...

Sunday Trivia

For those who would like to ease their way into the Monday routine, I present another installment of trivia. Thanks, again, goes to mental_floss.--John Lennon and his son Sean were both born on October 9.--In the year 2000, the number of US households with computers reached the 50% threshold. In 1984 only 8.4% of homes had computers.--Sardine oil is more costly than the fish, so canners attempt to package as many sardines in each can as possible.--On October 31, 1926, Harry Houdini died of peritonitis caused by a ruptured appendix.--The Crescent...

And They Won

I really was worried about how the Wings would do today--after all, they have injuries and illness galore. All three of the goalies had problems: one with a broken finger, two with the flu. Hasek must have felt a whole lot better, because he played. Even though the announcers weren't too high on the game, I thought it was quite good. It wasn't a high scoring game--3-1--but there was good hockey to be seen. We even got to see a couple of slight shoving matches, but nothing more. I'm still waiting to see a good, old-fashioned fight--wonder...

March against the war...

A U.S. helicopter was shot down early Sunday afternoon near the provincial capital Najaf during a pitched battle with fighters described as religious fanatics. This is the third helicopter shot down in recent days. The insurgents seem to be getting better weapo...

If there was a clock to trace our progress towards fascism, I'd put the hands at about 10 minutes to midnight....

World War III has already begun, says Israeli spy chief.A third World War is already underway between Islamic militancy and the West but most people do not realize it, the former head of Israel’s intelligence service Mossad said in an interview published Saturday in Portugal.‘We are in the midst of a third World War,’ former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy told weekly newspaper Expres...

Something Else That's Boring

With nothing interesting to say, I decided to post a list of some of the movies I have never seen. What can I say, it's been a slow news day! :)--Casablanca--Goodfellas--Chinatown--L A Confidential--The Maltese Falcon--Singin' In The Rain--On The Waterfront--Annie Hall--any Marx Brothers' movies--40 Year Old Virgin*--Titanic*--Scarface--Rebel Without A Cause--Shane--anything by Michael Moore*--Halloween (any number)*So, am I depriving myself by never having seen any of these? Are any of the movies on the list your favorite? Feedback will be...

Didn't Quite Get It Together

The Wings lost in overtime to St. Louis, 2-1 tonight. It just seemed as if the players were like a bunch of kids coming back after spring break: just not quite with it. It was not a good game. As a matter of fact, I did my filing while the game was on--not something I would normally do during a well-played game. While it isn't an excuse, the Wings were playing without a number of their regular players: 3 had the flu, one has a bad knee, one is out with a broken collarbone, and one has a broken foot. Two or three players had to be called...

Henry Kissinger on Terrorism and "New World Order"The war in Iraq is part of another war that cuts across the Shia-Sunni issue: the assault on the international order conducted by radical groups in both Islamic sects. Such organizations as Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Mahdi army in Iraq and the Qaeda groups all over the Middle East seek to reassert an Islamic identity submerged, in their view, by Western secular institutions and values.The most important target is the United States, as the most powerful country of the West and the indispensable component...

Bush denies preparing attack against Iran“We believe we can solve our problems with Iran diplomatically,” said the US president. Bush wouldn't lie about a war, would ...

Horrible Nightmares

I really don't know when I will be back to what I laughingly call normal. Last night I had horrible nightmares and I'm just trying to get over them. Of course, if I use the term 'horrible nightmares,' it must mean the main characters in my dreams were The Family--and that is true. Every single hurt, slight, yell, etc, that they have done to me in the past was in this particular nightmare--and my mind even made up a few for good measure! I still have to stop myself from shaking every once in awhile--it just was too, too real. Hopefully the...

Rolling Stone:"He's an icon. Imagine that: Al Gore, Mr. Straight and Narrow, Mr. Dull on Wheels -- now he's culturally coo...

NHL All Star Game

I watched the All Star game last night--albeit, with the volume off while I was on the phone with A. :) It really turned out to be a goal-fest with the West winning 12-9 over the East. I was kind of pleased that the young upstarts (Sidney Crosby) didn't run away with the game as predicted. Experience DOES count for something--and the youngsters need to sit back and watch the veterans do what they have been doing so well for so long. It also was nice to see the West win because the best players--statistically speaking--are in the East. Just...

