Happy New Year

To all of my readers, my friends, I want to wish you a happy and blessed new year! Come back often and, hopefully, we will have more fun in the coming year than we did in the one we are saying good-bye to! (Remember, be safe if you are going to be celebrating tonigh...

I missed the past few games but I did catch last nights and Datsyuk again as the commentators mentioned he unselfishly gives goals away. Draper got the open netter at the end of the game to finish the Coyotes 4-2. Samuelson got the first goal and then from there on out was all Pavel Datsyuk. With two assists and a goal for himself, Pavel made an impressive stop while drawing the puck back to rip a shot in the net.Here is a mediocre video of the goal that Pavel made last night.29 secDatsyuk has at least 1 point in every game for the last 11 games...

A 29-year-old Wenatchee man told police a pterodactyl caused him to drive his car into a light pole about 11:30 p.m. Thursday.Well, who hasn't used that excuse at one time or anoth...

Civic Lighting Idea Grows To Bear Solar Fruit

Solar Tree, prototype, November 2007, designed by Ross Lovegrove and produced and developed by Artemide polycrystalline solar cells by Sharp. On display at the Piazza della Scala, Milan, Italy. Image Credit: David Zanardi.Civic Lighting Idea Grows To Bear Solar FruitPlant an idea and watch the green grow through technology and design.This last fall...

Wings 4, Coyotes 2

Again, the game was closer than the score shows--at one point the Wings were down by a goal and they didn't tie it until late in the second. The go-ahead goal came late in the third and the fourth goal was an empty-netter. So, kind of close all night. The reffing sucked big time, but that is the way things play out sometimes. My Baby Boy didn't...

False Alarm

I just got off of the phone with C and she was sent home from the hospital. (She FINALLY went to be checked about an hour ago.) No sign of amniotic fluid, so it looks as if she was having a badder control problem, not getting ready to have the baby. I guess this kid is going to stay nice and warm where she is until the doctor pulls her kicking and screaming from her mother on the 3rd! ...

Baby Watch--UPDATE

So there really isn't a big update, but here goes. I talked to C just a short while ago and she MAY be ready to have the baby. She isn't 100% sure, but her water might have broken--or, at the very least, she leaked somewhat. (A bit disgusting, but...) Anyway, she will probably be going to the hospital to be checked. If it is determined that her water broke, she probably will stay in the hospital and have the baby tonight. Check back for updates--I've got my fingers cross...

Tent city in suburbs is cost of home crisisONTARIO, California (Reuters) - Between railroad tracks and beneath the roar of departing planes sits "tent city," a terminus for homeless people. It is not, as might be expected, in a blighted city center, but in the once-booming suburbia of Southern California.The noisy, dusty camp sprang up in July with...

Pope's exorcist squads will wage war on SatanThe Pope has ordered his bishops to set up exorcism squads to tackle the rise of Satanism.Vatican chiefs are concerned at what they see as an increased interest in the occult.What next, a squad of vampire kille...

Now For An Announcement...

moar funny picturesSorry, but there really is no announcement--just wanted to post the pic. C STILL hasn't had the baby--looks like she will be going until the third after all. While her contractions continue, they are of the 'stop-and-go' variety. She is very frustrated--and I don't blame her. ...

The Bhutto Assassination Cover-upThe "official story" in the Bhutto is coming out. She didn't die from the bomb explosion, or from gunshot wounds, or from shrapnel, as was later reported. She hit her head, violently against the sunroof as she ducked back into the vehicle. She was killed by al-Qaeda. There is a transcript.The new story, however, is inconsistent with what a doctor on the surgical team told the Associated Press:Bhutto was rushed into surgery. A doctor on the surgical team said a bullet in the back of her neck damaged her spinal cord...

"For years he's fought conservatives and religious extremists..Mitt Romney." I love ...

Pyramid Find In Central Mexico City Changes Site Date

A general view shows the "Plaza de las Tres Culturas", or the plaza of the three cultures, in the central Tlatelolco area of Mexico City December 27, 2007. Archeologists have discovered the ruins of the 800-year-old Aztec pyramid in the heart of the Mexican capital that could show the ancient city is at least a century older than previously thought....

