FAKE Ryan Miller Prank Call Dupes MSNBC

Recently on OTB, Scott Van Pelt and ESPN were duped by Howard Stern's Captain Janks pretending to Eagles running back Brian Westbrook.Well, MSNBC was duped by a prank call last week as well. MSNBC's Willie Geist thought that he had an interview with United States Goaltender and Buffalo Sabre, Ryan Miller for their Olympic Update Show.Geist got a relatively interesting interview from the imposter which included a guaranteed victory over Canada in the gold medal game.After the show, the call was revealed to be a prank and Geist got an interview with...

New Award

My dear, sweet Meleah gave this award to me. I'm supposed to write 10 things I haven't written in this blog ever before. Wow. I tend to be quite open, but I will give this a whirl.1. I love my daughters dearly and unconditionally. However. If I knew THEN what I know now, I'm not sure I would have ever had children. Because of problems we had...

OMFG. Larry Sinclair is running for Congre...

Blogger Gryphen presents evidence that there may be two Trig Palins. Has Sarah Palin pulled a baby-substitution and, if so, why? Read the story here. I eagerly await the three-baby theory.One possible reason for the switcheroo is suggested by the disreputable TBR News, which is that Trig died.At a tragic point, not yet disclosed, little Trig died at the Palin’s home in Wasilla, Alaska (advanced Mongoloids do not live very long lives) and after some consultation with political advisors, who viewed the baby as a political asset, was privately buried...

Was Barack Obama's real birth certificate destroyed in a fire?The White House has consistently dismissed the issue. Authorities in Hawaii have provided an electronic record of Obama's birth because the paper copy was destroyed in a fire which wiped out much of the state's archiv...

New York Times: the unhinged and sometimes armed anti-government right that was thought to have vaporized after its Oklahoma apotheosis is making a comeback....

*New* "Head Will Roll"- Sam Adams(Wiz)

Freshy fresh track from Boston's Boy, Sammy Adams, courtesy of FNT. Hopefully everyone made it through the weekend, only 5 more days til he drops "Boston's Boy EP" this FRIDAY!Cop "Head Will Roll" He...

never turn your back on the sea

After days and days of 'beasterly-easterlies' and no surfable swell I decided today that I was going in for a thrash (well you couldn't call it a surf) I knew it was going to be a bit nasty, the swell had finally got in because of a strong S/E wind blowing for the last few days, but the cross-shore wind was N/E. These two factors really mess up the...

Best Of Sir Charles Barkley

For all of you Charles Barkley fans, here is a few snippets of Charles from Inside The NBA on TNT.All I can say is Barkley , he makes it happ...

Sticks and Stones May Brake My Bones, But Names Will Never Hurt Me

U.S. men's figure skater Johnny Weir says he was ticked off upon learning that the two French commentators questioned his gender and made other jabs at him during his Olympic skating performances last week.Courtesy of(AssociatedPre...


Mos Def is money. Talib Kweli is unreal.This is what happens when they team ...

5769 hits, with 1 day to go

Quick note about Fresh2Death, we've had 5769 hits in 27 days. Our goal was 6,000 in a month and we are very close to accomplishing that goal.Since God is a piece of shit and is trying to fuck us over by only having 28 days in February we may fall short of that goal.So I'm asking all of you readers. Spread the word, help us reach our goal of 6k in a month.Oh and for the record, FU G...

Can USA do it again?

Can USA do it again? Can they beat Canada, in Canada for a second to earn a gold medal?We will see tomorrow, but I'll tell you one thing:Ryan Miller is an absolute beast. The best goalie in hockey hands down.Better than Luongo and Brodeur combined.And guess what wins games? championships? and yes, gold medals?Goalies.On a side note: That's why the...

Kobe Bryant Gets A Little Grabby with Andre Iguodala

During last night's Sixers-Lakers affair, Lakers star Kobe Bryant fouls Andre Iguodala in the fourth quarter and it appears to be nothing out of the ordinary.Well, until the replay showed that Kobe Bryant hand went a little lingering when the foul occured.(Courtesy of That NBA Lottery Pi...

