Popples are a Thomson, now Frantom, family tradition. Robin's step-daughter started it as a young girl after which the then family toy poodle Simba maintained it by claiming it as his favourite toy. When Simba's life was cut tragically short Robin and I just had to bury his green Popple with him and his collar in the front garden of the Hill St House.
When Hamish Mc Neil Frantom-Thomson joined the family as an adorable puppy I found a nearly new yellow Popple in an op-shop. They are good quality kids toys because just about every other toy we have given him has succumbed but Popple prevails. He is tough and obviously well made.
But after 6 years worth of shaking, chewing, throwing and saliva, poor Popple is on the way out. So what does an indulgent 'father' do - try to buy him another of course.
However they seem to have gone out of production which means one must be purchased on E-bay. Because they are now a collector's item Robin has joined the bidding and we may have to pay more than the initial $1.00 price-tag I forked out - Robin bowed out when the bidding reached $15.00 (well he isn't that indulgent). It is also looking like we might have to settle for a different colour. Oh no, hope Hamish doesn't notice. Will keep you posted.