K went to work tonight, so that must mean he's feeling much better. Actually, he thinks it will take him at least a week to get back to normal. That isn't surprising, as most people seem to take at least that long to get over the effects of influenza. With him gone to work, I get to be the night owl I like being--I even get to vacuum at 3:00 AM if I want! Life is good. :D
Last night I decided to try and configure my Bluetooth adapter for the desktop. I bought the adapter several years ago, after I bought my Palm Zire. I never COULD get the damn thing to work, so I thought all was lost and that was money wasted. Now, with getting the new cell phone and all, I thought I should give it another try before buying a data cable for the Nokia. (It really pisses me off how you have to buy so many accessories for EVERY tech gadget that you buy--but that is the subject of another post.) Anyway, the phone is Bluetooth compatible, so I thought I'd give it a whirl--AND I got it to work! While Bluetooth isn't as fast as USB, for what I want to download to my phone--OR upload to the computer--it is fast enough. At least for now. I was able to get the pics I wanted for the wallpaper for both displays on the phone and that is about all I am worried about right now. It is so nice when technology works the way it is supposed to!
Now it is being said that Lidstrom might not play on Sunday. Actually, I hope he DOESN'T play! He needs to be 100% well before he comes back--he needs to be well for the playoffs. I'm sure he is just chomping at the bit with wanting to skate again, but still. Yeah, yeah, he is practically indestructible--he has only missed 22 games in the 17 years he has played in the NHL--but I still want them to have him come back slowly. Rafalski and Kronwall being back and the 'new guy' (it will take me a bit before I quit thinking about Stuart like that) fitting in well, should be enough for now. Just take it easy, Captain--we can wait.
--'Lost' SPOILER ALERT, maybe.--
I watched last night's episode of 'Lost' and once again I came away with the feeling that I just may have to break up with the show. Now, I'm a fairly intelligent woman and I can follow a complicated storyline, but 'Lost' is going BEYOND complicated. Half of the time I don't know if the scene being watched is a flashback, flash-forward, or involves time travel. I have always loved good sci-fi, but this is just going beyond. I will probably give it another episode or two and then make up my mind.
By the way, does anyone else watch the show? What are your thoughts?
I watched last night's episode of 'Lost' and once again I came away with the feeling that I just may have to break up with the show. Now, I'm a fairly intelligent woman and I can follow a complicated storyline, but 'Lost' is going BEYOND complicated. Half of the time I don't know if the scene being watched is a flashback, flash-forward, or involves time travel. I have always loved good sci-fi, but this is just going beyond. I will probably give it another episode or two and then make up my mind.
By the way, does anyone else watch the show? What are your thoughts?