Scott Ritter on Iran :We are told that the President of the United States and others in the administration have said there can be no doubt Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program.Well you know what, there's nothing but doubt that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. There is no evidence whatsoever! I need to reinforce that point: There is no evidence whatsoever to back up the rhetoric that the Bush administration has put out there that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program.The sole purpose of the Bush administration's policy objectives...

Miss Candy Barr...

Make no mistake: Former Vice President Al Gore will be our next president.I am as confident about that assertion as I am that George W. Bush will go down in history as America's worst president ever....

Datsyuk getting a little physical. Snieder said he likes to see him get a little physical during the game,in the first intermission against the Nashville Predators Saturday. I would have to agree.But I don't want to see him get injured that's for sure.The last two games were kind of an upset, but they can't win all the time.Both games seemed similar,...

Were the bones of Jesus in this box? Cameron: Jesus tomb film is a ‘detective story’ Excerpt from "The Jesus Dynasty" Many years ago a man from the BBC came to me and he asked me if the Dead Sea Scrolls will harm Christianity. I said to him that nothing can harm Christianity. The only thing which could be dangerous to Christianity would be to find...

Continuing The Chain

Burg stole this meme from Jenn who stole it, anyway, I am continuing the chain!How tall are you barefoot?BARELY 5 foot 1 inch.Have you ever flown first-class?Yes, but only because I could only get a first-class connecting flight. I was on the way to visit K during the Easter holidays when he was in the Navy.One of your favorite books when you were a child?Don't remember what was a favorite when I was very young. When The Brother was young, I LOVED the Dr. Seuss books.A good restaurant in your city?Casa Calabria--great Italian food!What...

From San Francisco Chronicle. Its called a circumzenithal arc; not exactly an upside down rainbow, but close enou...

SOME of America’s most senior military commanders are prepared to resign if the White House orders a military strike against Iran, according to highly placed defence and intelligence sourc...

"More troops in Baghdad are irrelevant to what's going down in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The surge supporters who accuse the Iraq war's critics of emboldening the enemy are trying to deflect attention from their own complicity in losing a bigger battle: the one against the enemy that actually did attack us on 9/1...

Short Post-season?

After the games of the last two nights, I really am afraid that the Wings will not get past the first round of the playoffs. They still are not playing consistently enough and it is too late in the season to say they WILL get it together.Last night's game against Edmonton brought back nightmares of last year's playoffs. I wonder if the Wings had flashbacks which caused them to not play as well as they could? They just CAN'T lose overtime games like that and expect to get the Cup.Tonight was a fairly good game, but they lost again in overtime....

QKENCHANT UPDATEThe CIA has recently put some documents related to QKENCHANT online. They can be found here....

General says eliminating bin Laden not priorityThe Army's highest-ranking officer and the former leader of the secretive world of Special Operations offered his thoughts on the importance of capturing or killing Osama bin Laden during a luncheon here Friday.They're probably not what anyone expected."I don't know whether we'll find him," Gen. Peter Schoomaker, the Army chief of staff, said in a speech to the Rotary Club of Fort Worth. "I don't know that it's all that important, frankly."His Commander-in-Chief agre...

The percentage of poor Americans who are living in severe poverty has reached a 32-year high, millions of working Americans are falling closer to the poverty line and the gulf between the nation's "haves" and "have-nots" continues to wid...

The United States demanded that Israel desist from even exploratory contacts with Syria, of the sort that would test whether Damascus is serious in its declared intentions to hold peace talks with Israel.Syria has made overtures towards Israel and the U.S. I guess peace in the Middle East doesn't fit in with the neocons pla...

Datsyuks 100th goal.13 secI have to admit Zetterburg looks really good. But I can't help to think Datsyuk has a lot to do with that. That could go either way though? People could argue maybe Datsyuk wouldn't be where he's at if it weren't for Zetterburg. Anyways there's a game tonight and tomorrow. If they win tonight, that would make it 14 home...

