NBA Top 50: Vince Carter (no. 27)

. It's only time,let it pass away., originally uploaded by Hailey Dearyy;.OtB is counting down the days 'til the NBA 2009-10 season tips off by ranking the top 50 players in the league. On Wednesday there are/were 27 days left.Ah! Ah! There are fifteen minutes left in the day, Eastern Standard Time! Can I get it in? I haven't missed a day yet!...


Se llama a Nueva Convocatoria para piloto de Miniserie basada en “4 segundos” el comic argentino más importante con menos tirada que se haya realizado. Se tomara casting para los 5 personajes principales: Zurdo, Terli, Marcos, Anibal y Marina. Se necesitan actores para ocupar todos esos roles en la franja de edad entre 18 y 24 años. Zurdo: Flaco, pelo rizado castaño. Terli: Morocho, de contextura flaca, que no tenga miedo al ridículo Marcos: Rubio pelo corto, de contextura flaca Anibal: Contextura flaca, pelo castaño oscuro Marina: Rubia...


#yiv1055832516 .ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P {padding:0px;} #yiv1055832516 .ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;} ESTE VIERNES 2 DE OCTUBRE 22HS EN EL CODO (GUARDIA VIEJA 4085 ) ESTRENO OBRA NUEVA: 2 AM DISCO BIZARRO. UNA COMEDIA DE ENRREDOS BIZARRA Y SURREALISTA MUY BUENA. NO TE LA PIERDAS. A PARTIR DE ESTE...

Marcar este mensaje "UNA PLAYA" direccion Ernesto Martinez

UNA PLAYA De Andres Binetti Por la noche hacen el amor......los cangrejos........ es lindo de ver eso. Es tan extraño ver una pareja de cangrejos haciendo el ........amor … Sonia Gabriela Traverso Bañero Martin Chiara Felipe Francisca Gutierrez...


It is true that the sea has always loomed large in my psyche. I regularly dream that I am drowning but have always dismissed the tidal wave I see in my unconscious mind as personal overwhelming emotion. But for the past few years, and perhaps as a result of my research, these psychic events seem to be part of a larger collective tsunami.Almost every...

New Sites...For Me, Anyway

I have loved the LOLCats and LOLDogs sites for quite awhile. Just recently--yes, I'm not too observant--I found out that there is a Cheezburger network with a lot of other LOL sites. You can find news, sports, graphs, and more. It never fails that I have a good laugh while reading one or more of these sites. Today I found a graph that is particularly...

Postcards From Yo Mama

This just made me chuckle. Backstory: I was discussing with my mother how callous my family can be about the death of a loved one. Mom: That is true. We are ruthless and efficient if nothing elseMe: it’s the German in usMom: Yep. Our motto is ” die already. We got better newer versions of you who could use some furniture”(The comments are pretty good, too.)From Postcards From Yo Mama....

Gadhafi points finger at Israel over JFK assassination Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi insinuated that Israel was behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.Speaking Wednesday at the United Nations General Assembly, Gadhafi implied that Israel may have plotted to kill Kennedy in 1963 because he allegedly wanted to launch a probe into its clandestine nuclear progr...

New York Times: Thomas Friedman on the political climateI have no problem with any of the substantive criticism of President Obama from the right or left. But something very dangerous is happening. Criticism from the far right has begun tipping over into delegitimation and creating the same kind of climate here that existed in Israel on the eve of the Rabin assassinat...

Times: Gore Vidal predicts military dictatorship and assassination of ObamaVidal raises his fingers to signify a gun and mutters: “Bang bang.” He is referring to the possibility of Obama being assassinated. “Just a mysterious lone gunman lurking in the shadows of the capital,” he says in a wry, dreamy way.America has “no intellectual class” and is “rotting away at a funereal pace. We’ll have a military dictatorship fairly soon, on the basis that nobody else can hold everything togeth...

I'm in love with a movie

Hej.Jei, kummatkin ruotsin kokeet, taloushallinnon koe ja hygieniapassikoe ohi. :--) Ruotsin kokeet & taloushallinto vieläpä hyvin tuloksin, mutta hygieniapassista en vielä tiedä pääsinkö sitä läpi.Tasan viikko sitten viimeksi kirjoittelin, joten nyt onkin jo ihan hyvä aika kirjoitella lisää.Viime torstaina olin koulussa tässä asussa:♥ kauluspaita...

Keshit jonoon

Pienen piinan toveriksi pääsivät vihdoin nämäkin ruttuiset & kiiltävät makeanvedenhelmet. Häikääs...

Yksin asumisen fiiliksiä vuoden jälkeen.

