Nurture? Nature? Talent? Money?

An article in The Hockey News this week tells how much it cost the family of Patrick Kane (19 year old phenom for the Chicago Blackhawks) to help him become an NHL player. It is estimated that the family spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $150,000 from the time he started playing hockey till he signed his first NHL contract.Hockey is a very expensive activity for kids to be involved in. The skates, helmets, protective pads, and sticks just to BEGIN playing are cost prohibitive for many people. And if a kid shows any talent at all, and wants...

Urban Sprawl Grid Discovered In Xingu Amazonia

Newly discovered traces of ancient roads, bridges and plazas in Brazil's tropical forest may help dispel the once-popular impression of an 'untouched' Amazon before the Europeans' arrival. In southern Brazil, archeologists have found the remains of a NETWORK or urban communities that apparently hosted a population many thousands strong. Reporting their...

The biggest Newspaper in the Netherlands today devotes its front page to news that the Dutch intelligence agency has helped the CIA prepare for an air attack on Iran which it now believes is imminent....


Here are this week's celebrations:31 AugustLove Litigating Lawyers Day1 SeptemberBuilding and Code Staff Appreciation DayChicken Boy's DayEmma M Nutt Day2 SeptemberV-J Day3 SeptemberAustralian National Flag Day4 SeptemberNewspaper Carrier Day5 SeptemberBe Late for Something Day6 SeptemberRead a Book ...

The Palin PickJohn McCain's pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is a mind-boggling act of desperation and shows poor judgement.First, for a candidate who happens to be the oldest man ever to run for the office, and one with a history of cancer at that, to select someone younger and less-experienced than Barack Obama does make one wonder just what was...

Rain & Rainbows

Tuntuu aika uskomattomalta, että olen jo kolme viikkoa käynyt kopista. Olen viihtynyt sellä pallon peremmin kuin peruskoulussa, mutta koulumatkat on yksi huonoista puolista, ja samoin pari ainetta. Uskomatonta on myös se, että olen kaverini kanssa _vapaaehtoisesti_ matikan ja ruotsin tunneilla. Meidän ei siis niillä tarvitsisi oikeastaan ainakaan tässä...

Joseph Cannon covers The Plot to Kill Obama? Worth reading. Cannon also links to this story: In the federal arrest affidavit, an agent with the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau writes that Johnson told a Secret Service agent, described only as SA Torres, that "Adolf had, in fact, threatened to kill Obama on a prior occasion ... that he wanted to kill Obama on the day of his inauguration and ... would specifically use a 22-250 sniper rifle." Special Agent Shane Abraham of the ATF goes on to write, "Johnson then told (SA Torres) there were no...

Who Da Thunk It?

A couple of weeks ago, A noticed one of her cats wasn't 'quite right.' The next day she took him in to be checked over. He was diagnosed with high blood pressure. He is now on blood pressure medication. This is something I NEVER had heard of before--and neither had A. And she works for a vet!By the way, a cat's blood pressure is taken on the tail....

This Could Be Trouble

As I mentioned earlier this year, some of my ancestors are Sami. I have been reading about the Sami culture and history off and on since then. One of the aspects of the culture is jewelry making--specifically bracelets. They use reindeer hide, pewter thread, and reindeer antlers. And I found a website where I can get 'inspired' or authentic bracelets...


Here are some cool places I have been to lately:--Interesting Tricks Of The BodySome of these things I have heard of before, but they still are fascinating. I mean, really, how many people have known that if you scratch your ear you can stop the tickle in your throat? You can find that and 17 more tidbits on this site.--Eight Crazy email Hoaxes Millions Have Fallen ForI have heard of at least half of these and have only fallen for one: the 'Bill Gates Wants to Give You Money' one. (Hey, I have a perfectly legitimate reason: I had just started...

A Place To Live

I could be happy living in the Envoy--that is, if it had a frig, coffee maker, and bathroom. But, other then those few things, I could be happy living in it. It is very comfortable with seats that recline completely. It is extremely quiet--so quiet that you pretty much have to open a window to make sure it is running. There is Onstar and the Onstar phone--you can ask the operator for directions or call for a pizza. What more can you want? And finally, you have XM Radio--hot damn! There are so many great stations that I can't make up my mind...

Space Alien Predicts Obama WinOh, ha, you say. The alien. But know this, naysayer: The Weekly World News alien has accurately predicted the outcome of every presidential election since Ronald Reagan won in 19...

I scream out loud, but no one hears a sound

Kolmas viikko kopiksesta alkoi taas nopeasti, ja nopeasti myös tulivat kylmät säät. Tänään olin kananlihalla varmaan koko päivän, ja kylmä oli myös kaverillani joten ei vika ollut vain minussa. Olen täällä varmaan pariin kertaan jo sanonutkin, että kylmät säät on yhtä helvettiä minulle, koska omistan huonon verenkierron ym. Viime talvena jalkoihin...

Possible Assassination Plot Against Obama Authorities investigating a man arrested with rifles, ammunition and drugs in his truck who allegedly threatened Barack Obama emphasize that he never posed a "credible threat" to the candidate or the Democratic National Convention.Hours later, Gartrell led them to two nearby hotels, where authorities arrested two more men — Nathan Johnson and Shawn Robert Adolf.Johnson told KCNC-TV, the CBS affiliate in Denver, that others involved in the case had made racist statements regarding Obama and had discussed...


Here are the celebrations for the next week:24 AugustNational Peach Pie DayNational Waffle Day25 AugustNational Banana Split DayKiss and Make Up DayNational Second-hand Wardrobe Day26 AugustNational Dog DayWomen's Equality Day27 AugustGlobal Forgiveness Day28 AugustDream DayRace Your Mouse Around the Icons DayCrackers Over the Keyboard DayDream Day quest29 AugustMore Herbs, Less Salt Day30 AugustNational Toasted Marshmallow DayNational Holistic Pet ...

I think you're worth every minute

Eipä ole tällä viikolla paljon tullut kirjoiteltua, vaikka välillä aikaakin olisi ollut. No, eipä tässä kyllä pahemmin mitään erikoista ole tapahtunutkaan, joten ette ole paljoa menettäneet. On kyllä nämä kaksi ensimmäistä viikkoa kauppiksessa mennyt todella nopsaan, toivottavasti näin olisi jatkossakin.Joku päivä kun juttelin ennen koulun alkua yhden...

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