Top U.S. Bin Laden Expert: Confession Video “Bogus”Is the famous “confession video” genuine? Despite Bush’s insistence that the tape is authentic, America’s top academic Bin Laden expert has finally gone on the record, joining numerous other experts. “It’s bogus,” says Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies program.Lawrence, author of Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama Bin Laden, offered his historic debunking of the administration’s lie in an interview with Kevin Barrett (“Dynamic Duo,”, 2/16/2007,...

Tomb of Jesus Found?Jerusalem- The makers of a new documentary, to be aired for the first time at a news conference in New York Monday, claim that a tomb found in a Jerusalem cave 36 years ago belongs to none other than Jesus Christ.The claim presented in the documentary is based on years of research by world-renowned archaeologists, statisticians, experts in ancient scripts and in DNA, the Israeli Yediot Ahronot daily Friday quoted the makers as saying in an exclusive interview.DNA? In other words, if this actually the tomb of Jesus Christ, THEY...

Move over Wikipedia: Conservapedia is here!Many thanks to my favorite Conservative Jon Swift for calling my attention to this new online conservative encyclopedia. According to their main page "Conservapedia is a much-needed alternative to Wikipedia, which is increasingly anti-Christian and anti-American."Now, thanks to this valuable resource, if your child is asked to do a report for school on, let's say, kangaroos he or she will no longer be limited to encyclopedias that are limited to facts. Instead the student will learn this:Like all modern...

Ion Mihai Pacepa is a high-level Romanian intelligence official who defected to the United States during the Carter admistration. Subsequently, according to his Wikipedia entry, "he worked with American intelligence in various operations against the former Eastern Bloc."Pacepa has recently expressed his opinions on the Kennedy assassination in a manuscript "Programmed to Kill", quoted in this blog. He maintains that Khrushchev and the KGB programmed Oswald to kill Kennedy but later unsuccessfully tried to abort his mission. In the end Oswald went...

Number 13

And I DON'T mean Datsyuk--although, he DID get a goal tonight (his 100th career goal)! No, the Wings have now won 13 games straight at home--just one shy of the record set in 1964-65. Zetterberg got two goals in the 4-2 victory against Chicago. Once again, they just came alive in the third period--seems to be their MO this season. Khabibulin played VERY well tonight--a little too good for my tastes! :) He stopped 31 shots for the night. With this win, Detroit is now in first place in the Western Conference--one point ahead of Nashville--and...

Look for an article soon to be in the LA times that will piece a good portion of the JFKA [JFK assassination] together. EHH [E. Howard Hunt] confided this information to his sons 4 years before his death. All information was verified by ERIC HAMBURG and a real book will be out with in a year. American Spy was ghost written and has no real value. --David Hunt, son of E. Howard H...

Blackwater Forms Intelligence Agency Cofer Black, vice chairman of Blackwater USA, announced Tuesday the formation of a new CIA-type private company to provide intelligence services to commercial clients.The executive roster for the new venture, Total Intelligence Solutions, is loaded with veterans of U.S. intelligence agencies, including two other Blackwater officia...

Riverbend of Baghdad Burning:And yet, as the situation continues to deteriorate both for Iraqis inside and outside of Iraq, and for Americans inside Iraq, Americans in America are still debating on the state of the war and occupation- are they winning or losing? Is it better or worse.Let me clear it up for any moron with lingering doubts: It’s worse. It’s over. You lost. You lost the day your tanks rolled into Baghdad to the cheers of your imported, American-trained monkeys. You lost every single family whose home your soldiers violated. You lost...

Stupid Ass

Okay, how drunk and stupid do you have to be to do this:8-year-old caught behind wheelMan charged with drunk driving, endangermentBy KAYLA GAHAGAN, DMG WriterHOUGHTON — A Hancock man was arrested and charged with child endangerment and drinking and driving after Houghton County Sheriff Deputies responded to a possible drunk driver and discovered an 8-year-old driving the man’s vehicle. Anthony Alan Bickman, 42, was arrested Feb. 18 after a 6:24 p.m. report of a vehicle stuck in the ditch near Lake Avenue and Upper Pike River Road.While deputies...

