Yes, people, only ten more days till Christmas. I'm chomping at the bit just waiting for it to be over! Then I only have to get through New Year's and K's birthday on the 4th and everything will be over for another year. YAY!
Part of my problem is the fact that I have no idea what to get K for Christmas OR his birthday. I thought everything was decided when he said we should get a flat-panel TV as a Christmas gift for 'us' this year. Now, the fact that I very nearly NEVER sit in the living room to watch TV matters very little to me--if HE was happy with that, I was happy. As if I really NEED anything that I just don't go out and get for myself, anyway. I have no idea what I would like as a Christmas gift this year, so a flat-panel TV to keep him happy was good enough for me. ( I DO want a Nintendo Wii, but K NEVER buys me the tech gadgets I want--and I'm happy with that. I know tech gadgets better than he does and would rather just get them myself.) Now all of a sudden it seems as if he is backing off from getting the TV before Christmas--I think he feels as if the prices will drop drastically in January, so he will wait. I suppose he is right. And he also is making 'jewelry' noises at me--I just can't imagine what he will buy this year. Maybe he will just replace the necklace that I lost. Hmmm.
Talked to the youngest daughter and it seems as if we won't see them till Christmas Day. Now, I am happy that they will be around, it just would be nice to have them here on Christmas Eve--that is when we actually DO things. I guess The Family will have them--I'm sure they are absolutely delighted that she picked THEM over us. I can't fault her too much: defying The Mother takes a lot of living and self control--something that doesn't come at her early age. I'll be happy to have them whenever they get here.
Watched the Wings and Blackhawks play last night and the Wings won. YAY!! I don't know if it's my imagination or not, but there seems to be something special, different, BETTER when two of the original six teams play each other. Unfortunately, we don't get to see too many games where Detroit plays an original six team--they are in different conferences. Another Detroit player was hurt last night--Kopecky. He got checked, got tangled up in the other player's stick, and went shoulder-first into the boards. He broke his collarbone, but it could have been much worse if he went in head-first. I don't even want to think about how bad of an injury THAT could have been. It seems as if losing a couple of teeth during a game--which a Wing did a couple of weeks ago--are the 'good' games! Don't know WHY all of the serious injuries. A tough game to play.
Cindi has finally been able to post comments--YAY! I don't have any idea what was wrong. Maybe there was some kind of bug in Blogger and they fixed it. I sure hope it STAYS fixed.
I have something going on with my desktop and PDA. I can't figure out WHAT the problem is, but it seems to center around my Documents To Go program. When I try to synch, the PDA freezes. So, I decided to delete the program and reinstall, thinking this would help. WRONG! I am able to delete it from the PDA, but I can't from the computer. Actually, when I try to delete using install/uninstall programs, it freezes. When I try to uninstall using the Documents To Go uninstall utility, I'm told it is already uninstalled. Great. I looked online for a solution, but didn't find anything too helpful. The only thing I could find for the error message I have gotten is that spyware, malware, a bug, Trojan horse, or other kind of nasty is on my computer. I used numerous programs to scan my system and nothing showed up. I guess I have more searching to do. I COULD try synching by using my laptop, but I don't want to cause problems there, too. I love using the computer, but I am so over the love of trying to fix problems! Maybe I'll just hire someone to clean this machine up.
I want to thank Cindi and Burg for the compliments on our Christmas tree. I has taken me many, many, many years to get it to look the way it does--and it doesn't change from year to year. I guess if it works... :)
Throughout this post I have put close-up pics of some of the ornaments on the tree--as per requests from Cindi and Burg. (Sorry some of them are a TOUCH out of focus. I guess I SHOULD have used the tripod after all.) Anyway, the 'stained glass' ornaments have become the focus of some interest, so here is their story. I made these 23 years ago. I was pregnant for my youngest and I remember sitting at the breakfast nook table putting them together. I purchased these as kits and haven't seen them anywhere since. The kits consisted of metal frames (aluminum or something equally as lightweight) and different colored plastic beads. The beads were quite small, so they wouldn't have been too good for very young children. It was almost like a paint-by-number kit--the different colored beads were placed in the designated areas of the frames and then the ornaments were put in the oven to 'bake' which caused the beads to melt and become smooth
and 'glass-like.' I had bought the kits from a local chain-store and I don't believe they ever had the kits after that one year. Now, we don't have any hobby stores such as Hobby Lobby here locally, so I don't know if the kits or the materials would be available in places like that. If anyone finds these, I would love to know--I would make some for my girls. The main reason my tree is decorated the way it is was because of our kids: I wanted unbreakable ornaments so they couldn't hurt themselves.
Ten More Days
4:34 PM