The Game

Baby Boy was named the first star of Thursday's game--the second night/game in a row for him. The reason? Filppula got two goals, again--one of which was a short-handed goal--totaling four goals in the last two games/nights. He is on fire! He now has 13 goals on the season, ten in eight games. Yeah, he is showing his skills in all aspects of the...

CLOSET lesbian Hillary Clinton with lesbian and Israeli MOSSAD asset Huma Abedin behind her on the left So says "International Intelligence Expert" Tom Heneghan Queerty covers the story: Hillary’s Lesbian Rumors Just Won’t Quit (not if I can help it)A beautiful woman working for Hillary Clinton has Muslims in the closet? Obviously Clinton must be licking...

Ron Paul: 'We're getting ready to bomb Iran' "It is getting worse over there," he said. "Afghanistan is getting worse. Turkey is bombing Iraq. And Pakistan is blowing up and we're getting ready to bomb Iran. A bunch of those neocons want to bomb Ira...

Red Wing News

It was announced that Lidstrom signed a two-year extension on his contract, to the tune of $15 million. And he is worth every penny. It is hard to think of him retiring, but he probably will after his contract runs out--he will be almost 40 then. It's just nice that he accepted the salary he did--he could probably go anywhere else in the league...

After Christmas

As you can tell, I DIDN'T write any posts for the last few days, so that means only one thing: C DID NOT have the baby yet. First, they do all they can--including daily injections of a blood-thinner and weekly injections of progesterone--to keep her from going into premature labor, then she can't go into labor even though she TRIES! She is so sure...

Palestinian prisoners in Guinness Book of RecordsAccording to the report, Palestinian prisoner Sa'id Al-Ataba has been detained for more than 30 years which is the longest imprisonment in the world. No other political prisoner had served such a long period ; Nelson Mandela had served 26 years, and Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin of former US president John Kennedy served 28 years in prison.Emphasis added.Fun Fact: Lee Harvey Oswald was a homing pigeon enthusiast. News to ...

Gottfried Helnwein, "Epiphany I: Adoration of the Magi"I may put this on my Christmas card next year. Via Rigorous Intuition....

Merry Christmas! An Israeli scholar says that Jesus may not have been born in Bethlehem but in another city with the same name. Stolen baby Jesuses replaced with pigs heads'To have something like that left in its place was not nice, to say the least' Not nice at all. Love that British understatement. San Jose Teen Killed by Tiger on Christmas...

QKENCHANT updateQKENCHANT was a CIA project that has been of great interest to those interested in the possible connections of Clay Shaw to the JFK assassination. My earlier posts on this subject can be found here. A 1992 CIA release has been cited by a number of writers to conclude that Shaw was cleared for this project. It actually does no such thing although it does not preclude this possibility. The document states:"A memorandum marked only for file, 16 March 1967, signed Marguerite D. Stevens, says that J. Monroe SULLIVAN, #280207, was granted...

Joseph Cannon directs us to this article by Bob Fitrakis on Bushes and election fraud. Apparently the Bush connection to election fraud goes back aways.Take the following quote from the Manchester Union Leader from the 1980 Iowa caucus: “The Bush operation has all the smell of a CIA covert operation . . . strange aspects of the Iowa operation [include] a long, slow count and then the computers broke down at a very convenient point, with Bush having a six percent bulge over Reagan.”In 1984, President Reagan signed National Security Directive Decision...

Tracking Santa The NORAD Way Christmas 2007

Illustrators’ Visions of Santa Claus - Over the years, great illustrators have created and shaped the popular vision of Santa Claus. Clockwise from top, left: Thomas Nast, who gave Santa Claus a form almost like the modern idea in the mid-1800’s, with his clay pipe and arm full of toys (including a sword). You can see some of his visions of Santa here....

With Zetterburg and Holmstrom out because of injuries the Red Wings had to play their best.First goal by Datsyuk.Frazen circling around the net with a impressive goal short side was the second.Cleary's breakaway was the third goal, very good.The puck can hit the linesman and the goal is inconclusive in the first period. But if the puck hits the ref otherwise the play continues?It just so happens that the Wild scored, just after the puck hit the referee when the Wings tried to clear the puck.Did you happen to catch the scoreboard jump? At about...