Siberia's Once-Frozen Tundra Is MeltingWASHINGTON, October 12, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- The landscape of Siberia is transforming. New lakes are forming in the north, while existing lakes are getting larger. Some buildings and houses built upon the permafrost are sinking and starting to crack.What's more, scientists expect this process to speed up, because as the lakes thaw, they release carbon and methane into the air, which in turn contributes to global warming.And now for the really bad news:Vicious CircleAnd, Siberia's problems affect not only Siberians....

Senator Chuck Hagel describes the original Iraq war resolution that the White House sent over in this interview.It wasn’t specific to Iraq?Oh no. It said the whole region! They could go into Greece or anywhere. I mean, is Central Asia in the region? I suppose! Sure as hell it was clear they meant the whole Middle East. It was anything they wanted. It was literally anything. No boundaries. No restrictions.They expected Congress to let them start a war anywhere they wanted in the Middle East? Yes. Yes. Wide open. We had to rewrite it. Joe Biden,...

The escalation of US military planning on Iran is only the latest chess move in a six-year push within the Bush Administration to attack Iran, a RAW STORY investigation has found....

The Web, Politics, 'Excuse Me?!' and Trivia

--Blogger was having some issues earlier today and it seems as if they might be fixed. But, then, who really knows. On a related matter: I have been having serious slowness problems with Sitemeter for the past several days. It is as if I was using dial-up AND every person in the world was trying for Sitemeter at the same time. Slow doesn't even come close to describing the problem. Actually, the entire Web has been just a scooch off for a few days. Hmm.--Watched a few of the 'highlight' clips from the State of the Union address today and...

Candy B...

Video Interview with Gordon NovelIt would be easy to dismiss Gordon Novel. The interview above contains references to the Illuminati, reverse-engineering UFOs and anti-gravity--the sort of topics that I stay away from, for the most part. But Gordon Novel has a habit of popping up in some of history's most intriguing cases. He was Jim Garrison's Chief of Security--before Garrison tried to indict him. He discussed erasing the Watergate tapes with Chuck Colson. He was involved in the Waco investigation with Ramsey Clark. He makes an appearance in...

Hockey Players and Elected Officials

Even though I am not getting to see the Red Wings play this week, I did watch the YoungStars game and the SkillsCompetition. Actually, the game didn't hold my interest too well. The last time I realized what the score was, it was somewhere around 9-8 or so. This was, of course, the best of the best young players, so it wasn't that much of a competition. I found the SkillsCompetition to be quite good. It always is amazing to watch a player shoot the puck into the net at 100+ mph. THAT is why it hurts so much when a player gets hit with one!...

Watergate figure E. Howard Hunt dies at 88(Miami - AP, January 23, 2007) - E. Howard Hunt, who helped organize the Watergate break-in that led to the greatest scandal in American political history and the downfall of Richard Nixon's presidency, died Tuesday. He was 88.From the Watergate tapes:Colson: HUNT is a fellow who I would trust. I mean, he's a true believer, a real patriot. My God, the things he's done for his country. It's just a tragedy he gets smeared with this. Of course, the other story that a lot of people have bought is that HOWARD...

And We Think WE Have Restrictive Rules

From mental_floss:Naming your baby Brooklynn, America, or Lindsee might be acceptable (if mockable) in the good ol’ US of A, but don’t try a stunt like that in Denmark. Of all the European laws regulating baby names, Denmark’s are the strictest. Danish parents must choose from a state-approved list of 7,000 names, which seems like a lot, until you fall in love with a name that isn’t on there. And bucking the system means months of slogging through a bureaucratic process to get your chosen moniker individually approved by the Names Investigation...

God damn it all to hell--yesterday was Blog for Choice Day and nobody told me. This blog is absolutely pro-choice. The goverment should keep out of our bedrooms and should keep out of women's wombs. Anyone who is anti-abortion is advised not to have o...

'Smoking Gun' on Global WarmingWASHINGTON - Human-caused global warming is here, visible in the air, water and melting ice, and is destined to get much worse in the future, an authoritative global scientific report will warn next week."The smoking gun is definitely lying on the table as we speak," said top U.S. climate scientist Jerry Mahlman, who reviewed all 1,600 pages of the first segment of a giant four-part report. "The evidence ... is compelling."No amount of evidence will convince the wingnuts, of course, but inevitably they will become...

