Seymour Hersh on Iran:The “intelligence community keeps on saying, ‘There’s no bomb there.’ And Cheney keeps on saying to the young briefing officers, ‘Thank you son, I don’t buy that.’” Hersh added, “George Bush’s and Dick Cheney’s wet dream is hitting Ira...

“The equivalent of the Pentagon Papers exist in safes all over Washington, not only in the Pentagon, but in the CIA, the State Department and elsewhere. My message is to them: Take the risk, reveal the truth under the lies of your own bosses and your superiors, obey your oath to the Constitution, which every one of those officials took, not to the commander in chief, but to the Constitution of the United States.” --Daniel Ellsb...

Gotta Love Those Kids!

I don't believe I have posted these before. I got this in an email a long time ago, so I hope you all haven't seen them. If you have, enjoy them all over again!A kindergarten pupil told his teacher he’d found a cat, but it was dead. “How do you know the cat was dead?” she asked him. “Because I pissed in its ear and it didn’t move,” the child answered innocently. “You did WHAT?!!” the teacher exclaimed in surprise. “You know,” explained the boy, “I leaned over and went ‘Pssst!’ and it didn’t move.” An exasperated mother, whose son was...

"What we have seen since 9/11 is the constitutional government being replaced by deep government."-- Peter Dale Scott"I find it very hard to believe that the Bush administration either let or made it happen. It's clear that people within government were involved, but we should avoid condemning an entire administration.""There is a whole milieu of Saudi capital allied with Texas capital . . . somewhere within the Saudi/Texas/Geneva [banking] milieu there is the place for a meta-group . . . with resources necessary for a successful plo...

"This is the worst cover-up in the history of the military," said an unidentified military health officer who fears for his job.A shot from a syringe is leaving some U.S. servicemen and women on the brink of dea...

The Nation: Where's the CIA's Missing Jewel?"The No. 1 jewel of the CIA's Office of Security is probably a pretty good one--especially since the second jewel in this list is the Roselli/Castro assassination program," says Thomas Blanton, director of the National Security Archive, a public interest outfit that filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the "Family Jewels" fifteen years ago.Most of the media seems to have missed the most important part of the story, that Jewel #1 is still secret. In other words, the fact that the CIA conspired...

A Little More Detail

The other night I posted about the youngest having problems getting pregnant. I didn't go into any further explanation because I thought someone from my town had 'found' this blog and didn't want all of A's business 'out there' when it comes to people we know. I now realize that I was tracking my own 'visits' to this site--some tech geek I turned out to be! I had to reset my router for my wireless network the other day--so that I could get on the net with the Wii--and I didn't realize that it changed my IP address and that I needed to tell Sitemeter...

Oswald's Confession...

Shock-pundit Ann Coulter dismayed her right-wing fans today when she admitted to being a cross-dressing man in Thursday's press conference. "This started as a joke, as satire, and I think that it has just gone to far." he said to a startled press. I knew ...

Rapunzel, Rapunzel

The other day Burg blogged about her 'hair through the ages'--this after she got a cute, new, sassy haircut. Never letting an opportunity go by to steal an idea from someone else, I decided to do a post about my own hair. And I guess it didn't hurt that I had my monthly cut/color done today to motivate me, also.When I was a child, my hair was so white that it was almost translucent. And it was fine and wispy: fine, Finnish, fairy fur. Most of the kids with Finnish ancestors that I know have the same kind of hair--it is as we get older that...

The Prissy Patriot on Dick Cheney and the DC Madame5:15 PM Update-from a VERY reliable source...and friend emailed this:Yes, I have 3 confirmations, 1 from Pentagon, 2 from CIA that (Dick) Cheney was a client. Cheney and possibly up to 3 GOP presidential candidates are on the list, or "a list" of clients. There were more than one escort service in those days operating in DC among the VIP community.Via Cannonf...

I Am So Honored!

Burg has so honored me by giving me a 'Rockin' Girl Blogger' award! It is asked--usually in a meme :)--why I blog, and the answer always HAS to be: my readers! I definitely consider those who read this little bit of nonsense on a regular basis, my friends--ones I haven't met in person, but still friends. If I can, in a little way, make someone...

