Where were the refs?It looked like a particular ref was in the way of the puck?Which helped them to get one of their goals...?Just horrible calling on some of the penalty's, even Mickey Redmond said it during the game?He likes to call out the refs bad calls.I like that about him, as a commentator he says what he thinks.Which I'm thinking the same thing...

Pavel Datsyuk scores the final goal making it 3-2. Tying the series against San Jose at 1-1.Here is the goal below.20 ...

CIA analyst: Cheney, Libby lied to Congress about Pakistani nukes When Richard Barlow joined the CIA in 1985 as a counter-proliferation intelligence officer with particular expertise on Pakistan, he quickly realized that Pakistan was continuing to develop its nuclear program, and that some of its clandestine and illegal procurement activity was occurring within the US.It didn't take Barlow long to realize that US officials knew what Pakistan was doing. According to Barlow, individuals at the State Department later actively facilitated procurement,...

As I have already posted today, I will just put up a link to the OneDayBlogSilence site. This is to honor and remember the victims from Virginia Tech . Read more about it at the site. I will now go silent for the rest of the d...

Of Birthdays and Other Holidays

The month of May begins on Tuesday and that means several things for me: 1) The Mother's birthday, 2) my oldest daughter's birthday, 3) Mother's Day. I bet you can't guess where we went today!? Yes, we took a trip up-north to bring gifts.First, we stopped at The Parent's house so that I could give The Mother her birthday and Mother's Day gifts. (I ALWAYS try to do both at once. Why make two trips when I can get away with only one?) They weren't home. Now, I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. We left the gifts at C's house for her...

The Ordeal of Chaplain James YeeHe had become one of them.Like the suspected terrorists with whom he spoke as an Army Muslim chaplain at Guantanamo Bay, Capt. James Yee was accused of being an enemy to the country. He was detained at a Jacksonville, Fla., airport without being told why. All his wife knew back in Olympia, Wash., where he had been headed, was that he didn't show up.He was arrested and shackled at the wrists, waist and ankles. Goggles painted black were placed over his eyes. Large earmuffs blocked his hearing, he said."It's called...

"We cannot 'win' a war that serves our enemies interests and not our own. Thus continuing to pursue the illusion of victory in Iraq makes no sense. We can now see that it never did.--retired Lieutenant General William E. Odom, U.S. Army, former Director of the National Security Age...

Red Wings 3, Sharks 2

I am about the most pessimistic person in the world--I DEFINITELY will NEVER see the glass as half-full--but I really had every reason to be that way for the first 13 minutes of today's game. The Wings played just about the worst hockey I have ever seen! And then they got their first goal--and the tide turned. From then till the end of the game,...

And In Conclusion...

Before we got to go in to see Body Worlds 2, we spent some time wandering around the Museum of Science and Industry. While the place was okay, if I had my druthers, we would have been at the Field Museum of Natural History. Now THAT'S a place I could get lost in for DAYS and not want to leave! I don't want too much time to go by before we go back,...

Body Worlds 2--The Anatomical Exhibition of Real Human Bodies

On Saturday afternoon, we went to the Museum of Science and Industry--mainly so that we could see the exhibition Body Worlds 2. When we were in St. Paul for the Clapton concert, the exhibit was just down the street from where we were staying--I had NO interest in it. Then, our friends asked us if we wanted to see it when it came to Chicago and I...

San Jose 2-Detroit 0

I want to know how a team can get 34 shots on goal and NOT. SCORE. ONCE! I don't know if there is some kind of voodoo magic going on, but this has been a problem for the Wings for too long. Guess they have to pick themselves up, wipe their noses, and show the Sharks just who the dominant team is on Saturday. Go Win...

Light Wavelength Analysis Nets Purple Earth

This visualization shows global chlorophyll concentrations. Data taken with the MODIS instrument on NASA’s AQUA spacecraft, between July 1, 2002, and Dec. 31, 2004. Image Credit: NASA.Light Wavelength Analysis Nets Purple EarthResearchers here on the Oblate Spheroid, struggle to explain why microbial evidence throughout the Earth is varied yet so stratified.The...

Shedd Aquarium-Chicago

Our purpose for going to Chicago was to see the Body Worlds 2 exhibit, but the tickets we had were for 5:00pm, so we had the entire morning and early afternoon to do other things. We decided to go to the Shedd Aquarium first. We left the hotel about 9:00am and arrived in Chicago about 30-45 minutes later. I was amazed at the amount of traffic--in...

