images: Thanks to Robin 'Ramsnake' for the pics. These are his video stil...



Photo of the Day From Panda's ThumbPlan ah...

Underage Sex Settlement Rears Ugly Head Again for Knicks’ Eddy Curry

Nearly a decade removed from being considered one of the best high school basketball players in the country and becoming the fourth overall pick in the 2001 NBA Draft by the Chicago Bulls, the life of New York Knicks center Eddy Curry continues its downward spiral into the abyss of unfulfilled promise.According to, a Chicago judge has...



Send in the Links (7/30/2010)

-> Major League Baseball Does Not Approve of Brian Wilson's Brightly Colored Shoes (Out of Bounds)-> Novak Djokovic Is A Lover, Not A Fighter (Unathletic)-> Maybe, Daunte Culpepper Should Have Gone To The Las Vegas Locos (Sportress of Blogitude) -> Ron Artest Interviews Ron Artest (That NBA Lottery Pick)-> Albert Haynesworth Fails Another...

'Moo Moo' Sciambra Dead at...

Miami Heat Fan Ejected Wearing Lebron James Heat Jersey to Cleveland Indians Game

You would think people in Ohio would have calmed down regarding the whole Lebron James moving to Miami thing.Well, I guess we were wrong. During last night's Cleveland Indians game versus the New York Yankees, a Miami Heat fan decided to show his pride by wearing a Lebron James Miami Heat jersey.You can guess what happened next,Cleveland fans are still bitter about Lebron, I didn't see that one coming.(Courtesy of No Guts, No Glo...

Soccer Fever Down Since The World Cup

Soccer reached its highest interest in the United States during the middle of the 2010 World Cup.When the red, white and navy blue jerseys drew a 1-1 tie with England at Royal Bafokeng Stadium in Rustenburg, South Africa on Saturday, June 12th 2010, 17 million viewers tuned in to watch the match on ABC.That total was topped on the final game that the...

Politically Speaking

I don't really do politics.  I find most politics/politicians petty and childish and I avoid it/them like the plague.  While I make sure I vote, I usually don't even think about who or what I'm voting for until just before the November election.  Until then, I just want to be left alone--which definitely doesn't happen.A couple of weeks ago, I was bombarded with the fact that we are having primary elections with a front page story in our newspaper.  And the story was revisited the other day.  And frankly, I find it quite...

Photo of the ...

"He pointed at his erect penis and ordered her, 'Take care of THIS...

More 'Not Always Right'

Yeah, I think some people are too dumb to be allowed to reproduce.  Case in point: (A customer walks in with 5 magazines under her arm.)Customer: “Hi, how much does it cost to laminate one A4 page?”Me: “That’ll be $0.10.”Customer: “Great and um, about how many pages are in a magazine?”Me: “I’d say about 100.”Customer: “Great, so 100 multiplied by five is 500 hundred right?”Me: “Yes, it is.”Customer: “So 500 multiplied by $0.10 would be $50.00 right?”Me: “Yes, ma’am.”Customer: “Yeah so can you like, laminate each page in the magazine?”Me:...

DJ Steve Porter, "Press Hop 2"

Previously on Outside the Boxscore, we featured a clip of DJ Steve Porter remixing some very famous sports press conference and interviews.Well, he is back with some help from ESPN SportsNation with the second installment called, "Press Hop 2" featuring Tiger Woods, Lebron James, and ESPN's Michelle Beadle.Enj...

Pittsburgh Penguins Field Goal Practice, Wait What?!?

When the NHL announced that the 2011 Winter Classic would be held in Pittsburgh between the Penguins and the Washington Capitals, this was the best opportunity for a little cross-promotion.So, some of members of the Pittsburgh Penguins including Sidney Crosby and Max Talbot did some field goal practice by shooting pucks off ramps.The below videos show how they did from 40 yards/50 yards/and finally, 70 yards....

Ring My Bell, Chris Bosh!

Usually when I wake up to check the day on Wall Street, there are usually a bunch of executives standing around the podium to ring the bell.Today was a little different as Miami Thrice member, Chris Bosh, and some executives from the After Schools All-Star program were given the opportunity to ring the bell.(Courtesy of That NBA Lottery Pi...

Nyt ei keksi otsikkoa

Mojautin oikein huolella kummivasaralla sormeen pihikiviä laittaessa ja nyt alkaa taas koruilukin luonnistua. Aika on mennyt toteen kyllä surffaillessa ja kiviä kuolatessa, joten ehkäpä tilaan pitkästä aikaa kunnon satsin kiviä...Hauska stressilelu aventuriinista eli riveting tekniikalla kiinnitetty kivi sormuksen runkoon ja kiveä voi pyöritellä. Kivi...

