When Will It End?

The unemployment rate in the state of Michigan is 14.1%--and I believe the UP is higher. (I don't have the figures close by at the moment.) It is the worst in the US, which has a rate of 9.1%. And things don't seem to be getting any better anytime soon.The beginning of June it was reported that 8 of Michigan's prisons will be closed this year--five of them in the UP. That means more people will be out of work. BUT, there is a solution that has been proposed.Remember the closing of Gitmo and all of those terrorist prisoners that are being held...

Update Birth chart

Well, like a really strange, odd onion every day a new layer is revealed regarding Michael Jackson. Personally, I could have lived my whole life perfectly fine without learning that sleazy plastic surgeon Arnie Kline provided the sperm for MJ's children.... (sigh--"please mediamakers you can now Stop the dissemination train)...but anyway, one thing...

My Toilet

When I move from this house, I'm taking my toilet with me. It needs to be repaired--it has a leak from the waterless tank (?)--but it is simply the best toilet I have ever used. The Turboflush 2000 (NOT its name, but should be) would flush a small animal down if it accidentally got stuck in the water. I have NEVER seen anything so powerful in my...

Today's Moment of Zen: 6 points in 2.8 seconds

In this edition of Today's Moment of Zen, I present to you a highlight of the greatest comeback in college basketball history.We flashback to the year of 1999 during a Pac-10 regular season affair between the Oregon Ducks and the USC Trojans.The Ducks have a lead 84-79 with about 2.8 seconds left in the game. It appears that USC has no chance of winning this game. Then Adam Spanich scores six points in 2.8 seconds. The color commentator goes absolutely crazy after the shot goes in.Eat your heart out, Reggie Mill...

I guess Ian Snell is "Hung"

The one negative of sports call-in shows is the possibility that prank callers might decide to hijack the show.Well, during a Pittsburgh Pirates call-in show, an intrepid caller decided to ask the size of pitcher Ian Snell's "member."The akward silence during the video might possibly be the funniest thing that I have seen in awhile.(NSFW unless your work does not have problem with the word "penis")(Courtesy of Busted Covera...

New Lingerie

Via Miss Cellania.A husband walks into Victoria 's Secret to purchase some sheer lingerie for his wife. He is shown several possibilities that range from $250 to $500 in price, the more sheer, the higher the price .He opts for the most sheer item, pays the $500 and takes the lingerie home. He presents it to his wife and asks her to go upstairs, put it on and model it for him.Upstairs, the wife thinks, "I have an idea. It's so sheer that it might as well be nothing. I won't put it on, do the modeling naked, return it tomorrow and keep the $500 refund...

NBA Free Agency: Party Like It's '09

With NBA free-agent signings set to commence Wednesday (12:01 am if any GMs are really enthusiastic), it seems the appropriate time for OtB to bring you the top 30 players who might be moving in the coming months. With 30 quality players possibly moving and 30 NBA teams, it only makes sense to match each player with a prospective team, even if it...

Operation Kobe: Rehabbing the Haters

A few weeks back, I wrote that the Kobe and the Lakers could get on to writing their own story now that the first title monkey was off their back. Recently, Kobe's been getting pub for his positive memories of the other MJ, Michael Jackson. I wanted to take the opportunity to drop a little lit on y'all. See, I figure if Kobe was able to shake off...

Erin Andrews's "Road to Glory"

EA Sports current marketing ploy for NCAA Football 2010 is to bombard you with as many images of Erin Andrews as possible.You even now get to play a mode call, "Road to Glory with Erin Andrews." While, I think most of you, probably hyper-ventaliated and passed out on the floor. "Road to Glory with Erin Andrews" is a campaign mode where you build a created-player into a College Football Icon.No word yet, if Erin Andrews unlocks anything near the end of the "Road to Glory" (Courtesy of The Rooki...

"Black Guys Don't Play Hockey"

One of our favorite singer/songwriters at Outside the Boxscore is Ryan Parker. He has now even topped himself with this latest offering titled, "Black Guys Don't Play Hockey."I have feeling that most of you might jump down my throat for posting this parody song but in the end, sports and race go hand and hand.Racism is sports is always a touchy subject but in the end, it's a parody song and well it is supposed to be funny.(Courtesy of Ryan Parker Son...

Savonlinnassa & mökillä

Mo.Viikonloppu oli aika ihana, mitä nyt aina välillä tulee vähän mökötettyä. XDPerjantaina lähdetiin mökille vanhempieni, kummini ja kahden serkkuni kanssa, ja oli ihan mahtavat säät! Uitiin ja saunottiin varmaan pari tuntia, kun oli niin lämmintä vettä ja kaksi uimapatjaakin. :---D Niin ja hyvää syömistä, muutenhan ei onnistu mikään.Lauantaina-aamuna...

Photo of the ...

July 1--A Big Day

Last week on June 22 at The New Moon I wrote that July 1 is a very active day. One that is worthy of our attention to say the least!Early in the Morning (3:37am EDT) Uranus turns retrograde.Uranus is going retrograde on July 1 and will remain such until December1. Uranus moves backwards every year so this move is notunique. Uranus is a mental...

