Saddam Execution VideoAnalysis of the video, apparently taken by cell phone, records his executioners chanting Shiite religious slogans. There are five men in black face masks who are visible on the gallows platform around Saddam, acting as guards. As they guide him towards the trap door and put the noose over his head, they start chanting religious...

Well, I am absolutely knackered. The gig went pretty well, not too many major stuff-ups and I nailed a couple of songs. The punters seemed to enjoy it. The cops closed us down because of a complaint by neighbours. Surf on the 10ft board this morning at Muttonbird as it was closing out all around the bay. Really desparate to give Simon's 6' 8" board a good crack but conditions have conspired against me. At least I know I can get up on it as I had a crazy surf at Mids the other day and got up a couple of times but got closed out on in a barrel straight...

Conventional wisdom attributes Gerald R. Ford’s presidency solely to the Watergate scandal of the 1970s. Yet it is no less accurate to say that but for the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, it is likely that Ford never would have become president. -- Historian Max Holl...

If you saw last night's game against the Bluejackets, you would agree that Pavel was on his game. The goal he scored behind the net off the goalie was spectacular. His passes were awesome too. He passed one behind him while falling face first perfect...

first blog

stay tu...

Only $489 for a special edition of the Warren Commission report, signed and with an introduction by Gerald Ford. I'll pa...

Via Raw Story this clip from CNN's American Morning. Outgoing Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, (R-CA) discusses the Oklahoma City bombing and John Doe 2....

Another story on the threat to Kennedy in Ireland from the Irish TimesSniper threat sparked alert during 1963 Kennedy visit A tip-off about a plot to assassinate John F Kennedy with a sniper rifle during his visit as US president to Ireland in June 1963 sparked a massive security alert, with heavily armed Garda reinforcements escorting his motorcade after arrival at Dublin airport. Stephen Collins , Political Editor, reports.The alert began in the early hours of June 22nd, five days before the US president was due to arrive, when a man rang Independent...

Curiosity Isn't Always A Good Thing

While I HAVE inherited The Mother's nosiness, I am NOT quite as curious as she is. Case in point: While washing bedding the other day, I bent over to pick up the fabric softener bottle when I felt something drip on my head. Now, I was aware that it could have been water from an overhead pipe, or detergent dripping from the spigot on the container, OR something I would rather not know about. I felt the top of my head, looked at my fingers, kind of smelled them, and then moved on without determining exactly what dripped. And I was okay with...

Hockey Talk

The Wings played again tonight and won 7-4. While the score would indicate a run-away game, nothing could be further from the truth. First, the last goal was on an empty net, so it wasn't quite as lopsided as it would seem. The Wings had three goals--doing great!--and then Columbus scored 4 unanswered goals! Finally, the Wings got their heads out of their asses and started to play again and ended up winning. It seems as if they start to get lazy and sloppy when they are winning by three goals--as if they think they can't be beat. They have...

Kennedy Targeted on 1963 Ireland Trip (Washington Post)The Associated PressThursday, December 28, 2006; 10:52 PMDUBLIN, Ireland -- President John F. Kennedy was the subject of three separate death threats during his visit to Ireland in 1963, according to newly declassified police documents released Friday.The documents released by the Irish Justice Department said police received two anonymous telephoned warnings in the weeks before the arrival of the United States' first Irish Catholic president. A third threat went to the newsroom of the Irish...

Talk show host Mike Gallagher expresses fascist views on F...

Lawyer Ends Up Dead After Taking On Rove (from Kurt Nimmo)Paul Sanford, a prominent Aptos, California, attorney, who accused Karl Rove of treason in the Plame outing case, took a leap from the Embassy Suites Hotel in Monterey Bay on Christmas Eve. Police describe it as “probable” suicide, even though it appears Sanford was not depressed.From The Monterey County Herald:Friends and associates expressed disbelief at the news of Sanford's death and that it was ruled a suicide, saying Sanford seemed happy and had made many plans for this week and in...

