Inside the FBI's secret files on Coretta Scott King Comprised of nearly 500 pages, with some of those documents partially or totally censored, the intelligence file paints a disturbing picture. For example: The FBI very closely spied and did surveillance on Scott King for years, keeping close track of her public appearances, speeches and especially anytime she traveled. In fact, the file shows the FBI was copying various military intelligence organizations on her activities including the 115 th M.I. of the U.S. Army, the Office of Naval Intelligence,...

Washington Post: Lawmakers Describe 'Being Slimed in the Green Zone' Brief, choreographed and carefully controlled, the codels (short for congressional delegations) often have showed only what the Pentagon and the Bush administration have wanted the lawmakers to see. At one point, as Moran, Tauscher and Rep. Jon Porter (R-Nev.) were heading to lunch in the fortified Green Zone, an American urgently tried to get their attention, apparently to voice concerns about the war effort, the participants said. Security whisked the man away before he could...

"A lot of people are calling Senator Craig a hypocrite because he was a very vocal opponent of same-sex marriages. ... But to be fair, he has never come out publicly against anonymous gay bathroom sex." --Jay L...

Frightening Knowledge

There are times that I realize I know things that are a bit scary. I didn't go looking for some of this knowledge that I have and I don't know where I got it, and that is also a very scary thing. That being said, I know what this is:Yes, that is a picture of a sex swing. (Can't WAIT to see how many hits I'll get with this one!) Now, I don't own...

Marketing Campaign for Iran War to Begin in September? Today I received a message from a friend who has excellent connections in Washington and whose information has often been prescient. According to this report, as in 2002, the rollout will start after Labor Day, with a big kickoff on September 11. My friend had spoken to someone in one of the leading neo-conservative institutions. He summarized what he was told this way:They [the source's institution] have "instructions" (yes, that was the word used) from the Office of the Vice-President to...

Greg Palast, one of the last of the real journalists, goes to New Orleans and makes "a weird, puzzling and horrific discovery."Among the miles and miles of devastated houses, rubble still there today in New Orleans, we found dry, beautiful homes. But their residents were told by guys dressed like Ninjas wearing "Blackwater" badges: "Try to go into your home and we'll arrest yo...

Remember This! … Fibroblast-Neprilysin

UNTREATED Alzheimer's Brain CellsTREATED Alzheimer's Brain CellsPlaques comprised of amyloid-beta are the hallmark pathology of Alzheimer's disease. In this study, the scientists used an amyloid-degrading enzyme to clear these amyloid cobwebs from the brain - as illustrated in these untreated (top) versus treated (bottom) brain images. Image Credit:...

And Now I Buy JEWISH Appliances!

Today I took delivery of this:(Full disclosure: this is NOT a picture of my kitchen. :))Yes, after almost 30 years, we bought a new kitchen range. And I am THRILLED! So, here is the story:The oldest daughter has online Pampered Chef parties and I usually buy something from her. About a month ago, she had her last one and I decided to try one of...

Iraq Weapons Are a Focus of Criminal Investigations Several federal agencies are investigating a widening network of criminal cases involving the purchase and delivery of billions of dollars of weapons, supplies and other matériel to Iraqi and American forces, according to American officials. The officials said it amounted to the largest ring of fraud and kickbacks uncovered in the conflict he...

BUSH WARNS OF 'HOLOCAUST' IF IRAN GETS NUKES"Iran is sending arms to the Taliban in Afghanistan to be used to attack American and NATO troops," Bush said. "Iran has arrested visiting American scholars who have committed no crimes and impose no threat to their regime. And Iran's active pursuit of technology that could lead to nuclear weapons threatens to put a region already known for instability and violence under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust. Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere."...

Blackwater Acquiring Its Own Air ForceSecurity company Blackwater U.S.A. is buying Super Tucano light combat aircraft from the Brazilian manufacturer Embraer. These five ton, single engine, single seat aircraft are built for pilot training, but also perform quite well for counter-insurgency wo...

Peace Activist's Open Letter to AmericaTo the American people, and to peace loving individuals everywhere:Massive evidence has come to our attention which shows that the backers, controllers, and allies of Vice President Dick Cheney are determined to orchestrate and manufacture a new 9/11 terror incident, and/or a new Gulf of Tonkin war provocation over the coming weeks and months. Such events would be used by the Bush administration as a pretext for launching an aggressive war against Iran, quite possibly with nuclear weapons, and for imposing...

