Natalie Portman?s Fiance Defends Her Dancing In Black Swan

Natalie Portman?s Fiance Defends Her Dancing In <em>Black Swan</em>

Natalie Portman has recently come under scrutiny for not giving enough credit to her dance double, Sarah Lane, in Black Swan, even though Sarah allegedly did a large amount of the dance work.

However, Natalie?s fiance and choreographer Benjamin Millepied begs to differ.

Said Benjamin about her dancing:

"It was so believable, it was fantastic, that beautiful movement quality," he told the paper. "There are articles now talking about her dance double that are making it sound like [Sarah Lane, her body double] did a lot of the work, but really, she just did the footwork, and the fouett�s, and one diagonal [phrase] in the studio. Honestly, 85% of that movie is Natalie."

Benjamin says that he choreographed the dances routines in a way that would be easy for Natalie, who has limited (yet intense) ballet training, to do a convincing job.

"[I made] things fluid and not too complicated. By getting more movement going, which in turn added to the camera movement ? that is basically what I did. If we had kept things more classical, more restrained, less fluid, it would have been harder to trick the eye."

What do U think? Was Natalie?s ballet legit (Read more...)

Tags: 'Black Swan', ballet, Celebrity Gossip, Celebs, choreography, Dance, Film Flickers, Natalie Portman, Perez Hilton

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