Are you a very big fan of a celebrity, musician, actor, author, sports figure, etc? Would you ever want to meet your 'idol?' What would you do or say if you got to meet him/her? Well, here is my take on the whole situation.
I am a HUGE fan of Eric Clapton. Anyone who has read this blog for awhile knows this. And I have been a fan for many, many years. I don't have a 'crush' on him. I don't think he is the best looking man there is. (Although, while he SHOULD look like twenty miles of bad road because of all he has been through in his life, he DOES get better looking with age.) I don't think he has the solutions for all of the world's problems. What I DO feel about the man is he is the most amazing musician I can name. The things the man can do with a guitar are pure magic--he plays beautifully, he sings decently, and he writes good songs. He amazes me.I love the Red Wings. I think most of the players are just as cute as a bug's ear--and most of them are young enough to be my kid! Their talent is awesome--the things they can do with a puck are simply breathtaking. While watching a game, I very rarely multi-task because I just want to bask in the pure beauty of what I am watching.
John Grisham is one of my favorite authors--among others. I am totally awestruck by the way he can tell a story and pull me into it. Losing myself in a well-told story is a passion of mine and anyone who can write well completely amazes me.I think the model Giselle is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. While I don't know that she has any particular talent other than being beautiful, I am a fan of hers simply because I couldn't imagine being that gorgeous. I would be soooooo grateful to have a fraction of her beauty.
I am a fan of quite a few actors and one I am particularly fond of is Kyra Sedgwick. I have seen her in a few things and she seems to play the 'Southern belle' quite often. I was truly amazed to find out that she actually was born and raised in New York! The woman has talent, for sure.
I have many famous people who truly amaze me because of their talents and abilities and I don't particularly want to meet any of them! My fear is that I would be so disappointed in what they REALLY are like--and not how they are portrayed by their PR people--that I could never truly enjoy their work again. If the actor was completely ego-centric, if the athlete was 'brain-damaged' from being hit too many times and couldn't form a cohesive sentence, if the author was a stuck-up snob, if the musician was stoned and could only slur his words, this would just be too much for me to take. So, I do not want to meet the celebrities that I truly admire. Does this mean I am not someone's biggest fan?
Idol Worship or "I Am Your Biggest Fan..."
12:46 PM