Red Wings Chant

The Detroit Red Wings had to submit yet another defeat, when the ref's did not do their job. Seems like the ref never saw where the puck even went? It should have not only been a tie, they may have been won in overtime or possibly even before that? Horrible officiating, on this leap year date of February 29, 2008.Injuries have really hurt the Red Wings as a whole also.Datsyuk is 1st in so many categories there are too many too mention!Check out this video of the BULL****Call!Fans are not amused...I'm told that not until this date, that it's "The...

And It Continues

I never have wanted to be a fair weather/bandwagon fan, but it is getting so hard to keep watching what is happening with the Wings. Not only is their timing still off, but the reffing is stabbing them in the back again. The game winning goal tonight was illegal and there was nothing to be done--it wasn't even reviewable in Toronto. Something like...

$#@%*&^(&^$@! Interwebs and Other Stuff

It seems as if the whole internet has been having a meltdown the past week or so. At times I haven't been able to load a site AT ALL and at other times it has been soooooooo sllloooowwwww that I would get things done faster if I had a dialup service! What's going on?--Blogger has been bad for me off and on lately. Not only haven't I been able to load the main site, but some of my favorite blogs are on Blogger and they haven't loaded, either. I haven't had problems today, but...--SiteMeter has been having problems lately. From not being able...

Getting To Know Me--A Meme

Meleah tagged me for this--here goes. 1. What is your occupation?Homemaker--and before that, homemaker and mommy. I have always been a stay-at-home. 2. What color are your socks right now?I am not wearing socks--I rarely wear socks in the house. However, I don't walk through the house barefooted--I am terrified of stepping into a hacked-up hairball! I usually have a pair of Birkenstocks on my feet--I don't wear shoes in the house. 3. What are you listening to right now?I have 'Law & Order' on the television. 4. What was the last thing...


I really love books and own a lot. This means I have a real problem when it comes to storage. Here is a post with pictures of unique bookshelves. While I LOVE most of them for their innovation and design, they are too modern for me to own. (Besides, I have the feeling they cost WAY more than I would want to spend.) Go and enjoy the pics. (I really, really love the first shelf--but then, I AM a math geek. :))Now THIS I could actually see in my house--of course NOT for me but for the girls when they were little. Really a neat id...

I'm sorry, again... ;P

Anteeksi ihan hirveästi, että tällä viikolla blogissani on olut niin hiljaista! En ole viitsinyt kirjoittaa mitään, kun yleensä yritän odottaa, että keksisin jonkun hyvän aiheen, mutta eihän sitä tietenkään aina tapahdu... :D Luulen, että en tule kirjoittamaan tänne varmaan mitään ennen ensiviikonalkua, koska launtaina lähdemme klo 5.15 aamulla sinne...

Some Interesting Links

Recently, I found a few sites/articles that I thought were interesting. Here they are:--While I have never participated in a science fair, I have a general idea what one is like. Science teachers have a hard job. If you don't believe it, go here and see the pictures. Some of these are hysterical, some are frightening. --A VERY interesting article on medical conditions that are best left alone to heal on their own. Who would have thought? Here is the article.--We've all heard that buttered toast always lands buttered-side down. There is the...

Family Secrets

As far as I know, my family doesn't have any earth-shattering secrets. But, then, isn't that what keeping secrets is all about--not passing them on? The secrets that I DO know, however, are of the 'huh?' variety--not worth a damn after a few years. Examples follow.--The Mother's parents 'had' to get married. She didn't find out until I was an adult and married. Somehow, she was given her parents' marriage license and was able to count the months. I guess it WAS a very different time back then, but in this day and age the 'secret' definitely...

Quick Updates:Second polygraph expert also concludes that Larry Sinclair is a lying sack of shit.Debate post: Hillary Clinton is a whiny bitch.Former CIA agent William F. Buckley dead at ...

WHEN Will It End?

Tonight is about the closest I have come to actually crying at the end of a hockey game. Come on already--the Wings came back from a 2-0 score in the second, Baby Boy scored the WINNING goal a little more than two minutes before the end of the game, and then Lilja got called for delay of game with less than two minutes left in the game. (While I understand the reasoning behind the automatic penalties, this particular one sucked--AND he didn't do it intentionally.) Of course, Edmonton pulled their goalie and had six attackers against the four...