Adidas Presents "Gym Myths"

Recently, Adidas Men's Training put out these viral videos called "Gym Myths" which broke down some of the most common myths that people might believe could impact their workout.Here is the set of three spots:...

SuperMoons & Earthquakes

The Chile Earthquake has taken place about a day before Virgo Full Moon. The Virgo Full Moon is perigee (close to earth) and syzgy which identifies this as a SuperMoon. SuperMoons are associated with the work of astrologer Richard Nolle (who interestingly enough, I posted a link to his website on Monday discussing the aspects of this summer.) A few years ago I mentioned Richard and the SuperMoons HEREI've gone over to his site to see what he had to say about February and I found THIS. I think you will find it interesti...

Full Moon Virgo

Virgo Full Moon February 28 11:38 am (EST)The Full Moon at 10 degrees of Virgo is in opposition to the Sun (that’s what makes a full moon) at 10 degrees of Pisces. Humanitarian, spiritual, connecting to the bigger picture is Pisces. Virgo is the nitty, gritty, the stuff that is in our hands, the stuff that we are doing right now in front of us....

Ryan Mallet Riding Dirty

University of Arkansas quarterback Ryan Mallet is showing everyone the true meaning of riding dirty, lol.Gotta admit, this is hilario...

LT Speaks To The Media, Get Your Kleenex Ready!

An emotional LaDainian Tomlinson talks about his release from the Chargers after 9 seasons.He could be one of the greatest running backs ever to not win a ri...

Stephen Curry's Sick Move vs. Denver

Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors drives into the lane and crosses up a helpless Chris Anderson with a sick turnaround spin.And1, ain't got nothin on Cur...

Tiger Woods Rendition of Sex Therapy

Can't get enough of the Tiger Woods musical remixes? We can't either!This is the Tiger Woods rendition of Robin Thicke's Sex Thera...

Lasers, not losers.

Get ready for Lupe's new track: Lasers not losers.Guaranteed it's amazing.This track is ridiculous, the philosophy, lyrics, and beat kills a...

Girl you want to scoop tonight

Every Friday I'm going to post a new girl. A girl you hope to scoop this weekend.Tonight, it's her. She's smoking. I will include either: myspace link or facebook link.If they get pissed, whatever.By the way, her name is Rosalee and she's from Salt Lake City, Utah. She has a kid, oh and she gets mad points for...

the idea that there is a "conservatism" that is measured, responsible, decent, and worthy of the word is a bit of a my...


Hey Canada, did you just see that? Yeah, we won 6-1. The one goal being with fucking Tim Thomas in net. He's the king of letting in goals, especially shitty ones. Trust me on that, I'm a Bruins fan.For the record, I want you guys to win. I want to to see USA / CA that way we can kick the shit out of you.Mike Babcock said that, "Hockey was Canada's...

Return of Fingergate!Batshit-crazy wingnut blogger Pam Geller accuses Obama of "flipping off the American people"...

"Gatorade: Is He in You?"

"A rep for Gatorade told CNBC, "I can confirm that we no longer see a role for Tiger in our marketing efforts and have ended our relationship."The rep added, "However, our partnership with the Tiger Woods Foundation will continue. We wish Tiger all the best."Gatorade is the third company to give Tiger the boot in the wake of his sex scandal -- Woods...


"CONCORD – Gov. John Lynch has declared a state emergency after high winds left more than one third of the state's residents and businesses without power.In a conference call with reporters, Lynch said he also activated 50 members of the National Guard to assist communities respond to the damage.State officials said about 330,000 residents and businesses...

Drunk Asian Hater Welcomes Us Into The Weekend...

Just for the record, I had no part in the impressions/opinions of this video and hereby take no responsibility for this drunken individual. Hopefully I don't have a large Asian fan base that finds this to be discriminative, and if I do, submit some racist videos against this chick and you bet your ass they'll be bringing us into next weekend! P.S. If you turn into a racist drunk, make sure you avoid China Town Keep it real, Señor Fr...