JFK: Warrior for Peace"I thought and I still feel that the CIA did wet work on its own," says John Seigenthaler, Robert Kennedy's administrative aide at the Justice Department and later publisher of the Tennessean. "They were way too in thrall to 007... We were caught in the reality of the cold war, and the agency obviously had a role to play. But I don't think the Kennedys believed you could trust much of what they said. We were trying to find our way out of the cold war, but the CIA certainly didn't want to."Nor did President Kennedy have a firm...

CIA: The Family Jewels (703 pages)Keeping Track of All the RedactionsFlash: CIA Family Jewel # 1 missing.On Tuesday, June 26, 2007 the CIA released a memo from the CIA Director of Security to the CIA Management Committee ( CIA Director, Deputy Director, etc.) The memo lists “illegal operations” conducted by the CIA from March 1959 to June 1964. These projects are what the CIA considers the “skeletons” in the CIA closet. The memo entitled the list “FAMILY JEWELS.” JEWEL # 1 is presumably the most important and egregious on the list. Yet, it is still...

Military reviews placing special ops on U.S. soilThe U.S. military command in charge of protecting the homeland asked the Pentagon earlier this year for a contingent of special operations officers to help with domestic anti-terrorism missions.William Arkin, national security expert for the Washington Post comments:Special Operations Prepared for Domestic MissionsThe establishment of a domestic special operations mission, and the preparation of contingency plans to employ commandos in the United States, would upend decades of tradition. Military...

Afghanistan produced dramatically more opium in 2006, increasing its yield by roughly 49 percent from a year earlier and pushing global opium production to a new record high, a U.N. report said Tuesd...

The big question right now among Republicans is how to remove Vice President Cheney from office....

Such A Disappointment

Heard from youngest daughter tonight, by email, and the 'trying to get pregnant' bit didn't work--again. I don't feel too comfortable going into all of the details, but they are working with a doctor and were hoping things were going in the right direction. Obviously they aren't, as things have fallen apart once again. They get to go and have another consultation with the doc tomorrow, so they will figure out what to do next. She was so upset that she couldn't even call to tell me--she had to send an email. I wish I knew the words to say to...

Celebrity Idiots

WHEN are these people (celebrities) going to realize just how damn stupid they sound to those of us who are actually normal? Here are a couple more examples of 'celebrity idiots.'Our favorite idiot had this to say: Angelina Jolie told Marie Claire magazine that she doesn't think she's ever seriously said "I love you" to Brad Pitt. She said, "I don't think we've ever said (I love you). I mean, I'm sure we have, but we would have to punch each other in the arm first." And another idiot--who seems to think he is God's gift to the world--acted...

Iranian forces 'crossed Iraqi border'...(now at the top of the Drudge Report)Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces have been spotted by British troops crossing the border into southern Iraq, The Sun tabloid reported on Tuesday.Britain's defence ministry would not confirm or deny the report, with a spokesman declining to comment on "intelligence matters". An unidentified intelligence source told the tabloid: "It is an extremely alarming development and raises the stakes considerably. In effect, it means we are in a full on war with Iran -- but nobody...

Urbicide in Baqubah There is a new detailed analysis out on the "War and Operation in Iraq" written by the Global Policy Forum and some thirty non-governmental-organizations. It is impeccable sourced on mainstream news accounts and official reports.The currently ongoing "pacification" of Baqubah, a city with 300,000 inhabitants, by some 10,000 U.S. troops is using the same methods as documented in the NGO report with regard to Fallujah and a dozen other Iraqi cities. From the executive summary (pdf):US Coalition forces have attacked and destroyed...

As For Hockey...

Yes, I know, it is the middle of summer, but things STILL are going on in the world of hockey. And the big news is the signing--or NON-signing--of players.The Red Wings have officially come out and said they will not offer contracts to Lang or Calder for the next year. While I wasn't quite as bad of a 'Lang hater' as some were, I'm not crying over the fact that he will no longer be wearing the winged wheel. He just didn't do enough last season--and I found myself (toward the end) cringing every time I saw his line come out onto the ice. Not...

