Madman Ahmadinejad tells the truth: Calls oil price hikes ‘manipulated’ Specifically he said, “At a time when the growth of consumption is lower than the growth of production and the market is full of oil, prices are rising, and this trend is completely fake and imposed.” He ironically attributed the oil price manipulation to “visible and invisible hands.” ...Ahmadinejad underlined the fact that “The price of oil is skyrocketing in order to secure economic and political gains.” Could that possibly be? Yes. “Speculation is the reason behind the...

Model Ruslana Korshunova, 20 jumped to her death from her Manhattan apartment. It's alway sad when supermodels d...

The Large Hadron Collider will probably not destroy the world. And you were worri...

Girl it's so awesome that you came here

Täällä taas! Viime viikkona ei siis siksi kuulunut yhtään kunnollista postausta, kun ihana Hanna-serkkuni oli meillä tiistaista tähän päivään asti. Viime viikon maanantaina eli viikko sitten kävimme kuitenkin minä + äitini, kummitätini ja 2 serkkuani Kuopiossa shoppailemassa. Tarkoituksenamme oli käydä vain kotikaupungissani kaupoilla, mutta aamulla...

Seems to be a new slogan circulating on the right....

Notes From A Reunion

I have been AWOL for a couple of days because I have been preparing for, attending, and recovering from The Father's family reunion. Seeing as this event was just yesterday, I'm far from recovered.Way back in March, we got an invite from my cousin B to attend the reunion. I mentioned it to K and told him he could make the decision--I told him I would attend and enjoy myself, but if we didn't go, I wouldn't cry about it. He wanted to go, so that was that. (As he has told numerous people, HE gets along better with my family than I do.) I did...

Seymour Hersh on Iran in the New Yorker :A Democratic senator told me that, late last year, in an off-the-record lunch meeting, Secretary of Defense Gates met with the Democratic caucus in the Senate. (Such meetings are held regularly.) Gates warned of the consequences if the Bush Administration staged a preëmptive strike on Iran, saying, as the senator recalled, “We’ll create generations of jihadists, and our grandchildren will be battling our enemies here in America.” Gates’s comments stunned the Democrats at the lunch, and another senator asked...

Obama worships his god. TH...

Click here if you want to see the Michelle Obama "whitey" video.Click here if you don...

My Day

My day was worse than yours. Period. Unless you had a horrid tragedy, I guarantee my day was much, much shittier than yours was.This morning I was sitting on the toilet taking care of business. All of a sudden I felt something along the lines of this:Yep, the toilet was erupting like a volcano. Of course, I got off, started screaming for K, closed the lid--little good it did other than keep stuff from hitting the ceiling--and stood looking at the mess as more spewed from between the seat and toilet. I almost started to cry. K came into the...

The Israel Insider thinks that Barack Obama's birth certificate is a fake.The "birth certificate" claimed by the Barack Obama campaign is not certified as authentic and appears to be a photoshopped fake.The image, purporting to come from the Hawaii Department of Health, has been the subject of intense skepticism in the blogosphere in the past two weeks. But now the senior spokesman of that Department has confirmed to Israel Insider what are the required features of a certified birth document -- features that Obama's purported "birth certificate"...

Israel Prodding U.S. To Attack Iran Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen leaves Tuesday night on an overseas trip that will take him to Israel, reports CBS News national security correspondent David Martin. The trip has been scheduled for some time but U.S. officials say it comes just as the Israelis are mounting a full court press to get the Bush administration to strike Iran's nuclear complex.This is such a bad idea that I guess it is inevitable. Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired) at puts it this way:One problem with...

According to an Associated Press-Yahoo News poll Barack Obama has won over more than half of Hillary Clinton's supporters. Nonetheless, about 23% of them presently plan to vote for John McCain. The rest are undecided or leaning toward other candidates. Obama will no doubt be able to win over some of these, but some of them will be difficult. Like these former Clinton but now McCain supporters:"It sounds to me like a Middle Eastern type of name and whether or not he's born here in the United States, he doesn't seem like, to me, somebody who is trustworthy,"...

The Baby Borrowers

I don't watch reality TV, but I watched The Baby Borrowers tonight. OMG!! It is quite something.The concept of the show is to put five teenage couples through what adulthood is like--in six episodes. Tonight they went through 'pregnancy' and the first day with an infant. Needless to say, some of them failed in big ways. There were some--okay, one--of the snot-nosed brats that I wanted to slap silly. And I'm NOT talking about the infants, of course. One of the girls REFUSED to participate in the pretend pregnancy--the wearing of an empathy...

Sisu Award

'Sisu' is a Finnish word that cannot be translated easily. To have 'sisu,' one has guts, stubbornness, stick-to-it-iveness all rolled into one--but in a positive way. It is perseverance and determination. I once, tongue-in-cheek, described 'sisu' as "giving birth to 11 girls and getting pregnant for the 12th time because THIS one HAS to be a boy."...

Regular reader AitchD has expressed an interest in photos of "Jewesses". Always happy to oblige. This is Evan Rachel Wood. To see her kissing Mischa Barton (her first screen kiss at age 14) click here. You know you want to....

Alicia Keyes: "Obama y'all!"...

JFK assassination lamp: a morbid souvenir or collectors' item?OK, I want the lamp and the rug. I already have the bo...


Tulin vaan nopeesti ilmottamaan, että en yhtään tiedä milloin kirjoitan "kunnon" postauksen seuraavan kerran, kun serkkuni Hanna tuli meille eilen. Hän käy meillä suunnilleen kerran vuodessa, joten en aio kuluttaa aikaani blogiini, mutta että palailen tänne heti kun kerkeää. :) Joten ei tarvitse ainakaan luulla että olen bloggailun lopettanut! =) Eli seuraavassa postauksessani luvassa mm. Kuopion reissulta shoppaillut asiat, kuten kotikaupungistanikin.Moikka moi!...

