While My Guitar Gently Weeps

Here is the original version--the one I will download as soon as it becomes available! I was very surprised that I found ...


Jeff Buckley sang 'Hallelujah' live on French TV in 1995--that is where this video is from. In 1997 he drowned at the age of 30. Trag...


The only videos I could find for this song were fan-tribute vids for the show House, MD--the show where I first heard this song. Sorry. At least the entire song is played in this video, unlike othe...

Hey Man, Nice Shot

This is the original video--lousy video, great so...

Goodnight Moon

I found the video with the band Shivaree--might be the original one. I had never seen this before--just love the song, so I didn't care about the video. ...

Sweet Home Chicago

Clapton is up again playing this song. The other soloist is Doyle Bramhall II--he is amazing. Bramhall was part of Clapton's band when we saw them in concert--he is left-handed and plays a right-handed guitar upside down and backwards! It was awsome watching him pl...

(I'm Your) Hootchie Cootchie Man

I was able to find this video of Muddy Waters singing Hootchie Cootchie Man at the Newport Jazz Festival in 1960. Great rendition of the song. I really love the pia...

Salt Of The "Oval" Silhouette

This is salt of the Death Valley floor as far as the eye can see ("See Salt"). This salt may be eaten but it is not reccommended. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks, Copyright-2005Salt Of The "Oval" SilhouetteThere is Sea Salt and then there is "See Salt". Many love to experiment with different types of salt this great Earth provides while others don't get...


I did the My Seven (Plus One) post several days ago and realized how very eclectic my taste in music is--and obscure. So, I decided to try and find as many of the songs as I can and post them so that others can hear what I hear. The first one I have is 'Layla' by Eric Clapton. This particular video is from The Prince's Trust Concert from a few years back. While the song isn't played exactly like the original--I REALLY miss the sound of the slide guitar 'floating' above the rest of the instruments--it DEFINITELY shows what Clapton can do. If...

Things NOT To Do With Your Husband

K went out and bought an HDTV-ready Sony the other night. It is absolutely gorgeous and I THINK the picture will be worth the money--when we get it set up properly. I don't know if we are total idiots, if the Sony company has no idea HOW to write instruction manuals, if we didn't do the right kind of or enough research, or if Charter cable has us...

What can be said to our young people, now that psychopathic personalities, which is to say persons without consciences, without senses of pity or shame, have taken all the money in the treasuries of our government and corporations, and made it all their own? -Kurt Vonne...

From US News & World Report:Iranians Had Showdown With U.S. ForcesAccording to a U.S. Army report out of Iraq obtained by U.S. News, American troops, acting as advisers for Iraqi border guards, were recently surrounded and attacked by a larger unit of Iranian soldiers, well within the border of Iraq.The report highlights the details: A platoon of Iranian soldiers on the Iraqi side of the border fired rocket-propelled grenades and used small arms against a joint patrol of U.S. and Iraqi soldiers east of Balad Ruz. Four Iraqi Army soldiers, one...

Government Privatizing National SecurityDue to its increasing practice of contracting out to private firms and agencies, the U.S. government is quickly losing its expertise and competence in vital national security and defense programs, according to a Wall Street Journal report.The number of private federal contractors has now risen to 7.5 million, which is four times greater than the federal workforce itself, the report indicates. Such a trend is leading the government to what Wysocki calls the "outsourcing [of] its brai...

"Oddball" Earth

False-color satellite image of Chimborazo (center, left), Carihuairazo (10km northwest of Chimborazo), Tungurahua (center, right with ash plume) and El Altar (bottom, right), Ecuador. Pale blue indicates snow/ice cover, bright green indicates lush vegetation, and red indicates sparser vegetation. Tungurahua’s volcanic ash plume appears in lavender....

They Blew It Again

Every team has 'those games,' but the Wings seemed to have more than their share this year. From a 3-0 lead in the second, the Stars came back in the third to tie. No score during overtime and the Stars won in the shootout. And this isn't the first time the Wings have given up a 3-0 lead this season. I sure hope they don't do this during the playoffs!The game wasn't broadcast on any channel I get, so I had to listen to it on web-radio. So, I really can't tell how well Detroit played, but it sounded like a decent game. Only four more games...

NHL and Fighting

During the pre-game show tonight, there was some discussion--again--about fights taking place during games. (And despite all the talk, there is much less fighting going on these days than there was in years past. Believe me, I remember.) They went over the position of the players and the position of some of the powers-that-be and the position of everyone else, etc, etc, etc. I could go on and on about fighting in the NHL and I could give the reasoning behind it and the reasoning behind banning fights, but I won't go over the same ground that...

