Saw my MD today and he is so happy with my numbers--I actually thought I was going to see him do cartwheels down the hall! My cholesterol is in the 'amazing' range and my blood pressure is very close to what he wants it to be. A very good visit--and what makes it even better is the fact that I don't have to go back until November!!!! For crying out loud, I see the damn orthodontist every THREE months and THAT is just to make sure the teeth aren't moving out of alignment. This just is good news.
For some stupid reason, K has really been getting on my last raw nerve lately. Last night I think I was about as mad at him as I ever have been--I didn't DARE take my BP because I know it would have been through the roof. Anyway, he is getting ready to turn in his paperwork to the company he used to work for in order to receive his pension from them. He knew this day was coming a year ago and he told me what papers I needed to find/copy that had to be turned in with the rest of the paperwork. So, I had a year to copy a few documents and guess what? I did the copies! I put these in a folder and gave them to him. K asked me for the copies last night and I told him I had given them to him months ago and I didn't know where he had put them. He said it never happened. I said it did. We went a few rounds like this and then I said he probably put them on the roll top desk. Of course, he said again, that it never happened, but he condescendingly agreed to look. Well, lo and behold, he found the papers. And he had the NERVE to show me he found them in a very matter-of-fact manner--NO 'I'm sorry to doubt you,' NO 'I was wrong you were right', he didn't even have the good manners to have a sheepish look on his face!!! I told him he had to go into the other room because I had murder in my heart. MEN!!!!!!! (I actually didn't like him very much earlier today, either, but that is another story...)
I'm trying to begin planning C's 'First Anniversary of Her 29th Birthday' party. I actually was hoping to rent space at the local university up there and have the whole thing catered by them, but I don't know if I want to spend the money. I got a very preliminary estimate today and I could be looking at $1000+ to put this thing on! I have to decide if this is well worth it just so I don't have to deal with The Mother or the rest of The Family!
Don't know if you have heard the news about the embryo created from three parents. While I understand what the scientists are trying to do, I still wonder if it is a good idea. First, this will lead to designer babies and rich people having the 'cream of the crop'--just another thing for them to lord over us huddle masses. The other thing that bothers me is the parentage. Anyone who has had to call the house of a child's friend knows this scenario.
"Hi, Mrs. Jones. This is Sue Doe, Jane's mother. My daughter is a good friend of your daughter Maggie."
"Oh. I'm not Mrs. Jones. Sam Jones is Maggie's dad, but I'm now married to John Johnson. However, after I divorced Sam, I went back to using my maiden name and now I am Cindy Mason."
"So sorry! I was told Maggie's mother's name was Mary."
"That's okay. Mary is Sam's new wife. Maggie calls her 'Mom,' too."
I have ACTUALLY had conversations like that. Can you imagine how confusing it is for the children? So, add another biological parent into the mix and things REALLY start getting interesting. Here is the whole story.
Don't know if you have heard the news about the embryo created from three parents. While I understand what the scientists are trying to do, I still wonder if it is a good idea. First, this will lead to designer babies and rich people having the 'cream of the crop'--just another thing for them to lord over us huddle masses. The other thing that bothers me is the parentage. Anyone who has had to call the house of a child's friend knows this scenario.
"Hi, Mrs. Jones. This is Sue Doe, Jane's mother. My daughter is a good friend of your daughter Maggie."
"Oh. I'm not Mrs. Jones. Sam Jones is Maggie's dad, but I'm now married to John Johnson. However, after I divorced Sam, I went back to using my maiden name and now I am Cindy Mason."
"So sorry! I was told Maggie's mother's name was Mary."
"That's okay. Mary is Sam's new wife. Maggie calls her 'Mom,' too."
I have ACTUALLY had conversations like that. Can you imagine how confusing it is for the children? So, add another biological parent into the mix and things REALLY start getting interesting. Here is the whole story.
Looks like A and her husband have gone through the artificial insemination bit again. She so much has her hopes up--and she won't learn until the 18th (at the latest) if she's pregnant. It hurts me so much to see her so desperate to get pregnant. I wish there was something I could do for her, but there is nothing. She doesn't even want to talk whenever she finds out that she isn't pregnant--she just shuts down. I DO worry about her--she has my tendencies in the depression department.
C and her husband had to bring their son in to be tested the other week. The findings came back that he is a very high functioning autistic. While she wasn't really surprised, it is a hard thing to go through. At least they found out early enough and he should lead a fairly normal life with the proper treatment. He will need help throughout school, but many with learning disabilities of one kind or another need help. Just one more thing she has to add to her plate of things to do!
I think I'm ready to go on another vacation. K keeps on saying he wants to go back to Vegas in March or April. I want to go to Disney World. Trouble is, we probably won't get to either place. At this point in time, I would be happy to just go to St Paul or Milwaukee! And don't get me started about wanting to go to Detroit for a game. I don't see that happening this season, at all.
I think I'm ready to go on another vacation. K keeps on saying he wants to go back to Vegas in March or April. I want to go to Disney World. Trouble is, we probably won't get to either place. At this point in time, I would be happy to just go to St Paul or Milwaukee! And don't get me started about wanting to go to Detroit for a game. I don't see that happening this season, at all.
Political correctness has come to just about every group except those who are overweight. I seems as if it is okay to say just about anything about a fat individual--from saying how gross they are, or how disgusting, etc. People will comment about the way a fat individual looks, what he/she eats, the AMOUNT the person eats and not think there is anything wrong with that. I don't get it.
I sympathize and understand when thin people say they go through the same thing--comments about being anorexic or when someone tells them to 'eat a sandwich, already,' etc. Yes, I'm sure it hurts. BUT, the big difference is this: Whenever someone makes a disparaging remark to a thin person, it is--at least 99.9% of the time--said out of pure jealousy. It might be mean, but the person saying it WANTS to be in the same position as the thin one. However, any time something is said to/about a fat individual, it is ALWAYS said in disgust. Just because someone might be clothed in a blanket of fat, that doesn't mean they are insulated against meanness.
I sympathize and understand when thin people say they go through the same thing--comments about being anorexic or when someone tells them to 'eat a sandwich, already,' etc. Yes, I'm sure it hurts. BUT, the big difference is this: Whenever someone makes a disparaging remark to a thin person, it is--at least 99.9% of the time--said out of pure jealousy. It might be mean, but the person saying it WANTS to be in the same position as the thin one. However, any time something is said to/about a fat individual, it is ALWAYS said in disgust. Just because someone might be clothed in a blanket of fat, that doesn't mean they are insulated against meanness.
Michigan Technological University's annual winter carnival is this weekend. While this doesn't mean a whole lot to a lot of people, the snow statues DO cause quite a commotion. It is unbelievable what these students can do in the way of construction. Here is the link to where you can see pictures of the snow statues being built. Tonight is the all-nighter, so the statues have to be completed in time for the judging tomorrow. The site will be updated with new pictures as they become available. Do go and check out the pictures--you will be amazed.
Not sure HOW they did it, but the Wings managed to steal a win from the Wild last night. They played HORRIDLY through the first two periods and were down 2-1 late in the third. With less than two minutes to play, they tied--in overtime they scored the game-winner. I guess that is what makes them so good--they manage to win even when they shouldn't! Through the rest of the month, they will play 7 games on the road--this should prove just how good they actually are.

--The Wild's Branko Radivojevic up-ends the Red Wings' Tomas Kopecky during the first period. (AP photo)--

--The Wild's Branko Radivojevic up-ends the Red Wings' Tomas Kopecky during the first period. (AP photo)--