Afternoon Musings

--So, Britney left rehab after less than 24 hours--AGAIN! I don't know if this story is going to have a happy ending.--The temp right now is in the upper 40s. BEAUTIFUL day! And tonight we have a snow and blowing snow advisory through tomorrow morning. There will be 40 mph winds, snow, and visibility of less than 1/4 mile. Our weather is NEVER boring.--C called and said she passed her nursing-program entrance exam. For the LPN program, she needed a score of 70 and for the RN program she needed a score of 80--she scored a 90! I'm so happy...

Terry Nichols: McVeigh had high-level helpOklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols says a high-ranking FBI official "apparently" was directing Timothy McVeigh in the plot to blow up a government building and might have changed the original target of the attack, according to a new affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Utah.The official and other conspirators are being protected by the federal government "in a cover-up to escape its responsibility for the loss of life in Oklahoma," Nichols claims in a Feb. 9 affidavit.In his affidavit,...

New York Times editorial: Making Martial Law Easier A disturbing recent phenomenon in Washington is that laws that strike to the heart of American democracy have been passed in the dead of night. So it was with a provision quietly tucked into the enormous defense budget bill at the Bush administration’s behest that makes it easier for a president to override local control of law enforcement and declare martial law.Beyond cases of actual insurrection, the president may now use military troops as a domestic police force in response to a natural disaster,...

Telemarketer Meltdown

I definitely am behind in a lot of things, so if this is really old, please bear with me. I found this to be one of the funniest things I have seen/heard in a long time. As far as I can tell, this is a recording a comedian by the name of Tom Mabe made while he was messing with a telemarketer who happened to call his home. I wish I was clever enough to pull off something this hilario...

In My World

So, what has been going on in my world? Not a whole lot, that's for sure. K is on night shift, so that means alone time for me--which isn't always that bad of a thing! Other than that, here we go:--Yesterday I went for my semi-regular blood-letting. Yup, that means I have a doctor appointment next week. Again, I believe I have gained a couple of pounds and I'm waiting--read that as scared--to see if he will say something to me about it. It really is hard to do something about your weight when food is your drug of choice--and I have had ample...

New Iraqi Oil Law Leaked This law legalizes PSAs (production sharing agreements) in Iraq. Iraq will be the only country in the middle east with such contracts privatising Iraqi oil and giving foreign companies crazy rates of profit that may reach to more than three fourth of the general revenue. Iraq and Iraqis need every Dinar that comes from oil sales. In addition to the financial aspects of this law, it can be considered the funding tool for splitting Iraq into three states. It undermines the central government and distributes oil revenues directly...

I subscribe to the email newsletter of the Blackwater Corporation, also known as the Rock Stars of Baghdad: Blackwater is, for all intents and purposes, your very own little Special Forces, available anywhere, anytime, for the low low price of a couple of million dollars. These Birds are used to fly recon and air support for various security contracts,...

Arnaud de Borchgrave writes in the Washington Times of a conversation he had with R. James Woolsey, the former CIA director:In response to my question about how he rated the odds of a bombing campaign against Iran, R. James Woolsey, the former CIA director, hummed an answer for me on the sidewalk as we exited the Metropolitan Club. It was a parody of the Beach Boys hit "Barbara Ann" -- "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb-Bomb Iran."This is the mentality we are dealing with. Mr. Woolsey also believes that we have been in World War 4 since 1979, when the Shah's...

The American Association for the Advancement of Science on Global Warming:“The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society."Accumulating data from across the globe reveal a wide array of effects: rapidly melting glaciers, destabilisation of major ice sheets, increases in extreme weather, rising sea level, shifts in species ranges, and more.“The pace of change and the evidence of harm have increased markedly over the last five years. The time to control greenhouse...

From Kikos Ho...

A new book Ariel Sharon: An Intimate Portrait by Uri Dan reveals that George W. Bush told Arie Sharon that if he caught Osama bin Laden, "I will screw him in the ass."Ha'aretz from a review the new book "Ariel Sharon: An Intimate Portrait" by Uri Dan, Palgrave Macmillan, 320 pages, $18.45 :Speaking of George Bush, with whom Sharon developed a very close relationship, Uri Dan recalls that Sharon's delicacy made him reluctant to repeat what the president had told him when they discussed Osama bin Laden. Finally he relented. And here is what the leader...