Wishing You A Merry Christmas

Other than the birth of the baby or other earth-shattering news, I may not be here for a few days. (My baby is coming home!) At this time, I want to wish all of my readers a fantastic Christmas. My hope for each of you: May your Christmas be filled with laughter and joy, friends and family. Take a moment and remember the reason for the season....

Would you let your 13-year old daughter wear this shirt? Would anyo...

The JFK Assassination and the UnspeakableCharles Drago on The JFK Assassination Debate Forum posted this excerpt from a 17-page pamphlet by peace activist James W. Douglass titled Compassion and the Unspeakable in the Murders of Martin, Malcolm, JFK, RFK.The Warren Report gave us the unspeakable in prose, with a void at the center of its almost one thousand pages. Remember Merton's description of the unspeakable. It sounds as if he is describing the Warren Report:It is the void that contradicts everything that is spoken even before the words are...

No Baby News

C is not in the hospital--as far as I know, anyway. So, I will leave you with this to ponder:THREE WISE WOMENwould have:asked for directions,arrived on time,helped deliver the Baby,cleaned the stable,made a casserole,brought practical gifts,and then there would be Peace on Earth...

Merry Christmas--Enjoy!


Just Another Day

I had to go and do some grocery shopping tonight--after all, my baby girl is supposed to be here on Sunday! I just can't wait! (Can you feel me smiling?) Anyway, I had to run into Shopko first and I discovered a very disturbing thing: They had a display of VALENTINE'S DAY socks in the women's sock aisle! Um, we aren't even done with Christmas yet, much less into the new year. I just don't understand this shit!**********C continues with the contractions--they just haven't been strong enough, regular enough, or bothersome enough for her to...

You Paid WHAT???

I believe most of us realize that buying any of the 'big' birds, such as parrots, is expensive. For example, a Hyacinth Macaw will run you $6,500-10,000. A little bit out of the range of most people. They ARE beautiful creatures, for sure.While the macaw is very expensive to buy, I think pound for pound, some saltwater fish are more expensive. And...

William Casey Confirmed the October Surprise (from Secrets and Lies: A History of CIA Mind Control and Germ Warfare). In a conversation with CIA agent William Buckley (p317):Casey had told Buckley the story of the hostages release. Known as the "October Surprise," it was an operation that Casey had orchestrated over dinner one night with some of the future president's aides. Casey had raised the possibility of doing a deal with Iran and said there would "have to be something in it for the ayatollahs." He had proposed approaching a number of wealthy...

Poor Baby!

moar funny pictu...

The Game and The Baby Watch

The Wings beat the Kings 6-2 tonight. They outplayed LA almost every minute of the game, so it wasn't that hard to predict the outcome. The normal cast of characters got goals or assists and my baby boy got his 8th goal of the season. YAY! Now it is on to a five game road trip. Not a REGULAR road trip, however--they will play two games and then...

Baby Watch, 2007 Version

C called today after seeing the doctor and was told that she probably WILL NOT be going till 3 January before the baby is born. Now, it is just a matter of 'watch and wait.' She was ready to go to the hospital last night because the contractions were so hard, but they stopped--or lessened enough--around 2:00 AM and she was actually able to go to sleep. This is where it begins to be iffy in my mind--she has had so many C-sections that it is in her best health to continue with them. However, if she is too far along in active labor, it gets a...

Life As I Know It

Yesterday we were out of the house before 7:00 AM--and for those of you who know me, that is a BIG deal--and on the road. By the time we had eaten breakfast at the Appleton IHOP, all of the stores were open, so off we went. I managed to get to most of my usual stores--didn't do DSW because I have too many pairs of shoes as it is--and dropped in to a few that I have missed the last couple of trips. I believe we are done with our Christmas shopping now. Well, except for K's secret Santa gift, but I don't buy that anyway. The worst thing about...