Our Rightful President Al Gore. Say, has he lost weig...

Libby to Cheney: "I will not be sacrificed so Karl Rove can be protected.''...

The New York Times asks: Have Pakistani intelligence agencies been promoting the Islamic insurgency?After the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States, President Pervez Musharraf, under strong American pressure, pledged to help root out Islamic extremism, and, as both head of the army and president, he has more direct control of the intelligence services than past civilian prime ministers. But according to several analysts, Pakistani intelligence officials believe it is more prudent to prepare for the day when Western troops leave Afghanis...

A Tuesday Funny

I'm sure this has been passed around far and wide, but it still gives me a chuckle. Hope you enjoy.20 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point your Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with that.4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In."5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten over Their...

PETAs State of the Union Address (nudi...

I got caught up in the Global Warming debate on today over at See Jane Mom. I was less concerned about debating global warming, which we had already debated on Friday, than with correcting some statements Jane had made about Dr. Heidi Cullen of the Weather Channel. Some excerpts:Jane: When "climatologist", Ms. Cullen, armed with her bachelor's degree in Near Eastern religions and history from Juniata College starts spouting that if you "don't have the time" to understand global warming, just read this little puff piece from the Pew Center, that's...

Monday Ramblings

--I never would have believed it, but I am having withdrawal symptoms because the Wings won't be playing again till Friday. What will I do when the season is over?--K saw the PCP today. While his blood pressure and cholesterol are pretty good--for someone who is otherwise healthy--the nephrologist wants the numbers much lower. So, he came home with two more prescriptions. He now will be taking Lipitor and another blood pressure med. If he keeps this up, he'll catch up to the amount of pills I take every day! (prescription AND supplements...

Datsyuk in slow motion19 ...

Sunday Trivia

As my life is just about as boring as it can get, I don't have anything to write about. So, with that in mind, I hope you enjoy some trivia. Thanks to the January/February issue of mental_floss magazine for all of these facts.--Both Neil Diamond and Giorgio Armani trained to be doctors but never finished med school.--The actual name of the character in the board game 'Operation' is Cavity Sam.--In India, starting 4000+ years ago and continuing as recently as the early years of British colonization, execution by elephant was done. This consisted...

As one blogger put it: shooting an old man in the face is probably the least evil thing Dick Cheney has ever do...

Very Sad

The Wings lost their second in a row--I'm sad. At least tonight's game was better played than last night's--but it still did no good. Hopefully, with the week off, they will get well rested and be back in good form when they play again on Friday.Only one of the Detroit players--Lidstrom--will be playing in the All-Star game. Zetterberg took himself out of the game because he has tendinitis in his wrist and will probably need a cortisone shot before they play again. Good grief, they don't need another player that can't play! Tonight Kronwall...

The Lee Harvey Oswald Bar in Ber...

Miss Candy B...

I Attract Craziness

I must be on the 'strangest magazine' subscription offer list. Got another one in the mail today: Obit magazine. From what I can tell, it is going to be about dead people--famous and not so--and what their lives can tell us about our own. They will do in-depth obituaries and use them as a starting place for introspection. Oooookay!But, this got me to thinking (not good)--am I ever going to be one who will not only 'never speak ill of the dead,' but a person who puts the dead on a pedestal? For example: K's identical twin died when they...

BBC: Cheney Rejected Iran Concessions in 2003Iran offered the US a package of concessions in 2003, but it was rejected, a senior former US official has told the BBC's Newsnight programme.Tehran proposed ending support for Lebanese and Palestinian militant groups and helping to stabilise Iraq following the US-led invasion.Offers, including making its...

And Furthermore...

While I realize with my last post that I explained the reasons for not liking football, I neglected to say why I think I HATE it. One reason and one reason only: Packer fans. I'm sure there are many who are NOT complete idiots, I just haven't found any. (And if any non-idiotic Packer fan happens to read this, I apologize.) And the biggest, most idiotic Packer fan I know: The Brother. Enough sa...

