In The News

Two stories that caught my eye:--California is now going to have vending machines dispense medical marijuana. Excuse me? Just WHO decided this was a good idea? Can't wait for the first time some pot heads decide to steal one of these machines--and you KNOW it will happen. Read the story here.--Highway workers in Pennsylvania have found six bags containing body parts on Interstate 380 in the Poconos. They found a severed head, but many parts of the victim were not found. In December a fisherman found bags containing body parts along a Florida...

Detroit Over Phoenix, 3-2

If it wasn't for Ozzie, the Wings would have lost big time tonight. Ozzie kept the Coyotes from running away with the game in the first half and allowed the Wings to finally get up to speed. Yup, they managed to pull the win out of their asses--the break certainly didn't do anything for the guys except let them get a bit rusty!I missed seeing Baby Boy for these many days--unfortunately, he was pretty much MIA during this game! Again, very rusty, but he did improve as the game wore on. Lidstrom and Ozzie redeemed themselves tonight after their...

Does Huma Like Wein...

Russian Female Bodyguard diesIt's always sad when really hot women die you...

A Short Post

All went well with K's colonoscopy today. I really am surprised that I had to make the suggestion for this to happen--unless K never mentioned to the doctor that his mother had polyps. Well, now he has had it done and the doctor will put him on the rotation.The wind outside is gusting to 46 mph--it is a bit on the chilly side. :) Right now the wind chill is -15 and it is supposed to just get colder tomorrow. While it snowed very heavily for a bit today, it has slowed down considerably. However, it doesn't matter how much snow is coming down...

Looking at my site visitors the other day I noticed one that came from a site with which I was unfamilar called New Combat, inspired by the publication Combat that Albert Camus put out during the German occupation of his country. The site contains an interesting article E. Howard Hunt re JFK which is most interesting and contains a number of links to further pages. I am adding New Combat to my lin...

First Step to become Successful Model

Modeling is the world where everything doesn’t go easy. It’s not like a fairy tale’s world.The modeling work is considered as one of the most popular and professional work, which is admired all over the world, but the modeling industry’s impact, can be seen mostly in the high fashion industry counters.Additionally, on the other hand, many people think...

What Do You Think?

Today we got the word that a friend's brother passed. He was only a few years older than K and me, so it was a bit of a shock, even though he had had heart problems. It is just too hard to have people close to your own age die. It reminds too much of one's own mortality--and it isn't a pleasant thought.Anyway, C called this evening and 'berated' me for not calling and telling her of his death. (She was joking.) I really didn't think of calling as he lived in the same town as The Parents, so I figured she would know about it before me, and...

So I Am Back

Just because the NHL was on break, that didn't mean I had to be on break also! And I never meant to be away this long, but I have been going through a funky time of it. Nothing that I can put my finger on, just one of those periods that I go through at times. Oh, well, such is my life. And life goes on.**********Today we had temps in the forties....


I know I'm late in posting these, but enjoy anyway.28 JanuaryNational Blueberry Pancake DayNational Kazoo DayBubblewrap Appreciation DayANDERNIE'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!29 JanuaryNational Puzzle DayCarnation DayCorn Chip Day30 JanuaryInane Answering Message DayNational Write To Congress DayNational Croissant Day31 JanuaryInspire Your Heart With Art Day1 FebruaryNational...

So, first Chelsey is photographed with her father in front of the flag with the pentagrams on it, and now here she is wearing, supposedly, an upside-down crucifix. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the satan-worshipping tree.Seriously, has anyone yet offered an explanation as to how the stars on that flag were upside-do...

Bacteria Delivers "Buck-A-Gallon" Biofuel Solution

As syngas fermentation leads to lower ethanol concentrations than corn fermentations, the energy and cost to separate the ethanol from water is proportionally higher. To reduce this differential, Coskata has exclusively licensed membrane separation technology to reduce the energy requirements by over 50%. The vapor permeation process is amenable to...

