Dick Morris says it's looking good for Obama. He gives Obama 294 firm electoral votes and another 64 leaning to Obama. Which means that even if McCain picks up all the leaning Obama votes, he still loses. Of course he doesn't factor election fraud into his calculations. My prediction: the Republicans won't be able to steal enough votes. I could be wro...

Murder, Spies and Voting Lies: The Clint Curtis StoryA new film about Clint Curtis and the theft of the 2004 election. The Republicans stole the 2000 election. They stole the 2004 election even more blatantly. The only way they will be able to steal the 2008 election will be to make it even more blatant. Let's not let them get away with it....

Köyhät -tai siis rikkaat- ritarit.

Niin, kun rikkaita ritareitahan nämä ovat, kun tarjotaan kermavaahdon kanssa. Köyhiä ritareita silloin, kun tarjotaan sokerin ja hillon kera.Tää on tämmönen nostalginen herkku, jota en olekaan syönyt pitkiin aikoihin. Ja aina se vaan on yhtä hyvää. Itselläni lisäkkeenä oli mansikkahilloa ja kanelikermavaahtoa ( nammm :p !!! ) RIKKAAT RITARIT (4:lle)n....

Top 10 Hockey Shootout Goals

Here's a top ten shootout video that I ran into, can you guess who's got first? Well watch and see if you can take a guess...

Let's Get Ready To Ramble

I guess I don't have all that much to ramble about, but here goes.First, we are not at home. We got to the Twin Cities Saturday afternoon and I think this is the first moment I have had to actually relax and surf the interweb. We have been going constantly and I am so exhausted already, I don't know how I will manage for the next few days. It seems as if every minute of our time here has been planned for. Oh, well, just another vacation I will have to recover from when we get home.**********Of course, we have been spending every moment possible...

What I'm reading: All on Fire: William Lloyd Garrison and the Abolition of SlaveryThe definitive biography of the great abolitionist. Dismissed as an extremist he saw slavery abolished in his lifeti...

Republican computer security expert Stephen Spoonamore predicts a McCain-Palin win by 51...

Book Alert"I believe the American Government and its investigative agencies are bankrupt." -- Wesley Swearington, 25-year FBI agent in an example of classicAmerican understatement. Swearington has a new book coming out, To Kill a President, about the assassination of President Kenne...

Credit crunch banker leaps to his death in front of express train Sources stressed that neither Mr Stephenson nor his company had financial problems that would have led him to take his own life.But they said the financier had ‘succumbed’ to the stress and responsibilities of his taxing role, adding that Mr Stephenson had overreacted to the continuing financial turmoil.I love that British understatement. Mr. Stepenson "overreacted" by throwing himself in front of a tra...

When I'm tired of walking alone, I put my headphones on

Allun synttäripäivän jälkeen tuli perjantai, jolloin olisi ollut 2 oppituntia (eli 3 h) mikrotietokonetta, mutta enpä minä koulussa jaksanut olla klo 13.45 asti, vaan lähdin kotiin niin että kerkeän yhden linja-autoon. Tuon yhden tunnin lisäksi en ole ollut tässä ensimmäisessä jaksossa kuin yhden päivän poissa, ja tämä on todella vähän verrattuna moniin...

"This sucker could go down!"- Just what we want to hear from the President of the United States about the econo...

There's confidence and then there's this. I guess they won't need this:...

Update On Lidstrom

This is why I should never post right after a game: the news usually will change after a few hours.Today it is being reported that Lidstrom broke his nose when he got hit by the puck last night. He also got 25 stitches under his right eyebrow. But his eye is fine and he should only be out for three games. How in the world do you NOT do damage to your eye with an injury like that? I wonder if this will teach him that he needs to start wearing a visor? Good gri...


more anim...

Now they're trying to take away our right to see Dakota Fanning being raped. This is not the America I grew up ...

'Cause it's Tragic with a capital T

Enpä ole taas muutamaan päivään mitään kirjoitellut, mutta se johtunee siitä ettei oikeastaan ole ollut mitään kerrottavaa. Vaikka tietysti koko Suomea järkyttänyt tiistainen ampumavälikohtaus Kauhajoella. Olin koulussa kun sain tuosta kuulla, ja menimme luokkamme kesken auditorioluokkaan jossain yhden aikaan seuraamaan uutisista noita tapahtumia....

First One Is Over

And I am talking about the first pre-season game. I managed to find the game online--audio only--so I got to listen a bit. Unfortunately, I think my girls know whenever a game is on, cause they like to call me during them. Tonight I was on the phone for about half of the game. Oh, well.The Wings lost the game in a shoot-out by the score of 3-2....