I Hate Football

Now, from the title of this post, you would think I hate football. You just don't understand. See, I REALLY HATE FOOTBALL!!!!! That might bring across my message a little better. I have actually been know to cry when a football game--that is EVERY game ever played--has gone over its allotted time and caused a program I want to watch NOT to start...


Well, Robin has kindly shared his germs with me so I also have a cold that he brought back with him from Perth. I have so much to do and am not very impressed which is an understatement. I missed him terribly when he was away and hope I don't next time he goes which will be in a couple of weeks.Job application is still going, have left my candidacy for a while. Doing lots of paperwork for TAFE which starts up again soon. That will be a relief for my diminishing bank balance. I am looking forward to the interaction with students again. I guess I...

Been Tired Lately, Haven't Had Much To Say, EXCEPT...

The Wings won against Nashville tonight, 5-3. WHOO HOO!! This puts them just 2 points behing Nashville in the run for first in the division. The game definitely started off slow, but became very good as time went on. Only two more games till the All-Star break. Halfway through the year--lots more hockey to go!I really have been in quite a slump lately. Don't know if it's the time of year or if my thyroid is off-whack again. I just think I can WILL myself out of this, but it isn't happening. I have to do something, though.From the "And This...

"Fugitive Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar is alive and well and living in Pakistan under the protection of the Pakistan intelligence agency, the captured spokesman for the Taliban, Mohammad Hanif," ABC News repor...

"I am concerned, however, that a contrived Gulf of Tonkin type incident may well occur to obtain popular support for an attack on Iran"Rep. Ron P...

A poster at the Rigorous Intuition Forum posted a link to this book. I am skeptical as to both telepathy and UFOs, much less secret bases on the moon. Nonetheless, the American military and intelligence community spent a good deal of money investigating remote viewing and Ingo Swann was right in the middle of it. A PDF of this rare book can be found...

Author Blames 9/11 On 'Cultural Left'Conservative author Dinesh D'Souza has a new book out The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11."I am saying that the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the nonprofit sector, and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world," explains D'Souza.What he means by this is that the secular progressive left during the past few decades, with its focus on promoting and even glorifying (at home...

US Military equipment sold to Iran:In one case, convicted middlemen for Iran bought Tomcat parts from the Defense Department's surplus division. Customs agents confiscated them and returned them to the Pentagon, which sold them again — customs evidence tags still attached — to another buyer, a suspected broker for Ir...

Pavel Scores Russia Vs. Finland

Great Goal...

Pavel Datsyuk In The Russian Shootout

Someone please translate...

Another Shutout!

The Wings won 2-0 over Montreal tonight, giving Hasek his 74th career shutout. This puts the 'Dominator' in the top 10 on the career shutout list! And the man is in good company with Tony Esposito, Jacques Plante, Martin Brodeur, and Terry Sawchuk. Surprisingly, he was passed over for the All-Star game next week--and at a league-leading 1.98 goals-against average! He seemed quite disappointed--as he should be--but it probably is a good thing. His injuries have historically come during the second half of the year, and he doesn't need to be...

We Have Winter

Anyone who has read this blog for awhile knows that I really don't mind winter--I don't even mind the snow all that much. What I DO mind is getting winter all at once! Yes, it has been snowing and doesn't look as if it will stop for a few more hours at least. K has to get the ol' snowblower out and start taking care of the driveway--hopefully not much more snow will come after he's done. It looks as if we will have 6" to 12" here in the city when it is all said and done. While that isn't a LOT of snow for us, it just isn't fun for it to come...

TRUTH AT LAST, TRUTH AT LAST: The Real Story of James Earl Ray For the first time, the brother of James Earl Ray shares his knowledge of the murder of MLK that has never been revealed before. James Earl Ray was inducted by the C.I.A. while still a young man in the Army and subjected to mind control experimentation - in that same era when the hallucinogenic drug LSD is known to have been administered by the armed services to unknowing recruits. The mind control work on James Earl Ray took place more than twenty years before he would become known...

Sunday Evening (Can't Have a Better Title Than This, Right?)

