Schwarznegger & Strauss-Kahn : Astrology of Maids?

When I first posted about the Arnold business I didn't know that the woman who fathered his child was a maid. The news at that time indicated she was a 'staffer'.

On Sunday however when the whole thing went down (perhaps wrong phrase to use) with Dominque Strauss Kahn we did know that the woman assaulted was a maid.

Saturn rules Maids and servants. Of course, Saturn right now is in Libra the sign of relationships and is retrograde. As it continues to move backwards it tightens the square tension with Pluto, the planet of power. And yes, technically they will not be an exact square (like last year) but they are still tight enough to be in effect and has me wondering if it is causing a bit of the spotlight to fall on maids. I will be interested to see what else is spun out between now and mid June when Saturn turns direct.


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