New film released shows JFK motorcade ninety seconds before assassinationThe Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, TX is releasing a newly found color film which shows President John F. Kennedy's motorcade ninety seconds before the president was assassinated in November of 19...

David Ferrie's Plane LocatedNoblesville resident Don Roberts had no idea what was sitting out in the shed next door to his eastside home, located at the Noblesville airport on Promise Road. He knew it was a Stinson Voyager single-engine airplane manufactured in 1946. More significantly, it turned out to be a piece of American history. David Ferrie,...


The Waiting Game


Sunday Trivia

As my life is still boring as hell, it is time for another edition of 'Sunday Trivia.' Enjoy! (Once again, all of these facts are courtesy of mental_floss.)--The male seahorse is the gender of the species that gets pregnant and gives birth. The female deposits her eggs in the male and they then are fertilized.--During World War II, Julia Child tried to join the WACs but was turned down because of her height (6'2"). Instead, she joined the Office of Strategic Services, a precursor to the CIA.--The substance that makes flamingos pink is carotene--the...

All the Christian Conservatives who maintain that United States of America was founded by Christians as a Christian nation, and that their original intent was later corrupted by secular humanists, would do well to read Christian Theocrat Gary North's Conspiracy in Philadelphia: Origins of the United States Constitution. North's book, which I must admit I have only glanced through at this point, argues precisely that this country was not founded as a Christian nation, and that, in North's view, is the problem.Ultimately North's argument is with...

Rep. Don Young uses fake Lincoln quote to suggest that Democrats should be hanged as traitors. Let's call this what it is: fasci...

Hank's Hat Trick

Henrik Zetterberg scored his first NHL career hat trick against Phoenix tonight in a 4-1 win. Hot damn I wish I could have seen that! I DID listen to the game on the radio via the web, but it just ain't the same. :) However, it really made me realize just how much I actually do miss listening to good radio--something we are sorely lacking here. If I could convince K, I would love to have satellite radio--but he likes to listen to local stations wherever we are, so that isn't going to happen. Anyway, this moves the Wings to first in their...

Another Train Wreck Happening

I don't think anyone will be too surprised by the news that Britney Spears is in the process of totally losing it. In the last few days it has been reported that she checked herself into--and out of-- rehab at Crossroads rehab center in Antigua, shaved her head, and gotten two new tattoos. She was reportedly agitated and 'wasn't making any sense at all' while at the tattoo parlor. Here is the whole story and a picture of her new look.Isn't there SOMETHING that can be done for these stars/starlets/personalities when EVERYONE can see that they...

JFK assassination author and researcher Mark Lane's mugshot after he was arrested as a Freedom Rider in the civil rights moveme...

I keep on seeing Zetterburg's pass through his legs and his opponent to give Datsyuk a goal. I do like it, I think it's very impressive goal. Datsyuk comes from the left like he might have come off the bench. I'm not sure but either way it was great. Although if Zetterburg was in that means Datsyuk must have been in? (This is 1 time I'll let it go?)Red wings are in....

I'm going to the Second Level of Hell according to this internet test.You have come to a place mute of all light, where the wind bellows as the sea does in a tempest. This is the realm where the lustful spend eternity. Here, sinners are blown around endlessly by the unforgiving winds of unquenchable desire as punishment for their transgressions. The infernal hurricane that never rests hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine, whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them. You have betrayed reason at the behest of your appetite for pleasure,...

"Unless there is some great reversal, Bush will be seen as one of the country's poorest presidents. Iraq will stand at the top of the list, but the administration's failed responses to Katrina and global warming will stand with its abuse of civil liberties to mark Bush out as a man with poor judgment and a failed leader."— Robert Dallek, histor...