Hellepäivän käärisleivoksia vanhuksille.

Vanhuksille oli töissä kahvilla tarjolla mansikkatäytteisiä kääretorttuleivoksia. Reilu kolmisenkymmentä pääsin koristelemaan, pohjat ja täytteet eivät olleet itse tekemiäni.Harmittamaan jäi helteisessä keittiössä löysistynyt kermavaahto, jonka takia en saanut pursotuksista sellaisia kuin olisin halunnut vaikka miten aina vein kermakippoa kylmään välillä.... Ultimate Football Stat

NOTE: The UQB system is explained in more detail here. Suffice to say that players are measured proportionately against each other in key categories based on the standard deviation from the mean in each area. It is truly the Ultimate Quantitative Baseline of how each player performed in 2008. Kickers are not included among the top overall players because although they account for a great deal of scoring, they do not get drafted in the top few rounds overall.Here are the top 60 players overall from 2008:PlayersUQBRk Drew Brees17971 Kurt Warner16562...

research sleuth: Stanislav Grof saves the day

This is my drawing of of a dream I had about 'floating canvases' but I thought it might symbolise floating books.....After 3 years of reading and research I have found one sentence that begins to define my theoretical position on an idea that is critical to my thesis. I am ecstatic. I found the obscure 288 page Pdf on page 5 of a Google Scholar search,...


Yeah, this is fun...

My Goodness

They seem to be dropping like flies! Billy Mays--infomercial king--was found dead today at the age of ...

Sirhan and sex magic Many have identified the "most precious" secret of OTO as being the Star Sapphire - a sex magik ritual, It is represented by the two-triangle earth hexagram, and looks very much the same as a Star of David. One page of Sirhan Sirhan's notebook, written during the early months of 1968, contains three stars and three triangles, with...



Oliver Stone plugged JFK and the Unspeakable last night on Real Time with Bill Maher. The book is now #37 on Amazon's best seller li...

US gives up on eradicating Afghanistan’s opiumSo far, eradication efforts have merely fueled the Taliban’s coffers and driven civilian farmers further outside of U.S. influence. Because of this, the United States has formed a new strategy in the fight against the crop: They are giving up.I'm sure the Taliban gets a cut, since they control much of the countryside. But I'm also sure they are not the only ones. They story estimates that "The Taliban [...] derives up to $100 million a year from the poppy harvest by taxing farmers and charging safe...

NHL TV suggestion: how to televise the playoffs

Also at HOCKEY DRAFTOLOGY 2009 and Sportsology, which is hosting live NHL Entry Draft coverage all weekend long.No, this is not another rant about the NHL being televised on a network with the national penetration, or lack thereof, of Versus. That would be another piece for another time if everything there was to say had not already been said 1,000 times — because frankly, there’s another issue related to this one that is of more concern and is potentially more easily addressed.Ever since leaving the ESPN family in 2005, the NHL has placed the...

Watch Out for that.......Ball Girl

Usually in tennis, the point of the game is get the ball back over the net under all circumstances. During a Wimbledon match between Tommy Haas and Michael Llodra, Llodra collided with a ball girl next to the referee chair.Who knew that tennis was a contact sport?(Courtesy of NESW Spor...

My Love Affair with Shaquille: 'Over the Edge'

Let me explain something to you. I used to love Shaq. This perhaps is not a big surprise considering that I'm a lifetime Lakers fan. But understand this, when my high school buddies were lauding the lithe game of Kobe, I was hating on the Mamba for driving a wedge into our team at all times. Of course I love or perhaps more accurately empathize...

Michael Jackson Breaks The Web

Today I tried to go to and found it extremely slow and also difficult to load. This is something I rarely experience. Then I read HERE:The death of Michael Jackson Thursday sent the internet a surge of traffic thatcaused crashes and slowdowns in what one website is calling a major "wake-upcall" for internet infrastructure.This is interesting to me because back on New Moon which was on Sunday (and feels like an eternity ago)...anyway back there I wrote that the harsh aspect from Uranus on the New Moon would influence the entire 28...

Blast from the PastTime quotes Charles Colson: Colson's Weird Scenario"I don't say this to my people. They'd think I'm nuts. I think they killed Dorothy Hun...

Mercury Square Saturn

Today (June 26) at 4:32am EDT Mercury the ruler of communication is making a square to taciturn Saturn (say that twice). Our thoughts and our conversations may be dark and stormy. We do NOT see the glass half full today. It is all empty. We feel burdened and we resent those people who keep pushing stuff on our docket. "No, YOU do it!" is what...

One Last Jam

And we're not talking jam band kind of jam. We're not talking strawberry jam. We're talking what constituted a dunk ten to fifteen years ago. We're talking something that rocks you, or rims. We're talking the memory of the King of Pop, and his dip into the hard-top world of His Airness. Embedding is disabled by request for most Michael Jackson...

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