What the McCain campaign doesn’t want people to know, according to one GOP strategist I spoke with over the weekend, is that they had an ad script ready to go if Obama had visited the wounded troops saying that Obama was...wait for it...using wounded troops as campaign props.Via Born at the Crest of the Emp...

5 More Years

Yes. Yes! YES!! YES!!! YES!!!! The Red Wings have signed Valtteri Filppula for 5 years/$15 million. My Baby Boy is staying at home. I am a truly happy woman today. Now let's start the damn season already!--Detroit Red Wings' Valtteri Filppula, is shown in this June 4, 2008 photo. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gun...


Eilen tuli syötyä aika kiitettävä määrä mansikoita, kun kävin poimimassa niitä äitini, kummini ja kahden serkkuni kanssa muutaman tunnin ajan. On kyllä niin raskasta hommaa varsinkin jaloille kun siellä puskissa pitää kykkiä, että osaan ainakin arvostaa niitä jotka käyvät vaikka kesätyökseen niitä poimimassa! Minulle on jo melkein tuo yksi kerta liikaa....

Police Log

Can you believe it? Two days in a row! :)--Monday, 12:33 PM, car alarm going off since SaturdayExcuse me?!?!?!?!?! You wait TWO FREAKING DAYS to call about a car alarm that is blaring? WHERE is the logic?--3:37 PM, squirrel in fireplaceReally now, is THIS a problem for the police?--8:19 PM, disorderly juveniles swimming and climbing flag poleWhy would swimming be bad? I think this is just very badly worded.--1:45 AM, destruction of property, people writing in new cementI understand the destruction of property call, but HOW long does it take...

We're doomed: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.According to Kenneth Timmerman, an alleged journalist on NewsMax."If even a crude nuclear weapon were detonated anywhere between 40 kilometers to 400 kilometers above the earth, in a split-second it would generate an electro-magnetic pulse [EMP] that would cripple military and civilian communications, power, transportation, water, food, and other infrastructure," the report warned.Asked just how many Americans would die if Iran were to launch the EMP attack it appears to be preparing, Graham gave a...

Police Log

For some reason or other, the stupid police calls have stopped around here. All I have been seeing are about drunks and failure to pay for gas, etc. Very, very dull, boring stuff. But there is always hope and I was rewarded for my patience over the past couple of days. I now present the police logs:--11:08 PM, woman with finger stuck in ironing...


A couple of weeks before I had my LASIK done, we purchased a Tomtom GPS system. It was one of the best purchases we ever made. It got us to the clinic where I had the surgery done with NO trouble at all and has gotten us everywhere we wanted to go with only one exception. The Tomtom didn't have directions for us when we went to my family reunion,...

The Obama Death List At last! Compelling evidence that Barack Obama is a serial killer. Except, of course, that most of the people on the list never existed and the rest are not dead. May be satire, which should be banned as it confuses people. My favorite:DARSANO RAHARDJO - Childhood classmate of Barack Obama when he attended a madrassa in Indonesia. Was found with his head cut off in a Jakarta alley way in 1970. Many children at the school attributed Rahardjo's murder to the young Barack Obama. It was likely done as an initiation ritual, since...

6 Things I'm Proud Of Meme

Janet tagged me for this one. I won't tag anyone specifically, but it would be interesting to read what ALL of my readers have to say--go for it!Here are my six--in no particular order.1. I am extremely proud of my Finnish heritage. The Finnish people are amazing and I am glad to be one of them. The amount of 'sisu' they have has been passed to me--I DO hang in there for the long haul! It takes a special kind of person to live in the harsh climates of Finland AND they DID beat the Russians during the Winter War. For whatever reason, the...

Sydänlasien läpi katselu

Muutamaan päivään minusta ei ole kuulunut taaskaan mitään sen takia, kun olen ollut vain kotona ja datannut, joten ei ole ollut mitään raportoitavaa. Perjantai-iltana ei kyllät ollut mukava kun vaille yksitoista illalla kun olin yksinään kotona dataamassa, tuli yht'äkkiä sähkökatkos, ja pienimuotoinen ukkonen. Olipa sitten mukava etsiä pimeässä jotain...