George Carlin: Touched by an AtheistOh and before I forget: Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, T...


I read the obituaries in the local newspaper from where I grew up. Today they have the obit of a 25 year old man. Very, very sad--there was no cause of death mentioned. What has me going, though, is he has 21 brothers and sisters surviving him. Did you read that? TWENTY-ONE BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!! The mother's uterus must be dragging the ground! I can't wrap my mind around this o...

Here we thought that Barack Obama is a Muslim, or possibly a Christian, and it turns out that he worships a monkey god. Or at least he carries one as a charm. As a new member of the atheist blogroll I do not believe in the monkey god Hanuman. Although I suppose I could since the new Pew poll shows that 21% of self-identified atheists believe in God....

I know that I have been light on the blogging lately so to make it up to you here is a photo of Natalie Portman holding a g...

Back To Normal

It's now almost five weeks since my LASIK and I'm getting back to 'normal'--or what ever that means in my life. :) The eyes are still fluctuating a bit, but not as much as at first. I think when everything finally settles for good, I will be completely satisfied--after all, I'm almost there already. I've been trying out things to make sure I won't...


George Carlin has died at the age of 71. He died of heart failure. Go here to see a classic bit: Al Sleet the hippy, dippy weatherman. Carlin definitely had his moments. (Al Sleet is one of his first characters--back when I really thought he was funn...

And When I Die...

So, you're sitting around with friends and the conversation seems to get away from you--as in, you start talking about dying. This is what happened over the weekend to me. We went on one of our road trips--YAY!!!--and after dinner my friend and I began talking about death. Why? Who knows. We both agreed that we will have closed caskets--no people...

Iran: Stop nukes by bombing oil wells, neocons suggest To be sure, in a tight world oil market, attacking Iran's oil infrastructure carries an obvious risk of causing world oil prices to soar and hurting consumers in the United States and other oil-importing countries.... If the choice is between higher oil prices and a Middle East with several nuclear powers, higher oil prices and reduced economic growth are not clearly the greater evil. An idea so spectacularly stupid that only a couple of hyper-educated think-tank neocons could have come up...

Surkein postaus ikinä

Täällä taas! Lopulta epäselvät juhannussuunnitelmat selkisivät, ja lähdin mm. serkkuni Hannan kanssa yksiin bileisiin Hannan isoveljen kyydillä. Yhteensä meitä oli siellä 12, ja menimme sinne n. klo 15 ja nukkumaan ruvettiin jossain neljältä. :----)) Oli kivaa, pitäis käydä useemminkin tollasissa. =)) Eilen sitten lähettiin Hannalle ja niille, ja olin...

The latest Newsweek poll shows Obama leading McCain by 15 points. I wonder if Joseph Cannon still thinks that "ALL Obama supporters are PSYCHOTIC!" At any rate, it looks like Obama just might be able to win without his suppo...

More art? The work of "artist" Doron Braunshtein, aka Apollo Braun.Meanwhile, Congressman Mark Kirk thinks that Obama should be shot on sight. He meant Osama. I thi...

Not Enough Fans?

Hmmmm. The Associated Press said that tens of thousands of fans greeted the Boston Celtics during their victory parade. And their last championship was 22 years ago. The Red Wings won the Stanley Cup after only SIX years and 1.4 million fans showed up for the parade. So, WHY are 'they' always saying that hockey has no fan base here in the Stat...


Okei, mulla on niin tylsää, että päätin tehdä tämmösen "kyselyn", jonka joskus löysin jonkun muun blogista, mutta en enää muista kenen. =(( Niin ja samalla tässä voisin mainita, että en yhtään tiedä milloin seuraava postaus tulee, kun huomenna lähden joko niihin bileisiin tai mökille, ja siitäkään en ole varma että tuleeko se serkkuni meille, joten mikään ei ole vielä varmaa. Nähellään! ;) Mutta tässä kuitenkin se "kysely":Päätät repiä koko vaatekaapin sisällön ulos, et olekaan tehnyt sitä pitkiin aikoihin.Löydät sinulle sopivia t-paitoja läjäpäin,...


Okei, nyt se sitten vihdoin tuli, eli tieto siitä, että pääsen syksyllä opiskelemaan kauppaopistoon! Alkoi jo vähän pelottamaan tuon tuloksen kanssa, kun alunperinhän sen piti tulla jo viime perjantaina! No mutta enää ei tarvitse jännittää sitäkään, paitsi voin kyllä sanoa että olen niin paineessa kun olla ja voi kun tulee elokuu. Ö__Ö Olen kuitenkin...

No One Is More Guilty Than Me

K watches the financial channel. I don't know why--we don't have enough money to even THINK of following any advice there. I guess he must watch just to try and figure out what he will do with that big lottery pot he's going to win. In his dreams. Anyway, I don't watch the channel, but I catch certain things as I'm walking through the living room--exactly what happened the other day.A headline for an up-coming show caught my attention as I was passing the television. This had to do with the upcoming election and the views/policies of presidential...

The Professor

Former Red Wing, Igor Larionov (nicknamed 'The Professor") has been included in this year's inductees to the Hockey Hall of Fame. Larionov was a top player in Russia before he came to the US. As a Red Wing, he helped the team to three Stanley Cup championships--in 1997, 1998, and 2002.-- Red Wing Igor Larionov (8) in action against the Florida...

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