It's Over

The trade deadline has come and gone and the Wings are fine. They only made one trade--for a defenseman (DUH!)--and didn't have to give up anything but a couple of draft picks. They could have given away the franchise, but Holland is very good at his job and did well. My only concern is the rest of the league's trades--some of the other teams added quite a bit of strength to their rosters. Hopefully, this won't be bad news for Detroit. Now that all of the foolishness is over, the season can continue and we can look forward to the playoffs....

Itikseen <3

YEAH! Ehkä paras uutinen vähään aikaan: lähetään (siis minä, äiti, mun kummitäti ja 2 serkkua) lauantaina junalla Vantaalle mun sukulaisten luo kaheks yöks. :---))) Ei se nyt muuten ois ees kovin mukavaa, kun jo kolmen henkilön meno-paluu junamatkat maksaa jo melkeen 300 €, mutta kun varmaan heti kun tullaan sinne perille, niin mennään koko lauantai...

Feeling Relieved, But...

There are only 15 hours before the trade deadline and the Wings haven't made a move. I don't think they want to spend a lot of money for a rental player--besides, when everyone is healthy, NO ONE can beat them. I'm sure they will get SOMEONE, but probably not a real big name. I still have suspicions that they will get Federov back. Might be a good move--he shouldn't cost TOO much!I was chewing my nails all day because ALL of the rumors surrounding ANY players that might go to Detroit had Filppula being part of the trade. I'm so worried that...

Learning To Communicate or "Come Again?"

The 'family home' was the house where my great-grandparents lived. As far as I know, they moved in shortly after they married and stayed there throughout their 60+ years of married life. It hasn't been all that long since the house finally was sold to someone outside of the family.Next door to the family home lived a widow. As long as I knew, the woman's family had lived in the house. She was from Croatia and didn't speak a word of English. My g-grandmother didn't speak a word of English. Yet, these two women would meet in the back yard and...

Dallas Morning News Posts Documents OnlineThe documents contained here are those that the district attorney's office made available in electronic form – an estimated 90 percent of all the documents from the vault. Another 10 percent had not yet been scanned when these files were released to The Dallas Morning News.The contents include transcripts, personal and official letters, newspaper clippings, lists of jurors, police reports, rap sheets, autopsy reports, trial notes, police notebooks, photographs and much more.The documents appear here exactly...

Larry Sinclair Flunks PolygraphDr. Ed Gelb, Former President of the American Polygraph Association was the Polygraph expert selected by He has done over 30,000 polygraph examinations over his long career. There were two polygraph tests administered by Dr. Gelb on Friday. the first polygraph asked Mr. Sinclair on his sex claims. The...

They Coulda Been A Contenda!

Okay, so that is an exaggeration. NO ONE is predicting the end of the Red Wings, but...It certainly has been painful to watch what has happened to the team. And it isn't their fault--that's what makes it so hard to accept! The hit on Lidstrom shouldn't have happened--at least the elbow to the jaw shouldn't have! Chelios was just doing his job and...


We don't have a lot of holidays to choose from this week, but here goes:24 FebruaryAcademy Award's25 FebruarySix-Shooter Revolver First Patented26 FebruaryNational Pistachio DayFor Pete's Sake Day27 FebruaryInternational Polar Bear DayInconvenience Yourself Day28 FebruarySmokey Bear's BirthdayNational Chili DayFloral Design DayNational Tooth Fairy Day29 FebruaryLeap Year Day1 MarchBeer DayBe Positive--Do Something DayPig DayPlan A Solo Vacation ...

More photos of Huma...

My Computer's Back Home!

My computer was ready for pick-up today. First, if ANY of the people I 'met' at the place I brought it had even the slightest of personalities, they might be mistaken for actual human beings. I don't think I have EVER seen such unfriendly people in a business setting as these people were. Obviously I needed to read minds, because I wasn't told a...

Blogging The Game

Okay, so this isn't EXACTLY blogging the game, as I have only updated after every period. However, with my temperament, there is NO WAY I could do a minute-by-minute account. :)The Wings are playing in Calgary--or, at least the Wings that aren't injured! The defense is so depleted that I don't know how they are managing. The senior D-man--Chris Chelios--is VERY experienced at 1600 games played. The next most experienced D-man has only played 300+ games. The youngest five defensemen have less games played, TOTAL, than Chelios has played. ...