BBC: The US military is planning to deploy robots armed with machine-guns to wage war against insurgents in Iraq. Wired News: Pentagon Explores 'Human Fear' Chemicals The Guardian: US Military Testing 'Pain Ray' Daily Kos: 'Voice of God' weapon being used in Iraq People are dying, sure, but what of it so long as Pentagon whiz-kids are having f...

Did the LAPD Send Lee Harvey Oswald to Russia?In the book, Chief: My Life in the L.A.P.D., Daryl Gates writes that the Los Angeles Police Department had a special intelligence unit that ran a program which sent American spies to Russia, totally clandestine and under deep cover. This was during the during the same period when Lee Harvey Oswald made his strange trip to the Soviet Union. A natural question arises; was the accused assassin part of the program?Two interesting facts emerge when studying Daryl Gates. The first one is how interested he...

Juan Cole says:Hiring Paul Wolfowitz to advise the State Department on arms control is like hiring Lindsay Lohan as a driving instruct...

Pyramid Power: a nice photo of Nicolas Sarkozy and girlfriend Carla Br...

We'll miss you Elizabe...

And Now For A Rest

The Wings won back-to-back games on Tuesday and Wednesday and now will have a much needed rest over the All-Star break. Wednesday's win was all the sweeter because they beat Anaheim AND it was without Z! Plus, they played two nights in a row and the Ducks were supposedly fresh, so... A nice sweep of the California teams.Z won't be in the All-Star game, again. His back is acting up and he'll use the time to rest it. Hopefully he will be able to address the problem at some time or he'll wind up having a very short career. Anyway, it is real...

The American Conservative: FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds spills her secrets. The most detailed account yet about Sibel's allegations about Marc Grossman.After 9/11, Grossman reportedly intervened with the FBI to halt the interrogation of four Turkish and Pakistani operatives. According to Edmonds, Grossman was called by a Turkish contact who told him that the men had to be released before they told what they knew. Grossman said that he would take care of it and, per Edmonds, the men were released and allowed to leave the country.Edmonds states...

Oh, My Gosh!

In my post the other day, I mentioned two actors who had passed and 'wondered' who the third one would be. It just was announced that actor Heath Ledger was found dead in his apartment. My goodne...

Jeri,we'll miss y...

Surge to NowhereBy offering arms and bribes to Sunni insurgents -- an initiative that has been far more important to the temporary reduction in the level of violence than the influx of additional American troops -- U.S. forces have affirmed the fundamental irrelevance of the political apparatus bunkered inside the Green Zone.Rather than fostering political reconciliation, accommodating Sunni tribal leaders ratifies the ethnic cleansing that resulted from the civil war touched off by the February 2006 bombing of the Golden Mosque in Samarra, a Shiite...

The west must be ready to resort to a pre-emptive nuclear attack to try to halt the "imminent" spread of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, according to a radical manifesto for a new Nato by five of the west's most senior military officers and strategis...

A nice photo of Hillary and Hu...

Want To Go Green?, Go Fly A Kite!

MS Beluga SkySails with the innovative towing kite system. Image Credit: DHLWant To Go Green?, Go Fly A Kite!Kite Runner has a new definition. A movie by the same name recently was released in December 2007 and the term Kite Runner referred to the kite retrieving member of a kite flying team in Afghani culture that flew kites in competition.The global...

And I Cry...Yeah, RIGHT

The Packers lost. They will not go to the Super Bowl. I am so sad...NOT!!!!! I think what makes me the happiest is knowing how terrible The Brother feels right now. I'm sure he is pouting worse than any three year old child--AND I LAUGH!!! (I really wonder if he managed not to throw something through his TV.)To help you understand how I acted when I heard about the loss, I give you a link to the Happy Happy Joy Joy song--I danced along to the music.Sorry for that little bit of gloating. You can now forgive me and go on with the rest of your...