Let’s Talk Really Crazy, Now X. Dell of The X Spot is currently running a series about "Targeted Individuals" (TIs). Are they crazy or is someone out to get them?By and large, TIs are quite aware that the incidents they report are bizarre, and mimic point-for-point those found in the reports of people who are actually schizophrenic. The awareness of this causes them a great deal of frustrati...

Is your cell phone spying on you?I'm not as paranoid as the people who are after me think I ...

Israel braces for July war with up to five enemies JERUSALEM — Israel is preparing for an imminent war with Iran, Syria and/or their non-state clients.Israeli military intelligence has projected that a major attack could come from any of five adversaries in the Middle East. Officials said such a strike could spark a war as early as July 2007.On Sunday, Israeli military intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin told the Cabinet that the Jewish state faces five adversaries in what could result in an imminent confrontation. Yadlin cited Iran, Syria,...

And We DO Live In A City!

The other morning I looked out the back window and I saw not 1, not 2, but 13 ducks! I think they were all from the same family--a male and female were off from the rest of the flock, just keeping watch. Of course, they all looked to be the same size, but it IS that late in the season, so the babies would be as big as mama and papa by now. We haven't...

A Little Updating

Last night I finally did a bit of updating to this blog. I started by putting links to all of the 'Things To Do When You're Bored' posts in the sidebar. This way, if you ever need to find something to do, it will be easy!I added a blog to the list of ones I read daily: Down Yonder Green Valley. Jan writes this blog from Wales and I find it fascinating. The words she uses, the way she phrases things are so different from what I experience in my daily life--I am just so very interested. She has a menagerie of pets and also feeds numerous wild...

And Finally...

Here is the last installment in 'Things To Do When You're Bored.' If you can't get any inspiration from these lists, then you are a hopeless case! :) -Go to McDonald's and pretend you can't speak English -Write to your congressmen, senators, President, etc. to tell them what a good job they're doing...On April 1st -Take apart all your major kitchen appliances...mix and match them -Turn your TV picture tube upside down -Phone in a death threat on President Kennedy -Put lighted EXIT signs on all your closets -Carry a tune...drop it, see if...

NHL Draft

On Friday, the NHL draft was held. Yippee?! It is really kind of hard to get too excited about this--after all, most of those being picked are still in their teens and won't even SEE the inside of an NHL rink for many years to come! Detroit picked 27th and got a defenseman.The neatest thing about the draft: the first two picks were AMERICAN BORN PLAYERS! I guess we DO grow hockey players here in the States, after all. :) All in all, ten Americans were picked during this first round. Now THAT is something worth cheering abo...

They Said WHAT?

I know I have mentioned the fact that the youngest daughter works at a vet clinic--actually, TWO vet clinics--before. While we were talking tonight we got into some of the strangest, stupidest, and craziest things she encounters people saying and doing. So I just HAD to share some of them.At one of the clinics, people are required to fill out some paperwork when they come in as new clients. This is the requisite health history, etc, of the animal, plus some other questions that are helpful to the vet. At the bottom of the form, they used to...

The CIA's Family JewelsCIA director Gen. Michael Hayden announced today that the Agency is declassifying the full 693-page file amassed on CIA's illegal activities by order of then-CIA director James Schlesinger in 1973--the so-called "family jewels." Only a few dozen heavily-censored pages of this file have previously been declassified, although multiple Freedom of Information Act requests have been filed over the years for the documents. Gen. Hayden called the file "a glimpse of a very different time and a very different Agency." The papers are...

Francis Boyle, an international law authority at the University of Illinois, Champaign, says pursuant to national strategy directives adopted by Bush in 2002, the Pentagon "is now gearing up to fight and 'win' biological warfare without prior public knowledge and review." Boyle said the Pentagon's Chemical and Biological Defense Program was revised in 2003 to endorse "first-use" strike in war. Boyle said the program includes Red Teaming, which he described as "plotting, planning, and scheming how to use biowarfar...