Atlanta Falcons "Rise Up" Commercial with Samuel L Jackson

In our current society that we live in, there is only man that make anything instantly more entertaining and that man is actor Samuel L Jackson.Recently the Atlanta Falcons tabbed him for an advertisement in which he leads a chorus of Falcons faithful to, "Rise Up".I was just waiting for him to say, "It'll get ya drunk!"(Courtesy of With Leath...

Madden 2011 Super Bowl Celebration - Virtual Obama Welcomes You to the White House

Back in the day, I remember playing sports video games on SNES/Atari/Playstation and being content with a simple picture of a trophy to solidify my virtual championship.Madden 2011 has decided to blow that out of the water by stepping up their Super Bowl celebration in franchise mode by dropping in a victory parade, Gus Johnson commentating your gridiron brilliance, and Virtual Barack Obama welcoming you to the White House.Sadly, the Shalahi's weren't included as we...

Albert Pujols vs. Denis Leary, Winner: Albert Pujols

During last night's edition of "The Late Show with David Letterman", Cardinals slugger Albert Pujols was one of the guests.After his interview, Dave and company moved outside Ed Sullivan Theatre for Albert to take a little batting practice against actor and "Rescue Me" star, Denis Lea...

Photo of the Day...

Matt Garza Gets No-Hittery On Us

So far 2010 has been dubbed, "The Year of the Pitcher" in Major League Baseball and last night proved that title is still going strong.Tampa Bay Rays pitcher Matt Garza threw a no-hitter against the Detroit Tigers making it the 5th no-hitter in the Major Leagues this season and the first in Tampa Bay history.In case you missed it, here the highlights...

Curious Antiquities are showing up

I will be the first to tell you I can't exactly call the astrology on this one. Because of the theme of the findings I'm leaning towards Neptune in Aquarius. Although, we have been experiencing that transit for years. But perhaps it is the combination of Pluto in Capricorn while Neptune is in Aquarius---??? I'm not sure but the things that have...

Mayan Tomb Found

U.S. and Guatemalan archaeologists have found an unusually well-preserved burial chamber that they believe is the tomb of the founder of a Maya dynasty, a find that promises new information about the empire's formative period.Archaeologist Stephen Houston of Brown University said the tomb was so tightly sealed that the team found remains of textiles,...

Jupiter & Uranus in Aries & the fat full moon

So, there we were this weekend with a huge full moon in Aquarius (sunday) and right in the middle of all this cardinal cross energy and bam!----the internet which rules the WWW made news again. Specifically, Wikileaks. The torrent of more than 91,000 secret documents, one of the largest unauthorized disclosures in military history, sent the Obama...

Ray Merriman update

I went over to Ray Merriman's website----Here's a snippet go over to his site for the rest of his weekly update.So this is how it is going to be. Wild. If you are a trader in the trenches every day, you know its wild. It is every bit as wild as Financial Astrologers feared and hoped. We feared it would be wild because if it lived up to its potential, there would be sudden and large price moves in many markets, causing this to be a very difficult market environment. It is the nature of Saturn opposition Uranus (July 26). It is the nature of Jupiter...

Veljeni 15-vuotissynttärikakku ja samalla kesän ensimmäinen MANSIKKAkakku!

Mansikka-kermakakku, mikäs sen parempaa!Tämä kakku oli pikkuveljeni 15-vuotissynttäreiden kahvipöydässä :)Pohja on kuuden kananmunan, ja täytettä laitettiin vain kahteen kerrokseen tavoista poiketen. Yleensä myö ollaan tehty meidän juhliin 8 munan kakkupohja ja laitettu täytettä kolmeen kerrokseen. Yritettiin meinaan saada tästä vähän pienempi, kun...

Where's My Weather?

When my girls were young and were going to school, I would wake every morning and turn on the radio to a local station.  This was necessary, especially in the winter, in order to know how the girls were going to dress--and, whether it was too cold (in my opinion) to send them out in the -30* wind chills.  Also, the radio was where we would get school cancellation announcements, so we always had one in the kitchen.  I still hadn't gotten a TV for the kitchen, but it wouldn't have mattered if I had one:  the local TV station did...

Saturn Oppose Uranus the final round

Today, Monday July 26 at 1:07pm (EDT) We had the final opposition between Saturn and Uranus. As we have discussed (mucho) this is the fifth pass and the only one in the signs of Aries and Libra, (previous were in Pisces and Virgo). To say we feel like we are in between a rock and hard place is understatement. And in my mind, this one feels different---...

