What is it about us that makes us want what we can't have? When on a diet, all I ever think about are the foods on my 'no' list--and that is ALL I want to eat. When someone tells me I can't do something, that is EXACTLY what I want to do. Human nature, I guess.Today, the temp was hovering in the 90 degree area all day. I didn't want to leave the...

Terrorism is the price of empire. If we do not wish to pay it, we must give up the empire.--Patrick Bucha...

Ron Paul's Iraq Strategy: “Just leav...

Outsourcing Intelligence: How Bush Gets His National Intelligence From Private CompaniesOver the past six years, a quiet revolution has occurred in the intelligence community toward wide-scale outsourcing to corporations and away from the long-established practice of keeping operations in US government hands, with only select outsourcing of certain jobs to independently contracted experts. Key functions of intelligence agencies are now run by private corporations. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) revealed in May that 70...

A New Week

Famous people born on this day whoare actually older than me:Arnold SchwarzeneggerPaul AnkaPeter BogdanovichBuddy GuyEdd "Kookie" Burns**********I don't know how many of you remember Tom Snyder. He hosted 'Tomorrow' on NBC--which followed 'The Tonight Show.' He also hosted 'The Late, Late Show' on CBS--which followed 'The Letterman Show.' Sadly,...

Under Mr Putin, Russia is sliding into fascism, with state control of the economy, media, politics and society becoming increasingly heavy-hand...

The Coelacanth: A Fish For Time … Any Time

Graphic fact file on the coelacanth, a rare fish once thought to be extinct for millions of years until one was caught in 1938 off the coast of East Africa. A living specimen was caught in Indonesia this year, only the second ever in the region. Image Credit: AFP GraphicThe Coelacanth: A Fish For Time … Any TimeThe Coelacanth is just this type of ocean...


Famous people born on this day whoare actually older than me:Sally StruthersJim DavisRick WrightBill Bradley**********The Crossroads Guitar Festival is going on at Toyota Park in Illinois today. Of course, I managed to forget and didn't start listening to the live broadcast until a couple of hours ago, but I DID get to see BB King! It doesn't get any better than that. At the age of 81 and he still can play. I would love to see him in concert--we really should have gone to see him when we were in Niagara Falls last year, but... I guess at his...

If the founding fathers were alive today, I am sure that they would be bloggers. Thomas Paine for sure. A blogger named Enlightened Despot has two blogs worthy of your attention, Thomas Jefferson Speaks and Alexander Hamilton Speaks, consisting of quotations from the writings of the great men. A sample:Alexander Hamilton:"As riches increase and accumulate in a few hands; as luxury prevails in society, virtue will be in a greater degree considered as only a graceful appendage of wealth, and the tendency of things will be to depart from the republican...


In Fawnskin ... It’s Short Size That Matters

Downtown Fawnskin looking to the Southeast. The Doo-Dah Parade approaches toward this direction and ends at this corner on Highway 38. Image Credit: Mike ManningIn Fawnskin ... It’s Short Size That MattersFawnskin, California: Image Credit: ©2006 Mike ManningHere on the Oblate Spheroid, up in the San Bernardino mountains, about 100 miles East of Los...

Return from SpookyvilleOn June 2 I posted a piece called A short trip to Spookyville , concerning the incredible allegations of Dr. Sue Arrigo M.D., allegedly an "ex- CIA physician with high level access".Briefly, she maintained that HIV/Aids was deliberately unleashed on the world and that there is a vaccine which has been kept secret. She also described running secret missions for Dick Cheney and to have twice treated Osama bin Laden after 9/11. My post was picked up by several conspiracy sites.It's not that I wasn't skeptical of her claims....

Apparently just mentioning Ron Paul on your website will, like, quadruple your traffic. Give it a try! OK.Update: mentioning Ron Paul on my website did not quadruple my statistics. Two or three people stopped by after googling "Ron Paul". Please come again. But let's try this:Ron Paul raped Lindsey Lohan!Update 2: OK this seems to have given me a bump in my statistics, and I didn't even spell Lindsay Lohan's name right. Mostly, however, this is because blogger Joseph Cannon put a link to this blog at Reddit. I would reciprocate but Joseph is looking...

"We have to be connected to Israel to enjoy the second coming." --Congressman Tom De...

A Little Of This, A Little Of That

I've been kind of MIA these past few days because NOTHING is going on in my life. The weather has been hot, the humidity has been disgustingly high, K has been home for the last ten days, and my girls are having relatively calm existences, so nothing big to report. But, I will attempt to thrill and chill with the following:**********The cat has decided to go on an all hard food diet--or so it seems. I have been trying to feed her the new stuff (canned) that we bought while out of town and I SWEAR I saw her spit on it before she turned and walked...

Al Qaeda's safe haven in northwestern Pakistan is largely inaccessible to outside forces and unlikely to be eliminated soon by the U.S. or Pakistani military, top intelligence officials said on Wednesday....