To help you in your party planning, here are the celebrations for the next week:21 JanuaryGranola Bar DayHugging DaySquirrel Appreciation Day22 JanuaryNational Blond Brownie DayAnswer Your Cat's Questions DayRid The World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day23 JanuaryNational Pie DayMeasure Your Feet DaySnowplow Mailbox Hockey Day (?)24 JanuaryNational Peanut Butter DayBelly Laugh Day25 JanuaryA Room of One's Own DayFun At Work Day26 JanuaryNational Peanut Brittle DayNational Seed Swap Day27 JanuaryNational Chocolate Cake DayThomas Crapper ...

Sunday Afternoon

We are in the middle of our cold spell, but things should be improving slowly. Right now the temp is +4, which is warm compared to what it has been the last few days. I'm not sure the temp got above zero yesterday, so ANY number that has a plus sign in front of it is good. With the wind chill, we are at -16. BRRRRRR. The only good thing about...

Sibel Edmonds in The Times again She says the FBI was investigating a Turkish and Israeli-run network that paid high-ranking American officials to steal nuclear weapons secrets. These were then sold on the international black market to countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. One of the documents relating to the case was marked 203A-WF-210023. Last week, however, the FBI responded to a freedom of information request for a file of exactly the same number by claiming that it did not exist. But The Sunday Times has obtained a document signed by...

Hillary and Occult Symbol on the Flag?Thanks to a poster at godlikeproductions I present to you this odd photo taken directly from Hillary Clinton's official website. Scroll down slightly and watch the slideshow of photos to see it for yourself. At first glance everything looks normal enough but notice the stars on the flag. On a normal flag the stars...

"There's just no doubt in my mind — under any set of rules — waterboarding is torture." --Tom Ridge, first secretary of the Homeland Security DepartmentOf course it's torture. That's the whole point of waterboarding as opposed to, say, speaking to them in a disapproving manner. Torture is an ineffective way to get at the truth but it is an effective way to get prisoners to talk. In fact, they will say whatever their questioners want them to, which is part of the probl...

Jesus 'Tomb' Controversy ReopenedA leading New Testament expert from Princeton Theological Seminary, Prof. James Charlesworth, was intrigued enough to organize a conference in Jerusalem this week, bringing together over 50 archeologists, statisticians and experts in DNA, ceramics and ancient languages, to give evidence as to whether or not the crypt...

Where can I get one of them plastic fetus...

Photos of the ...

Heads Up! On An “Eyes Up” Contact Lens Display

Contact lenses with circuits and lights … a possible platform for superhuman vision- Science Central Video Link (click photo) - Image Credit: University of WashingtonHeads Up! On An “Eyes Up” Contact Lens DisplayHave you ever asked yourself, “How can I see the display of my cellphone without having to use my hands?”Well, it looks as though the researchers...

My Breast Day

I have NEVER identified myself by my body parts. I AM NOT my breasts and I was never any of my other 'lady bits.' A lot of women couldn't understand how easy it was for me to 'give up' my ovaries and uterus to hysterectomy. There are quite a few women who feel as if a hysterectomy is a 'mutilation,' but I DEFINITELY don't feel that way. So, my breast scare had EVERYTHING to do with the Big 'C' and NOT with the possibility of losing a breast.As I went through everything at the hospital today, several things became clear to me. It seems as if...

Good Day

My day just got better: the Wings broke their winless streak and beat the Canucks 3-2. Granted, it would have been nice if they had won in regulation--I HATE shoot-outs, as I have said numerous times--and it REALLY would have been great if they wouldn't have given up a two goal lead, but...THEY WON!My Baby Boy got an assist tonight and this gives...


I just got back from the hospital and the doctor is quite sure there is nothing to be concerned about. I will need a follow-up mammogram in six months, but he thinks what is showing up is a lymph node. While I am sooooooooo relieved, I have the stress headache from hell and will need to go for a nap. BUT, as soon as I think I can get away with it,...