According to an article in the scientific publication Geology, reported in the press, some of Australia's prehistoric creatures may have been wiped out by aboriginal settlers not climate change as previously thought. One story on this can be found here.The article was reported straight by most news outlets. WorldNetDaily, however, reports it as Evolution's instability highlighted by new study. Their article subtitles the story "Expert says without reliable foundation, assumptions get wacky". Who is this expert? None other than creationist wingnut...

Christmas, Gifts of Vinyl, Obits, and---Of Course--Hockey

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with friends of ours, as we have for many years. It is always a nice time and has become a tradition. On Christmas day, our youngest and her husband came for dinner and surprised us by telling us they were spending the night! That meant more to me than any gift I could have gotten--I wasn't expecting it.As for gifts, K replaced the necklace I lost with a new one. This one is different, though. The old one was the Red Wings logo in all gold and it was about 1 3/4 inches wide....

We Have A Diagnosis

We got the call from the nephrologist today and there now is a name for what K is going through: IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) or Berger's Disease. And there really is nothing that can be done about it. Essentially, they don't know why or how you get this and there is no cure. It isn't an unknown disease, but it isn't that common, either--at least as far as they can tell. You can only be diagnosed with this by having a kidney biopsy and the only reason to do so is if there are other symptoms to begin with. So, many people may have this and not be...

Surge in Afghan Heroin (LA Times, registration required)Supplies of highly potent Afghan heroin in the United States are growing so fast that the pure white powder is rapidly overtaking lower-quality Mexican heroin, prompting fears of increased addiction and overdoses.According to a Drug Enforcement Administration report obtained by The Times, Afghanistan's poppy fields have become the fastest-growing source of heroin in the United States. Its share of the U.S. market doubled from 7% in 2001, the year U.S. forces overthrew the Taliban, to 14% in...

Gerald Ford Dead at 93Former President Gerald Ford, the last surviving member of the Warren Commission, died today. He was not eaten by wolves.In 1964 Ford took part in covering up the assassination of John F. Kennedy.A few years later he was urging a government investigation of UFOs.I think the American people would feel better if there was a full-blown...

I saw this on The Atheist Jew. What if atheists went door-t0-door pushing their non-religious beliefs? Funny as he...

12 penalty minutesThis year so far he has 7 goals,18 assists, and 25 poin...

Sidney Blumenthal reveals that George W. Bush is still listening to the neocons because, you know, they've gotten everything right so far.Bush's touted but unexplained "new way forward" (his version of the ISG's "the way forward") may be the first order of battle, complete with details of units, maps and timetables, ever posted on the Web site of a think tank. "I will not be rushed," said Bush. But apparently he has already accepted the latest neoconservative program, artfully titled with catchphrases appealing to his desperation -- "Choosing Victory:...

Italian poet (and blogger) Piergiorgio Welby, a victim of advanced musclular dystrophy has died at age 60, after being taken off a respirator at his own request. According to this news story he had written this on his blog:"Dying must be like falling asleep after making love, tired, tranquil with that sense of wonder that pervades everything."...

Idol Worship or "I Am Your Biggest Fan..."

Are you a very big fan of a celebrity, musician, actor, author, sports figure, etc? Would you ever want to meet your 'idol?' What would you do or say if you got to meet him/her? Well, here is my take on the whole situation.I am a HUGE fan of Eric Clapton. Anyone who has read this blog for awhile knows this. And I have been a fan for many, many...

John Lennon's FBI Files The release of the document above, the government had claimed from 1983 to 2006, Release of the information on this page, the FBI claimed from 1983 until 2006, "can reasonably be expected to inter alia: lead to foreign diplomatic, economic and military retaliation against the United State...

Iraq Special Forces Kill Defenseless BunnyAbout 1,500 police officers, soldiers and security personnel staged a parade around an infield of stubby brown grass, in festivities complete with warriors on horseback.At one point, a small group of soldiers stepped forward with a live rabbit and tore it to pieces. The leader bit out the heart with a yell,...

The Amazing Story of Who Stole Jesus' foresk...