Obama Accuser Larry Sinclair has a Criminal RecordThe current issue of the supermarket tabloid Globe (March 3,2008)) devotes two full pages to the lurid drug and sex allegations of Larry Sinclair. The Globe notes that "Sinclair has provided no evidence to back up his outrageous Obama stories."Although Sinclair has provided no evidence to back up his outrageous Obama stories, the 46-year old man tells GLOBE that he's spent time in prison in Florida, Arizona and Colorado on credit card fraud and other charges.He also admits trafficking in cocaine...

Tää alkaa mennä aika kuvapainotteiseks... :D

Nyt kun en muuta näytä saavan aikaiseksi, niin omistanpa taas tämän postauksen oman tyylini esittelyyn (tosin jotkut kuvat ovat vanhempia, mutta käytän yhä kuvissa esiintyviä vaatteita.)No mutta, näissä ekoissa kuvissa olen omassa huoneessani. Seinäni maalattiin tuollaisiksi räikein pinkeiksi melkein kolme vuotta sitten, enkä ole sitä katunut hetkeäkään....


At last I can get a good night's sleep--Jennifer Lopez gave birth to her twins early this morning. And I was SOOOOO concerned! I don't know WHICH story is getting more air time, this one or the Hep A/Ashton Kutcher one. Give me a bre...

Surge in Huma Google Searches Check this out: Google Trends has Clinton staffer Huma Abedin in the top searches on the day of the McCain affair stories (#4 above Vicki Iseman). So, is t his tipping us off to Hillary Clinton having a lesbian affair with Huma Abedin--or is the right gaming Google Trends to make it seem so!!??!I have noticed an increase...

Security Lapse in Dallas?DALLAS -- Security details at Barack Obama's rally Wednesday stopped screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion Arena.The order to put down the metal detectors and stop checking purses and laptop bags came as a surprise to several Dallas police officers who said they believed it was a lapse in security.You think? Because what could possibly happen in Dallas? Who could possibly be behind this atrocious lapse in judgement?Dallas...

Computer Update

After two days without my desktop, I finally called to see what is going on. I guess it STILL is going through scans--the tech called me back and said he is tracking down one last virus to kill. It seems as if the computer had MULTIPLE viruses and malware! When I asked what I should be doing to keep them away, the answer was pretty much, "Can't be done." He suggested Norton, but I refuse to buy another security suite--I've had problems in the past with BOTH Norton and McAfee. Besides, they are so damn bloated and they slow down my machine...

Barack Obama the Antichrist? "It's almost like the Messiah, you know?"..."People really, really want change, and you feel it. You don't just hear it -- you feel something coming from him." You know, it never occurred to me that Obama might be the Anti-Christ. Probably because I'm not nuts....

Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton - I think the first photo I've seen of Huma smil...

Nothing to say

Heti tähän alkuun pahoittelut, etten oo kirjottanu tänne ollenkaan tällä viikolla. Jotenkin vaan ei oo tullu mitään inspiraatioo mistä kirjottais, ja osaks tähän on syynä vaan mun laiskuus, ja tiestysti kokeet jotka oli tänään. Joten sorry vaan. Ja sain äsken vielä kuulla, että toinen mummini oli kuollut äsken. Hautajaiset siis tiedossa, ja olen jotenkin...

Barack Obama's Star Trek Connection Yet despite running away with the primary, Obama still had a formidable challenge in Republican Jack Ryan. Ryan was an impressive candidate - attractive and wealthy, with law and business degrees from Harvard. After making a fortune at Goldman Sachs, Ryan left to teach in an inner city school.Yet Ryan had a problem...

Wednesday Evening

Just talked to A--NOTHING about the non-pregnancy, of course--and she seemed to be in good spirits. I try not to pry, but make myself available to listen whenever my girls need to talk. I think it is working well.The worst thing about the insemination not working is that with each attempt, the likelihood of her ever getting pregnant without in vitro, grows. EACH attempt at getting pregnant via in vitro is $10,000-15,000--not a drop in the bucket. And every attempt ONLY happens during one cycle! What a money-making racket! And to top it all...

Obama PornDo the wingnuts who are running with the Larry Sinclair allegations realize how preposterous they are? The short version: Sinclair is in Chicago for a few days. He decides to go out on the town and hires a limo. Good thinking, drinking and driving don't mix. He tells the limo driver that he could use some company, someone who knows Chicago. The limo drive calls ... Barack Obama. Obama drops everything and comes right over. A few minutes after he meets Obama he tells Obama that he could use a few lines. Obama scores some powder cocaine,...