"You Girl"- Sam Adams(Wiz)

As promised, here's my daily dose of Sam Adams. Make sure you're spreading the word on this kid telling your bro's and ho's bout his EP dropping next Friday, March 5th, on iTunes. Download Track & Others H...

Send in the Links (2/26/2010)

-> Chuck Liddel Works Out Naked with Video, For Better or Worse (The Big Lead)-> Canada's Female Hockey Teams Knows How to Celebrate (Bob's Blitz)-> That's Not How you Play Wii Olympics(Busted Coverage) -> Scott Van Pelt's Worst Week Ever (Sportress of Blogitude)-> Wait....Maybe it was Robbie Hummel's Worst Week Ever (Midwest Sports...

ÄHH 19-24

Kas, loppukiri on käynnissä! Sekalaista tuotantoa tältä viikolta, ensimmäisenä lisää kieputteluita yksinkertaisin muodoin. Taitaa nuo rondellit olla hieman hillokamaa, kun niitä on helmikuun aikana tunkenut mukaan yllättävän paljon. Erittäin simppeli rannekoru isolla hopeapallerolla sekä vuorikristallikuutiolla. Tuo rengas on ollut juotettuna...

Tim Tebow's Gal Pal Janell Wheeler, Eliminated from American Idol

Way back in April of 2009, the above picture surfaced of Tim Tebow and some unnamed girl made the blogosphere go buzz as people speculated that she might be Tebow's girlfriend. (My Florida sources tell me however that they were just good friends)Well, the girl in the picture, Janell Wheeler has made name for herself as she made the top 24 on this season's...

That Just Means, Alexander Ovechkin Loves You

To be honest, I wouldn't blame Alexander Ovechkin for being a little pissed off at the moment.Ovechkin's Russian hockey team lost to Team Canada which prevented Russia from even medaling in men's hockey at the Vancouver Winter Olympics.Ovechkin saw some fan filming him and decided to get that camera out of his face.(Courtesy of Kuklas Korn...

Mini Fenway Set For Fort Myers, FL in 2012

BoSox Makin' Moves"Red Sox players and fans should feel right at home in the new spring training facility in Fort Myers, Fla., which is expected to open in 2012. Preliminary architectural renderings of the state-of-the-art complex were unveiled Thursday, and it’s clear the design team had Fenway Park in mind. Some defining characteristics of the...

Chat Roulette in a Nutshell

This video sums it up to a T. Watch it in full. No dicks being jacked I promise....

Baby Rajon Burnin' Cats Early...

I hate to jinx their game, but the Celtics, Rondo in particular, have started on absolute fiaaaaaarrrrrr!!!  Let's GOOOOOOOO!!  And Scal's spray tan is yet to be this night keeps getting better and bett...

New Sam Adams(Wiz)- "Comin' Up" Live in Boston

Wiz debuted this joint at Harpers Ferry in Boston a month or so back and has confirmed it will be on his EP, coming to iTunes next Friday MARCH 5th. I apologize for the rank quality, but it gives you a peek into what's yet to come from BostonsBoy. Make sure to sack up and buy this EP on iTunes next friday and support the kid and his work. Visit Sam Adams Wizzone for more info on The K...

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Bringing the Heat!

It's been less than one month and I'm already getting heat from the DMCA!  Man I knew we were gaining popularity but enough to catch the eye of these fish frying' fucks?!?!  Here's a lesson for all you teeny boppin' bloggers: don't post leaked Young Jeezy you find on youtube cause it can get you in heaps of shit apparently.  Hey, you...

Tiger Woods Update

TMZ: Tiger Woods made the first move in a scheme to release those propaganda-ish jogging photos days before his public apology, this according to the people behind the camera.According to Jonathan Klein, CEO of Getty Images, Tiger's people approached him with the idea to shoot the photos. Klein told CNBC, "We were approached and Tiger happened to know...

the 'good' old days

Just to prove I wasn't always a bitter and twisted middle-aged cynic, this is a photo of me in the 'good old days'. That is my red-headed terror of a little brother Danny, on my left. It was taken at what was then, about 1968, the premises for the Albany Light Opera Company, which is now Dylans on the Terrace in Albany. I will check that but regardless,...