While our armed forces are more than adequate to defend us, they are insufficient to defend an empire. Rather than bleed and bankrupt the nation endlessly, we should let go of the empire.--Patrick Bucha...

Available from BuzzFlash...

Moving Along...Ho, Ho, Ho

Today I had to go and get the boobs squeezed. Yes, It was time for the annual mammograms. I tell you, during the month that I have my annual GYN appointment and my mammograms, I get felt up more than I do the other 11 months combined! I'm just glad to have it over with for another year.I was out and about anyway so I decided to finish my Christmas shopping. The only person I had left to buy for was K, but he is becoming the hardest one to get gifts for. I didn't have a clue what I was going to get--I so counted on him buying 'us' a flat-panel...

Newt Gringich Attacks Right of Free SpeechAnd he has every right to do so. He only wants to limit the free speech rights of the bad peop...

Famed lawyer Vincent Bugliosi has a new book, Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, due out in May. There is a web page for the book here. The book is 1632 pages (!) Mr. Bugliosi attempts to prove that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy, and did it alone. No conspiracy. The book is being billed as "The book that...

Ten More Days

Yes, people, only ten more days till Christmas. I'm chomping at the bit just waiting for it to be over! Then I only have to get through New Year's and K's birthday on the 4th and everything will be over for another year. YAY!Part of my problem is the fact that I have no idea what to get K for Christmas OR his birthday. I thought everything was...

Many researchers believe that the document above, linking Jack Ruby to Richard Nixon is a fake. They note that the document includes a zip code which did not exist in 1947.But a researcher who posts under the name tomnln at alt.assassination.jfk has challenged that opinion. He wrote:The one-page xerox obviously is really a composite of 2 different...

My Christmas Tree

Here is a picture of our Christmas tree. As I said, I made all of the ornaments. The snowflakes--and other white ornaments--are crocheted and the 'stained glass' ornaments are actually made from plastic crystals and then baked. They are nicer looking than they sound--if you don't get too close, they look like real stained gla...

A Christmas Meme

I will not tag anyone specifically with this meme--everyone reading this can consider themselves tagged!1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Definitely hot chocolate—egg nog is ‘ewwie!’2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Presents are ALWAYS wrapped.3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? White 4. Do you hang mistletoe? No5. When do you put your decorations up? I have always tried to get them up on Thanksgiving weekend—that way I could take them down on December 26 without any guilt!6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding...

From Daniel Hopsicker:Was Mohamed Atta 'close associate' in Florida a CIA pilot?Wolfgang Bohringer, the German pilot who was one of Mohamed Atta’s closest associates in Florida as well as the subject of an FBI terror alert in the South Pacific, was apprehended two weeks ago and taken into custody, but then was almost immediately released after he told authorities responsible for his capture that he works for the C...

The President of the Republic of Kalmykia, apparently a real country, claims that he was once abducted by aliens who abducted him during a 1997 trip to Moscow. He has told members of the international press that once aboard the mother ship he was flown to "some kind of star," after which the aliens, "put a spacesuit on me, told me many things, and...

This is really brilliant analysis:Defining Catastrophe UpA rhetorical change I’m noticing since the ISG report came out is that we have to stay in Iraq “to prevent a wider regional war,” aka “the new thirty years’ war” and so on. That suggests that our mission is no longer preventing “full-blown civil war,” which used to be what we had to prevent, or “increased sectarian strife,” which is what we had to prevent before that, or “increasing insurgent violence” which is what we had to prevent before that. The pattern has always been:1. Declare that...

Wonkette sums up the War on Terror:If we remember this whole 9/11 thing correctly, a bunch of privileged Saudis with U.S. Embassy ties led by a stripper-loving hard-partying Egyptian playboy bought first-class plane tickets with money from Pakistan’s secret service and crashed passenger jets into the WTC, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania.In retaliation, the Bush Administration attacked some fanatic goat herders in Afghanistan and then began an occupation of Iraq that’s already lasted four bloody yea...

And this is creepy:Healthy new-born babies may have been killed in Ukraine to feed a flourishing international trade in stem cells, evidence obtained by the BBC suggests.Disturbing video footage of post-mortem examinations on dismembered tiny bodies raises serious questions about what happened to th...

