Random Mindlessness

Does anyone else think that, at some point, Oprah had a classic Scarlett O'Hara "As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again." moment? You know, just before she sold her soul to the devil. (Oh, come on, you KNOW you've thought that is the only way she got to where she is!)**********Our city is looking to make talking on a cell phone while driving illegal. Of course they are! Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think it is particularly safe to use a cell while driving--and I CERTAINLY don't do it very often myself. The thing is, the city...

CIA Still Stonewalls on JFK Mystery Man by Jefferson MorleyFlouting a federal court order, the CIA refused Wednesday to make public long-secret records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.At a federal court hearing in Washington, CIA attorneys declined to provide any records related to the secret operations of a deceased undercover officer named George Joannides whose role in the JFK story has never been explained by the agen...

A leading scientist has warned a new species of "humanzee," created from breeding apes with humans, could become a reality unless the government acts to stop scientists experimenting. Leading scientists say there is no reason why the two species could not breed, although they question why anyone would want to try such a technique.What, because they...

My favorite news story of the daySome inhabitants of the Isle of Lesbos, also known as Lesbians, are suing a gay group for having the word Lesbian in their tit...

Daytsuk's 5 goals so far this playoff season

Fifth goal vs ColorodoForth goal vs ColorodoThird gaol vs NashvilleSecond goal vs NashvilleFirst goal vs Nashvi...

About House and The Police Log

POSSIBLE SPOILERS?So, House was new on Monday night. YIPPEE!! I'm still very annoyed by Cutthroat Bitch--I REALLY wish she would go away. However, she WAS partly responsible for a subplot in the episode. House decided that Amber and he should divide Wilson--House missed being able to spend time with him and he also thought spending time with Wilson could help him find a way to break Amber and Wilson up. Of course, House and Amber couldn't come to an agreement, so they went to Cuddy to make a decision. At one point, Cuddy told Wilson to say...

One Step Closer

The win tonight was a definite relief. Colorado had Forsberg playing tonight and Theodore didn't do quite as badly as the last two games, PLUS they were at home. They were desperate and it showed.I knew the Avs would really play physically tonight and they did. Forsberg got a double minor for high-sticking Samuelsson--two minutes for the high stick and two minutes because he drew blood. Shortly after Sammy sat down, a linesman skated over to the bench and handed over the tooth they found on the ice--it was Sammy's. I guess that's why the blood....

Canadian connection in the Martin Luther King assassination In the worldwide manhunt for Martin Luther King's assassin 40 years ago, the RCMP and Toronto police appear to have overlooked some important clues and never fully nailed down the killer's Canadian connections, a CBC News investigation has found.Was King assassination 'triggered' in Canada?For his part, Ray had long claimed that he met a man named Raoul in Montreal in 1967, on his first trip to Canada. It was Raoul, Ray said, who dictated his movements until the day King was assassinated.However,...

A Little Sad

The finalists were announced for the Hart trophy today and Lidstrom is not one of them. I feel a little sad. Oh, well. I guess 'they' decided that he will (probably) win the Norris for the sixth time in seven years, so he doesn't NEED the Hart. (There are some who have suggested renaming the Norris the Nick Lidstrom Award, as he has won or been nominated so many times. :) He still hasn't set the record for number of wins, though--that goes to Orr with eight.) Also, he will get so many accolades if the Wings win the Cup. He will be the first...


With C's birthday this Sunday, I've been making more bracelets. The first one I made for her is one with her birthstones. I used emerald green and clear Swarovski crystals and liquid silver spacers.Considering the amount of kids she has, it is not very easy to find Mother's rings/necklaces/bracelets, so I decided to make her a bracelet myself. The...

A Wedding To Remember

When K and I got married, it was decided that the ceremony would be held in the church that my great-grandparents helped build/found. (Yes, it was ME that made the decision, but K was so much in love he would have gone along with just about anything! :)) It was a tiny church in one of the small towns that I grew up in--cozy, not elegant or elaborate in decor. So many people squeezed into the sanctuary that the basement door wouldn't close--the floor sagged under the weight. (We found THIS out several days later.)The pastor who married us had...

UFO crash in AlabamaWhat was it last night around Decatur that had people talking? Friday night and into today, our newsroom has been flooded with people inquiring about a strange sighting in the western sky.What did people see? What we do know is that an object was in the sky that night. What it was is the focus of tonight's WAFF 48 Investigators Report."I saw it coming thru the sky back that way and it".Cody Terry was driving by the Aquadome Recreation Center Friday night in Decatur when he happened to look up in the sky and he notice something...