Almost Done

After this, there is only one more time I will be posting boredom busters--I certainly hope this has helped all of you in your quest for a certain amount of excitement! And here is the second to the last list: -Kill a plant -Buy a 1931 Almanac -Memorize the weather section -Think lewd thoughts about yourself -Peel grapes -Make paper from the skins -Send chills down your spine -Blow bubbles -Catch them with your radiator -Bloat -Get run over by a train of thought -Make...

ALMOST The Land Of The Midnight Sun

It never really occurred to me that other parts of the country had shorter days than we do during the summer. A lot of people come from other parts of the US to help when there is a problem at K's work and they have made comments about our long summer days. (Of course, they ALSO talk about our winter snow, but that isn't surprising.) So, today is the first day of summer and our longest day.Today, the sun rose at 5:58am and will set at 9:47pm--that means a total of more than 16 hours of daylight! Actually, it starts getting light by 5:30 in...

Vice President Exempts His Office from the Requirements for Protecting Classified InformationWashington, D.C. — The Oversight Committee has learned that over the objections of the National Archives, Vice President Cheney exempted his office from the presidential order that establishes government-wide procedures for safeguarding classified national security information. The Vice President asserts that his office is not an “entity within the executive branch.”Which branch of government does his office fall under, I wond...

A transit agency chief apologized Wednesday to two teenage girls who were kicked off a city bus for kissing each oth...

A Little Recipe

So many of the bloggers that I read post recipes, I finally decided to post one of my own. This is an old Finnish recipe--I remember my great-grandmother (as well as others) making this. For my family, I would make this on those evenings (usually Sunday) when we would do 'breakfast for dinner.' I usually served this with some kind of breakfast meat--bacon, sausage, etc.Finnish Oven Pancake (pannu kakku)2 eggs (slightly beaten)2 tablespoons sugar2 cups milk*1 cup flour1/4 teaspoon saltPut 1/4 cup butter* in 9 x 13 pan--place pan in oven. Preheat...

A Long Way To Go For Dinner--And LOTS Of Weather

As I mentioned before we went on our road trip, we went out of town to have dinner with friends--and that is about all we did. We got a little shopping in, but nothing worth mentioning. It is very good to get out of town, though.When we got home, the cat hadn't eaten much of the food I left for her. With that--and the fact there was so much water...

New Roswell EvidenceWalter Haut was a first lieutenant assigned to the Roswell Army Air Field in July, 1947. He wrote the first press release that introduced the alleged Roswell UFO crash to the public. Haut signed an affadavit to be released only after his death. He died in 2005. This is part of it:(12) Before leaving the base, Col. Blanchard took...

The U.S. military acknowledged "an increasing pattern of attacks" against the Green Zone, a day after a mortar barrage against the heavily fortified area sent soldiers and contractors scrambling for cov...

Piglipstick has a funny post on Bad Ad Placement. Click on the link for more exampl...

Six scientists from some of the leading scientific institutions in the United States have issued what amounts to an unambiguous warning to the world: civilisation itself is threatened by global warming....

Large teams of newly trained suicide bombers are being sent to the United States and Europe, according to evidence contained on a new videotape obtained by the Blotter on

Janis Karpinski, former head of Abu Ghraib prison, has told a Spanish newspaper that she is willing to testify that Rumsfeld "personally authorized" torture at Abu Ghra...

Seymour Hersh on General Taguba“From what I knew, troops just don’t take it upon themselves to initiate what they did without any form of knowledge of the higher-ups,” Taguba told me. His orders were clear, however: he was to investigate only the military police at Abu Ghraib, and not those above them in the chain of command. “These M.P. troops were not that creative,” he said. “Somebody was giving them guidance, but I was legally prevented from further investigation into higher authority. I was limited to a box.”“From the moment a soldier enlists,...

Joseph Trento Reviews New Book There is truly astonishing information in this book. You will learn that Hoover was frantic to bury the John Kennedy and Oswald cases because he was trying to cover up the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald has been a paid FBI informant. Hersh has no document to support the Oswald informant story, but he skillfully interviewed...