Burg in Oklahoma wrote all about their ice storm on Friday--nasty stuff. While we had freezing rain, we didn't get as much as they had--and ours was more of the 'black ice' variety. Of course, this kept ME home! Since the drizzle stopped, we have been getting snow--looks as if winter has arrived. We are now under a lake effect snow warning through tomorrow night. While we here in the city don't (usually) have as much to worry about, the out-lying areas may be getting up to 12" of the white stuff. I guess we may not have to worry about the...

Arab Times: US military strike on Iran seen by April ’07 Washington will launch a military strike on Iran before April 2007, say sources. The attack will be launched from the sea and Patriot missiles will guard all oil-producing countries in the region, they add. Recent statements emanating from the United States indicate the Bush administration’s new strategy for Iraq doesn’t include any proposal to make a compromise or negotiate with Syria or Iran. A reliable source said President Bush recently held a meeting with Vice President Dick Cheney,...

Howard Hunt Blames JFK Hit on LBJ! Only the most far-out conspiracy theorists believe in scenarios like Hunt's. But in a new memoir, "American Spy: My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate & Beyond," due out in April, Hunt, 88, writes: "Having Kennedy liquidated, thus elevating himself to the presidency without having to work for it himself, could have been a very tempting and logical move on Johnson's part."LBJ had the money and the connections to manipulate the scenario in Dallas and is on record as having convinced JFK to make the appearance...

Troop 'Surge' More of a 'Trickle' One of the reinforcing combat brigades is not scheduled to deploy to the chaotic country until May of 2007 — some five months after the president's dramatic Jan. 10 official announcement of the shift in policy. As a result of the president's Iraq strategy review, the Department of Defense quietly released on Thursday the particulars of the surge of some 21,500 U.S. military forces for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Three Army combat brigades will deploy as follows, say officials:The Third Brigade, Third Infantry Division,...

The American company appointed to advise the US government on the economic reconstruction of Iraq has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars into Republican Party coffers and has admitted that its own finances are in chaos because of accounting errors and bad management....

"I want to address kind of a rumor, an urban legend that's going around," White House spokesman Tony Snow said in a highly unusual prepared statement at his daily briefing Friday as worry over US-Iran tensions ran high."This notion that somehow what the president was announcing was a precursor to planned military action -- a planned war against Iran, that's just not the case," Snow told reporters.Never believe anything until it has been officially deni...

Irony in IraqIronically, these death squads are the direct by-product of US policy. At the beginning of 2004, with no end to the Sunni insurgency in sight, the Pentagon was reported to have decided to train Shia and Kurdish fighters to carry out "irregular missions". The policy, exposed in the US media, was called the "Salvador Option" after the US-backed counter-insurgency in Latin America more than 20 years ago, which led to 70,000 deaths and countless violations of human rights. Some of the most persistent allegations of abuse have been made...

Top 10 Goals

"Pavel"2 minutes 46 secFor more recent Pavel watch his 100th goal or Datsyuk in super slow moti...

Some highlights from the Colorado game last week.Zetterburg ends the game with a spectacular goal in the shootout.Datsyuk's goal on one skate was amazing as well. 3 minutes 48 sec Thanks to 13C1303 for this clip, it's of the one of the greatest fights in my NHL viewing histo...

Somalia attack "backfired spectacularly"Oxfam yesterday confirmed at least 70 nomads in the Afmadow district near the border with Kenya had been killed. The nomads were bombed at night and during the day while searching for water sources. Meanwhile, the US ambassador to Kenya has acknowledged that the onslaught on Islamist fighters failed to kill any of the three prime targets wanted for their alleged role in the 1998 US embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam.The operation, which opened a new front in Washington's anti-terror campaign, seems...

A New Meme

While I was surfing tonight, I found a few interesting memes--and I will post them over the next several days. Here is the first one:Do a Google search for "[your name] needs" and list what the Internet thinks you need!Here are some of the things I need:...some lovin' (don't we all?) stop looking at clothes (and the point is?)! (always)...her (depends?!)...a bone marrow transplant (hope not)...your help! (at some later date)...parents who will be able to be patient (won't go there)...her head examined (and this is surprising, WHY?)

Harry Potter Experiment Update

Since doing my Harry Potter posts yesterday, I haven't had anyone come to this blog through a 'Harry Potter' search. Now, I don't know if this means that the experiment failed, but...I guess I can only wait and monitor my hit counters.I must say, though, for the past several days I have had more traffic here than usual--and none of it has anything to do with Harry Potter. The main searches (historically) that bring people to this blog are 'garters and stockings' and 'spanked brats.' To tell the truth, I DON'T want to know the people who search...

