Sunday Trivia

As my life is still boring as hell, it is time for another edition of 'Sunday Trivia.' Enjoy! (Once again, all of these facts are courtesy of mental_floss.)

--The male seahorse is the gender of the species that gets pregnant and gives birth. The female deposits her eggs in the male and they then are fertilized.

--During World War II, Julia Child tried to join the WACs but was turned down because of her height (6'2"). Instead, she joined the Office of Strategic Services, a precursor to the CIA.

--The substance that makes flamingos pink is carotene--the same stuff that makes carrots orange. If a flamingo does not eat carotene-rich foods, its pink coloring will fade after it molts.

--Frogs don't have teeth, so they must swallow their food whole.

--At one time, Roman law decreed that all prostitutes must dye their hair blond.

--Cats were originally desert animals.

--The dried, green berry of the pimento tree is ground to make the spice known as 'allspice.'

--On June 6, 1933, in Camden, NJ, the first drive-in movie theater was opened.

--The Venus flytrap plant is only found growing on the coastal plains of North and South Carolina.

--The cheetah can go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds.

--A Labradoodle is a cross-breed of a Labrador Retriever and a Standard Poodle. There are many benefits to this breed: the dog sheds very little, usually has no body odor, rarely attracts fleas, and has a coat that is allergen-reduced.

--There are no newly-born ox. The reasons? 1) All oxen are males. 2) All oxen are adults. 3) All oxen are castrated. 'Ox' is simply a name given to a castrated, adult male bovine. (That being said, an ox cannot be born, or give birth--so, no new-born oxen!)

--President Eisenhower was the only US president with a four-syllable last name.


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