Photo of the ...

Wings Take The First Two Games From Colorado

A dominant performance by the Red Wings as they smashes the aves, 5 to 1. McCarty also renewed his rivalry by getting into a fight with Cody McCormick!Here is just the fight...Game one was fun to watch, but the Red Wings let off a little bit towards the end, and the Avalanche came back, but still lost 4 to 3! Ozzie with a bunch of huge saves including one with just 8 seconds left in the 3rd period..Late games coming up, better get your naps in! 10 o'clock start here in Detroit on Tuesday...

Pinball Wizard And Body Table King

Mr. Gary Stern, the last pinball machine magnate, is a wise-cracking, fast-talking 62-year-old with a shock of white hair, matching white frame glasses and a deep tan who eats jelly beans at his desk and recently hurt a rib snowboarding in Colorado. Gary says half of his company’s machines now go into homes and not a corner arcade. Image Credit: Sally...


Here are the celebrations for this week:27 AprilNational Prime Rib DayWrite An Old Friend Today Day28 AprilNational Blueberry Pie DayBulldogs Are Beautiful DayCubicle Day29 AprilNational Shrimp Scampi DayNational Hairball Awareness DaySense of Smell DayNational Dance Day30 AprilNational Oatmeal Cookie DayHairstylists Appreciation Day1 MaySave a Rhino DayFrequent Flyer DayMother Goose DayStepmother's Day2 MayNational Truffles DayNo Pants Day3 MayNational Raspberry Popover DayLumpy Rug DayInternational Pilates DayNational Scrapbooking ...

Six Down, Ten To Go

The Wings went on a kind of tear today and beat the Avs 5-1. This was the best they played during the playoffs so far AND was the second game in a row that the Avs goalie was replaced. Hmmmm. Franzen got his first career hat trick--how cool to do that during the playoffs?!--Baby Boy got his second goal of the playoffs, and Z got a goal. Even McCarty got in on the action and had a fight. All in all, a very, very good game.Tuesday the series goes to Colorado. I think things will be a bit more difficult for the Wings in the next two games. ...

Shasta’s Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Dotting a rocky plain north of Mount Lassen, 42 radio antennas are cocked like ears toward the sky, being readied for an expanded hunt for life beyond Earth. The Allen Telescope Array is slowly coming together as the new listening post for SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Graphic Credit: The Sacramento BeeShasta’s Search for Extraterrestrial...

No Comment

I STILL don't believe this.WHO ARE THESE PEOP...

The Lion Cut

There is a hair (fur) cut that some people do to their cats. It is called the Lion Cut. While I understand it--it REALLY would make taking care of a long-haired cat so much easier--it is just so wrong in so many ways. This picture is NOT a pic of my cat, but this is what she would look like if she had a Lion Cut:Poor kitt...

Lesbian al Qaeda operative Huma Abedin on a b...

Best headline of the 2008 Presidential campaign: "I grabbed Chelsea's A...

The Newest

We took a trip up north to bring some stuff to C today. As usual, they were running late for something, so we just stayed a couple of minutes. I guess she would want a longer visit if we weren't in the habit of just dropping in. No problem.After we left C's, we went to The Parent's house. yippee. The Mother's birthday is next week, so this was...

Connie Stevens, alleged McCain paramour This week, McCain is featured in a cover story in the National Examiner, one of the weekly tabloids (and btw, the Examiner does not appear to have a website). The headline: "Shocking Charge: John McCain & Connie Stevens Affair!" There's a photo of John and Connie, arm in arm and all smiles; a subhead next...

And not to leave out Ob...

Huma Abedin in the GlobeYes, respected supermarket tabloid Globe has an article on Huma Abedin. Hillary Gay Love Scandal Revealed! The sultry beauty who's with her DAY and NI...

John McCain: Hero or Collaborator?Does the Vietnamese government have damning audio and film evidence of Senator John McCain's collaboration with the enemy during the Vietnam War? This article Sen John McCain: The "Ultimate Rhinestone Hero" says yes.Other sources have told the U.S. Veteran Dispatch that the Vietnamese are holding as much as fifty hours of film footage secretly taken of McCain during the time his KGB-trained handlers had him isolated from other U.S. prisoners of war.Some of the film, according to the sources, is of McCain receiving...