John Kerry talks about the collapse of World Trade Center Building Seven and Controlled Demolition. Is this just a gaf...

George McGovern:It is my firm belief that the Cheney-Bush team has committed offenses that are worse than those that drove Nixon, Vice President Spiro Agnew and Atty. Gen. John Mitchell from office after 1972. Indeed, as their repeated violations of the Constitution and federal statutes, as well as their repudiation of international law, come under increased consideration, I expect to see Cheney and Bush forced to resign their offices before 2008 is over....

GOP's Cyber Election Hit Squad ExposedDid the most powerful Republicans in America have the computer capacity, software skills and electronic infrastructure in place on election night 2004 to tamper with the Ohio results to ensure George W. Bush's re-election?The answer appears to be yes. There is more than ample documentation to show that on Election Night 2004 , Ohio's "official" Secretary of State website—which gave the world the presidential election results—was redirected from an Ohio government server to a group of servers that contain scores...

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has been recruiting former military and government intelligence officers for a branch of its global security office aimed at identifying threats to the world's largest retailer, including from "suspect individuals and group...

Scumbag Tom DeLay says top Dems close to treasonDemocratic leaders are acting like traitors by opposing the Iraq war, and President Bush must answer with a toughened stance, former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said Monday.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "are getting very, very close to treason," DeLay said in a meeting with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.He remains under indictment in his home state of Texas on charges of money laundering and conspiracy to commit money launderi...

Iran Foreign Minister accuses US of supporting terrorismIran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Monday claimed in Havana that Washington supported terrorism in various parts of the world, criticizing last week's release of a former CIA operative convicted in the deadly 1976 downing of a Cuban airliner.The Iranian diplomat, who was on a two-day visit to Cuba, decried what he called Washington's "support for terrorism in various parts of the world."His remarks followed last week's release on bail of former CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles,...

The Office of Special Counsel will investigate U.S. attorney firings and other political activities led by Karl Rove."We will take the evidence where it leads us," Scott J. Bloch, head of the Office of Special Counsel and a presidential appointee, said in an interview Monday. "We will not leave any stone unturned."I hope they nail the basta...

Getting Beautiful Isn't Pretty

I have to thank Yoopergirl for sending me this--it is one funny story!My night began as any other normal weeknight. Come home, fix dinner, play with the kids. I then had the thought that would ring painfully in my mind for the next few hours: "Maybe I should pull the waxing kit out of the medicine cabinet." So I headed to the site of my demise: the bathroom. It was one of those "cold wax" kits. No melting a clump of hot wax, you just rub the strips together in your hand, they get warm and you peel them apart and press them to your leg (or wherever...

Sweet Home Chicago

I do not now, nor have I ever lived in Chicago--and I don't want to. But what a weekend! I got to show my true self--that being a small town gal who lives just a block away from Hicksville where I was born and raised. Even though we didn't get a chance to drive the Miracle Mile or the Loop, we were close enough for me to gawk at all the big buildings....

AL-QAEDA leaders in Iraq are planning the first “large-scale” terrorist attacks on Britain and other western targets with the help of supporters in Iran, according to a leaked intelligence report.Spy chiefs warn that one operative had said he was planning an attack on “a par with Hiroshima and Nagasaki” in an attempt to “shake the Roman throne”, a reference to the We...

Unidentified gunmen have killed 23 people in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, police said.All the victims were said to be members of the Yazidi religious minority which follows a pre-Islamic religion and worships an angel figure.As I recall the story, Gurdjieff once witnesses a frightened Yazidi (or Yezidi) boy "trapped" inside a circle drawn in the di...

Respect for America in the world sinks lower with each Iraqi death and mutilation. Like the empires before it, America today looks like a pitiful Gulliver tied down in Lilliput, essentially powerless against a disparate and decentralized occupation resistance....

Are the ref's trying to fix the game or what? Maybe they have a bet going on that they don't want to lose. I'm not to worried though. Todays game just may be a blow out. Either Datsyuk or Zetterburg will shine tod...

Maury Island Update:Wreckage from secret 1947 mission found It was a mysterious, secret government mission. It ended in a fiery plane crash, and a crash site that was all but unknown. Almost 60-years after that plane went down, a curious explorer has found the wreckage, and is now trying to uncover its secrets.

