"Idol" Fans -- Get Rid of Stefano, Bring Back Pia!

"American Idol" fans are bombarding the show and FOX ... demanding they bring�Pia Toscano back ... and give Stefano Langone the boot.

Our "Idol"�spies tell us hundreds of fans have been begging FOX to recognize the injustice�of kicking Pia off the show, and bend the rules.��It appears these fans are organized, because they come with�a singular message�-- Stefano has no chance of winning and therefore he should be removed now as a sacrificial lamb so Pia can come back.

We're told the fans have even reached out to Stefano ... pleading with him to remove himself from the competition.

Certainly nothing like what the fans are asking for has ever happened on "Idol" -- but hey, it never hurts to try.

Tags: Pia Toscano,�Stefano Langone,�American Idol,�American Idol 2011

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