
Celebrations for the week:30 NovemberStay Home Because You're Well Day1 DecemberBifocals At The Monitor Liberation DayDay Without Art Day2 DecemberNational Fritters Day3 DecemberSpecial Kids Day4 DecemberNational Cookie DayNational Dice Day5 DecemberBathtub Party Day6 DecemberMitten Tree DayNational Pawnbrokers ...

Phone Calls You REALLY Don't Want

As I have said before, my youngest works at a veterinary clinic. These days she mostly is a receptionist and unofficial computer expert. Answering the phone all day long is the best way to get calls that you really don't want to answer--and she has had a few doozies lately.Upon answering the phone one day, the voice on the other end began talking...

Detroit Red Wings vs. Boston Bruins

Pretty good game, but the Wings just couldn't pull it off... Did anyone else see the hit that Datsyuk put on Chara? What a monster that guy ...

Detroit Red Wings Vs. Columbus Blue Jackets

A crazy game as Ozzie let's one in from half ice and Draper gets his first of the season! Another game that was very close that maybe shouldn't have been...

A Nice Day

I very much enjoyed my birthday today. I got a few nice cards and some phone calls, which are always welcome. A very good friend took me to the movies and out to dinner--and she even gave me a gift! I'm a lucky, lucky woman. :)First, the movie. We went to see Four Christmases. Now, this will never win an Academy Award, but it was a nice diversion...

Globe covers Larry Sinclair's b...

Detroit 1-Montreal 3

The game last night was a real fiasco. The Wings certainly showed how tired the road trip left them AND that they were back home less than 24 hours before the game. Not much at all to get excited about, except for the goal that Franzen managed to get. It kept Detroit from suffering a shutout. This goal is--so far--in contention for goal-of-the-year. Absolutely, amazingly beautif...

I can't explain myself at all

Heti aluksi haluan kiittää kaikkia ihania lukijoitani jotka piristävät päiviäni kommenteillaan. Kiitos! :---))Tämä viikko on mennyt aika kivasti, ja nyt on viimeinen viikko kakkosjaksoa. Se ei olekaan niin mukavaa, koska meillä on ensijaksossa luvassa hirveän pitkiä päiviä verrattuna näihin kahteen ekaan jaksoon! Meidät totutettiin liian hyvään. :---((...

Dad Knew Who Killed JFKArieh O'Sullivan's father testified before the Warren Commission. Arieh reveals a few interesting things about her father, who she says was "commander of intelligence at the New Orleans Police Department."I’d always known my father had been acquainted with Oswald. They had not only grown up half a block away from each other, but had shared homerooms at school. Sitting alphabetically, my old man Fred sat in front of Oswald for years. O’Sullivan next to Oswald.Growing up, I recall how my father used to say there was more to...

"We are the sickest, most disgusting country on the earth" So says Michael Savage. Why do conservatives hate Ameri...

Montreal Canadiens Vs. Detroit Red Wings

Not a great game for the Wings but it did contain what has been called one of the greatest goals of 2008. Johan Franzen scores an unbelievable goal just skip to 2:38, trust me......

Some More Rambling

I just took the pie out of the oven, the turkey is cooking, and the game won't be starting for a few minutes--during which I will take care of the rutabagas--so I thought I would do a post while I have the time.**********Today I got paperwork from my doctor and it made me realize that I have my physical coming up. Unfortunately, I thought it was the...

Yeah, THAT Was Funny

My holiday season dread seemed to hit me last night and I was explaining to K how much I DIDN'T look forward to it or to doing the Christmas decorating. As he has always loved the Christmas season, it isn't easy to tell him how I feel and get him to understand. I was going on and on about how this is affecting me and why, when I said--WITHOUT STOPPING...


Vihdoin sain sen aikaiseksi, eli esitellä teille huoneeni! Huoneeni esittelyä on pyydetty jo blogini alkuajoista lähtien, ja nyt sain sitten viimein sen kuvatuksi. Ongelmitta tämäkään asia ei sujunut, nimittäin kuvasin huoneeni jo aamulla, mutta tajusin että video on liian pitkä blogiini laitettavaksi, joten päätin sitten koulun jälkeen kuvata sen kahdessa osassa. No, ei sekään tietenkään onnistunut, vaan kamerastani loppui akku, joten tässä teille siis kokonaiset kolme videota! :DPahoittelut jo etukäteen jos noista ei saa mitään selkoa, ja selitän...

Detroit Red Wings Vs. Vancouver Canucks 11/24/08

A pretty good game overall by the Red Wings, but they weren't able to pull it off in OT... Datsyuk scores along with Michael Samuelson, Ozzie with some unbelievable saves, but gets unlucky in the e...

Let's Get Ready To Ramble

Tonight was truly a momentous occasion--24 began a new season! Jack Bauer is back, people! I recorded it so that I can sit back and savor every moment of the show--I have really missed 24. So, are there any other fans who read this blog?**********Don't know if I will get a chance to watch 24 anymore tonight--I have a dentist appointment in the AM. Yup, that is like MORNING! I can't believe I actually made an appointment for the morning. Oh, well, it will give us a chance to go shopping after I'm done.**********So, shopping. We need a new...


Here are this week's celebrations:23 NovemberNational Cashew DayFibonacci Day24 NovemberCelebrate Your Unique Talent Day25 NovemberShopping Reminder Day26 NovemberTie One On Day27 NovemberPins and Needles Day28 NovemberBlack FridayBuy Nothing DayFlossing DayMaize DaySink DayCMK's Birthday29 NovemberElectronic Greetings ...

Wings 5-Flames 2

So, the score would say that the win was completely definitive, but the last two goals were in the final minutes--one being an empty-netter. Still, the guys played rather well and it is good to see them getting back to true form. VF is playing much better and is now at +2 and has 8 points. He's been getting about 16 minutes on the ice per game and...

Throw it away, forget yesterday

Tämä postaus on vähän niinkuin jatkoa eiliseen, koska muuten tästä olisi tullut ylisekava ja -pitkä.Viimeviikon lauantaina oli siis ne Pimun 7-vuotissynttärit, ja annoin sille lahjaksi puruluun. Alla olevista kuvista näkee että se söi sen aika innoissaan.Aww se oli ylisöpönä. ;__; ♥Piti myös ikuistaa tuo sen takatassujen asento. :''DRemu ja Napsu pyöri...

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