Just dropping in for a few minutes--I'm so tired I can barely see straight, so I will have to wait till later to do a proper post. K and I did a road trip and finished our Christmas shopping. YAY!!! But, it completely exhausts me to push that hard in one day's time. I'll be here tomorrow with a longer po...

The Red Wings Win 4-3 over Washington Capitals.Datsyuk with 3 assists then the first goal in the shootout. Followed second by Zetterberg and then Hudler all making the same move to backhand it in over Kolzig's left pad.Holmstrom with 2 goals, Zetterberg with 1.The game on Saturday was a good game as well, where we somehow scored all the goals?5-2 Win?Over the Florida Panthers...I almost forgot?Pavel Datsyuk and Valteri Fillpula had a penalty shot Saturdays game.Datsyuk barely missed but Fillpula scored, with the same backhand that all three shots...

Who else but Michael Jacks...

The two CIA drug planes caught in Mexico recently both exhibit the classic hallmark of a CIA job. The plane's ownership, as shown in FAA reg docs, leads the unwary directly into a dizzying hall of mirrors, designed to disorient the observer, and effectively mask the number of missions CIA aircraft are flying everyday. Isn't it odd that The Madcow Morning News breaks more real news than The Washington Post? Daniel Hopsicker is still on the trail of the American Drug Lor...

Operation Often: Satanism in the CIAThis operation was based on Dr. Cameron's earlier research into the supernatural. Operaton Often was going to go further, exploring the world of black magic. In Dr. Gottlieb's mission statement the intention was to "harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond...

“This government does not torture people.” - George W. BushFormer US interrogator recounts torture cases in Afghanistan and Iraq "My sole job was to sit there and make sure the prisoner didn't die. But there were several times when I thought they were about to die, when they were interrogated by those people who have no name and who work for no-one in particular. It's incredible what a human being can take".Inside the CIA's notorious "black sites"Bashmilah finally tried to slash his wrists with a small piece of metal, smearing the words "I am innocent"...


Two of my all-time favorite shows are coming out on DVD. The one I have been waiting for way too long is Newhart. I think it is possibly the funniest show of all time. (Larry, Darryl, and Darryl just cracked me up!) I hope they put out all of the 150 seasons the show was on. It will be available on 26 February. The other show that will be available (12 February) is The Equalizer. LOVED that shoe--I really thought Edward Woodward was the sexiest older man I had ever seen. I can't wa...

My Traveling Package

(Am I just too tired, or does that title sound just a little bit dirty? ;))Anyway, I wrote about a package I was waiting for here and mentioned every place the thing had traveled. Well, it finally was delivered today, but it managed to make a few more stops along the way.When we left the package on 7 December, it was in New Berlin, WI. Here is where it went from there:--12 December: ST PAUL, MN--13 December: BROOKLYN PARK, MN--13 December: ST PAUL, MN--15 December: delivered to my houseNow, I'm not exactly sure WHY it bounced around the...

Red Wings 5, Panthers 2

First, let's get the bad stuff over with. The Wings scored all 7 goals of the game. A good thing, you say? Of course not--two of the goals were for the other team! Yes, Lidstrom and Chelios managed to kick the puck into Detroit's net for back-to-back goals for Florida. Absolutely unbelievable--ESPECIALLY from Lidstrom. Nick so rarely makes a wrong move on the ice that it is still surreal when I think about that play. He is one of the (many) Detroit players that makes everything look too easy--so much so, that he doesn't get ALL of the praise...

ANOTHER Award! {blushes}

This blog has been awarded The Spreader of Love Award created by The Love Blog (, for an outstanding demonstration of blogging love.Meleah has been so very kind enough to award me The Spreader of Love Award! Not only am I humbled and thrilled, I LIKE IT! (I HAVE mentioned how much of an attention whore I am, haven't I?)...

THEMIS Mission’s Three Discoveries On Earth’s Light Display

A fleet of NASA spacecraft, launched less than eight months ago, has made three important discoveries about spectacular eruptions of Northern Lights called "substorms" and the source of their power. Caption for photo as follows - The Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, shines above Bear Lake, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. Image Credit: Wikipedia...

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