Afternoon Musings

--So, Britney left rehab after less than 24 hours--AGAIN! I don't know if this story is going to have a happy ending.

--The temp right now is in the upper 40s. BEAUTIFUL day! And tonight we have a snow and blowing snow advisory through tomorrow morning. There will be 40 mph winds, snow, and visibility of less than 1/4 mile. Our weather is NEVER boring.

--C called and said she passed her nursing-program entrance exam. For the LPN program, she needed a score of 70 and for the RN program she needed a score of 80--she scored a 90! I'm so happy for her.

--There have been several people getting to this blog by searching 'Zetterberg teeth.' I am assuming they are searching for something on the Red Wing player, but, still, that is a strange search term!

--Looks like Clinton and Obama are going to be fighting over the Hollywood crowd, in terms of who will be supporting their presidential campaigns. They just may cancel each other out and an entirely new person will wind up as the candidate. They both can just fade away, as far as I am concerned.

--FINALLY, I get to watch a hockey game tonight. Correct that: a RED WING hockey game. I really think I have been suffering withdrawal pangs--it has been an entire week since I got to see them play!

--One of the world's smallest premature babies got to go home today. She was born at less than 22 weeks--a 'normal' pregnancy is 40 weeks--and she was 9 1/2 inches and less than 10 ounces at birth. I STILL cannot understand how some will refuse to accept unborn children as people--instead of 'only' fetuses. I do not understand how anyone can support abortions--AT ALL.

--If you like off-beat TV shows, try 'Boston Legal.' I LOVE the show. Last night's episode had me laughing till I was sick--and then it tugged at the heartstrings to the point of getting misty. The main attraction, though, is William Shatner's over-the-top performance as Denny Crane--an absolute genius. The show might, however, be something that has to be watched for awhile before being able to really 'get'--the humor is not 'normal.' :)

--K's last night shift tonight--yay! In a week he starts his long weekend and I'm trying to see what he wants to do. I'm thinking road trip! St Paul, anyone? :)


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