A little time to think now (and if you're keeping score at home, that's two semi-pop references already: the title comes from an Atmosphere lyric, and the opening is all White Stripes), but not really time to write. Thus, a single shot of Era-ta for tonight. (Right off the bat, sorry for all the parentheticals. I'm in a mood. And where do these pics come from?)
I was thinking about two seemingly dis-contiguous things tonight and found a connection which I'd like to share. The first thing I've been mulling over was, of course, the Lakers' loss at the hands of the wily Nuggets Thursday night. Sigh. Sometimes it sucks being the fan of the underacheiving mega-force. Well, mostly because of the underachieving part. But I was thinking about this in the background while I front-lobally (never confuse me for a brain surgeon, but because it was this kind of cranial crack-shot work, I differentiate between it and the deep thinking that usually occurs in the background, and instead I call this) processed thoughts about who would be fun to share a locker room with (more actual/deep/not-pretentious...okay, not really thoughts on locker room chemistry at some future date). As my thoughts became mixed with my processes (and maybe I'm still mixing, maybe this melting pot is combusting towards implosion...), I centered on Kenyon Martin.
At first I thought he was somehow reminding me of Marcus Fizer, but that was too disparaging (that 2000 draft really was terrible). Look, it's not like Griffin is a highly touted defender (and enforcer) like Martin was coming out of college. And it's certainly not a dispositional thing. But perhaps it is a positional thing. The Fizer tell perhaps suggests I still have a tweener-phobia-era hang-up. Okay, they play the same position. And they're the same height. But I think what's really doing it for me is the slow trickle of whispers.
One last note. Despite Griffin's suavette (pls. pron. as in naivette, i.e. soo-AHV-eh-tay), general dapperness, and charisma (the word, btw, taken out of the Atmosphere line that heads this post), his lineaments, or the epidermis thereupon, cannot help but reveal a certain boyishness in him. Almost a bookishness. I'm reminded of a comment I think FD made about Rondo vs. Rose. Rondo is the chiseled from (paradoxical-) primordial rock, smooth criminal. Rose is the acne blushed savant. Okay, not savant, but there again we have that naivette lingering around the edges of I don't know what. Anyway, with Rose and Griffin leading the charge for baby-faced, prepubescent athletes of the future, maybe my call for dorkier ballers will not go unheeded.