The Truth at LastI would like to refer my readers to today's Cannonfire post. It seems that Georgia state Representative Ben Bridges of Georgia, a Republican of course, has fallen in with a bad crowd; namely anti-Semitic geocentrists. Yes, that's right, people who believe that the Jews are concealing the truth that the Earth does not move and the...

A Little Of This, A Little Of That...AND some hockey

--The town is all set and ready for the annual dog sled races. They bring snow into the downtown area, on the main street, and that is where the race starts. This all will be happening tomorrow evening and continue through the weekend, ending some time on Sunday. K asked me if I wanted to go and watch the start of the race. HA, HA!!!! I don't care WHAT the temps might be--right now they are thinking maybe the low teens--I have no intention of standing around in the middle of the winter just to watch dogs start running!--I don't know where...

My new t-shirt. Bought it on eb...

Wonkette clears up Bush News Conference on Iran...

They Redeemed Themselves

While tonight wasn't the best game I have seen, at least the Wings won 3-1. It really was quite a boring game until the third period. Then, again, the Wings became fired up and started to play amazing hockey. Dallas scored in the second and the Wings were scoreless until Datsyuk scored in the third. If Detroit's first goal of the game isn't featured...

Al Gore at the Grammys (Say, has he lost weigh...

Happy Valentines D...

CentCom Commander: ‘I Have No Idea’ If White House Iran Claim Is TrueToday on CNN, CentCom Commander William Fallon, the top commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, was asked about the administration’s claim. Fallon said, “I have no idea who may be actually with hands-on in this stuff.”(Via Cannonfire)Meanwhile General Pace is not backing down: No evidence Iran is arming IraqisA top U.S. general said Tuesday there was no evidence the Iranian government was supplying Iraqi insurgents with highly lethal roadside bombs, apparently contradicting...

Happy Valentine's Day

Hope you all have a great Valentine's Day! As my Valentine's Day gift to all of you, here are a couple of videos.First, a Teddy bear goes to see his love:And to help you rock out your Valentine's Day, here is a live video of Queen singing 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love.' Freddy Mercury sure could sing! I DEFY you to not keep this song going through your mind all day after hearing it! ...

Dead Wings

While the Wings don't really deserve to be called their nickname from the 80s, the way they played last night was absolutely abysmal. In a 6-1 loss, one of the top 4 teams in the NHL lost to the worst team, Philadelphia. (Sorry, RT, but that IS their record. :|) It took me an entire 24 hours to actually process what I saw--and I'm STILL not sure what went on. The Flyers ran over Detroit and there is nothing more to be said about it. I guess some would blame Joey MacDonald for his work in the net, but it wasn't all his fault. He is, after...

The whole purpose of setting up Guantánamo Bay is for torture. Why do this? Because you want to escape the rule of law.--Lieutenant Commander Charles Swift, the JAG lawyer whose career was ended for representing his client in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. An American he...

World Underwhelmed by Iran-Iraq ConnectionAfter two delays several anonymous officials have presented their evidence that Iran is arming the insurgents in Iraq.Iran denies the charges of course:Such accusations cannot be relied upon or be presented as evidence. The United States has a long history in fabricating evidence. (When they're right, they're right.)Patrick Cockburn is skeptical:The allegations by senior but unnamed U.S. officials in Baghdad and Washington are bizarre. The U.S. has been fighting a Sunni insurgency in Iraq since 2003 that...

The McCone-Rowley Memo: Is it a fake or new evidence connecting Lee Harvey Oswald to the CIA? Since I first received this document from a 70's era tabloid journalist it has made the rounds of the internet. For more on its history and origins click here....

They Were Smokin'--for 40 minutes

Pity the team that has to play against the Wings the next game after a humiliation like they experienced last Thursday. Tonight, it was Calgary that needed to be pitied. Detroit played a 40 minute game tonight, not just a 20 minute one. (They could TRY a 60 minute game once in awhile!) After the first period, they were leading 3-0. After the second period, they were leading 6-1. THEN, they gave up 3 goals in the third and finally ended up winning the game 7-4. The first two periods they played as if they were the only team on the ice--it...