The Assassination Attempt on President George W. BushI have posted often at this blog on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It occurs to me that I have never posted on the unsuccessful assassination attempt on George W. Bush on the morning of September 11, 2001. I first read about this in Daniel Hopsicker's Welcome to Terrorland. If you haven't read this book, click on the previous link and order it now.Cooperative Research summarizes the story:At about the same time Bush was getting ready for his jog, a van carrying several Middle...

Skilluminati recently reviewed this blog in these words: "formatting is hideous but the content is gold." Why didn't you people tell me? Is this better? Or worse? I'm open to suggestions. What would be a good color scheme for Covert Histo...

How would he kn...

An Interview with Saint John Hunt on His Father & The JFK AssassinationI think that one of the key elements that my father left out was the (this is only my theory) involvement of Dick Helms in the plot. Helms was my father’s boss, was the logical link between Cord Myer and LBJ. It is dubious that LBJ went to Cord. It is quite plausible that LBJ was referred to Cord through Helms. My father’s undying loyalty to Helms is well known, and of course we all know that Helms was a master at getting the dirty work done while keeping his own involvement...

The Devil worshippers of IraqEventually a dark, thickset man turns to me. He points to one of the peacocks on the wall: "That is Melek Taus, the peacock angel. We worship him." He sips his tea, and adds: "Ours is the oldest religion in the world. Older than Islam; older than Christianity."And who is Melek Taus? Halil looks slightly uncomfortable: "We believe he is a proud angel, who rebelled and was thrown into Hell by God. He stayed there 40,000 years, until his tears quenched the fires of the underworld. Now he is reconciled to Go...

KABUL (Reuters) -Opium production has soared to "frightening record levels" in Afghanistan, which now has more land producing drugs than Columbia, Bolivia and Peru combined, the United Nations said on Monday....

Iraq corruption whistleblowers face penalties For daring to report illegal arms sales, Navy veteran Donald Vance says he was imprisoned by the American military in a security compound outside Baghdad and subjected to harsh interrogation methods.He had thought he was doing a good and noble thing when he started telling the FBI about the guns and the land mines and the rocket-launchers — all of them being sold for cash, no receipts necessary, he said. He told a federal agent the buyers were Iraqi insurgents, American soldiers, State Department workers,...

Toothy Find In Ethiopia Changes Evolutionary Assumption

Digital Renderings Of Gorilla Right Upper Molors - This undated file photo shows Chororapithecus abyssinicus teeth and a female gorilla tooth row. Ten-million year old fossils discovered in Ethiopia, the earliest direct ancestors of modern gorillas ever found, shows that humans and apes probably split six or seven millions years earlier than widely...

And They're Back!

I have been playing the part of a hermit as much as possible the last several days and that is for one reason only: the students have invaded our town once again. Enrollment at the university is somewhere in the 9000 range, so that is a substantial boost in population for a town that has 20-25,000 people in it normally. Add to that the parents who must bring little Susie or Billy to school themselves, and you have boosted the total number of people that much more. And NONE of these people should be allowed to have driver's licenses!!! Driving...

Cute Kittens

This just proves that some people spend WAY too much money on toys for their cats. It is NOT necessary! Kittens-Coca Cola Box - For more funny videos, click h...

U.S. forces have rebranded one of the main insurgent groups in Iraq and now use the term "concerned local nationals" to refer to a group that once claimed responsibility for killing scores of America...

Modern mass communications enabled politicians and ideologues to whip up war sentiment and castigate those who criticized the move to war as traitors.So says historian John W. Dover, who was quoted by Bush recently in a speech justifying the unjustifiable war in Iraq. See we brought Democracy to Japan so we can bring it to Iraq. One wishes that Bush had read Professor Dover's article A WARNING FROM HISTORY:Don’t expect democracy in Iraq, first published in the Feb/March 2003 issue of Boston Review, from which the above quote was taken. By the way,...

Robert Fisk in The Independent:I am increasingly troubled at the inconsistencies in the official narrative of 9/...

Graphic Searches Expand From The Earth To Include Heavens

Google Earth, Andromeda Galaxy - This tool isn't limited to stars. There are images of galaxies, clusters, stellar winds and more. Image Credit: BusinesswireGraphic Searches Expand From The Earth To Include HeavensA couple of years ago, the ability to search the surface of the Earth with a graphic window was introduced and became all the rage. One...