My Seven (Plus One)

Burg tagged me to list seven songs I am listening to. As I have the tendency to either 1) listen to entire albums until I want to puke, or 2) have music on for background noise, I decided to change this a little. I am going to list the seven songs I don't think I could EVER get sick of listening to--even if I listened to them every single day, multiple times. I will explain the 'plus one' at the end of the list. (Besides, I DO have this as the mix labeled 'BEST.') Here goes:1) Layla by Eric Clapton (Derek and the Dominoes)--original versionThis...

Take THAT Nashville!

The Wings won against Nashville 2-1. The game was very good and Detroit was ready for it--and Nashville even played quite well. It was nice to see Nashville play without the little pissant Tootoo--tonight was the last night of his suspension. They have too many good players to have to put up with the crap Tootoo pulls. I hope Barry Trotz realizes...

Mysterious hexagon spotted above Sat...

I spent more than 35 years in the department enforcing federal civil rights laws — particularly voting rights. Before leaving in 2005, I worked for attorneys general with dramatically different political philosophies — from John Mitchell to Ed Meese to Janet Reno. Regardless of the administration, the political appointees had respect for the experience and judgment of longtime civil servants.Under the Bush administration, however, all that changed. Over the last six years, this Justice Department has ignored the advice of its staff and skewed aspects...

Thursday Afternoon (Boring Title)

Yesterday ALL of the Red Wings were skating at practice. HOORAY!! Of course, there still is no word on when Zetterberg OR Kopecky will actually play, but it definitely is a step in the right direction. There is some indication that they BOTH might play a game or two before the season ends. Good, good news. Lebda WON'T be playing in Nashville tonight because of the concussion he got on Saturday. It seems as if it is more a case of not having a helmet fit correctly than any other reason. But he probably will play on Friday. It will be so...

Calling All Wingnuts takes on the global warming deniers, specifically Myron Ebell of the Competetive Enterprise Institute.“Mr. Ebell, I’m sorry, but I feel like I walked in on you in bed with my wife and you just spent the last two hours asking me if I was going to believe me or my lying eyes.” The crowd (and remember, this was a Federalist Society event) chortled.“I mean, heat waves killed hundreds or thousands in Europe and Chicago. Coral reefs are dying off. Bark beetles are devastating forests they’ve never been found in before because the...

Gen. Barry McCaffrey:"No Iraqi government official, coalition soldier, diplomat, reporter, foreign NGO [nongovernmental organization], nor contractor can walk the streets of Baghdad, nor Mosul, nor Kirkuk, nor Basra, nor Tikrit, nor Najaf, nor Ramadi, without heavily armed protectio...

LONDON: British government officials backed the methodology used by scientists who concluded that more than 600,000 Iraqis have been killed since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, the British Broadcasting Corp. reported Mond...

"If Bush attacked Iran tomorrow, the great majority of Americans would think he was nuts,'' Patrick Clawson, deputy director for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said last week at a conference in Washington on America's options with Iran....

WingnuttiaRepublican support is contracting to a base of about 25 per cent of the population whose views are getting more extreme, not merely because moderate conservatives are peeling off to become Independents, but also because of the party’s success in constructing a parallel universe of news sources, thinktanks, blogs, pseudo-scientists and so on, which has led to the core becoming more tightly committed to an extremist ideolo...

Nothing against Zetterburg but without him Datsyuk gets to show off a little. He still is pretty humble most of the time. He's doing great though, in my opinion. The most turnovers in the whole league! I don't know how he does it, but he's always where the puck ends up. He patiently waits for the puck only to steal it. Great work. The face offs...


The oldest granddaughter called me last night, all excited. It seems that she and her partner won third prize in the science fair. While that might not seem like that great of a deal, it IS a lot more impressive when you know that there were somewhere between 300 and 400 kids that participated! She's a smart one.**********After the record high temp of the other day--and the fact that it is still quite mild--I think I MAY be able to get out and start working the garden pretty soon. I'm sure the ground MUST be thawing already. Of course, no...

NON-Hockey Post

I realize I have been hockey-obsessed recently. And I realize not everyone cares one bit ABOUT hockey. And I realize I DO have some people making a point of checking in here daily, so it is time for me to do a non-hockey post. (You have to take what I can offer--I DO lead a boring life! :)) Here goes:I just read one of the best quotes I have seen...

75th Career Shutout

Dominik Hasek helped the Wings win against Anaheim by getting the 75th shutout in his career. Only one goal was scored, by Datsyuk. After losing four games in a row, this win seemed like a loooong time coming. Anaheim brought their physical game to Detroit, but the Wings pushed right back and didn't let them get the upper hand. A pretty good game.With the Wings clinching a playoff spot again this year, this is the 16th consecutive year for them to make it to the playoffs. This is the longest playoff streak in North American professional sports....