Former Military Itelligence Officer calls McCain a "Traitor""It was treasonous. McCain for what he did, while he was in captivity, was a traitor because he gave information to the enemy, classified military information which caused the death of many of his fellow aviators."--Colonel Earl Hopper in a video interview here.The site containing this interview is run by some of the same people who "swift-boated" John Kerry. There is a page accusing McCain of being a "Manchurian candidate." Colonel Hopper is a POW/MIA activist who thinks that McCain betrayed...

Across the globe, researchers searching for signs of life in space were abuzz this week with word that a mystery signal has been picked up by a giant radio-telescope in Puerto Ri...

A Bit Of This, A Bit Of That

After the game last night--more about that later--I just couldn't get myself together enough to post today's celebrations, so here they are:National Fig Newton DayAppreciate A Dragon DayNothing Day**********And, in case I don't get around to it later, here are the celebrations for 17 January:Pig DayCustomer Service DayJudgment DayGet To Know Your Customers Day**********The game last night--what can I say. They lost, again. And it isn't so much that they lost, it is the way they played! It was very, very painful to watch--NOTHING was going right....

"Mammoth Capybara” Discovery In South America

Fossil hunters have uncovered the greatest rodent that ever lived -- a one-ton behemoth that bestrode the swamplands of South America some four million years ago. Graphic Credit: AFP/GUSTAVO LECUONA"Mammoth Capybara” Discovery In South AmericaIn a recent document released by Institute of Physics of Montevideo, Gustavo Lecuona helps to give life to...

Huckabee: Amend Constitution to be in 'God's standards' "I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution," Huckabee told a Michigan audience on Monday. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living god. And that's what we need to do -- to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary vie...


Celebrations for 15 January:Hat DayNational Strawberry Ice Cream ...

Jesse Ventura and the CIA Update: CIA confirms Ventura meeting occurred Turns out there actually was a Ventura meeting with the CIA in 1999. CIA Spokesman George Little confirmed the event today in a written statement, but he offered few details. Little said that "on occasion CIA officers meet with senior state government officials, as they did in this case, to discuss issues of mutual interest."Little shed less light on another revelation in Ventura's book. The former Independence Party governor says he was "stunned to learn that there is a CIA...


A number of things to celebrate for 14 January:National Dress Up Your Pet DayBald Eagle DayNational Hot Pastrami Sandwich DayNational Clean Off Your Desk DayOrganize Your Home DayI would try the 'dress up your pet' bit, but I DO want to live a bit longer. My cat WOULD go after my carotid if I tried dressing her in ANYTHING! ...

A Couple of Videos

A few days ago I posted some pictures of that very beautiful boy, Paolo Nutini, and happened to mention he also sings. I DID go out and get his CD as soon as I could and I am loving every minute of it! While I don't think there is one song on it that I don't like, here are a couple that are on the top of my favorites list. Enjoy! He has got an absolutely amazing voice--can't wait till he comes out with a new ...

Book Game--Again

Almost one year to the day, I posted the rules for the Book Game. It went over quite well, so I thought I would revive it again. A very fun and easy meme, I hope everyone gets into this. If you decide to play, let me know in the comments.Here are the rules to the Book Game:1. Grab the nearest book2. Open the book to page 1233. Find the fifth sentence4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences (#5,6,7) on your blog, along with these instructions.5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking...



Ottawa 3, Detroit 2

Watching last night's game, I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. After seeing that game, Detroit has to get it together or they WON'T win the Cup this year. I'm afraid we got to see a preview of the Cup finals and it wasn't a pretty sight. Despite the end score, the game was not a close match--the Wings played very poorly the first two periods. Hell, they were down 2-0 going into the third and THEN scored their two goals. It could have gone into a shoot-out--which I despise, but still...--but they allowed ANOTHER power play goal...

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