Registration Opens for Ellas 2.0 Startup Weekend Madrid #swmad

swmad1You can now sign up for the weekend that could change your life! Bring an idea, sound it out, find a team of collaborators, be inspired by the experience of mentors, present your project to investors, join a global network of innovators and, most importantly, take your new startup home with you on Sunday ?� Are you going to miss out on all this?!

Founded in 2007, StartupWeekend is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Seattle. This unique project is�all about learning how�to found a business. Quick decisions. All action. An unforgettable weekend first imported to Spain with great success in 2010 by Ellas2.0, The NextWomen?s Spanish business partners.

Some 80% of the projects implemented during last year?s Startup Weekend Madrid and Startup Weekend Barcelona are still operating today.

Notable achievements include�Kantox and Tripku, who were named winner and finalist respectively at the OMExpo Investor Day.

Join Ellas 2.0 for the weekend of 3, 4 and 5 June to live this amazing experience! Keep up with all the news on the official website of the event.


Melissa Rycroft Heidi Klum Rachel Blanchard Genelle Frenoy Tara Conner


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