“If you were to report that a US surgical strike against key targets in Iran were to happen sooner rather than later, you would not be wrong." --a former CIA case officer with experience in the Middle EastExperts and officials in the US military and intelligence communities read the administration's move to declare the Guard a terrorist organization as an indication that something ominous is looming over the horizon.One of the former CIA case officers interviewed for this article explained that the Office of the Vice President is making this drastic...

Congratulations! It's A...

C had her (hopefully) once-only, out-of-town ultrasound appointment yesterday. Considering they have to travel 5 hours or more, this proved to be an all-day affair. Her appointment was late in the afternoon, so they took the kids with them and were able to spend a nice amount of time at the zoo. A good time was had by all.The ultrasound took over two hours for them to complete. I guess the baby was VERY uncooperative, so they just had to keep searching. The purpose of the ultrasound was to determine if there was anything showing that could...

George Wallace's Shooter to Be Released BALTIMORE -- Arthur Bremer, who shot and paralyzed Alabama Gov. George Wallace in 1972, will be released from prison this year, an official said Thursday.Bremer, who turned 57 this week, is scheduled for release Dec. 16 but likely will be out earlier as he continues to accumulate credits for good behavior and...

Talon News - August 13:Karl Rove, long-time advisor to President Bush, announced his resignation today amidst rumors that a new book by a male homosexual prostitute would finger Rove as secretly gay....

The soil on Mars may contain microbial life!Joop Houtkooper of the University of Giessen, Germany, will declare on Friday the Viking spacecraft may have found signs of a weird life form based on hydrogen peroxide on the subfreezing, arid Martian surfa...

Why undermine the historical arguments about Iraq with the specter of the Vietnam quagmire, especially after the president had gone out of his way several months ago to reject critics' charges that Iraq was turning into just that? So asks Time magazine and it is a really good question. Bush now seems to be selling Iraq as another Vietnam. Now I understand that Bush probably doesn't know much about Vietnam, except that he didn't want to go there, but even today, decades later, it is not a war that most Americans look back on fondly.Of course, the...

Conservative Columnist says: Liberals are Traitors Liberals are traitors – at least the self-conscious ones are. And it is not because they hate Bush or disagree with the Iraq war. Their treason stems from their behavior – from the way they go around telling everyone that they hate Bush and disagree with the war – even to the extent that they sympathize with and give material aid to the enemy.So says Tristan Emmanual, conservative columnist and alleged Christian. Apparently it is still OK to criticise Bush or disagree with the Iraq war as long...

Racism in the Conservative Movement-Part 2In October of 2005, I posted Racism in the Conservative Movement, asking why mainstream Conservatives, such as Patrick Buchanan, Phyllis Schlafly, and Larry Pratt, allow their columns to be printed in the blatantly racist Citizens's Informer, the newsletter of the Council of Conservative Citizens. I cited several example of such racism in that publication, one of which was a quote from Jared Taylor:I will tell you, for aesthetic reasons alone, I think we have every justifiable reason to want our society,...

Former CIA Analyst Foresees Attack on Iran The National Intelligence Estimate on if and when Iran is likely to have the bomb has been ready since February. It has been sent back four times—no doubt because its conclusions do not support what folks like Cheney and Woolsey are telling the president.The conclusions of the most recent NIE on the issue (early 2005) was that Iran could probably not have a nuclear weapon until “early to mid-next decade,” a formula memorized and restated by Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell at his confirmation...

Matt Cooper Calls Karl Rove a Liar Cooper: Yeah, I, I think he was dissembling, to put it charitably. Look, Karl Rove told me about Valerie Plame's identity on July 11th, 2003. I called him because Ambassador Wilson was in the news that week. I didn't know Ambassador Wilson even had a wife until I talked to Karl Rove and he said that she worked at the agency and she worked on WMD. I mean, to imply that he didn't know about it or that this was all the leak...Gregory: Or that he had heard it from somebody else...Cooper: someone else, or he...

5,000 Year Old Chewing Gum Unearthed

Stone Age "Chewing Gum", Neolithic period, c. 4000-5000 BC – Image Credit: Kierikki Stone Age Centre5,000 Year Old Chewing Gum UnearthedYes, that’s right, 5K year old chewing gum and not a chair or counter underside in sight.It turns out that Neolithic people (c. 4000-5000 BC) found that by chewing this stuff, cob of Birch tree bark, when they had...


