Gotta Love a Gimmick Homepage

Just wanted to set a page where all the "Gotta Love a Gimmick" links could be easily found. So here it is! Gotta Love a Gimmick takes a brief look at times when professional sports tried something wacky or crazy to make an extra buck or stand out. Sometimes the gimmick works, more often than not it very much does not. The greatest gimmicks are generally the ones that don't work, as they allow us to sit back and question why things like The Shockmaster or The Yeti even made it past the drawing board. Remember, somebody thought these were actually good ideas at some point.

Gotta Love a Gimmicks to this point include:
7/15/09 - The Godwinns
7/13/09 - Rap and Baseball Cards Don't Mix
6/20/09 - Donald Trump Buys WWE Monday Night Raw
6/20/09 - The Rap Master P.N. News
6/12/09 - Chamber of Horrors Match
6/1/09 - Hulk Hogan Cries Like a Baby, Throws The Giant off a Building
5/21/09 - Giant Gonzales on Baywatch
4/23/09 - Hulk Hogan is Huge in Japan
4/22/09 - Drew Carey in the Royal Rumble
4/19/09 - Regis and Kathy Lee...and the Undertaker
4/18/09 - Basketball Penalty Box
4/17/09 - Giant Clam Eats Young Man
4/17/09 - 3 Count
4/16/09 - The Gobbledy Gooker
4/15/09 - John Tenta = Not a Fish
4/13/09 - Billy Corgan and ECW
4/11/09 - Kevin Federline Feuds with John Cena
4/9/09 - Hulk Hogan in Gremlins 2
4/5/09 - Jay Leno, Professional Wrestler
4/3/09 - WCW Champion David Arquette
4/3/09 - Hulk Hogan and the Birth of the Giant
4/1/09 - Dennis Rodman versus Karl Malone
3/30/09 - Phil Collins versus the Ultimate Warrior
3/28/09 - WCW and Robocop
3/26/09 - The Yeti
3/25/09 - Shark Boy and Curry Man
3/22/09 - Bastion Booger
3/19/09 - Dustin Rhodes as Seven
3/16/09 - The Shockmaster


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