Does This Woman Ever Make Sense?

In an interview with Reader's Digest, Angelina Jolie had this to say about her biological child:

"Before I met Brad, I always said I was happy never to have a child biologically. He told me he hadn't given up that thought. Then, a few months after Z came home, I saw Brad with her and Mad, and I realized how much he loved him, that a biological child would not in any way be a threat. So I said, 'I want to try.' "

A biological child a threat to your adopted ones. Astonishing. Quite a reason to give birth to a child, hey?

And she said this:

"As kids get older, it's harder for them to be adopted. ... Something changed for me with Shiloh. We had Mad and Z, and neither looked like Mommy or Daddy. Then suddenly somebody in the house looked like Mommy and Daddy. It became clear to us that it might be important to have somebody around who is similar to the other children so they have a connection. Mad's very excited that his brother is from Asia."

What a good reason to buy another child--just so the one you already have will have someone who 'looks like him.' Does this woman ever stop to think how ridiculous she sounds? And yet, countries allow her to continue to buy more kids. Unbelievable.


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