"Nuclear San Francisco" by Charles Neenan (c 2002) I just thought this was a striking ima...

The Left Wing of the C.I.A. by Perry Raymond Russo (click to enlarge)Yes, that Perry Russo, who testified in Jim Garrison's trial of Clay Shaw. I did not know that he was an artist. Actually the full title of the piece is:"The Left Wing of the C.I.A. Rides the Democratic Party Donkey to War In Vietnam, While the Angel of God Admonishes Satan the President...

So far a very low re-enlistment rate among the dead. Why do the dead hate Ameri...

The American people elected Richard Nixon because they thought he had a secret plan to end the war in Vietnam. Instead he widened the war into Cambodia and Laos. The American people repudiated President Bush's Iraq policies in November. He did not get the message.Robert Parry: At a not-for-quotation pre-speech briefing on Jan. 10, George W. Bush and his top national security aides unnerved network anchors and other senior news executives with suggestions that a major confrontation with Iran is looming.Commenting about the briefing on MSNBC after...

Holmstrom's Hat Trick

Tomas Holmstrom--along with the Eurotwins (Zetterberg and Datsyuk)--helped the Wings to a 5-1 win over Phoenix. It really was great to see the Wings play as well as they did--after all, this was the last game of their longest road trip for the year. Holmstrom got his second hat trick of his NHL career--always an exciting thing.On Saturday we get to see Detroit against Chicago--always a thrill to watch two of the original six pl...

Harry Potter...But Not Hockey

A lot of people are beginning to think I write too much about hockey, but not with this post. This is a part of the Harry Potter search/hit experiment. I know, I posted for the experiment already, but I figured I would up the possibility of getting hits if I put the term 'Harry Potter' in the title of the post. Will it work? We'll see. I haven't had anyone come to this blog by searching for Harry Potter yet, so this will tell if it matters if the term is in the title or not.As you can tell, I'm trying to write quite a bit of drivel--hoping...

Wing's play Coyotes at 9:00 P.M.Mistake?As of 1-10-2...

I'm Following The Crowd!

Dazd over at Dazd and Confuzed From Here posted about an experiment to see how many hits a blog could get if Harry Potter was mentioned. Because Harry Potter is a term that is searched for numerous times a day, mentioning Harry Potter should increase the hits a blog gets. So, I am following the crowd and joining in on the experiment--we'll see if this blog gets more hits just by mentioning Harry Potter.Dazd also mentioned the possibility of getting more hits by talking about the Rosie O'Donnell/Donald Trump feud. I don't like either of those...

"I'm a dead man."Robert Howard posts some most interesting information on one of the mysterious deaths related to the JFK assassination, Hank Killam, who allegedly committed suicide by jumping though a plate glass window, severing his jugular vein. His brother was skeptical: "You don't commit suicide by jumping through a ground floor window." Hank Killam was married to an employee of Jack Ruby."I'm a dead man," Killam had claimed after fear forced him to flee from Dallas where he was linked both with Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald. Threats in...

Robert Anton Wilson, author of factual and fictional conspiracy books, died today. In his last blog post, Saturday January 6, he wrote Please pardon my levity, I don't see how to take death seriously. It seems absurd. From his post of December 5:Wavy Gravy once asked a Zen Roshi, "What happens after death?"The Roshi replied, "I don't know."Wavy protested, "But you're a Zen Master!""Yes," the Roshi admitted, "but I'm not a dead Zen Master."I recently ran a quote by poet and blogger Piergiorgio Welby, who died recently:"Dying must be like falling...

About sums up my reaction to the Bush spee...

"Succeeding in Iraq also requires defending its territorial integrity – and stabilizing the region in the face of the extremist challenge. This begins with addressing Iran and Syria. These two regimes are allowing terrorists and insurgents to use their territory to move in and out of Iraq. Iran is providing material support for attacks on American troops. We will disrupt the attacks on our forces. We will interrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria. And we will seek out and destroy the networks providing advanced weaponry and training to...

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