fat tuesday

fat tuesday

Fat Tuesday is a celebration for people to live it up, party and unwind as a preparation for Ash Wednesday which takes place the following day where lent begins for many people but ironically a lot of people who celebrate the event don't even partake in any lent when Ash Wednesday arrives.

You will most likely see a slew of celebrities celebrating Fat Tuesday. Check out who has ties to New Orleans and Louisiana, which is the epicenter of Madri Gras celebrating in the United States. Sandra Bullock adopted a baby from New Orleans and bought a home there, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spend a lot of time at their home in the French Quarter, also Ali Landry (a Cajun and Breaux Bridge native), of course celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse and Ellen DeGeneres (she’s a New Orleans native).

So certainly a very poignant day or many who start lent on Wednesday but also for many who just want an excuse to indulge.


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