Snow Statues

Last year I posted about the Winter Carnival at MTU--you can find the post here. Well, this weekend is Winter Carnival and they have some amazing pictures of this year's snow statues. Here is the overall winner:This pic is kind of impressive, but if you want REALLY impressive, go here. Click on the pic and when you get to the next page, click on...

Some Thoughts For Today

Gee, I wish I had some good, philosophical things to write about, but I don't. So, here are some things going around in my head today.--Many people have come to this blog by searching for 'deathclock lyrics.' I have NO idea what that is--and searching for it isn't any help. Does anyone know what this is?--This made me happy today: I looked outside and all of the 3-4+" of snow/ice on the top of my Jimmy was gone! Yup, the sun was out and it was warm enough for every bit of ice to come off the roof--HOORAY! We don't have a garage, so there...

"the intelligence community is quietly indicating that the case purporting to prove Iran's involvement in Iraq is murkier and less decisive than the thrust of recent administration statements suggests."...

Impeach Cheney not BushThe primary wingnut defense of the sales campaign that got us into the war in Iraq is that it was just bad intelligence. Now the Pentagon's own Inspector General's report shows that this simply is not true. There is a word for "purposely manipulated intelligence" and that word is "lies". There is apparently an attempt to lay the blame for this on Douglas Feith but clearly the trail leads to Donald Rumsfeld and, above all, Dick Cheney.CBS: A "very damning" report by the Defense Department's inspector general depicts a Pentagon...

Stopped At 175

The Red Wings lost tonight to St. Louis--and were shut out at the same time. So the record ends at 175 games without being shut out--the last time was 7 January 2004. (The score tonight was 1-0.) Really, with the way Detroit played tonight, they deserved to lose. HOWEVER, Joey MacDonald didn't deserve the loss--he was very good in goal, having stopped 28 of 29 shots. It would be nice if he could have been awarded the win--and the team not get any points--just for the good effort he made. He didn't have a team backing him well enough--he couldn't...

Let's Talk Manners

One of my biggest pet peeves is people who don't send thank you notes. I am not talking getting a little pissed, I am talking I WANT TO RIP THEIR F*****G HEADS OFF! Where did this tirade of mine come from all of a sudden? We FINALLY received a thank you from one of The Nieces for the wedding gift we sent--for their SEPTEMBER wedding! Granted, I actually GOT a thank you, but why so late? And, no, it is NOT true that you have an entire year after getting married in which to send out the notes. The rule of 'as fast as possible' still applies...

Anna Nicole Smith

It is being reported that Anna Nicole Smith has died. The only reason I am even writing about this is the fact that she has been a frequently recurring subject in the gossip columns I read. Terrible thing for me to say, but, I'm not really surprised by this. It will be interesting (?) to see how this plays out in the media over the next few days,...

Three killed in suspected meteorite fallNew Delhi- Three people were killed and four injured in a mysterious blast in a village in India's northern Rajasthan state Thursday that villagers claim was caused by a meteorite, news reports said. Residents of Banchola village in Bundi district, about 200 kilometres south of Rajasthan capital Jaipur, said the victims were sitting with some iron scrap in an open field when an "object" fell from the sky and hit them, IANS news agency reported."The matter is under investigation. We know that there was a blast...

Anna Nicole Smith11-28-67 - 2-8-07Rest in Pe...

Army probe: No Abuse at GuantanamoAn Army officer who investigated possible abuse at Guantanamo Bay after some guards purportedly bragged about beating detainees found no evidence they mistreated the prisoners — although he did not interview any of the alleged victims, the U.S. military said Wednesday. There is also no gambling at Rick...

Things I Don't 'Get'

There are some things that just completely elude me--other than football, that is. Here are a few:--Ayn RandPraises on top of praises have been heaped on this author and I just don't see what is so great about her. I read 'The Fountainhead' and hated it--there were no characters in the book that I admired or 'pulled for', and that included the main character. After my disappointment with this book, I decided against reading anything else she wrote.--ShakespeareNow, he may have been a wonderful writer and told great stories, but I just found...

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