Sunday religion cornerWe are all born knowing nothing of god and we all die in the same conditi...

JoJo Baby It's you lyrics and music video youtube.

Baby It's You is a song by JoJo, featuring American rapper Bow Wow. Written by Harvey Mason, Jr., Damon Thomas, Eric Dawkins, and Antonio Dixon, and produced by The Underdogs, Baby It's You song was released in September 2004 as the 2nd single from JoJo's self-titled debut album, JoJo (2004). Baby It's You reached #22 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #8...

I've been told by members of InfraGard, an FBI-private sector group consisting of 26,000 businesspeople, that they've been told to plan for "martial la...

Obama up by Seven Go team. It appears that Obama has gotten a bounce from his overseas trip despite the efforts to make it appear that he "snubbed" wounded troops in Germany. Of course, if he had met with the troops he would have been accused of "playing politics" with wounded troops. Sorry, by the way, for the light posting of late (addressed to...

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell on UFO Cover-up EM: My major knowledge comes from what I call the old-timers, people who were at Roswell and subsequent who wanted to clear the things up and tell somebody credible even though they were under severe threats and things -- this was back in the Roswell days. Having gone to the moon and being a local citizen out in the Roswell area some of them thought I would be a safe choice to tell their story to, which they did. Even though the government put real clamps on everybody, it got out anyhow.Subsequent to that,...


It is Saturday, K is at work, I have nothing much to do, so here I am surfing the web. And, that means I have more links!--How To Fold A ShirtOkay, this is a very short, very fast video--AND it is in Japanese (?). I watched it over and over again until I was able to get the 'fold a shirt' thing to work, but work it does! AMAZING! Shirts actually come out looking good with this method.--Cake WrecksThis site hasn't been up too long--thank goodness! This makes it very easy to read ALL of the posts--and read them all you must. This blogger posts...


And here are this week's reasons to celebrate:27 JulyTake Your Houseplant For A Walk DayWalk On Stilts Day28 JulyHamburger DayNational Milk Chocolate DaySinging Telegram Day29 JulyRocket day30 JulyCheesecake Day31 JulyJump For Jellybeans Day1 AugustGirlfriend's DaySpiderman DayWork Like a Dog DayWorld Wide web Day2 AugustNational Mustard ...

Bug in Finn 2008 -volkkarikokoontuminen Himoksella.

Siinäpä oli muutamia otoksia tältä päivältä :...


When we went up north for my family reunion, it was the first time I had been there since I had LASIK done. After sitting at The Mother's kitchen table for about a half hour, K came in and asked her, "Did you notice that C isn't wearing glasses?" She looked at me and asked, "Did you have THAT surgery?" "Yes, I did." Well, I'll tell you what I told...

So Sad


Me, Myself & Marazu

Menipäs taas beballeen eilinen suunnitelmani, nimittäin menin nukkumaan jo kahdeltatoista siinä toivossa, että jaksaisin sitten tänään herätä jo kymmeneltä, mutta vielä mitä: pyörin sängyssäni varmaan kolme tuntia, ja nukuinpa sitten härätyksestä huolimatta taas kahteen. Ei kiva. Tälläkin hetkellä nukuttaa vielä siitäkin huolimatta, mutta katsotaanpa...

I've only given this a quick read but this Salon article is important: Exposing Bush's historic abuse of power According to several former U.S. government officials with extensive knowledge of intelligence operations, Main Core in its current incarnation apparently contains a vast amount of personal data on Americans, including NSA intercepts of bank and credit card transactions and the results of surveillance efforts by the FBI, the CIA and other agencies. One former intelligence official described Main Core as "an emergency internal security...

Each day gets more and more like the last day

Eilen ja tänään ei ole tapahtunut oikeastaan mitään erikoista, mitä nyt eilen tuli käytyä serkkujeni ja kummieni luona, kun he eivät eilen päässeet vanhempieni menojen vuoksi meille kahville viettämään nimipäiviäni (jotka olivat kyllä jo sunnuntaina). Niimpä menin sitten itse heille, ja päivä kului Sims kakkosta pelaillessa. Päälläni ei ollut mitään...

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