Detroit 2, Pittsburgh 1


Game 4

GAME 4, Stanley Cup FinalsDetroit Red WingsvsPittsburgh Penguins8:00 PM31 May 2008national broadcast: NBCGet it done tonight, Win...


Here are the celebrations for this week:1 JuneDinosaur DayDonut DayOscar the Grouch's BirthdayPen Pal Day2 JuneI Love My Dentist DayRocky Road DayLeave the Office Early DayNational Bubba DayYell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day3 JuneEgg Day4 JuneNational Frozen Yogurt DayCheese Day5 JuneNational Gingerbread Day6 JuneNational Yo-yo Day7 JuneNational Chocolate Ice Cream DayBanana Split DayDo-Dah ...


Today I officially went over 10,000 hits on this blog. I think that is a milestone--at least for something that is so filled with the monotonous minutiae of my life and LOTS of hockey! Thank you to everyone who makes me feel noticed. ;) I appreciate you all.glitter-graphics....

Police Log

--11:12 AM, engagement ring taken by ex-fiancee who refuses to return it--6:11 PM, ex-wife took lawn furniture off front porchAre these cases of 'women scorned?' You go, girls! ...


I just saw a commercial for the birth control pill Seasonique. While it seems to do what every other birth control pill does, it has another use: limiting the amount of periods one has during the year. It is being marketed as reducing your periods from 12 per year to four. I understand the attraction of reducing the frequency of periods, but it still is a bit scary to me. Is this playing around with the natural order of things a little too much? Not that I have to worry about this subject. I took care of having periods the old fashioned...

Hillary Rodham Clinton says she expects her marathon Democratic race against Barack Obama to be resolved next week. And you've got to love Google News:Hillary considers General Zod as running mate Houston ChronicleClinton campaign awaiting Saturday decision Detroit Free Pr...

Enää 1 aamu :o

Nyt se sitten oikeesti alkaa loppumaan, nimittäin peruskoulu, kun huomenna on enää pienimuotoinen kevätjuhla ja päättötodistusten jako. Harmittaa vähän kun en omista kuin oikeastaan yhden juhlamekon, mutta sekin oli päälläni jo viime vuonna, niin tyydyn nyt sitten hameeseen. Tänään koulussa ei tehty oikeastaan mitään muuta mainitsemisen arvoista kuin...

My Oldest, Part 3

C always was a bit gullible. She would believe anything K said to her. And so we have another story.One day when C was in fifth grade--or thereabouts--she came home fuming mad. She had had a fight with her teacher--her FAVORITE teacher of all time. She had told him that if you close your mouth and pinch your nose and try REALLY, REALLY hard, you could breathe through your ears. She KNEW it was true, because her father had told her as much. Her teacher thought it was hysterically funny and she got mad at him. I then got mad at K for telling...

Police Log

Wednesday, 29 May--10:59 PM, noise complaint, three male subjects upset over Red Wings' lossI WAS NOT THERE--I SWEAR...

Shocking photo of Huma and Hillary toget...


Tänään kävimme luokkamme ja luokanvalvojamme kanssa syömässä ns. "viimeisen aterian" yhdessä paikallisessa ravintolassa. Ravintoloissa käyn todella harvoin, joten se oli aika mukavaa vaihtelua. :) Muut söivät seisovasta pöydästä, mutta koska olen lakto-ovovegetaristi, minulle tehtiin ihan erikoisannos! :D Muutenkin oli todella rento päivä, päästiin...

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