Big Monday---Everything but the Kitchen Sink

Monday August 17 ---Sun Sextile Mars, Mercury Conjunct Saturn, Sun Oppose Neptune, Mars Trine Neptune. That's a lot of action and I'm not even discussing the lunar stuff. Mark this day in your calendar as FULL. The sun will be activating a lot energy from us as it pokes and prods Mars (good naturedly). Mercury will bring out a quieter energy from...

Sun Opposition Jupiter-August 14

Sun Opposition Jupiter August 14 1:53pm (EDT) This happens once a year. The sun which is powerful in its own right is opposite the biggest guy around--Jupiter. I will be interested to see how this plays out given that last sock in the eye to Jupiter just a few weeks ago. Neither the Sun nor Jupiter like to be outshine (can that happen to the...

Mars Trine Jupiter--Thurs Aug 13

Thursday August 13, 12:29pm EDT ---Mars makes a great trine with Jupiter. Normally I would say, "Yippee, let me put 100 down on 27 black" But with this particular day there is a lot of action in general happening. I don't spend much time on all the lunar aspects of each day considering there are hundreds of great astrologers that give you that information. But I will say that this nice perk from Mars comes on a day when the Moon is all over the place. A sexile with Venus, a trine with Mercury, trine with saturn, square with Sun, square with...

Mars Square Saturn--August 10

Mars Square Saturn Monday August 10 8:16 pm (EDT) Mars in Gemini is talking a lot of trash. Have you noticed the fear mongering lately? Trash, trash, trash but today the trash talking is going to hit a wall.Closed Door Meetings will be popping up everywhere as Saturn in Virgo says, "Shut, the 'eff up." Well, actually, Virgo is a bit too delicate...

Full Moon --Lunar Eclipse - August 5

Full Moon Wednesday August 5, 8:55pm (EDT)And here it is, ladies and gentlemen (are there any of you here?) it is our final eclipse for the summer. I don't know about you but this sandwich of eclipses July Lunar, July Solar, now August Lunar has been a lot of emotional energy for us mere mortals on Earth. And now here we are processing out our emotions...

Mercury Trine Pluto--August 3rd

Mercury and Pluto will form a trine at 10:11am Monday August 3. Expect some clarity. Precision thoughts will help you. If you have been feeling fuzzy or vague about something important, don't be surprised if you get the answer today. Every thing will come into focus. Mercury trines Pluto about two times a year (unless a retrograde gives it another...

Larry Sinclair describes Barack Obama's penis “…Barack is uncut, or uncircumcised. He was at most approximately eight to eight and a half inches in length. The girth was thin in nature and had a hook to the left (when facing him). Obama’s left testicle clearly hangs lower than his right (the testicle hangs lower but is not larger or smaller in comparison to the right one). His pubic hairs were shaved. The most telling part of Barack Obama’s penis is that under the head in the split he has (three to be exact) small pimple bumps. The bumps are not...

Send in the Links: 7/31/2009

It’s that time again fans, OTB’s looks around the blogosphere of the stuff that you need to know and the stuff you probably don’t. Don’t be like Alison Lohman and “Get Dragged to Hell” without checking out these links.-> The Boston Red Sox get Victor Martinez for a bag of beans (Fan IQ)-> If you don’t like Jay Cutler, you’ve come to the wrong...

Wingnut WatchWorldNetDaily: Did Jesus actually reveal name of the 'antichrist'? This is currently the top story on WND. One guess who the "antichrist" is. Barack Obama. The story, with a cool video, decodes the biblical passage: "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." (Luke 10:18)Supposedly the Hebrew word for lightning is "baraq" and the Hebrew word for "heaven" can also be rendered as "the heights" or "high places." And the word in Hebrew is "bamaw". Spoken together the words would be "baraq u bamaw" or "baraq o bamaw."This is beyond...

Email from Gordon NovelI received the following email from Gordon Novel on July 1.Gary:I don't know anything more about JFK's assassination than you do other than to say I believe what Sam Giancano's nephew Chuck and Sam's son said about his father doing it in Chuck's neat book "Double Cross" in that Sam engineered the work and hired the guys who did it which involved Hoover and the Bureau, MJ-12 and the Nazi Gehlen Org.Jim Marrs and I are very close friends so I see the big hit in much the same light and uses the same fact base that Jim pro pounds...

Send in the Links: 7/30/2009

It’s that time again for Send in the Links, OTB’s look around the blogosphere of the things you need to know and stuff that you probably do not.-> Play David Ortiz off, Keyboard Cat (NESW Sports)-> The Blackhawks offseason: Seinfeld Style (Black Hawk Up) -> You think the economy sucks for you; try being Carlos Boozer (Bootlegger Sports)->...

Watergate UpdateDougas Caddy was the original lawyer for the Watergate burglers. Today he posted an affadavit by one Robert Merritt, a police informant, containing startling new allegations regarding the Watergate burglary.I, Robert Merritt, attest to the following facts regarding my involvement with the Watergate attorney Douglas Caddy, who represented the burglars known as the Watergate Seven. On Saturday, June 17, 1972, five burglars broke into the Democratic National Committee offices in Watergate and were arrested at 2:30 A. M. by Washington,...