Nothing Important

Yesterday was a bit busy for us, so I didn't get a chance to post. Actually, I DID sit down in front of the computer last night and managed to get a bit of a nap. SOOOOOOO not good. Uncomfortable, too. Anyway, I was too exhausted to do any writing.We went to see the dietitian yesterday and it doesn't look too bad. Pretty much, her recommendations were to modify all things eaten and be OCD about portion control. Other than the obvious--ham, over-processed box foods, etc--there aren't all that many things K can't have. Again, it all boils...

WorldNetDaily is selling this bumper stick...


National Enquirer: Sarah Palin is an adultererNo less than three members of the man’s family including one by sworn affidavit have claimed that Sarah Palin engaged in an extramarital affair with hus­band Todd’s former business partner, Brad Hanson.Jesus is piss...

Sam Harris: Given her long affiliation with the Assemblies of God church, Palin very likely believes that Biblical prophecy is an infallible guide to future events and that we are living in the "end times." Which is to say she very likely thinks that human history will soon unravel in a foreordained cataclysm of war and bad weather....

Top Ten Clues in the "Who is Trig's Mother" Mystery...



Filppula was on the ice again today--he only skated, though. X-rays show that he didn't break his thumb, but is not able to shoot. He won't be playing in Tuesday's camp game and is questionable for the pre-season games later in the week. However, things look pretty good for the start of the season. Hopefully this is the worst of his injuries for the year. Keeping my fingers crossed. :)The Wings made their first round of cuts today and are now down to 53 players. It will be interesting to see which of the young guys might make it to Detroit....

President Bush says the economy is "strong" And so I want the American people to take a good look at this economy of ours. The world is strong -- the world economy is strong. I happen to believe one of the main reasons why is because we remain strong. And my pledge to the American people is we will keep your taxes low to make sure the economy continues to remain strong, and we'll be wise about how we spend your money in Washington, D.C.the stupid, it bu...

Tough times for rich people"A lot of those people will have to sell their homes, they're going to cut back on the private jets and the vacations. They may even have to take their kids out of private school," said Frank. "It's a total reworking of their lifestyle."He added that it's going to be no easy task."It's going to be very hard psychologically for these people," Frank said. "I talked to one guy who had to give up his private jet recently. And he said of all the trials in his life, giving that up was the hardest thing he's ever done."In 1929...

My Political Issue

For anyone who has been living under a big rock, I have an announcement: we are in the midst of a political campaign! I have, for the most part, been ignoring it. When I analyzed this fact, I came away with one reason for the ignoring: I don't want to alienate any of my readers who I consider dear friends. From reading other blogs, I am fairly certain that my political views are very different from some of my favorite people, so I just want to 'play nice.' And, for the most part, this is what I will do. However, there is one political issue...

Heart Lodged Firmly In Throat

The headline read: "Filppula injures thumb on hit from Downey." The story goes on to say how Downey gave VF an accidental, illegal hit during a scrimmage today and VF had to leave practice. Two days into training camp and Baby Boy gets himself hurt. Of course, reports are that it 'wasn't bad,' but that is what is ALWAYS said. A player has to have a limb hanging by a thread before the team actually says how badly they're hurt. Anyway, VF said he probably will be back tomorrow, so there is hope.Now, a jammed thumb doesn't sound all that bad,...

Täältä Jämsänkoskelta nappaamiani satunnaisia kuvia : ) Tykkään tästä paikasta vaan niiiiiin paljon.


Interesting article in The Nation on McCain and the POW Cover-up John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home. Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus the war hero who people would logically...


Celebrations for the week:21 SeptemberMiniature Golf DayWomen's Friendship Day22 SeptemberElephant Appreciation DayDear Diary DayHobbit DayNational White Chocolate Day23 SeptemberInnergize Day24 SeptemberNational Cherries Jubilee DayPunctuation Day25 SeptemberNational Crabmeat Newburg DayNational One-Hit Wonder Day26 SeptemberNational Pancake DayLove Note Day27 SeptemberAncestor Appreciation DayNational Hunting and Fishing ...

Sarah Palin: "I think I will see Jesus come back to earth in my lifetime." Also young earth creationist; believes dinosaurs co-existed with huma...

No matter what you say, I'm not afraid

Jo kuudes viikko kauppiksessa ohi, ja kohta ensimmäinen jaksokin. Ja se meinaa sitä, että lukion alku lähenee koko ajan, jaiks! 1.10 siis lukioon pitäisi koulun jälkeen mennä, ja ensimmäisessä jaksossa luvassa äikkää ja matikkaa. Nice. -__-' Ensiviikolla on myös ensimmäinen koe, nimittäin Yhteikunta-, yritys- ja työelämätiedossa. Suomeksi sanottuna...

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