Guy Banister and UFOs FBI Special Agent W G Banister examines Fu-Go that fell in Kalispell, Montana on December 11, 1944. BUTTE, Mont, July 11 - AP - FBI Agent W. G. Banister said an object which appeared to be a "flying disk" was found early today at Twin Falls, Ida. , and turned over to federal authorities there. From the Project Blue Book Files...

UFO sightings bring town to a standstill...

CIA Bin Laden Chief: Next Attack ‘Bigger Than 9/11' If al-Qaida does launch an attack inside the U.S., as the U.S. government suggests, "it will be much bigger than 9/11."This prediction of a nightmarish terror attack comes from Michael Scheuer, the retired CIA veteran who headed the agency's secret unit dedicated to capturing Osama bin Lad...

Milwaukee Election Records Indicate Apparent Forgery,Ballot Box Stuffing in 2004 Presidential Election...

The unfolding of events over the past 7 years and the recent emergence of certain key facts point to the prospect of an ominous conclusion: before the summer is up, America will be brought under martial law with George W. Bush and Dick Cheney at the helm. So says Elliot D. Cohen, Ph.D., who has written a book The Last Days of Democracy. I think he's wrong. I hope he's wro...

A total of 71% of Americans say they disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president according to the latest survey from the American Research Group.Among all Americans, 25% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 71% disapprove. When it comes to Bush's handling of the economy, 23% approve and 73% disappro...

The American ambassador in Baghdad, Ryan C. Crocker, has asked the Bush administration to take the unusual step of granting immigrant visas to all Iraqis employed by the U.S. government in Iraq because of growing concern that they will quit and flee the country if they cannot be assured eventual safe passage to the United States.Washington Post via Mike...

The Pasty

*Slight edit.The Upper Peninsula is well known for the pasty. Most, if not all, of you reading this will automatically pronounce 'pasty' as 'pace-tee.' (Such as what strippers use.) WRONG! The correct pronunciation for 'pasty' here in the UP is 'pass-tee.' And we are talking about food here, people.The pasty is, as best as can be described, an...

John Conyers: "What are we waiting for? Let's take these two guys ou...

“Emotionally Double-Parked”: Big Reaction To A Small Town Honor

Great American Race 2007 competitors arrive on the tarmac at the Big Bear Lake Airport for the final pitstop of the race. Image Credit: KBHR“Emotionally Double-Parked”: Big Reaction To A Small Town HonorFor many decades now, there has been a hamlet in the rugged, Ponderosa and Fir covered mountains of San Bernardino located about 100 miles East of...

8 Things College Edition Meme

Burg posted this meme the other day and left it open for anyone to do. I found it was something I actually could write about, so here goes.There are a few rules:- Each player must post these rules first.- Each player starts with eight random facts relating to college.- Tagged people post their eight things and these rules.- End your post by ‘tagging’ eight new people to play.- Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog for these instructions.1) I have been to two universities and I'm still at the freshman...

We're Back ...and Other Nonsense

We got back from the road trip early on Friday. The town we go to is about three and a half hours away--close enough to do a day-run, but far enough to (kind of) warrant an overnight stay. Sometimes I wish we went to Milwaukee: that at least is a 5 hour or more trip! It would actually seem worth it to stay the night.Found some food for the cat....

The BBC's Flawed RFK Story by Jefferson Morley and David TalbotOn November 20, 2006 -- the day that would have been Robert Kennedy's eighty-first birthday -- the BBC program Newsnight aired a startling report alleging that three CIA operatives were caught on camera at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on the night of Kennedy's assassination. The story suggested that they were involved in his killing. The BBC broadcast, produced by filmmaker Shane O'Sullivan, identified the three CIA operatives as George Joannides, David Morales and Gordon Campbell....

Did a decorated CIA officer run a covert action operation involving Lee Harvey Oswald three months before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy?Morley v. CIA, now pending in federal appeals court, seeks to answer this questi...

Congressman Hales Boggs was a member of the Warren Commission. In 1972 the twin engine airplane in which Boggs was traveling over a remote section of Alaska disappeared. The plane presumably crashed and was never found.After Hale's disappearance, Lindy and Hale's brother, a Jesuit priest in New Orleans, were fearful that he had been murdered because of his inside knowledge about the role of the FBI, CIA, and organized crime in events leading up to the Kennedy assassination--knowledge that he had acquired as a member of the Warren Commission and...

Larry Flynt Says He’s Found Five Hookers ‘So Far’ Who Had Sex with Sen. Vitter in New OrleansFLYNT: There’s been about five we’ve been able to track down so far. So you see what happens when you’re a guy like him and you’re not completely honest, see, he didn’t even have to bring that up. And now that he’s brought it up, everybody is all over it, including ...