"Bring The Money Out"- DJ Khaled ft. Lil Boosie, Nelly, & Ace Hood

Cop It He...

Laugh For The Day

From Not Always Right:Me: “Police Department, how may I help you?” Caller: “Yes. I’m over at the truck stop and there’s a girl here selling perfume. But she’s going around to all the truckers and flashing them. I think she’s selling more than perfume.” Me: “Alright sir, I can dispatch an officer. Can you describe the girl to me?” Caller: “Oh, about a B cup. Not too bad but nothing you would want to go home and brag to mom about.” Me: “Er…what about her hair color and skin color?” Caller: “Oh…I guess your question makes more sense no...

Send in the Links: (2/25/10)

-> Deron Williams just keeps multiplyin (That NBA Lottery Pick)-> Tim Tebow, Saving Himself for Draft Day(Style Points)-> Mark Teixeira Makes A Terrible Argument (Bootlegger Sports)-> How Did Kim Kardashian get on a Race Car? Maybe something to do with the trunk (Stock Car Spin)-> Kirsten Dunst is Turnin' Japanese (Gamma Sqaud)Today's...

Ludacris New Song "Sexting", Disses Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods hasn't had a great week so far, PETA's taking shots at him with billboards and now rapper Ludacris is taking shots at him in his latest song, "Sexting."The above video is the original Tiger Woods voicemail to mistress Jamie Grubbs and below is Ludacris new song with an intro parodying the Tiger Woods voicemail.(Ludacris Song is NS...

Daily Dip: Jana Kramer

Introducing Jana Kramer, a 26-year old actress who has bounced all over the big screen.  I first caught sight of her fine honey smacks when she made her Entourage debut, as "the UCLA girl".  Turtle's fat ass somehow had an array(two) of women to chose from back in season 5, one of which was Miss Kramer.  Although his heart was caught...

Musapostaus part 1

Maailmassa on yksinkertaisesti niin paljon mahtavaa musiikkia, että jos alkaisin linkittämään kaikkia lempibiisejäni niin postaukset eivät varmaan koostuisi mistään muusta kuin niistä. :D Siispä olenkin päättänyt laittaa näihin musapostauksiin vain yhden ainokaisen videon aina yhdeltä lempibändiltäni. Mukaan pääsee tosi valikoitu joukko, koska on olemassa monia bändejä joilta kuuntelen vain muutamaa mahtavaa biisiä, mutta ne eivät nyt pääse mukaan. Olenkin ajatellut että voisin laittaa yhden niistä mahtavista biiseistä aina postauksen loppuun,...

"U Must Be Crazy"- Jacquees feat T.I.

Cop It He...

Brian ScalaSprayMe...Check

As promised, Scal follows through and is no longer the whitest irishmen in the NBA.  Pictures courtesy of 98.5, The Sports Hub, "Get that man a tan"!  Make sure to tune in to TNT Thursday evening for the Celtics/Cavaliers game to see the bronzed bimbo live.&nb...

Bar Rafaeli's Cooch : Mike "The Situation's" Neck

Coincidentally, Bar Rafaeli was todays Daily Dip and what do you know, "The Situation" does what he does best and pulls a robbery on Fresh2DeathDaily! Life just ain't fair is it.  To make it even worse, he feels the need to take his pants off along with his Ed Hardy Tee?  C'mon Mike, we all know you got a grotesque 12 pack, but keep your...

The Cheating Wolverine

University of Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez's gives his opening statement regarding the NCAA's investigation into the Michigan Wolverines football progr...

Ocho Cinco Live On UStream



"listen to my story its short yet it’s alarming I went from no shows to hoes calling my charming"MARCH 5TH:GET READY WORLD, 9 DAYS TIL THE EP DROPS! WEEZY HITS THE PEN...WIZZY HITS THE CHARTSGET ON YOUR HIGH HORSE BITCHES THIS SHITS GONNA BUMP!...

"Hip Hop"- McCleezy

Hot new track from McCleezy fresh out the studio. Get at him @ Delegate Entertainment visit our featured McCleezy Fan Pa...

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