John McCain and the POWsSome of the strongest criticism of John McCain comes from Vietnam-era POWS and their families. They damn him as betraying the cause of POWs left behind after the war ended.Journalist Sydney Schanberg gives an interest account in The War Secrets John McCain Hides But there was one subject that was off-limits, a subject the Arizona senator almost never brings up and has never been open about -- his long-time opposition to releasing documents and information about American prisoners of war in Vietnam and the missing in action...

Watch John McCain insult the sister of an American missing-in-action pilot, reduce her to tears, and then storm off in a hu...

Alexander Cockburn trashes John McCain again:Meanwhile Cliff Schecter, author of The Real McCain says an AP reporter "recounted to me seeing John McCain wander off into the red-light district of Hanoi in 1996 when he was there to normalise relations with the Vietnamese", and that "a few reporters told me the McCains don't really live together anymore, and that until the campaign Cindy McCain spent much of her time in San Diego with their daughter, because her husband was just not Johnny-on-the-spot anymor...

Leave Al Alone, Please!

On April 15, 1952, the first octopus hit the ice during a Red Wings game. Al Sobotka wasn't even born. Al is the buildings operation manager of Joe Louis Arena, where the Red Wings play today. He has been with the Red Wings for 37 years. Al takes care of the ice for the games and he drives the Zamboni. He is also in charge of picking up the octopi...

Alexander Cockburn raises the question of John McCain's collaboration with his captors as a POW. His piece is a come-on to an article by Douglas Valentine which is available by subscription only. Save your money--it is available here for free.So, McCain leveraged some details to get some medical attention, not anything too contemptible. Who’s to judge someone in the position?But McCain was held for five and half years. The first two weeks’ behavior might have been pragmatism, but McCain soon became North Vietnam’s go-to collaborator.McCain provided...

Just Saying

I don't get too political on this blog--or at least I haven't for a while--but this has just crawled up under my skin and is irritating the hell out of me. Hence, the post.I know politicians have always 'kissed babies' and mingled with the 'little people' as if to say they are just like the rest of us. They try to make themselves appear more human and humble. What I don't understand is, when did this change and candidates become total idiots? Frankly, I WANT my leader--the most powerful person in the US, which makes him/her the most powerful...

It's Done and Done

I spent the day getting everything scheduled for my LASIK surgery. The big day is 22 May and we will be traveling to Green Bay for the procedure. I am having all of the pre- and post-sugical appointments done locally--much easier that way. I'm really excited about the whole thing!**********It took until after midnight--less than two hours ago--to find out which team Detroit plays in the second round of the playoffs. Calgary just kind of melted, so San Jose won their series. This means that Colorado and Detroit go at it in the second round....

Many Hope for Obama-Clinton Ticket"Hillary would be the LBJ of 1960 - both served longer and had more experience, and LBJ was willing to take the vice presidency. And Obama would only come into his own more as vice president," he said, referring to Lyndon B. Johnson, who was John F. Kennedy's vice president and then successor.Oh, right and that turned out so we...

Spring Has Sprung?

We just MIGHT be experiencing the start of spring.The tulips are coming up:The neighbor's magnolia tree is budding:And there is some new, green grass growing:Yup, we just might get summer this ye...

The Marilyn Monroe sex tape may be a hoax, according to The Smoking Gun. A New York businessman's claim that he recently brokered the $1.5 million sale of a Marilyn Monroe sex tape is belied by the very FBI documents the man has cited to support his bizarre and unsubstantiated story, The Smoking Gun has learned. Defamer has more: Debunking The Marilyn Monroe 'Sex Tape' Hoax...

Why are the Pope and President Bush standing before the Confederate Flag?Update: OK, so it's the Mississipi state flag. Welcome Metafilter visitors and thanks. Please come aga...

Red Wings Advance To Round 2

Lidstrom scores from beyond center ice to give the Red Wings the lead... They never looked back from there and win the game to advance to round 2 of the playoffs to face either Calgary or Colorado! Here are the highlights from the game including the half ice shot...History repeated itself as Nicklas Lidstrom scored from center ice in a past playoff...

Adieu, Ducks, Adieu

I hope this doesn't come back and bit me in the ass--which it probably will--and I'm trying not to be TOO happy--which is very hard for me--but, the Anaheim Ducks have been eliminated from the Stanley Cup playoffs. They WILL NOT REPEAT as champions. I'm trying not to cry for them--as if I could EVER feel sorry for them. They have the dirtiest player in the NHL--even The Hockey News says so--and they manipulated and skirted the rules by having two of their top players 'retire' for half the year and come back rested and they STILL were not able...