US says Iraqi rebel head is an inventionIN MARCH, he was declared captured. In May, he was declared killed, and his purported corpse was displayed on state-run TV.On Wednesday, Omar al-Baghdadi, the supposed leader of an al-Qaeda-affiliated group in Iraq, was declared non-existent by US military officials, who say he is a fictional character created to give an Iraqi face to a foreign-run terrorist gro...

WorldNetDaily has been pushing Iraqi cannibalism storiesReport: Al-Qaida bakes little boys"Perhaps it's urban legend. I have no idea.More cases of terrorists 'baking' children citedResearchers say Muslim history includes cooking human victims Policy Analyst Jeremy Sewall calls such reports "pretty extreme."You thi...

Road Trip

Boy, you would think we are NEVER home with the amount of road trips we do! But once again, this is only going to be an over-nighter. One of the reasons we have to go is so we can get to a pet store. The cat is supposed to be eating 'senior formula' food and I have had no luck finding any senior food in cans. It is easy enough to find dry, but the wet will have to be found in a big pet store. Or I will have to order it online. Oh, yay. If I don't get a chance to post while we are gone, I will be back on Frid...

Fun, Fun

*Meleah had problems with the link. Now, if you click on the link, there should be a pop-up box asking for your name. Type in your name--or whatever you want--and go from there. Hope the link works now.As mental_floss says, this is the first thing you should do every day when you go on the internet:click h...

The Sauna Experience

Sauna is pronounced 'sow (like a female pig)-na.' It is NOT pronounced 'saw-na.' I REPEAT it is NOT pronounced 'saw-na'! To read the generalized article on Wikipedia about saunas, go here. To read the article on Finnish saunas, go here.There are very few things that I miss by not being 'with' The Family, and the number one thing I miss is the sauna....

Republican David Vitter claims he only visited one prostituteTalk about lowering the b...

Fred Thompson is hesitant to announce his candidacy for President because he is bisexual and is known to frequent male prostitutes.There is at least one person willing to come forward when/if Fred announces.So says dweeb, who adds "my sources are personal and first-hand knowledg...

Fox guest claims CIA 'sabotaging our own War on Terror' Fox News on Tuesday interviewed veteran Pentagon reporter Rowan Scarborough about his "startling allegation" that "elements within the CIA are sabotaging our own War on Terror." Scarborough, a former columnist for the Reverend Sun Myung Moon-owned Washington Times, is the author of Sabotage: America's Enemies Within the CIA, which claims that "CIA bureaucrats are undermining President Bush and the War on Terror through disinformation, incompetence, and outright sabotag...

Angry CIA Operatives Torpedoed RumsfeldDissident U.S. intelligence officers angry at former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld helped a European probe uncover details of secret CIA prisons in Europe, the top investigator said on Tuesday."The Americans themselves admitted there were secret prisons, that they abducted people from the streets, that people were handed over to countries like Syria, Yemen, Egypt where they were tortured," he sa...

A Wing For Life?

In an interview with a Swedish newspaper, Henrik Zetterberg said he would like to play in Detroit for the rest of his career. Considering he is only 26, that is probably another 9 years or so. It would be great to have another player stay in Detroit for his entire career--a good thing, too, considering he probably will be named 'captain' as soon...

Eating Diet Food

The other day I went into the pantry to find something to eat. Because I wasn't really, truly hungry, I knew that the only reason I was looking for food was pure boredom. And that is a big part of my weight problem. But, I'm not going to talk about my weight.After rummaging around the pantry for a few minutes, I came across a semi-empty package of Weight Watcher dessert cakes. I believe they were double-fudge chocolate or something along those lines. Anyway, the words 'chocolate,' 'cake,' and 'dessert' all screamed 'EAT ME,' so I did. Has...

Bradley Ayers: A Soldier's VoiceI believe the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld Iraq War will go down as one of history’s major military blunders, exceeding the Vietnam debacle, and making a mockery of all those in the political-military establishment who swore it would never happen again in the exercise of US foreign policy.The motives for going to war were fabricated, intelligence was manipulated, and our military leadership was stupidly coerced by a cabal of ideologically conservative, obsessive-compulsive draft dodgers into putting American forces in the...

William Kristol on the Iraq War:a war in Iraq that has been very difficult, but where -- despite some confusion engendered by an almost meaningless "benchmark" report last week -- we now seem to be on course to a successful outcome. There's optimism and then there's stup...

The U.S. military's top general said Monday that the Joint Chiefs of Staff is weighing a range of possible new directions in Iraq, including, if President Bush deems it necessary, an even bigger troop buildup....

The balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has shifted back in favour of military action before President George Bush leaves office in 18 months . ....

The Era Of General Fiber Ethanol Begins

How It Works (steps and link below) - Image Credit: Range FuelsThe Era Of General Fiber Ethanol BeginsRange Fuels, a company that is in the lead on building conversion plants that can take ANY fiber material (switch grasses, chaff, wood chips, mown grass, fallen tree limbs, waste stalks from corn production as opposed to the food – corn, and etc.)...

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