Ten Years Ago

It has actually been ten years since (as so many people would say) the greatest hockey game ever was played. Yes, I'm talking about THE game between Detroit and Colorado--the game of retribution for what Lemieux did to Draper the previous year. To those who don't know hockey, this video can look like a bunch of thugs beating on each other--but it was much more than that. On May 29, 1996, Draper was hit with a sucker punch by Lemieux--this ended Draper's season and left him with broken bones to his nose, jaw, cheekbone and eye socket. Five...

April 6 Sneak Attack By US Forces On Iran Planned - Russian Military Sources WarnWASHINGTON DC -- The long awaited US military attack on Iran is now on track for the first week of April, specifically for 4 AM on April 6, the Good Friday opening of Easter weekend, writes the well-known Russian journalist Andrei Uglanov in the Moscow weekly "Argumenty Nedeli." Uglanov cites Russian military experts close to the Russian General Staff for his accou...

The Secret White House Communication SystemGWB43 is the name of an internet server owned by the Republican National Committee.The White House has its own internal email system, ending in the .gov suffix, as mandated by the Presidential Records Act. The law requires that public business be conducted on a public server.Yet documents made public in the course of the U.S. Attorney Purge scandal reveal that key Administration figures used such email addresses ending with ""This story by Joseph Cannon deserves the widest possible circulation....

This is from World Net Daily! The conservative are turning on Gonzales.Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, both already under siege for other matters, are now being accused of failing to prosecute officers of the Texas Youth Commission after a Texas Ranger investigation documented that guards and administrators were sexually abusing the institution's minor boy inmates.Among the charges in the Texas Ranger report were that administrators would rouse boys from their sleep for the purpose of conducting all-night sex...

Blues 3, Red Wings 2

Okay, what is going on with the Wings? Here we go:--The season is way too long and they are plain tired. Several years ago, the playoffs would just be winding down about now--there still are 7 games for the Wings to play before the first round of the playoffs!--Injuries. At one time they had seven players out with injuries.--Zetterberg has been...

Most of the names in Howard Hunt's confession to his son (yesterdays post) are long time suspects. David Atlee Phillips was the subject of the very first post of this blog. Cord Meyer's role is news. Meyer was a senior CIA official. His ex-wife Mary was a free spirit who knew Timothy Leary and had an affair with John Kennedy.The day after Kennedy's assasination, according to Timothy Leary in his book Flashbacks, Mary phoned him and said: "They couldn't control him any more. He was changing too fast. He was learning too much... They'll cover everything...

Rolling Stone: The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt St. John still has the memo -- "It has all this stuff in it," he says, "the chain of command, names, people, places, dates. He wrote it out to me directly, in his own handwriting, starting with the initials 'LBJ' " -- and he's decided it's time his father's last secrets finally see some light, for better or for worse.E. Howard scribbled the initials "LBJ," standing for Kennedy's ambitious vice president, Lyndon Johnson. Under "LBJ," connected by a line, he wrote the name Cord Meyer. Meyer was...

The Bush administration's firing of the eight US Attorneys may or may not be illegal but they are sure as hell hiding something. It is apparently routine to replace all the US Attorneys when a new administration takes over, and replace them with people of your own political persuasion, but it looks like these eight were not partisan enough. There has got to be a point at which politicizing the Justice Department, and interfering with the activities of US Attorneys, would be illegal but it remains to be seen if the Bush administration passed that...


Detroit lost to Columbus 2-1. This, after being completely scoreless through the first two periods. And being tied after overtime. And having to go through SIX rounds of the shootout. Words fail.On to a brighter note: Bertuzzi played tonight. Now, he didn't set the world on fire, but he DID play over 16 minutes and did fine. He played a solid enough game and I think will definitely be an asset as time goes on. As he said, he only got to practice 10 minutes with the line they put him on before the game, so...(I HOPE he was kidding!) Actually,...


I hope everyone else wasn't as much of a slacker as I have been! K asked me earlier if I had checked our cat food to see if it was part of the recall--and I hadn't. Somewhere I got it in my head that it was dry dog food that was recalled--don't ask me where THAT came from--so I was going to ignore it all. Anyway, at least half of the food we have has been recalled! So, here is the link that will tell you if your dog OR cat food is on the recall li...

LA Times story: Two of E. Howard Hunt's sons say he knew of rogue CIA agents' plan to kill President Kennedy in 1963. "He told me in no uncertain terms about a plot originating in Miami, to take place in Miami," said St. John. He said his father identified key players and speculated that then-Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was responsible for moving the venue to Dallas, where the Texan could control the security scene.But the memoir's published passages about the assassination have an equivocal tone. Hunt provides only a hypothetical scenario...

Charles Harrelson deadCharles Voyde Harrelson - the killer-for-hire who prompted the biggest FBI investigation ever to probe El Paso by assassinating a federal judge - died last week at a federal prison in Colorado, the San Antonio Express-News reported this morning.Harrelson, 69, who was the father of actor Woody Harrelson, apparently died of a heart...