I didn't cover yesterdays WorldNetDaily story that Soy is making kids 'gay'. WorldNetDaily is one of those "conservative" sites that pretend to be news sites, like Fox News.The article in question doesn't actually present any evidence that there is a connection between soy products and homosexuality, although the author, James Rutz, claims that such evidence exists--somewhere. Rutz himself has done no scientific research given that he is the pastor of Open Church Ministries. But now it turns out that this is not the nuttiest idea he has. He also...

Blogger, JibJab, and Geico--and, Of Course, Hockey

I just found out from reading Cindi's blog (Somewhere Over The Rainbow) that she has been having some problems posting comments here. Hmm. Is anyone else having problems these days? I guess if you can't leave a comment, just email me at Don't know what could be wrong OR how to fix it. If it is a big problem maybe someone could let Blogger know?!?! This just may be my incentive to switch to Haloscan for my comments. I'll have to give it some more thought and probably change after the first of the year.JibJab has...

“If he goes to Dallas they are going to kill him”.So said anti-Castro activist John Martino, as related by his son, Edward R. Martino Ph.D. , who put his recollections together in this document posted on Larry Hancock's si...

Moving On Along

Two weeks till Christmas and we continue with the doctor's appointments. K went in for the physical with the internist today and came out with an okay report. The doc said everything is looking pretty good, but he still will be doing a number of tests. I really think 2007 will be the year of medical appointments for K--and he only has himself to blame! (I hope that doesn't sound too harsh--I didn't mean it to!) Anyway, K will be having an ultrasound on Wednesday to look for peripheral artery disease--NOT because he has any symptoms but because...

I will let Orlando Letelier have the last word on Augusto Pinochet.I was born a Chilean, I am a Chilean, I will die a Chilean. They, the fascists, were born traitors, live as traitors and will be remembered forever as fascist traitors.ORLANDO LETELIER (1932-19...

Obviously news photographers in Lebanon are all men. Update: more hot Lebanon babes Hot Babe at Protest in Lebanon...

Holocaust Denier's Conference in IranTEHRAN, Dec. 11 — Holocaust deniers and skeptics from around the world gathered at a government-sponsored conference here today to discuss their theories about whether six million Jews were indeed killed by the Nazis during World War II and whether gas chambers existed. In a speech opening the two-day conference,...

Crazy Tired

I know this is going to sound SOOOOOO selfish and self-centered, but K's stay in the hospital yesterday has made me absolutely exhausted! Sometimes I think a hospital visit is as hard on the family as it is on the person who actually is there for a reason! Anyway, here is the run-down of yesterday:We got to the hospital before 5:30am, as we were told to. (Of course, this meant I had to get up by 4:00 in order to be ready in time!) We were sent to a room where blood was drawn and all of the preliminaries took place--all of which took about a...

Video: Abu Ghraib Detainee Tells His Story He saw eight detainees shot and killed during a demonstration. This is one of several videos from a new site Alive in Baghdad, founded by Brian Conley, an American journalist, featuring videos made by Iraq...

Report from AfghanistanSomething significant happened in Kabul on Sept. 8 when a Toyota station wagon packed with explosives rammed two U.S. Humvees at the gates of the American embassy, setting off a massive blast.The Taliban claimed credit for the bombing, as if to say: We can now strike anywhere. When I interviewed eyewitnesses a few days after the blast, shreds of clothing and a shoe still hung from the branches of a nearby tree. Local shopkeepers described the suicide bomber as “very clean,” “dressed in white” and “wearing eyeliner.” They...

Photo of the Day (from Time's White House Photo Blog...

The Foley Report is now out, so here are 104 pages of the Perverted Instant Messa...

Bush talks to the dead :"Make no mistake about it, I understand how tough it is, sir. I talk to families who die."A number of news outlets attempted to make Bush seem, well, less stupid and incoherent: "I talk to the families” of those who have died." I talk to the families (of soldiers) who di...

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