In a question-and-answer period after his speech, Rove was asked whose idea it was to start a pre-emptive war."``I think it was Osama bin Laden's,'' Rove repli...

Military planners have abandoned the idea that standing up Iraqi troops will enable American soldiers to start coming home soon and now believe that U.S. troops will have to defeat the insurgents and secure control of troubled provinces.Training Iraqi troops, which had been the cornerstone of the Bush administration's Iraq policy since 2005, has dropped in priority, officials in Baghdad and Washington said....

The Chunnel Begets ... The Strunnel!

On the train to France entering the Euro Tunnel (Taken on June 11, 2006 ) - Image Credit: Flickr - mbcrawfordThe Chunnel Begets ... The Strunnel!Russia is proposing to dig a tunnel, a very long tunnel, by which crossing and transporting goods across the Bering Strait to Alaska (and back) can be accomplished without the necessary calculations for weather...


Detroit lost at Calgary--again. I'm not feeling very optimistic about the Wings' chances to get past the first round--this really gave Calgary a boost. Unfortunately, Detroit just can't get it together often enough to do what they need to do out west. And if they happen to get past the first round, they have to play out west during the next round....

I kind of expected a possible loss. Only because the hype of being at home for Calgary is tremendous.The fans cheering them on, their at home where they are more comfortable. Little thing's like that can be detrimental for the other team.But I do not think Calgary will pull it off this time? The hype is somewhat gone hopefully, and I would think the Red Wings will play pretty hard considering of course, they would like to continue to be in the playoffs. They don't want to get knocked out in the first round like before.It goes both ways though....

Newsy Post

From the title of this post, you can deduce one thing: BORING! While to me, my week has been a bit hectic, other people would say, 'Why can't I have that little to do?' :) Anyway, here is what has been going on in my world.I don't know what it is about Mondays, but that is when I have to do most of my phone calling--or receive phone calls. A little...

How They Stole Ohio (and thus the election)Leading up to the 2004 vote, Bennett oversaw the quiet purge of some 168,000 registered voters from the Cuyahoga rolls, including 24.93% of the entire city of Cleveland, which voted 83% for Kerry. In one inner city majority African American ward, 51% of the voters were purged. Centered on precincts that voted more than 80% for John Kerry, this purge may well have meant a net loss to the Democrats of tens of thousands of votes in an election that was officially decided statewide by less than 119,000. Meanwhile,...

Disappointed, But Not Very Surprised

I have been a bit MIA yesterday and today--I am trying to get things ready for our trip. I was hoping to do a nice, newsy post, but it will have to wait till tomorrow. I am beat!Just finished watching the game and Calgary won 3-2. It really isn't surprising: Calgary is the best team in the NHL on home ice. And it's not as if Detroit played poorly,...

"There seems to be a complete failure to understand that we have been trying to suppress a rebellion against our occupation.""As long as we are there we are the number one public enemy for the Muslim-Arab world.""We were after all, a Christian army occupying a Muslim Arab country, something which in the Middle East is essentially a disaster."--retired Army Col Doug McGreggor, a former advisor to Don Rumsf...

We got it right during the early days of Afghanistan -- and then lost focus. We have never gotten it right in Iraq. --retired Marine General John J. Sheehan, in the Washington P...

2 goals in two games of the playoffs against Calgary.For not scoring since 2002 in the playoffs. He doesn't show signs of stopping?I found the video for Game #147 ...

BEE Afraid, Be Very Afraid! (UPDATED)

One of the most familiar insects in the world is the Honeybee. This member of the insect order Hymenoptera plays a key role in the human and natural world. More has been written about honeybees than any other species of insect. The human fascination with this insect began thousands of years ago when people discovered what wonderfully tasty stuff honey...

What must worry Washington more than the massive size of the demonstration on April 9 was its mixed Shiite-Sunni composition and nationalistic ambience. The prospect of Sadr's appeal extending to a section of the Sunni community, with the tacit support of Sistani, is the nightmare scenario that the Bush administration most dreads. Yet it may come to pa...

Phone Calls, Sleeping, Husbands, and Hockey

I got a phone call at 10:00am. Now, that might not mean a whole lot to a lot of people, but to me it is a big deal because THE CALL WOKE ME UP! Yes, people, I was still in bed--and I still had two hours to go before my alarm rang. (I probably would have stayed in bed beyond noon, but the game started at 1:00pm, so...) I used to be embarrassed or...

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