Hump Day

--K is on his last night shift--he will have a couple of days off before having to head back to work. That will be nice, as the weather is supposed to be okay--temps in the 40s. Before he left for work, he mentioned the possibility of doing burnt offerings one of these days. YAY! Grilled brats, hot dogs, and hamburgers! I always love the first...

Calgary 2, Detroit 1

Where do you even begin to explain the last two games Detroit has played? They are within 1 point of their seventh-straight 100-point season and they missed it again tonight. Of course, with nine games left to play, they WILL get to 100 (let's hope I didn't just jinx it), but there is really no reason for it to not have happened during this road...

Even though Datsyuk did score a goal, and beautifully I may add. I believe that's his highest ever in a season. The Red Wing's did not win unfortunately, however hard they tried.But there is always next ti...

Was the Osama bin Laden confession mistranslated? On 20 December 2001, German TV channel “Das Erste” broadcast its analysis of the White House’s translation of the OBL video that George Bush has called a “confession of guilt”. On the show “Monitor”, two independent translators and an expert on oriental studies found the White House’s translation not only to be inaccurate, but “manipulativ...

Patrick Buchanan calls Nancy Pelosi AIPAC's Girl If George W. Bush launches a pre-emptive war on Iran, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will bear full moral responsibility for that war.For it was Pelosi who quietly agreed to strip out of the $100 billion funding bill for Iraq a provision that would have required President Bush to seek congressional approval before launching any new war on Ir...

Day of the Chipmunks

Sunday was--to put it mildly--very interesting around here. Actually, this story starts on Saturday, so here goes.Early Saturday evening I went into the basement to start some laundry. When I got to the machines, I noticed that the dryer hose didn't look right. When I looked at it closer, I saw a hole in it--and it looked as if it was a CHEWED hole,...

From www.crooksandliars....

UFO Shot Down in IranA bright object was sighted in the sky of Arak, Iran’s Central Province, Friday night, and was shot down by the Iranian anti-aircraft missiles, BAZTAB reported.The Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) was completely destroyed by the country’s new air defense system, the report said. BAZTAB has learned that the bright object might have been a pilotless drone.Few months ago, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) confirmed reports that its drones were conducting reconnaissance flights over the Iranian sky.Some sources, however,...

Vancouver 4, Detroit 1

How many times and how many ways can you use the word 'inconsistent' before it becomes redundant? After they played two fantastic games with Nashville, the Wings come up with tonight's fiasco. I just don't know what to say. Granted, they were short-handed for around 15 minutes for the game--they had 32 penalty minutes assessed to them tonight--but...

Red Wings on tonight against Vancouver.I've heard people say Datsyuk can't defend himself. But that is not the case in this vid...

FBI File links Robert Kennedy to Marilyn Monroe's DeathBOBBY KENNEDY'S affair with the screen idol Marilyn Monroe has been documented, but a secret FBI file suggests the late US attorney-general was aware of - and perhaps even a participant in - a plan "to induce" her suicide.The detailed three-page report implicates the Hollywood actor Peter Lawford, Monroe's psychiatrist, staff and her publicist in the plot.How Bobby betrayed Marilyn While studying these unclassified files for a film, I came across one explosive document, to my knowledge never...

The Sibel Edmonds Case AgainSibel Edmonds' case is about the intersection of illegal arms trafficking, heroin trafficking, money laundering, terrorist activities and the corruption of many "highly-recognizable, highly-known names" in and around the US government. Sibel says that the people involved will go straight to prison if we can get hearings into her case. Richard Perle, in prison. Douglas Feith, in prison. Dennis Hastert, in prison. Marc Grossman, in prison.According to Sibel, the best place to begin trying to understand the case is a recent...

How Is Your Life?

The other night I came thisclose to getting myself a Wii. I had to go and do some grocery shopping--my refrigerator echoed when I yelled into it--so I decided to call around to the usual places and see if any of them had gotten any new shipments of Wiis. Wouldn't you know, Shopko was selling their LAST ONE as I was talking. Damn! I'm thinking that...


I am 100% Finn. All of my ancestors came from Finland and I still consider it to be my ancestral homeland. (I am, first and foremost, an American, however.) I am very proud to be of Finnish descent. Because the US doesn't have a large, or widely dispersed, population of Finns, many people don't know a lot about the country or its people. Here are some things to know about Finland and Finns:--16% of the population of the UP of Michigan is of Finnish descent. The UP has the largest concentration of Finns outside of Europe.--The UP of Michigan...

Valerie Plame Testifies Before CongressI'm grateful for this opportunity to set the record straight. I served the United States loyally and to the best of my ability as a covert operations officer for the Central Intelligence Agency.I worked on behalf of the national security of our country, on behalf of the people of the United States until my name...

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