I'm the "Who" when you call "Who's there?"

Hello and happy Halloween! Nythän on siis Halloween (kuten varmaan kaikki tietää) ja on ollu aika mukava päivä. :) Vaikka koulussamme ei ollutkaan mitään pukeutumisjuttua, niin päätin että pukeudun tänään ainoastaan mustaan. Asussa oli kyllä valkoisia pieniä yksityiskohtia, ja kyllä vähän pinkkiäkin, mutta vain hiuksissa olevassa raidassa, kynsissä...

My former favorite blogger, Joseph Cannon, posted this original artwork on his blog. It seems it came to him in a dream. Why he would be dreaming of Barack Obama naked is not entirely cle...

John McCain has often trumpeted his five endorsements by former Secretary's of State. One of them, Lawrence Eagleburger weighs in on Sarah Palin and whether she is qualified to be President."It is a very good question," he said, pausing a few seconds, then adding with a chuckle: "I'm being facetious here. Look, of course not."Eagleburger explained: "I don't think at the moment she is prepared to take over the reins of the presidency. I can name for you any number of other vice presidents who were not particularly up to it either. So the question,...

This is exactly what the Presidential campaign has been lacking ... robo...

Model behaviour for a good cause

They are worth millions but worked for $180 a day to create a testament to Australia's top runway model or catwalk talent.The 10 women, led by Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr, are considered the most in-demand of home-bred models. They appear on the cover of tomorrow's issue of madison magazine, which has joined with retailer Witchery to raise...

LOLcats :)

more anim...

2nd In A Row?

The game is halfway through the third period and the Wings are down 4-1. Unless there is a MAJOR miracle, they have lost their second in a row. I can make all of the normal excuses--they have been on the road for a week; they had a lousy game that took the wind out of their sails last night; they are playing their third game in four days; they are playing a back-to-back game; etc--but there IS more going on. Or rather, NOT going on. There is SOMETHING not right with the Wings' play and they need to address it...and fast. While it is early...

Top 100 stupid quotes from fundamentalist Christians I think my favorite was the guy who asked if we evolved from monkeys, "how come we can't speak monke...

Models are too skinny for my size 10 styles, says fashion designer

One of Britain's leading fashion designers has reopened the skinny models debate by revealing she struggled to find models big enough to wear the clothes in her latest fashion show.When Maria Grachvogel set about preparing her catwalk show at Claridge's this week, she requested size 10 models, only to find that most agencies could only provide models size 8 or smaller.It was stark proof that in the five years since Grachvogel last staged a catwalk show the accepted standard model size has shrunk from an 8-10 to a 6-8. Sarah Doukas, founder of Storm...

BUMMER...but I'm not really surprised

In overtime, the Wings lost 5-4 to the Ducks. Now, if it was any other team BUT the Ducks, the winning team might actually be embarrassed over the win--but you can't expect that from the dirtiest team in the league. Dirty hits, penalties not called, three of the goals scored as a result of 5-on-3 play, and an illegal winning goal...all of that adds up to a game that was STOLEN. Of course, I CAN'T say that the Wings played their little hearts out, but they didn't need the game GIVEN to the Ducks the way it was. I have hopes for tomorrow night,...

Let's Get Ready To Ramble

Just when I was feeling a bit smug over the fact that we got a record 2.2" of snow for the day on Monday, the eastern US decided to get 1'+ dumped on it last night/today! WOW! And I thought I lived in the Great White North. ;)**********I have been feeling a bit off for the past few days and there is only one explanation: The Father's birthday party is on Saturday. I REALLY don't want to go, but that isn't an option anymore--too late for me to come up with an excuse. I guess I have to just suck it up and get through the weekend--then all I...

Crazy Pam Geller suggests that Malcolm X is Barack Obama's real father.The physical mannerisms and speech cadence and tonal quality of Malcolm X have an uncanny resemblance to Barack Hussein Obama Jr.Another blogger publishes what are alleged to be nude photos of Barack's moth...

Almost forgot to mention

I suppose I should mention that I have had my candidacy for the Doctor of Creative Arts at Curtin approved. I am now a candidate, months of writing and rewriting just to get into the club. But I reckon that post-graduate study is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. Many artists struggle with the theory, not necessarily because they can't do it, because, strangely enough, they would rather be making art. But I LOVE it. I have realised that I have an incredibly analytical head, and finally found a use for ...

More I Can Has Cheezburger


what has the stock exchange got to do with my thesis ?

Robert R. Prechter and his son support my insistence that the role of the unconscious is probably the most significant determinant in the course of our lives. In their book 'At the Crest of the Tidal Wave: A Forecast for the Great Bear Market' (1995) they state that ‘the true fundamental cause of market movements is the nature of social man governed by unconscious forces’. (219) These movements and waves of behaviour are controlled by the unconscious and because we are in denial, there is little hope of a quick recovery.These guys are...

Red Wings Vs. Kings 10-27-08

Here are all the highlights from last nights match between the Detroit Red Wings and the Los Angeles Kings. The Zetterburg shootout goal is missing, not quite sure why that wasn't part of the highlight reel? It really is exciting to see the shootout and all, but the Red Wings could have done better against a team like the Kings... O well I guess a win is a win......

New photos of Barack Obama's rumored mistress Vera Baker (when he's not being gay with Larry Sinclai...

My Life

You KNOW you have a major case of bedhead when you wake up and your husband looks at you and says, "So. How long did it take you to get your hair to do THAT?"glitter-graphics....

And For The Win...

Unbelievably, the Wings won tonight 4-3 in a shootout. They still aren't playing their best, but they came through in the end. VF was the hero--he got an unassisted goal with less than two minutes to play and that sent the game into overtime. Datsyuk and Z got their shootout goals past LaBarbera and it was all over. They now have won all of their...

Truth Through Action has a new political campai...

Does this face look almost mean

Onneksi viikonloppu oli paljon mielenkiinotisempi kuin normaalit tylsät viikonloppuni jolloin olen vain kotona dataamassa, koska ensinnäkin perjantaina menin kaverini Vilun luokse yöksi. Vilun kanssa on aina yhtä hauskaa, ja olen tuntenut hänet ainakin 10 vuotta. Katsoimme perjantai-iltana kirjastosta lainaamani American Pien, samalla kun söimme niiin...

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