Larissa Riquelme Paraguay Biggest Fan

Larissa Riquelme Paraguay Biggest FanLarissa Riquelme Paraguay ModelLarissa Riquelme Paraguay No 1 FanLarissa Riquelme Hot Paraguay ModelLarissa Riquelme Paraguay Biggest ...

Bobby Kennedy and UFOsIt turns out that Senator Kennedy sometimes received letters from constituents about ufos and he responded with polite form letters. Also he may not have been a card-carrying member of the Almagamated Flying Saucers Association after a...

Lady in RedSexy photos of alleged Russian spy...

John Wooden is Rolling Over In His Grave

One thing that I do know about Jeopardy contestants is that they are some pretty smart people.However, the below video might be indicator that they might need to read a college basketball book once in awhile.In a recent Jeopardy show, there was a category called, "College Basketball Coaches", where three female contestants couldn't figure out where the legendary John Wooden coached.*Face Palm*(Courtesy of Ballin' is a Hab...

Landon Donovan Does the Talk Show Circuit

For the past 24 hours, USA soccer star Landon Donovan has been doing his best to keep the USA loss to Ghana behind him by appearing on numerous talk shows.The first was "The Late Show with David Letterman" last night:Today, he made an appearance on Regis & Kel...

The other side of the eclipse

How was the weekend for you? What did you have to rise above? What did you observe? What did you say? What did you not say? What did you feel in your gut?whast did you feel about your roots?I was cooking on all burners over here and it was not easy. I felt like I was processing so much information that my head was spinning and I had to find...

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

Cool dryer weather today--HOORAY!!!!  We should have nice, summer weather for a few days--and then it will warm up.  And by warm up, I mean temps at and over the 80* mark.  Blah.  Thank goodness for air conditioners.**********While watching the Tigers game last night, we saw one of the pitchers break his elbow when he threw a pitch.  I have never seen anything like that before and never want to see it again.  He was in so much pain, I thought I could feel it!  I STILL shudder to think about what I saw.  He...

Devin Thomas, Washington Redskins Wide Receiver and Music Video Boy-Toy

Washington Redskins wide receiver Devin Thomas is a man of many talents on the field but he also has some notable talents off the field as well.Recently, he appeared in former American Idol winner Fantasia Barrino's new video called, "Bittersweet" as her love interest.Essentially, they nuzzle and get into a little heavy-petting during the video, so...

LeBron James & Chris Bosh Are A Waste of Time for the New York Knicks

In the aftermath of the 2010 NBA Draft, it should be painfully clear to fans of the New York Knicks that the organization’s chances of landing LeBron James in this summer’s free agent market are virtually non-existent.Not only were the Knick contingent forced to watch the Utah Jazz select Butler’s Gordon Hayward with the ninth overall pick in the Draft,...

Oh Man, Evan Longoria/BJ Upton Screaming Match!

During the period of time that is the 162-game Major League Baseball regular season, it's not surprising to see some players take plays off. Well, Tampa Bay Rays outfielder BJ Upton in a recent game against the Arizona Diamondbacks didn't fully hustle after a batted ball hit by Arizona's Rusty Ryal.Tampa Bay's Evan Longoria didn't appreciate the non-hustle from Upton which lead to a confrontation between the two in the Tampa Bay Ray dugout after the play had transpired. (Courtesy of Rayhawk Revi...

Fantasy Drafthelp: Hot Dog Eating Fantasy Draft???

We at FDH believe strongly that the concept of fantasy sports applies well to competitions at almost every level of life. No niche competition is too marginal to fit into our worldview of competitive fantasy sports.As such, we make it a point to cover the annual Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest and to draft these weapons of mass digestion for our competitive purposes.Such a draft works best with four or five owners drafting for three rounds. We recommend a modified serpentine draft, with the third round following...


Hey.Lataan kuvat nyt ekaa kertaa Flickrin kautta, kun niin moni on valitellu ettei TinyPicin kautta ladatut kuvat näy. Ilmottakaa jos kuvat ei näy, niin lataan ne sitten TinyPicin kautta kun taidan vihata tota Flicriä.Mun kesä on edelleen jatkunu rentona ja suurimmaks osaks tylsänä. Siksipä vähän kuvailin viime viikolla.Mömmö halus käpyjä. :DTorstaina...

Yuck, Yuck, Yuckity, Yuck

This is getting absolutely ridiculous.  Once again, as has been the case for days and days and days, the humidity is hovering around the 90% mark.  And the temp is hanging in at just under 70*.  This makes for cool, clammy, uncomfortable weather.  And I am about to lose it--big time.I'm not one to want the hot, dry days of summer--hell, I don't wait for summer at all.  But what is going on here cannot continue.  While the temp is at the highest where I feel comfortable, I cannot handle the humidity.  Everything...

Q & A with NY Knicks Prime Free Agent Target Chris Bosh – Part 2

As reported here, Toronto Raptors prospective free agent power forward Chris Bosh co-hosted ‘Mike and Mike in the Morning’ on 1050 ESPN Radio on the day of the 2010 NBA Draft.Bosh’s one-day co-hosting assignment was essentially a four-hour Question & Answer session, with the five-time All-Star fielding questions regarding his pending free agency...

dual eclipses

About a week ago I had an extraordinary dream about two golden-haired twin youths suspended over the sea, extraordinary in visual content but also in emotion. There was more to it but I am only sharing this much because I think it relates to what has been happening in the skies of late. When I went looking for clarification a friend suggested I might...

