A Little Full of Yourself, Huh?

Cameron Diaz told Meredith Viera when asked about the public's interest in her and Justin Timberlake's relationship:

“It's like high school, isn't it?” she told Viera. “We as celebrities are like the popular kids. People want to know our business.”

Really? So you are one of the 'popular kids' and my life is spent being curious about you cause I'm NOT popular? Get real.

And she said this to Jeanne Wolf about not wanting to be asked if her success comes from being beautiful:

"If a woman who's a successful actress weighs 300 pounds and has warts, nobody ever asks her, 'Do you think you made it because you're ugly?' So why should there be prejudice against someone who's had some success in films and looks a little better than average. It's all in my genes, so don't hold it against me."

Please, will someone shut her down and put her out of my misery! Talk about an ego!


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