Beating A Dead Horse

Two recent reasons why I don't watch the news:--I am sick to death hearing about Barack, the professor, and the cop sitting down and having a beer together. The entire story just went on way too long, but STFU already about the damn beer! Am I supposed to think that this makes Barack a 'common' man? This whole thing would NEVER have been such a big deal--and I'm talking from the beginning of the 'story'--if the MSM hadn't kept at it like they have. This never should have been more than a one day story, at most.--And come on already, how the...

Mike Leach does not like your new-fangled technology

Current Texas Tech head football coach Mike Leach had a rather interesting Big 12 media day interview regarding the current use of technology.Specifically he rambles about Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and I guess that new-fangled cell phone that can show you video. He does not like them one bit and does stress that he is not on any of them.I guess the head coach with a pirate in his office has to set some boundaries.(Courtesy of The Red Shirt Seni...

Is the Red Sox World Series title in 2004 tainted?

The recent news of Manny Ramirez testing positive for steroids has put a sour face on the game of Major League baseball and now we have the news that his teammate David Ortiz tested positive back in 2003 along with him.Big Papi back in an older television interview stated that any steroid users should be "banned for one year." Well, isn't that the...

Does any team want Mike Vick?

The major story in the NFL has been NFL commissioner Roger Goodell conditionally reinstating Michael Vick. Essentially, Vick will be able to sign with a team and play in the final two preseason games along with attending team functions and practices. Goodell can then reinstate Vick by Week 6 of the NFL season if he believes that he is ready to come...

Bug in Finn -09 Jämsän Himoksella !

Käydään veljeni kanssa joka vuosi Himoksessa kaikissa autokokoontumisissa ja muuallakin jos vain mitenkään päästään. Ihailemassa komeita autoja, sekä bongailemassa rekkareita tottakai. Rekkaribongailu on meidän kummankin rakas harrastus. Rakastan nnniiiiiiiiiiin paljon autoja ja autotapahtumia ! 8) Tällaista kuvasatoa volkkarikokoontumisesta...

Send in the Links: 7/29/2009

It’s that time again for Send in the Links, OTB’s look around the blogosphere of the things you need to know and stuff that you probably do not.-> Cliff Lee is a Phillie, No Roy Halladay for you. (The Scores Report)-> Stephon Marbury eats Vaseline (That NBA Lottery Pick)-> Jay Mariotti makes babies cry (NESW Sports)-> Bill Simmons will...

Wingnut WatchASSGATE! Birther blogger Lame Cherry reveals a diabolical plot to conceal the size of Michelle Obama's ass. Or something.Libertarian Republican asks "Are birthers" Getting too close for Comfort?"Or as the headline puts it Obama Birth Certificate Issue EXPLODES! White House forced to respondYes, you see, they have Obama just where they want h...

Welcome Back, Mike Vick

The big story early this week was Michael Vick being partially reinstated to the National Football League.Our favorite singer/songwriter Ryan Parker has decided to open the big red door for Mr. Vick and decide to "Welcome Back, Michael Vick."Gabe Kaplan is spinning in his grave as we speak. Oh wait, he is not dead.(Courtesy of Ryan Parker Son...

Wingnut WatchA google search for the phrase"obama's kill grandma bill" brings 3,140 hits. Take the quotes off and the number goes up to 410,000. The new wingnut talking point is apparently that Obama wants to kill old people.WorldNetDaily, always on the cutting edge of crazy, explains it here. It seems that the new healthcare bill under considerations calls for ""an explanation by the practitioner of the continuum of end-of-life services and supports available, including palliative care and hospice, and benefits for such services and supports that...

In Memoriam: Jim Johnson (1941-2009)

When we think of the Philadelphia Eagles of the 2000’s, the automatic names that come to mind are Donovan McNabb and Andy Reid. However, one of the true legends of coaching Jim Johnson was merely a blip on the radar. He was the Eagles defensive coordinator starting in 1999 and help orchestrate one of the blitzing defenses that we had a privilege to...

Brett Favre retired.....for now

Well, the great national nightmare is over....for now. Brett Favre has decided to stay retired and will not be a member of the Minnesota Vikings.I guess that means we can finally take off "Favre Watch" but we have already seen where Favre has flip-flopped previously. How can we trust that Favre in six weeks into the NFL season not decide, "Hey, I want to come back one more time."The story has enveloped the entire sports blogging community and it will continue to do so until Favre stays away from the game entirely. The only time that I will be inclined...

Pitch a perfect game, you get a Top Ten List

Chicago White Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle pitched a perfect game last week and what happens when you achieve a memorable sports accomplishment?You get to perform the "Top Ten List" on David Letterman. Yep, people still watch David Letterman these days.Here is Mark's Top Ten list of things that were going through his head when he pitched his perfect game.(Courtesy of Big League St...

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai'i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai'i and is a natural-born American citizen."Let's see the birthers parse the language on this statement.Meanwhile, just to give an idea just how crazy some of the birthers are, is this from one of the lawsuits, Ealey v Obama: Sarah Mohamed Hussein Obama has caused so much harm to the American people and the world in general. She...

Power Park

Hello!En nukkunut viimeviikon torstaina pommiin, vaikka herätys olikin klo 4:30 enkä ollut yöllä nukkunut melkein yhtään.Klo 5:45 lähdettiin kummien ja Katja- ja Riikka-serkkujen kanssa ajelemaan kohti Alahärmän Power Parkia. Yritin epätoivoisesti nukkua matkalla kun nukutti vielä niin hirveästi, mutta eihän siitä tullut mitään.Power Parkissa oltiin...

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