Outside the Boxscore Reaches The 2,000 Post Milestone

It's been three years of classic posts here on Outside the Boxscore and we have finally reached the 2,000 post plateau.We would like to thanks all you loyal fans and random visitors to the site who came from a link or accidentally trying to search for something else. We would also like to thank all of our staff writers and people who have kept this...

Q & A with NY Knicks Prime Free Agent Target Chris Bosh – Part 1

In what can only be described as a ‘calculated coincidence’, on the day of the 2010 NBA Draft, Toronto Raptors prospective free agent power forward Chris Bosh co-hosted the ‘Mike and Mike in the Morning’ show on 1050 ESPN Radio with regular host Mike Greenberg and NBA Insider extraordinaire Chris Broussard.However, to say that Bosh, a 5-time NBA All-Star,...

The Economist: "America and its allies are losing in Afghanista...

Lunar Eclipse--Capricorn Full Moon

Capricorn Lunar Eclipse -June 26, 7:31am EDTAre you feeling the eclipse yet? You should be or as my friend Carol said, “Gad the eclipse is hitting us already....can't believe an East Coast earthquake, the uncapping of the BP well and McChrystal all on the same day”. To Carol I said, “ No kidding!”The pressure has been mounting all week and I anticipate...

David Horowitz: Obama and the War Against the JewsDuring the year and a half Obama has been in office so far, he has indeed brought change to America and to the world. He has transformed a nation that had been the world’s bulwark of democracy and freedom into an enabler of the very forces that are intent on destroying them. He has helped to isolate America’s only ally in the Middle East, its sole democracy and most vulnerable people. And he has brought the impending war of annihilation against the “crusaders” and the Jews, which the jihadists have...

Send in the Links (6/25/2010)

-> YouTube Decided to Add a Vuvuzela Button (No Guts, No Glory)-> The Los Angeles Clippers Draft...Steve Urkel?!? (That NBA Lottery Pick)-> Drinking Brews With Bill Clinton After Beating Algeria, Priceless (Dirty Tackle)-> An Octopus Takes Germany over England...Inky Ain't It(Sportress of Blogitude)-> You're Using That Vuvuzela Wrong...

the power of painting 3: Spider Kalbybidi

I have long believed in the power of images. I can provide evidence of how they have facilitated certain alchemical processes within my own psyche. In fact, this is my art practice in a nutshell. Some images when created and/or viewed in a particular context can trigger certain responses and effect change on a deeply psychic and archetypal level. My...

PUMA City NY: Brazilian Women's Soccer Sensation Marta Works Magic; USA vs. Ghana on tap

As spring transitioned into summer and rising temperatures proceeded to bake the Big Apple on a daily basis, PUMA City NY continued, and continues, to remain the place to be for the total World Cup experience.PUMA’s invasion of New York began on the morning of June 11 and from that moment, South Street Seaport was destined to never be the same.From...

Time Moves On

Can you miss someone who you haven't had contact with in over 25 years?  I guess it's possible, because I am missing my cousin Ben.  Ben died this past weekend and I have been a bit down ever since I heard the news.Ben was The Mother's first cousin and he was only eight years older than me.  He always was kind to me, but really didn't have all that much to do with me--after all, I was just a kid who was in awe of him.  He was the first teenager that I spent any time around.  I thought he was very, very cool and looked a...

Porky Pig says the Pledge of Allegiance. No "under God", which was added in 1954. Via Godless Liberal H...

Send in the Links (6/24/2010)

Programming Note: We will be doing a 2010 NBA Draft Live-blog over at our partner site, That NBA Lottery Pick starting at 7:00pm est, if you want to join us for the event, click on this link.-> The Never-Ending Tennis Match...Finally Ends (The News-Observer)-> Italy Eliminated From the 2010 World Cup, IMMA SO SAD! (> Deacon Jones...

Wrap It Up, Alexander Ovechkin!

For some stange reason, I have a sinking feeling that most of you did not tune in to see the 2010 NHL Awards from Las Vegas.Well, *spoiler alert* Washington Capitals Alexander Ovechkin won the Ted Lindsay award and got to his victory speech and started congraulating his friends, teammates and family. Then, the typical award show music started to play him off.However, you never play off Alexander Ovechkin, NEVER! (Courtesy of The Big Le...

"Get off me, you big lummox!" Al Gore gropes 54-year old female masseuse.Update: More from The National Enquirer. Al Gore was charged $540 for the massage. For that price it damn well better include a happy ending. Al Gore is, of course, guilty but one can find a much younger and more attractive "masseuse" who will do anything you want for less than...

USA Soccer Fans Celebrate Win vs. Algeria

In case you missed it, the United States won this soccer game at the 2010 World Cup and moved onto the next round for the first time since 1930.Well, let's just say many USA fans were deliriously happy and we got the video to prove it.The first one is a live shot of a bar in Washington state and the other is of a USA super-fan who decides to high-five his mom in celebration.(Courtesy of The Original Winger and Deadsp...

The Most Important Lesson NY Knicks Should Have Learned from NBA Finals

As Game 7 of the 2010 NBA Finals drew to a close and the Los Angeles Lakers celebrated a second consecutive NBA Championship, if the coaching staff and front office of the New York Knicks were paying close attention they would have been smacked in the face by the stark reality of the necessary components required to build a championship team.In spite...

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