Here we go with another dose of trivia from mental_floss:--Cleveland last won a major league sports championship in 1964. Since then, neither the NFL's Browns, NBA's Cavaliers, AL's Indians, nor the short-lived NHL's Barons have won the world championship. Tough town to be a sports fan!--Then again, you have the Detroit Lions. They haven't won a single play-off game in 50 years. They won the NFL Championship three times between 1953-57, but none since. Thank goodness for the Tigers, Pistons, and Red Wings! (And this year HAS to be the year...

Artificial life likely in 3 to 10 years Part of me thinks this is really cool, the same part of me that thinks that ape-human hybrids would be really cool. I used to always root for the mad scientist in all those "Chillers from Science Fiction" monster movies. They always died in the end, though, after realizing that there were some areas where man...

A British soldier patrols in poppy fields in Sangin, a district Helmand province, Afghanistan. Photograph: Rafiq Maqbool/APPiglipstick asks What's Wrong With This Picture? "Helmand province in southern Afghanistan, where some 7,000 British troops are based, is on the verge of becoming the world's biggest drugs supplier, cultivating more opium than...

An Administration official told me...IRGC IED's are a casus belli for this administration. There will be an attack on Iran." --Robert Baer, a former CIA field officer assigned to the Middle E...

Lights! Camera! Action!

On August 5, I celebrated my 8-year anniversary of quitting smoking. Sometime at the beginning of the month, I ordered my anniversary gift--as I have done every year since 'the day.' My gift to myself is always something that I WANT and don't really NEED. This year was no different. The gift I selected this year was a hockey jersey with 'my boy's'...

"In the end, we need to recognize that our presence may have released Iraqis from the grip of a tyrant, but that it has also robbed them of their self-respect. They will soon realize that the best way to regain dignity is to call us what we are — an army of occupation — and force our withdrawal."from an op-ed piece by seven American infantrymen serving in Iraq, in today's New York Ti...

According to news reports, as in this story in theDetroit Free Press, one the McClatchy Newspapers, the Bush administration is considering labeling the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization.News of the decision was leaked in what a senior State Department official and Washington-based diplomats called a sign of an intensifying struggle within the U.S. government between proponents of military action and opponents, led by Rice.State Department officials and foreign diplomats see Rice's push for the declaration against the Revolutionary...

Robert Parry:The disclosure that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld resigned on Nov. 6, 2006 – the day before the election, not the day after as previously thought – means that he was pushed out of his job the same day he suggested a de-escalation of the Iraq W...

Teachers--Bah, Humbug!

Before you start ranting and raving at me, I want to say that I admire a lot of teachers and the work they are doing. I REALLY don't think I would have the stamina to do what they do over and over again for year after year. That being said, I will get on with this post.Most of us, on at least one occasion, have been asked--whether on a college application, through a meme, etc--to name one teacher who was influential in our lives or who we admired most. Whenever I have confronted that question, I have never been able to come up with a good answer....

George W. Bush: President for Life?Last week I posted a book review of William Smatt's book The Messiah in which he argues that George W. Bush is the Messiah. But William Smatt has nothing on Phillip Atkinson--he recently published a piece on the website of Family Security Matters in which he argues that Bush should name himself President-for-Life and then use whatever means necessary, including genocide, to defend Western Civilization. The Family Security Matters website quickly deleted the piece but the google cache is still available.Mr. Atkinson...

In 2003, Room 641A of a large telecommunications building in downtown San Francisco was filled with powerful data-mining equipment for a "special job" by the National Security Agency, according to a former AT&T technician. It was fed by fiber-optic cables that siphoned copies of e-mails and other online traffic from one of the largest Internet hubs in the United States, the former employee says in court filin...

Feds Train Clergy To "Quell Dissent" During Martial LawA shocking KSLA news report has confirmed the story we first broke last year, that Clergy Response Teams are being trained by the federal government to "quell dissent" and pacify citizens to obey the government in the event of a declaration of martial l...

New airport agents check for danger in fliers' facial expressionsSpecially trained security personnel are watching body language and facial cues of passengers for signs of bad intentions. The watcher could be the attendant who hands you the tray for your laptop or the one standing behind the ticket-checker. Or the one next to the curbside baggage attendant.They're called Behavior Detection Officers, and they're part of several recent security upgrades, Transportation Security Administrator Kip Hawley told an aviation industry group in Washington...

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