New Poll has Bush approval rating at 19%George W. Bush's overall job approval rating has dropped to a new low in American Research Group polling as 78% of Americans say that the national economy is getting worse according to the latest survey from the American Research Group.Among all Americans, 19% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president...

A Leap Year Red Moon Lunar Eclipse Tonight

On Wednesday, February 20, 2008, beginning at 7:01 p.m. PST, the moon will move completely under the shadow of the Earth in a total lunar eclipse. The eclipse can be seen in the Americas, Europe, and Africa. Hope for good weather because the next total lunar eclipse won't happen until December 2010. The moon will be completely under Earth's shadow...

Trojans, Babies, Amy, and Hockey

A small amount of excitement here. (Now, that is a relative term, I know!) A couple of days ago the desktop started with some strange pop-ups and through a LOT of research, I came to the conclusion that it is infected with a backdoor Trojan. I spent HOURS yesterday trying to get rid of the problem, but I ended up taking it in to be fixed. See, I know enough about computers to be dangerous. I ALSO know enough to NOT do anything I am not absolutely sure about, hence the passing of the repairs on to someone else. From what I could find out,...

Security File: Gordon NovelSpies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape , a blog devoted to "Spy Games Surrounding the UFO Mystery," posts today about Exotic Tech Enthusiast Gordon Novel's "Security Files". They include a link to Novel's "security files", a 154 page document that I plan to go through when I have some ti...

According to some guy on YouTube (above) Barack Obama smoked crack cocaine and had homosexual relations with said guy on YouTube. Good enough for WorldNetDaily to make it their breaking lead story today: 'I took drugs, had homo sex with Obama' .Update: Reverse Speech Analysis confirms sensational gay sex and drug allegations against Barack ObamaSinclair’s...

JFK Lancer News Release:Scientific Audio Evidence Reveals Second Gunman in RFK AssassinationIn 2004 the only known audio tape of the RFK assassination was discovered stored in the California State Archives in Sacramento, CA by an investigative journalist. Recorded by independent journalist Stanislaw Pruszynski, it is the only known audio recording that contains the actual shots fired during the shooting on June 5, 1968 in Los Angeles.Three years ago, Philip Van Praag, an expert in the forensic analysis of magnetic media recordings, began studying...

I saw Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday. The audience was clearly with Obama, as were all three guests, including conservative Andrew Sullivan. I also spent some time listening to rightwing radio station KSFO while on the road. Clearly they think that Obama will be the nominee and are devoting most of their time to attacking him.This is going to get ugly. Witness the lead article on WorldNutDaily today. You see, Obama is just like Jim Jones:One unidentified poster to a Seattle Post-Intelligencer article on the fainting spells, made a connection...


Perjantaina oli siis sen mun serkun vanhojentanssit. En ollu ennen semmosissa ollu, ja monet niistä tyttöjen puvuista oli kyllä tosi upeita! Rupesin miettimään, että oiskohan mulla mahollisuutta osallistua vanhojentansseihin kahden vuoden päästä, koska aion hakea kauppaopistoon ja suorittaa samalla kaksoistutkinnon, joten en periaatteessa ois lukion...


Holidays for the week:17 FebruaryChampionship Crab Races DayMy Way Day18 FebruaryNational Crab Stuffed Flounder Day19 FebruaryChocolate Mint Day20 FebruaryNational Cherry Pie DayNorthern Hemisphere Hoodie Hoo Day21 FebruaryNational Sticky Bun DayIntroduce A Girl To Engineering Day22 FebruaryPebble Flintstone's Birthday23 FebruaryNational Banana Bread...

Guys, I Hardly Know Ya!

The Wings lost their fifth in a row. They certainly are not the same team that played before the All-Star break. Watching them against Columbus was not only painful, it was bordering on disgusting! Something is broken and needs to be fixed--FAST!!!Not an excuse, by any means, but the Wings DO have four players injured at the moment. Four rather key players--among them TWO of their best D-men. Very discouraging to watch them skate around with no rhyme or reason behind what they are doing. Passing has been bad, give-aways are rampant, and they...

Meet “sQuba” - The Oblate Spheroid's First Submersible Electric Car

“Dive it again, James!” If the situation gets too hot for the secret agent he’ll go underground - or under water. So demonstrated impressively by Roger Moore in ‘The Spy Who Loved Me” in 1977 when he dove below the waves in a sleek vehicle that moments before seemed to be an ordinary car. Image Credit: Internet Movie Database (IMDb)Meet “sQuba” - The...

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