Reilun vuoden tässä nyt itsekseni asusteltuani olen edelleen sitä mieltä, että yksin asuminen on tosi mukavaa : D Saa tehdä ihan rauhassa mitä huvittaa, tai olla tekemättä. Ketään ei haittaa siivootko vai etkö, onko tiskiä vaiko eikö, tai mitään muutakaan.Näiden muistelmien kunniaksi kaivelin yhden kuvan viime syksyltä, jolloin muuttohässäkkä...

NewsMax: There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America’s military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the “Obama problem.”NewsMax pulled the column. Here's the google cache: Obama Risks a Domestic Military ‘Interventio...

Ahhh here it goes: Week 3 Prediction Battle Recap

Yeah, feeling a little Kenan and Kel reference today. As Shaqtus would say, "Don't worry about it."Anywho, time for a quick update to let you all know how GSNHOF and OTB did in this week's version of the prediction battle.Great Sports Name Hall of Fame, whose picks can be found here, went 11-5. Incorrect choices for wins included the Falcons, Texans, Titans, Steelers, and Dolphins. Damn Cedric Benson is hot right now.Outside the Boxscore, whose picks can be found here, went 9-7 for the second time. Incorrect choices for wins included Redskins,...

NBA Top 50: Chris Bosh (No. 28)

OtB is counting down the days 'til the NBA 2009-10 season tips off by ranking the top 50 players in the league. On Tuesday there are 28 days left.Busy Bosh was 27 on my list last year, but when I set about compiling this year's and figured him at today's slot, I thought it was low. I checked back at how I'd ranked him in the 2008 offseason, and lo...

Mercury Direct Tuesday September 29

Mercury Turns Direct Tuesday September 29 6:13am.Let's all say it together...."Thank gawd that is over!" I don't know about you but I have been slogging it out so much in the last three weeks that I gave up even thinking life could ever be easier again. I have had a trillion miscommunications. Forgetfulness, missed calls, bad cell phone issues (AT&T...

NBA Top 50: Devin Harris (No. 29)

The Jury Is Out, originally uploaded by DennisShim.OtB is counting down the days 'til the NBA 2009-10 season tips off by ranking the top 50 players in the league. On Monday there are/were 29 days left.The jury isn't quite in yet on whether Harris should be ahead of guys like Josh Smith and Danny Granger, but he gets the nod as we’re in the age of point...

Penguins Vs. Red Wings Re-Match

It felt good to give a spanking to the Pittsburgh Penguins, even if it was only pre-season... Wings steamroll 4-1... Can't wait for the regular season to start......

Facebook Poll Asks "Should Obama Be Killed?" I vote no. I wonder what the Secret Service thin...

Somewhere Lee Roy Selmon is pouring some "Ripple"

Well, it is finally official that the Detroit Lions have finally ended their 19 game losing streak against the Washington Redskins by the score of 19-14.During the Fox post-game show, host Curt Menefee made an allusion to former Tampa Bay Buccaneer Lee Roy Selmon pouring some "ripple" after the Lions victory. Selmon was a member of the Buccaneers during their run of 26 consecutive losses which is still the NFL record.For those of you that do not know what "ripple" is, essentially it is less fortified wine. (Yep, I clearly Wikipedia'd that.) For...

Even words of Brett Favre's daring do's hit China

For those of you who do not know, I am currently in the heart of the dragon (AKA Hong Kong) and arrived only minutes ago.As I was glancing through the local English news telecast by Pearl TV, this highlight came up of Brett Favre throwing a game-winning touchdown pass to Greg Lewis to beat the 49ers by the score of 27-24. Not only was this the first highlight, they were even kind enough to show it twice. The throw itself is dare I say impressive and it appears that Brett Favre arm still has that magic left in it. We tend to complain about Favre's...

NBA Top 50: Josh Smith (No. 30)

Josh Smith, originally uploaded by Joel Kimmel Illustrator.OtB is counting down the days 'til the NBA 2009-10 season tips off by ranking the top 50 players in the league. On Sunday there are 30 days left.There are 30 days left 'til the NBA regular season gets underway. That means there are two days left 'til training camps get fully underway. That...

How Very Mundane

Early in our marriage, I bought a lint 'brush' for clothes. It isn't a real brush, but it has a texturized pad that catches lint, fur, hair that is on surfaces. The head of the brush swivels, so it can be used in any direction, by right- as well as left-handers. It is the best lint remover I have ever used and I have looked for an exact replica since purchasing this one. In more than 30 years, I still haven't found another. The brush I have has no markings of any kind and no manufacturer's name on it. There is nothing I can use to do a Google...

All Frogs Smile - Some Have Fangs

Khorat ... Limnonectes megastomias - A frog who's smile hides it best weapon ... fangs! Image Credit: siamensis.orgAll Frogs Smile - Some Have FangsEver notice that all frogs just seem to sit there, perched their springy hind legs ... and smile? Well it turns out that some hide more than their thoughts with a perpetual smile, some hide FANGS!Just weeks...

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