Ihanan mehevä ja oikeasti-banaaninen kuivakakku. NAM : )

Veljeni synttäreille kahvikakuksi valittiin tällä kertaa äitini reseptiarkistoista banaanikakku. Kylmäkaapissa oli sopivasti pehmenneitä banaaneja, jotka ovat tähän kakkuun ihan ehdottomia. Tätä EI ruveta tekemään mistään (puoli)raaoista banaaneista!Muistan niin hyvin sen ihanan tuoksun, kun ollessani pieni äiti tätä leipoi monesti. : ) Tämä on aina...

Chad OchoCinco Grows Tired on "The Ultimate Catch"

After getting back from a rather long weekend, I got to sit down and watch another classic episode of Chad Ochocinco's reality dating show called, "The Ultimate Catch".So Chad decides to take two of his lovely ladies to Las Vegas for their elimination date but even Chad Ochocinco needs his beauty sleep, so he falls asleep on the private jet taking them to Las Vegas.(Courtesy of Gawker....

Arena's Football Big Man With Football Touchdown, Adam Tadisch Style

It's been awhile since I have talked about the Arena Football League but very thankfully, someone decided to post this amazing clip of Cleveland Gladiators offensive lineman, Adam Tadisch scoring a touchdown.Essentially, if you wanna see five broken tackles by a 300-pounder, this is the video for you.Finally, something to make Cleveland forget about Lebron.(Courtesy of SI Hot Clic...

Homesteading in America (again)

I was poking around on the New York Times and found this article about Beatrice Nebraska. In an attempt to fill depleted city cofers, city officials are resurrecting the homesteading act of 1862, or more specifically activating their own new homesteading act of 2010. It hardly sounds like a prudent scheme. But in a bit of déjà vu, that is exactly...


I am completely over human beings. I want to report something good but the bad news just keeps on coming. The latest is the (old) news that there is an enormous patch of rubbish floating in the Pacific. The news report said that it might be as big as South Australia and New South Wales put together. I am utterly disgusted.The Great Pacific Garbage...

The Globe is still pushing birtherism. Personally, I would say it's not his birth certificate the birthers want to see; it's his death certifica...


I have never been very good at love. When I joined the Rajneesh movement all I heard about was love. It used to make me want to throw up.Thirty years later I still don’t really know what it is, I am now no wiser, well maybe a little. At least I think I know what it isn’t. No matter whether I have been ‘in love’ or not, I have always felt lonely - I...

What If Other “Superfriends” Joined Forces Past And Present In Sports?

Now that South Beach has formed a new delegation with “King James” (Lebron James), “The Flash” (Dwayne Wade) and “CB4” (Chris Bosh), the NBA will see just what can be accomplished by Miami Heat’s “Superfriends” in Miami.But, what other creation of super powers would have been interesting to watch in basketball in the past? Or better yet, what about...

Fantasy Drafthelp: Football Wild Cards

NOTE: “Wild Card” players are the ones with the widest variance of opinion on our FDH “experts’” draft board. As such, they are the hardest ones to predict where they will go in your drafts, because their draft slot can only be guessed by knowing which fantasy magazine or website is being used to assess them.QB: Jason Campbell, Matt Leinart, Kyle...

Fantasy Drafthelp: Football Overvalued/Undervalued

NOTE: Our Overvalued and Undervalued players are rated as such by comparing where they came in on the FDH draft board versus the “experts’” draft board (an average of our leading peers in the industry).Overvalued QB: Jay Cutler, Alex Smith, Vince YoungUndervalued QB: Matt Leinart, Carson PalmerOvervalued RB: Fred Jackson, Jonathan StewartUndervalued...

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer at a staggering rate.Wealth and power are rapidly becoming concentrated at the top and the big global corporations are making massive amounts of money. Meanwhile, the American middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence as U.S. workers are slowly being merged into the new "global" labor po...

Induction of George Steinbrenner into Hall of Fame would be act of hypocrisy

Following the sudden and tragic death of New York Yankees principal owner and managing partner George Steinbrenner, reaction poured in from all walks of life about the impact he had on the most valuable brand in baseball and the game itself.And as baseball legends congregate in Cooperstown, New York for Sunday’s Hall of Fame induction ceremony, fond...

Aquarius Full Moon

July 25 9:36pm EDTAquarius Full Moon2 Aquarius 59 As we know we are in a tough period -- we have brutal aspects this week and next week. And in that environment, I say, “Hey, I have a fun idea! Let’s have a Full Moon!” Yikes. The tension of the Aquarius Full Moon activates a teeter totter effect. On one side we have community, tribes, being...

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