Charles Barkley just wanted a "blow job"

We have some breaking information regarding the Charles Barkley DUI case and well it is typical Charles Barkley.According to the Smoking Gun/TMZ, Barkley was discussing with the police officer and well here it is un-cut for your viewing."According to the officer who wrote the report, "He told me that he ran the stop sign because he was in a hurry...

I Love Sports ....2008

With the new year passing, it's time to look back in the year of 2008. A bunch of you are probably fans of VH1 "I love the (blank)" (insert: 70's, 80's, 90's, Millenium, Toys, etc.) I'd figure what would happen if ESPN decided to do a "I love 2008 in sports."Announcer: Alright, Erin Andrews. If your fan of sports in 2008, it left you these burning...

Charles Barkley gets arrested for a DUI

Hopefully all of you that read Outside the Boxscore are going to have a great new year celebration tonight.One news note that has been coming across the wire is Charles Barkley getting arrested for a DUI in Scottsdale, Arizona early Wednesday. Barkley was pulled over by the police office after he ran a red-light. Barkley did not take a breathalyzer...

Coming Out Of The Fog

It has now been about three weeks since I got sick and FINALLY I believe I have turned the corner and am getting better. My hearing is almost normal, my throat doesn't hurt nearly as much, and the cough isn't keeping me awake at night. I think I am still battling the conjunctivitis and WILL call the ophthalmologist on Monday if all isn't clear by...

HIM @ Nosturi 27.12.2008

Tämä postaus on vähän niinkuin jatkoa alla olevalle postaukselle, koska viikon postaustauon aikana oli juuri joulu, ja sitten kauan odotettu HIM:n Nosturin keikka! En halunnut siis tunkea näitä samaan postukseen, koska sitä ei olisi jaksanut lukea varmasti kukaan. Ei kyllä tätäkään, koska aion selittää aika pikkutarkasti koko reissun. Pahoittelen sitä...

Joulu oli ja meni

Nyt tuli taas sitten viikon postaustauko, sori. Joulukin oli ja meni, ja tiedän että nyt on huono hetki kertoa siitä kun huomenna on jo uusi vuosi. No, aion nyt kuitenkin esitellä tässä saamani lahjat ja muut, ja minua pyydettiinkin näyttämään asu jossa vietin joulun, joten.. :D Olin siis perheeni kanssa aaton kotonamme, ja päätin sitten pukeutua...

4 - 0 Wings Win over Chicago

Datsyuk with the first goal followed by two from Franzen. The final goal was a beautiful pass from Filppula to Kopecky. Ty Conklin had a great night letting no goals in with 36 saves.Here are some of the highlights from the game below.4 minutes 18 ...

Hot Stove League midseason winners/losers

By Rick MorrisRoughly halfway through baseball's vaunted free agency/trading period, let's take a look at your winners and losers to this point (and to refresh your memory about who's gone where, check all the transactions here).WINNERS1. New York Yankees. No duh, right? The hilarity of the situation is, though, that even with CC, AJ, MarkTex and NickSwish in the fold, the team is still caught in a three-way mosh pit of excellence in the AL East. The Red Sox should still try to make some upgrades, but they're still right there and for anyone waiting...

Broncos fire Mike Shanahan

After 14 seasons with the Denver Broncos, head coach Mike Shanahan has been let go. The Broncos became the only team in NFL history to the lead the division from the beginning of week 1 to week 16 and then not win the division.This was the second year that the Broncos collapsed in the final week of the season. Last year was when they choked against...

CEO of Lockheed knew of extraterrestrial UFO visitors Dr. Ben R. Rich confirmed:1. There are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we build and ones 'they' build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual "hand-me-downs." The Government knew and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon "purge", administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sect...

We Like Sportz

Although this is mainly a sports blog, we always like to scour the internet to find something of interest.The guys at Lonelyisland is at again. For all of you who don't who they are it's a comedy song writing trio with SNL's Adam Samberg. (You know the guy who wrote Dick in a Box and Jizz in my pants)Here is there latest song, "We Like Sportz." However, it is still not comparable to Jizz in my pan...

The Overtime Period for the Missouri-Northwestern Alamo Bowl

Here is your overtime peri...

Alamo Bowl missed field goal, Chase Daniels family in shock

During College Football's bowl season, the Alamo bowl is usually a blip on the radar.However recently they've held some great games that all ended in the final minute.Last night was no exception of the Missouri and Northwestern went to overtime.(For all that care, the next post will include the overtime period. Don't read much further if you don't want to know the ending)Missouri missed a 43 yard field goal at the end of regulation and send the game into overtime. Missouri eventually won 30 to 23.However the real fun is the pan shots of Chase Daniels...

Ten Strangest Things About Our Universe - 2008

Artist's rendition of a hypervelocity star leaving a galaxy. Image Credit: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsTen Strangest Things About Our Universe - 2008At the end of any year, one is confronted with many bottom up lists describing the important events, people, discoveries, and etc. over the course of the past year just lived.This exercise...

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