GIs May Be in Iraq for a Decade: GeneralUS forces could be needed in Iraq for a decade to battle insurgents, the top coalition commander said Sunday while vowing a "forthright" review in September on whether a troop surge is working. Speaking on Fox News, General David Petraeus said there was broad recognition in Washington that Iraq's daunting challenges would not be resolved "in a year or even two years." "In fact, typically, I think historically, counter-insurgency operations have gone at least nine or 10 years," he sa...

Boredom Buster

I have been bored lately, so there is only one solution: ROAD TRIP! Actually, K has 10 days off starting tomorrow, so he suggested we go to see our friends. Pretty good--we drive over 3 hours to (basically) go to dinner with friends. I think we may need to get friends that live closer. :)To help everyone else with their boredom, I give you the next installment of 'Things To Do When You're Bored': -Mug a stop sign -Change your name...daily -Go for a walk in your attic -Challenge your neighbor to a duel ...

"The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species. It may be a long farewell, but it has begun and, like all farewells, should not be protracted."--Christopher Hitchens,god Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everyth...

Obama Girl has a crush on Obama...

Hydroxymethylfurfural - A Substance For The Ages

Scientists have discovered the most effective method yet to convert glucose, found in plants worldwide and nature’s most abundant sugar, to HFM, a chemical that can be broken into components for products now made from petroleum. Image Credit: Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryHydroxymethylfurfural - A Substance For The AgesOil has become the root...

MORE Things To Do When You Are Bored

-Ski Kansas -Sleep in freefall -Kill a Joule -Test thin ice...with a pogo stick -Apply for a unicorn hunting license -Crawl -Invite the Mansons over for dinner -Paint your windows -Watch a watch until it stops -Flash your goldfish -Paint -Smile -Paint a smile -Flirt with an evergreen -Rotate your garden...daily -Shoot a fire hydrant -Apologize to it ...

Things I'm Ignoring

There are several things that I'm trying to ignore these days. I could probably do very long posts about each of these subjects, but I will not. So, here is my list of things to ignore:--My weight/healthy eating. This is a constant source of anxiety for me, so I will just ignore it.--Paris Hilton. Hasn't she been written about WAY too much?--Brangelina. Yeah, she is making ridiculous demands of reporters and insisting she isn't anorexic. WHO cares?--Hot weather. This is another subject I could rant and rave about for hours, but I won't....

US Official: Samarra Attack May Have Been Inside JobBaquba, Iraq - Authorities have evidence that Wednesday's bombing of Al-Askariya Mosque in Samarra was an inside job, and 15 members of the Iraqi security forces have been arrested, a U.S. military official said.Two minarets were destroyed at the revered Shiite shrine, the military said, in a repeat of the 2006 bombing that sparked Iraq's current wave of deadly sectarian violence. There was no immediate word on casualties in the city north of Baghdad.The U.S. military official, Maj. Gen. Benjamin...

Being Bored

I don't really have a reason to be bored--hell, besides everything I HAVE to do, I have enough FUN things to do to keep boredom away! But, my life is in one of those ruts right now, so I thought I would share some things you can do when you are bored. (This will take several days to complete.) Things To Do When You're Bored (I didn't write this, but it has always given me a good laugh. The more slap happy you are, the better.) -Wax the ceiling -Rearrange political campaign signs -Sharpen your teeth ...

NHL Awards

For the fifth time, Nick Lidstrom won the Norris Trophy. (NHL's best defenseman) Only two other players have won the trophy more times--and one of them was Bobby Orr! Pavel Datsyuk won the Lady Byng Trophy for the second year in a row. (for sportsmanship) The low level of penalty minutes a player has seems to have a big part in being considered for the Lady Byng. While it is true that the contenders for the trophy play the game as it is intended in its purest form, I would GLADLY have Datsyuk not be in contention next year if he would only...

UFOs, Walt Disney and "The Aviary"Writer/researcher Gus Russo, the author of several books, including one dealing with the JFK assassination, Live By The Sword: The Secret War Against Castro and the Death of JFK , has written a most interesting article The Real ‘X-Files’ about UFOs and some members of the US Intelligence community. A few excerpts:The mystery seems to have its origins in 1956... and in the most unlikely of settings: the office of Ward Kimball, one of Walt Disney’s key animators. At a 1979 UFO symposium in San Francisco, Kimball...

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