Four Down, Twelve To Go

Today the Wings defeated Nashville and won round one of the playoffs. Thank goodness that is over. I feel as if the first round and the last round are the hardest on the players and this series was no exception. The Nashville goalie was fantastic and that is why the scores were as close as they were. Now the Wings have a few days off and then will...


A little late, but here are the celebrations for this week:20 AprilNational Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day21 AprilKindergarten DayNational Chocolate-Covered Cashews Day22 AprilNational Jelly Bean Day23 AprilNational Cherry Cheesecake DayAdministrative Professionals Day or Secretary's Day24 AprilPlumber's DayTake Our Daughters & Sons To Work Day25...

I Can See Clearly...Soon

The only thing that has been decided since my eye appointment on Friday is, I WILL be having surgery. After the evaluation, I was told I am an 'excellent' candidate. Then, I was given all of my options. Great.I have three surgery options. I can have straight LASIK done. This would give me excellent, crisp, clear, vision--nothing more. Mono-vision...

Washington Post: McCain: A Question of Temperament Former Senator Bob Smith (R): "His temper would place this country at risk in international affairs, and the world perhaps in danger. In my mind, it should disqualify him."John McCain: "I have a temper, to state the obvious, which I have tried to control with varying degrees of success because it does not always serve my interest or the public's."Jon Hinz Jon Hinz, former executive director of the Arizona Republican Party: "I've just seen too much. That temper, the intolerance: It worries m...


Covering FingergateOh, my fucking god. This is what the media coverage of this campaign has come down to? Blogger Joseph Cannon, who voted for Obama before he turned on him, says that "this gesture is not accidental, and it certainly is not presidential." Fox News: Did Obama Give a "Flip" Response to Clinton Attacks?US News & World Report: Obama's...

Operation Sudden, a new site to me, reports on "Operation Sudden Impact" conducted in three states last weekend.Federal law enforcement agencies co-opted sheriffs offices as well state and local police forces in three states last weekend for a vast round up operation that one sheriff’s deputy has described as "martial law training".Law-enforcement agencies in Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas took part in what was described by local media as "an anti-crime and anti-terrorism initiative" involving officers from more than...

The war in Iraq is "a major debacle," according to a study in the Pentagon's National Institute for Strategic Studies.The report said that the United States has suffered serious political costs, with its standing in the world seriously diminished. Moreover, operations in Iraq have diverted "manpower, materiel and the attention of decision-makers" from "all other efforts in the war on terror" and severely strained the U.S. armed forces."Compounding all of these problems, our efforts there (in Iraq) were designed to enhance U.S. national security,...

I'm going to predict 6 games Red wings win it, then they continue to face the next team.The ref with a mustache, is what I call a bad referee? Are all the ref's blind when Tootoo stepped on Draper?Not even called, Unsportsmen like conduct!For lack of better terms "trying to injure a player"Dirty players need not apply...The game is a matter of skill, not kill...That being said check this video out as well.I'm not sure if I have this video already but it's a good one!55 ...

There is life on Mars according to William Shatner. Starts at 5:27 on the video.I'm going to let you in on a little secret, that I have been told not to reveal. So I won't reveal who told me, but there is going to be new information about Mars. It won't be too long away, about the existence of li...


One evening at the end of my junior year in high school, The Family was sitting around the table eating dinner. The Brother, looking at me--with a 'nanner, nanner' look on his face--announced, "I am going to Camp Wayoutinthewoods with my class! I will NOT have to deal with YOU for an ENTIRE week!" I looked at him with an extremely evil and malevolent look of my own and answered, "Don't be so sure. I was just asked to be the coordinator for the girl's counselor's at Camp Wayoutinthewoods--the week YOU will be there!"That night I learned the...

Chelsea Clinton hangs out with drag quee...


After the loss tonight, I AM beginning to worry. But, there are three potential games left to this series, so they can still pull it off--and two of the games are at the Joe. I will NOT be like the Nashville fans/management and whine about the bad/non-existent calls and the bad luck. (The Wings management is the classiest in the NHL--THEY don't blame the refs, etc, either--unlike too many other teams do.) The Wings didn't play the way they can for a full 60 minutes--as they didn't WAY too often during the season--and that is the only reason...

Life Goes On

Right now, our thermometers are showing 69 degrees. And yes, that IS outside. All of the snow we got with the last storm is pretty much gone from our yard. That is NOT to say that we don't still have snow--I'm looking at another week or so before it is all gone. I guess there still is some cold air in Canada that needs to be watched, so we are...

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