About a week ago I had an extraordinary dream about two golden-haired twin youths suspended over the sea, extraordinary in visual content but also in emotion. There was more to it but I am only sharing this much because I think it relates to what has been happening in the skies of late. When I went looking for clarification a friend suggested I might find some answers in the Tarot images which I did, the implications of which I am unsure and therefore not able to share.

So what has this got to do with the recent full moon? This latest moon seems to have been very powerful for some of us and when I discovered it was a partial eclipse I started to appreciate why. As a Cancerian my ruling ‘planet’ is the moon which of course puts me in a strange position because it isn’t even a real planet, just a celestial body of sorts. I went searching and discovered that this eclipse of the moon last occurred on June 15, 1992. I am rifling through my memory cells to try and remember what was happening about then, I think it was about the time I moved to the south coast, so it is obviously an influential moon.
What is more significant for me though, and gets back to my dream, is that the next full solar eclipse occurs on July 11, just 2 days before my 50th birthday and is heavily influenced by the energies of Gemini and Mercury, duality and change. The astrology is very powerful for me as again it occurs in Cancer and this time very close to my birthday. The astrologers say that the eclipse:
‘….makes a sextile to Mars and is on the fixed star Castor, the good twin in the constellation of Gemini. This is very interesting as there are a number of Angel twin/Evil twin aspects going on at the same time. We have a Venus opposition Mean Lilith which brings to mind Innana and Ereshkigal the sisters in the original Babylonian myth of Persephone….’, a myth I am familiar with.

Another astrologer says that ‘….eclipses focus energy for the following six months, and Mars is raw energy, passion and desire. The sextile aspect is creative, expressive and energetic. This should translate as a very productive and energetic second half of this year’.
There is a real double-duality going on here, some forecasting the negative aspects of the twins, some the positive, although the twins in my dream were definitely benign. That is the way of astrology, much depends on individual circumstances. Perhaps the dream was just telling me about the dual eclipses, but I think I will tread warily in any case. As is my habit I am following the image and now trying to draw the dream. We will see what unfolds.
images: random stolen from net. The Moon card (Rider-Waite pack), partial eclipse and full solar eclipse
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